BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-05-16 8:55 AM
in reply to: #4744937

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
hoenninger - 2013-05-16 7:16 AM

Ok, I am just over two weeks away from my first triathlon...

Thanks to the generosity of a local person (FlyTheBlueSky), I now have a wetsuit!  I hope to try this out before the race on June 2nd so I can see what it is like to wear one.

Do people just wear their tri suit under the wetsuit so that it makes for any easy transition?

Any other thoughts or wisdom for a first timer (besides have fun and finish)?



All you wear is trisuit then wetsuit...nothing else!

I strongly recommend using any equipment before a race. 

I am assuming you have tried on the wetsuit? It should be tight and probably difficult to get on.

I will use plastic grocery bags on my feet to help get wetsuit on.

Trust your training! If you have put in the time, you know you can do it. Ultimately you are racing yourself so do not get discouraged if people are passing you.(i got used to this early...Smile)

Like you said enjoy the fruits of your labor

2013-05-16 9:31 AM
in reply to: #4744879

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New user
Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
thor67 - 2013-05-16 7:40 AM

What is your swim background?

Either way what it comes down to is more pool time...

I wouldn't worry too much of zones. Based on looking at your logs you have just began swimming. It will take some time and consistency to get your swim fitness. Make sure you are getting 3 swims/wk.

You may want to skip the 100's and go with more 50's. I also thing 45 seconds rest is way too much, you could have a couple beers in that time...Laughing

My swim background consists of competitive swimming when I was a kid then about a 30 year break so not much.  I only back filled my logs a few weeks but I have only been at the pool since the last day of March so it has not been that long. Guess I just need to put in more time swimming.

2013-05-16 10:11 AM
in reply to: #4745022

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
thor67 - 2013-05-16 8:55 AM
hoenninger - 2013-05-16 7:16 AM

Ok, I am just over two weeks away from my first triathlon...

Thanks to the generosity of a local person (FlyTheBlueSky), I now have a wetsuit!  I hope to try this out before the race on June 2nd so I can see what it is like to wear one.

Do people just wear their tri suit under the wetsuit so that it makes for any easy transition?

Any other thoughts or wisdom for a first timer (besides have fun and finish)?



All you wear is trisuit then wetsuit...nothing else!

I strongly recommend using any equipment before a race. 

I am assuming you have tried on the wetsuit? It should be tight and probably difficult to get on.

I will use plastic grocery bags on my feet to help get wetsuit on.

Trust your training! If you have put in the time, you know you can do it. Ultimately you are racing yourself so do not get discouraged if people are passing you.(i got used to this early...Smile)

Like you said enjoy the fruits of your labor

that explains all those funny looks i get when I take off my wetsuit in transition and then put on my tri suit.

2013-05-16 10:17 AM
in reply to: #4744881

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
thor67 - 2013-05-16 6:41 AM

jlangene - 2013-05-15 7:00 PM Wow glad to see all of the new people in the group!  Welcome!  Sorry I haven't been active in the last couple weeks, work has been super crazy and we are fixing to get worse being that Memorial Day is coming up.  Aside from that I have not done much training for the past 3 weeks trying to rest the knee and see if it feels better.  Unfortunately, still in pain and have finally decided that I best go to the doc and get an opinion.  I'll let you know how it goes.  Hope everyone else is doing well!

Try water jogging.

good luck!

Thanks Thor, I'm waiting for the pool to open . . . only two more weeks!  Once that happens, I plan on adding in lots of swimming!

2013-05-16 12:07 PM
in reply to: #4745141

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
bobddsmd - 2013-05-16 10:11 AM
thor67 - 2013-05-16 8:55 AM
hoenninger - 2013-05-16 7:16 AM

Ok, I am just over two weeks away from my first triathlon...

Thanks to the generosity of a local person (FlyTheBlueSky), I now have a wetsuit!  I hope to try this out before the race on June 2nd so I can see what it is like to wear one.

Do people just wear their tri suit under the wetsuit so that it makes for any easy transition?

Any other thoughts or wisdom for a first timer (besides have fun and finish)?



All you wear is trisuit then wetsuit...nothing else!

I strongly recommend using any equipment before a race. 

I am assuming you have tried on the wetsuit? It should be tight and probably difficult to get on.

I will use plastic grocery bags on my feet to help get wetsuit on.

