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2013-01-05 11:11 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

So random and off triathlon topic...but GO PACK GO!!! (Sorry, I am a complete die hard Packer fan, I am a shareholder for the team and been going to games since I was 8.)

What sports or hobbies does everyone have besides triathlon?  I know kcgolf is golfing and Tim has his band.  I play soccer (I have played since I was a little one and played a year in college) and love to fish (my grandpa and dad started me with this when I was three). 


2013-01-06 1:11 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Tim - glad to hear the healing is coming along, don't stress about the lbs they'll come off when you start training again, you could always do the Whole30 program like me, that'll get it off ya! Great link btw, haha.

Jenny - apart from my Taekwondo background and the very occasional pop in "no stress" training session with my old club in Melbourne (very rare these days), my other main hobby is landscape photography.

Nothing clears the stress pipes for me better than standing out on a rock shelf with waves crashing all around, it could almost be considered a sport dodging rogue waves at sunset, haha! If anyone is interested in taking a look (*warning* shameless self promotion ahead!) I have a facebook page here or my website here.

2013-01-06 10:24 AM
in reply to: #4563708

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Jennifer -

Thanks for your support. I began therapy for this problem back in July and that help get me through the beginning phase of it but yes I have the Plantar Fascia as well as  achilles tendonitis. I stopped with the therapy about a month ago because I was getting better but now it is back. All the doctors and therapist that I have seen tell me that I have to stop running in order to make it better so this is the right time for me to stop running and hope that it goes away soon.

2013-01-06 10:36 AM
in reply to: #4564131

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Simone -

I will try the roller. I just got one for Christmas. Icing does help but it hasn't cured the problem so I will continue to stretch it and ice it.

As far as the music goes, I'm like Tim. I don't listen to music when I exercise and if I do I open Pandora and let them decide the music.

2013-01-06 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Life-long Packer fan here.  

If we have chronic pain that won't go away, time to see a doctor and heed advice.  Trying to work through it can be a ticket to longer recovery.  

92 degrees.  You poor dear.     It was 20 above with a 15 mph wind for my run yesterday here in the central USA.   Kicked it. Fast pace despite the ice.  

Doing a hard bike with VO2 today and a swim class.  I have to do a FTP test update on Tuesday.  Unsure if the coach has me resting tomorrow or not.  I suspect I've gained 3 to 5% in the past 6 weeks.  Not really been structured though but for the running.  Heavy focus on it because of a marathon earlier in the year, April. 




2013-01-06 10:51 AM
in reply to: #4563888

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
kpringle - 2013-01-05 6:04 PM

gdelamora - 2013-01-05 3:50 PM Ok so I'm officially hurt. I tried to deny it for months but I'm going to have to face reality. Luckily I'll still be able to cycle and swim.

I have chronic pain in my heels and it has finally come to where I have to stop running. I'm optimistic that it won't be long so I will only have to scrap my plans to do the Illinois Marathon in April.

I'll take it one day at a time.

Oh no, Gil... That stinks!  Had you already registered for the April marathon? 

At least you're accepting the reality of the situation and not blowing it off any longer, potentially worsening the injury.  Hope your heels heal (ha!) quickly.


I have not registered for the the Marathon yet. This injury is the reason why but thanks for your support.

2013-01-06 2:22 PM
in reply to: #4550197

Sheboygan, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Hi all,

Anyone have experience with a Computrainer. I bought one thinking I will be biking the IM Moo RCV over winter. Today I did the first 25 miles, but my butt gets so sore on a trainer. At this point, I can't imagine doing the whole 112 miles. When biking outside I feel I don't get as sore. Any ideas?



Sorry to hear about your injury. Rest and get well soon!


About the Cannondale, just get fitted well. Brand really doesn't matter, just the engine. : )

2013-01-06 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Timmer- Scott is the computrainer guy. What type of seat do you have? Might want to check that out. I had same issue and switched to Adamo style seat and made a big improvement. I also think it is just getting your butt conditioned. Last August I was able to sit in the saddle for 5 hours before I got uncomfortable then 2 months later after not much riding I am feeling it after 30 minutes. Maybe try just moving around a bit more or standing up more often. When you are on the road you tend to vary it up a bit more than on the trainer. Just think how easy it will be once you get back on the road when it gets warmer!
2013-01-06 3:18 PM
in reply to: #4550197

Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I had the same problem when I started riding on a trainer a few weeks ago and think its because you move around a lot outside vs on a trainer where you dont move at all. I found that sticking it out for a few rides makes it easier and now I spend an hour or so on the bike with no issues. 

- David

2013-01-06 4:19 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I will also say that riding on the trainer is harder on the behind than riding outside.  Possibly the locked in position?  I know I am due for a new saddle too.

Did a bike workout (1 hour at high CP90-low CP60 and keep cadence at 90-95) Saturday and a run today (65 minutes with lots of speedwork).  Inching my way towards 9 hours of training per week not counting yoga.  Adding swimming this coming week.

I will post some of my playlist later.  I have lots of those songs on mine too!  I only listen to music doing speedwork on the TM, never when I run outside.

Go Pack go!!!!!