Trust your training! If you have put in the time, you know you can do it. Ultimately you are racing yourself so do not get discouraged if people are passing you.(i got used to this early...Smile)

Like you said enjoy the fruits of your labor

that explains all those funny looks i get when I take off my wetsuit in transition and then put on my tri suit.

Laughing Ok that was funny!  Thanks for the well needed laugh!

2013-05-16 2:20 PM
in reply to: #4726389

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open

3 workouts down, 9 to go for the 12 for 17 challenge!

Don't get behind on your swim/bike/run workouts...

2013-05-16 6:29 PM
in reply to: #4745672

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
thor67 - 2013-05-16 2:20 PM

3 workouts down, 9 to go for the 12 for 17 challenge!

Don't get behind on your swim/bike/run workouts...

Awesome! So is it doing 12 workouts in 17 days?

2013-05-16 6:44 PM
in reply to: #4726389

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Anyone ever use Beano?  My darn stomach has been bubbling/gurgling (only way I can describe it) all over the place since I started eating better and I can't figure out what to do about it.  My only guess would be the increased veggies maybe?  It's getting old real fast.  Does that stuff help digest the veggies or something?  Could it also just be shock to the system even 3 months later?
2013-05-16 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4726389

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New user
Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Just got back from a nice 30 min run. That gives me 3 in the 12 for 16 so far.
2013-05-16 6:53 PM
in reply to: #4746090

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open

podemma - 2013-05-16 7:48 PM Just got back from a nice 30 min run. That gives me 3 in the 12 for 16 so far.

Great start!  You and Thor are leading the way with 3 each.  I'm slacking with 2 but with the knee letting up I can add in 1 run and maybe some bikes next week.  He threw a monkey in the mix when I couldn't count strength

Yes I'm always looking for the easy way so hush! Tongue out

2013-05-16 7:40 PM
in reply to: #4746067

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Asalzwed - 2013-05-16 5:29 PM
thor67 - 2013-05-16 2:20 PM

3 workouts down, 9 to go for the 12 for 17 challenge!

Don't get behind on your swim/bike/run workouts...

Awesome! So is it doing 12 workouts in 17 days?

Yeah , got a couple bonus days to start everyone out. :-)You have until the 31 to comete!

2013-05-16 9:30 PM
in reply to: #4726389

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open

Evening All - I hope things are going well for you.  It's continues to be a crazy week for me both at work and with working out.  I really pushed it during my sprint on Sunday and my knee and shoulder continues to be on the sore side.  I took today off and hope to get back at it tomorrow.

Glad to see the page so busy again.  I feel like we have a great mix and I hope we can support you all as race season heats up.  

Looking forward to the redesigned site tomorrow.  I've heard a lot of good things about it.  One thing I am hoping to finish this weekend is the race report and to also create a list of members for the BDAS so we can keep track of an support each other.

Night all

Edited by Qua17 2013-05-16 9:35 PM
2013-05-16 9:42 PM
in reply to: #4726389

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open

great parents versus kids basketball game with 6th graders. That workout was harder than crossfit!

Enjoying the crosstraining live right now.

take care everyone.

2013-05-16 10:24 PM
in reply to: #4726389

New user

Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open

I would love to join this group. I am a 41 year old man scheduled for my first sprint tri in August. I am married with 2 kids and have full support from family and friends. I've been doing a ton of research but I still have so many questions. I work a lot and need precious time with my family so I need to be creative with my work outs. I am physically fit but I could stand to lose 15 lbs for my short frame. 

Currently I swim about a mile 2 to 3 times per week with workouts I get from I just invested in a road bike today and plan to get some miles on it starting monday. running is my weakest point. I'm not a good distance runner but I am sure I will get better. 

I love all beer. We have a few good local microbrews here in ABQ. Marble Brewery does a good IPA and Red. 


2013-05-16 10:31 PM
in reply to: #4726389

New user

Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open

Hello Again,

First time to this site so if anybody can explain to me how I enter workout logs and tie it to this group would be helpful.


2013-05-16 10:51 PM
in reply to: #4726389

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Got a 15 mile bike tomorrow. My tri bike has a bent rear wheel, my road bike has a worthless rear shifter, so I'm taking my wife's knobby tire mtn. bike out for a spin tomorrow.  Hoping I don't flat.  That would suck.  3/ end of may challenge.  Friday tomorrow everyone!