2013-01-06 6:09 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED


 Those pictures are incredible!  I love taking pictures too, but no where near as amazing as yours!  Wow!

Gil- Some suggestions I can give you- have you tried freezing a golf ball and rolling it under your feet?  I have found that is a very effective way to manage pain from plantar fascitiis.  Another thing is to try adding some tri-planar stretching to your stretching routine.  Here's a link to a video to demonstrate.  I have been learning more and more about functional stretching and have used it myself and noted significant improvements in my flexibility.  The idea is to work on improving function in all three planes of movement, not just one static movement. My final thought is to address any areas of weakness...including all the way up to the core and hips.  Triathletes and runners are notorious for having weakness in the hip girdle, and this has been shown in research consistently to be associated with pathologies of the knee and lower leg.  Have you done any strengthening in therapy? Also- aqua jogging is a great alternative to running- I did a lot of this last summer while training for IMWI due to a nagging hip flexor strain.

Well, I am off for a quick chilly run outside and some stretching! Have a great Sunday!


2013-01-06 6:40 PM
in reply to: #4550197

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I had bursitis in my Achilles.  Took a good 7 months for that to go away.  A lot of therapy, a lot of ice, and had to tape my foot a certain way to take some pressure off of it.  Tendon injuries suck.  Had a short spell of plantar fasciitis after college but that went away when I switched shoes and totally changed my stride... Do you heel strike a lot or have a heavy footfall?

In terms of a mix; I only listen to tunes doing interval work on the treadmill.  Usually some combination of Iron Maiden, Firewind, Florence and the Machine, Queensrÿche, Whitesnake, Deep Purple, Megadeath, Motorhead maybe some Matchbox 20, Everclear or Pearl Jam if I want to mix it up.  Really depends on my mood that day.    

2013-01-06 8:27 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I am terrible when it comes to music as I can't name artists or titles.   However, I love running with tunes, (granted it is turned down low so that I can hear traffic), and I don't bike ride with music for safety reasons.  

Hobbies - I love playing with my dogs, watching open wheel racing and camping.  

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

2013-01-06 9:02 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Jenny - Good call on the aqua jogging for Gil.  I have heard great things about that for people who can't run due to injuries.

AJ - Iron Maiden to Matchbox 20 - That is one serious music list haha. 

Kathy - What is open wheel racing?

Simone - Awesome pics.  You are very talented! We bought a nice Canon camera two years ago and I am still trying to figure out and I have new respect for people who can do take photos like that.  

FYI - Being a Bears fan - next year it will be a requirement to not be a Packers fan for this group haha.

2013-01-06 9:37 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Tim- I am married to a Bears in-laws were not happy that the one time they cheered for the Packers (last week), they let them down.  My husband became a Vikings fan this week...after realizing he doesn't own anything purple, he decided to steal a ribbon from my teddy bear that is purple and wore it like a bandana for the game.  :P

2013-01-06 11:05 PM
in reply to: #4564991

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Jennifers - 2013-01-06 6:09 PM



I have not tried the golf balls but I will tomorrow.

Thanks for the video. The srtetches in the video are similar to what I am doing now. I have been blessed with not having any other type of pain just the occasional soreness but nothing drastic. I don't work on my core or hips as much but I have been doing some work in that area since this summer and I am beginning to see some results. I have lost around 4 inches from my waist since I began core workouts over the summer but I think your right, I need to focus more on the core and hips.

I will keep the jogging in water in mind if this injury lingers for a few more weeks. I have always been a fast healer and I'm hoping this will be the case with my heels.


Those pictures are incredible!  I love taking pictures too, but no where near as amazing as yours!  Wow!

Gil- Some suggestions I can give you- have you tried freezing a golf ball and rolling it under your feet?  I have found that is a very effective way to manage pain from plantar fascitiis.  Another thing is to try adding some tri-planar stretching to your stretching routine.  Here's a link to a video to demonstrate.  I have been learning more and more about functional stretching and have used it myself and noted significant improvements in my flexibility.  The idea is to work on improving function in all three planes of movement, not just one static movement. My final thought is to address any areas of weakness...including all the way up to the core and hips.  Triathletes and runners are notorious for having weakness in the hip girdle, and this has been shown in research consistently to be associated with pathologies of the knee and lower leg.  Have you done any strengthening in therapy? Also- aqua jogging is a great alternative to running- I did a lot of this last summer while training for IMWI due to a nagging hip flexor strain.

Well, I am off for a quick chilly run outside and some stretching! Have a great Sunday!


2013-01-06 11:10 PM
in reply to: #4565338

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I have not tried the golf balls but I will tomorrow.

Thanks for the video. The srtetches in the video are similar to what I am doing now. I have been blessed with not having any other type of pain just the occasional soreness but nothing drastic. I don't work on my core or hips as much but I have been doing some work in that area since this summer and I am beginning to see some results. I have lost around 4 inches from my waist since I began core workouts over the summer but I think your right, I need to focus more on the core and hips.

I will keep the jogging in water in mind if this injury lingers for a few more weeks. I have always been a fast healer and I'm hoping this will be the case with my heels.

2013-01-07 6:53 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Open Wheel is like Indy Car Racing - In otherwords they don't have a roof over their heads when they race like Nascar.  Oh and I love a good demolition derby.
2013-01-07 7:09 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Good Morning Team.

Back safe and sound from Toronto. Got home late last night and I had a great weekend. The Total Immersion weekend was fantastic. I got a tremendous amount from it and can't wait to start implementing what I have learned this week. It will probably never lead to another 58 minute Ironman swim  Laughing but I know I am going to get better and feel more confident in my ability.

The Head Coach for the weekend was Gary Fahey - here is his web site link and his main assistant for the weekend was Leah Nyikes who owns liquid lifestyles swimming 

School starts back up today and it is going to be a busy week, I will try to catch up on everyone's posts and chime in where neccessary.

Safe training everyone.


2013-01-07 8:46 AM
in reply to: #4565508

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
kcgolf - 2013-01-07 7:09 AM

Good Morning Team.

Back safe and sound from Toronto. Got home late last night and I had a great weekend. The Total Immersion weekend was fantastic. I got a tremendous amount from it and can't wait to start implementing what I have learned this week. It will probably never lead to another 58 minute Ironman swim  Laughing but I know I am going to get better and feel more confident in my ability.

The Head Coach for the weekend was Gary Fahey - here is his web site link and his main assistant for the weekend was Leah Nyikes who owns liquid lifestyles swimming 

School starts back up today and it is going to be a busy week, I will try to catch up on everyone's posts and chime in where neccessary.

Safe training everyone.



Haha, stroke doctor... Awesome.   


Was there a big party in Toronto now that the NHL will be back?


And anyone have any good trainer recommendations?  I really need to get back on my bike sometime in the near future.  

2013-01-07 8:58 AM
in reply to: #4565659

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Definitely go with Fluid over Magnetic.  I have had a Travel Trac for few years now and have zero issues.

arock84 - 2013-01-07 8:46 AM [

And anyone have any good trainer recommendations?  I really need to get back on my bike sometime in the near future.  

2013-01-07 2:41 PM
in reply to: #4550197

Sheboygan, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Hope you all enjoy this:

Found some swimming technique videos that were useful. Even though I don't have a vasatrainer, I watched these videos on proper swim technique, and found them helpful. I am a slow swimmer, and can use any help I can get!!!!

The videos start with this one, and continue with a five part series:

2013-01-07 5:42 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Jenny & Tim - thanks for checking out my photos, glad you like them, if you ever want any photography tips or to learn how to get more out of your camera please feel free to ask, I'm happy to help!

Jenny - that's an awesome calf stretch, I'm going to incorporate that into my stretching routine. Got any more for hips & quads, etc.? Also I'm interested in knowing how to strap an ankle for achilles support, I know how to strap for ankle support (similar to gymnasts), but not sure if it's any different.

Timmer - thanks for the swimming vid link, I'm slow also, so all help is appreciated!

KC - glad your weekend went well, looking forward to checking out those links you posted!

Ice - what can I say? You ARE A MACHINE!!!

While we are on the subject of trainers, I have a Jet Black Fluid trainer, similar to what Tim posted a link for, but I find if I set it the way the instructions advise I can barely peddle at a cadence of 75 RPM even on a small chain ring. I actually hate using it and would prefer just to ride outside (and I live in a hilly area, so that's saying something!). Has anyone else had this problem? I've tried adjusting it, but even with the wheel barely touching the roller it still makes little difference. I guess I should continue to use it over winter even if I hate it, cause it will strengthen my legs, but it's just frustrating.

Anyway I hope everyone is having a great start to the week, I've got a bike and swim today and it's raining, woo hoo, love riding in the summer rain!

2013-01-07 8:02 PM
in reply to: #4550197

Sheboygan, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Just did 2000 yds in the pool for the first time with a Finis Freestyle Snorkel! Now I am not an experienced swimmer, but it was great! It really helped being able to concentrate on form, and breathing was extremely easy. I didn't realize how much energy I must have been using by just turning my head and breathing. Swimming was so much easier, and the HR was much lower. If only I could just do a better job of keeping water out of my nose.

If anyone is interested, you might want to try swimming with a snorkel. : )

2013-01-07 9:24 PM
in reply to: #4567068

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I wouldn't get too used to that snorkel!  You might get is shoved down your throat during the IMWI swim haha.  Seriously though I see a lot of people doing that at the pool.  But I would seriously address the issue of why you are using so much energy turning your head and breathing and getting water in the nose.  I am just afraid something like that would become a band aid on a real problem.  It is legal in WTC but I would think that sighting would be a nightmare without lines on the bottom of a pool.

tkaufmann60 - 2013-01-07 8:02 PM Just did 2000 yds in the pool for the first time with a Finis Freestyle Snorkel! Now I am not an experienced swimmer, but it was great! It really helped being able to concentrate on form, and breathing was extremely easy. I didn't realize how much energy I must have been using by just turning my head and breathing. Swimming was so much easier, and the HR was much lower. If only I could just do a better job of keeping water out of my nose. If anyone is interested, you might want to try swimming with a snorkel. : ) Timmer

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