2013-05-17 2:39 AM
in reply to: #4726389

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open

Soooooo sorry this took so long guys and gals, but here's my BIO

Name: Jen (pronounced Yen)

Story: Ive always wanted to do a tri, but kept putting it off(for years). Always been athletic and involved in sports, just need to put it all together and get out there. Started running 5k's this year

Family Status: Engaged 3weeks today, hence why i've been tied up

Current training: Workout 4-5times a week, i've had to cut back on the lifting and fire up the cardio a bit more. The issue i have is that i work nights at a hospital 7p-7a, so my fiance and I do our workouts in the morn after work. Makes it a bit tricky with post workout nutrition, sleep, and trying to perform in the gym after being up forever. I was following a 6 day a week beginner triathlete program and i'd maybe miss one workout a week, but I was deff seeing results.

This years races: two 5k's earlier this year

2013 races: I have a busy summer, but i'm hoping to squeeze in my first tri this summer

Beer: Being a former military brat and having spent alot of time in germany, i'm a big fan of weissbier (i should change my profile pic to one of my oktoberfest pics lol). But i'll try any type of beer once. I could'nt stand IPA's but i'm developing a taste for some of them.

Weight Loss: Hanging out in the low 180's right now, I'd like to see the 170's again


Thanks for having me !!!!

2013-05-17 3:31 AM
in reply to: #4726389

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
I have some time to make up for, but i'm down for the may challenge. I'll fit in a 30min bike ride after boot camp to get the ball rolling
2013-05-17 7:21 AM
in reply to: #4746101

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New user
Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Burd - 2013-05-16 6:53 PM

podemma - 2013-05-16 7:48 PM Just got back from a nice 30 min run. That gives me 3 in the 12 for 16 so far.

Great start!  You and Thor are leading the way with 3 each.  I'm slacking with 2 but with the knee letting up I can add in 1 run and maybe some bikes next week.  He threw a monkey in the mix when I couldn't count strength

Yes I'm always looking for the easy way so hush! Tongue out

Props for doing all the strength workouts.  I'm slacking and only doing S/B/R.

2013-05-17 7:30 AM
in reply to: #4739559

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open

Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Weekly Goal Sheet


  •  workout 5X this week
  • sign up for OLY in August
  • Finish Grad school (thesis is with prof waiting on edits)
 thor67 Thor
  •  get 3 runs and 3 bikes in.
  • more physio!
  • Watch my calories
 SportzVision Cynthia 
mirthfuldragon Charles 
  •  Trainer Road 8 Days in California
  • Brick each one
  • No swims, sadly
  • Nutrition focus / damage control
Burd Alex 
  • 3 swims plus last stroke refinement class
  • 2 slow runs
  • 2 strength days at gym
  • Ice and compress knee to get back on bike soon
  • Continue food logging
 bobddsmd  Bobby 
 justinfss Justin 
BigDH Darren/DH 
  Qua17 David or DQ
  • Recover from this weekend's sprint
  • Keep better track of my calories
josephje Jen


podemma Matt 
Asalzwed Adrienne 
hoenninger George 


I think that has everyone - if your name isn't on the list, please point it out.



2013-05-17 7:32 AM
in reply to: #4746439

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
josephje - 2013-05-17 2:39 AM

Family Status: Engaged 3weeks today, hence why i've been tied up

Current training: Workout 4-5times a week, i've had to cut back on the lifting and fire up the cardio a bit more. The issue i have is that i work nights at a hospital 7p-7a, so my fiance and I do our workouts in the morn after work. Makes it a bit tricky with post workout nutrition, sleep, and trying to perform in the gym after being up forever. I was following a 6 day a week beginner triathlete program and i'd maybe miss one workout a week, but I was deff seeing results.

Congratulations.  Wedding planning was both fun and stressful for my wife and I (almost as much as buying our house).

On the plus side, it sounds like you hit the gym / track / pool right at the start of the morning lull, so at least you don't have that fight on your hands

2013-05-17 7:38 AM
in reply to: #4746568

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open

Lots of things going on, stress and stress, oh, and some more stress.

So, Cook County has been declared a disaster area by Obama and FEMA, so my lender is requiring all properties be re-inspected before closing.  The disaster declaration was made on Tuesday, and my closing was set for Thursday.  The inspector (whose company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of my lender) says 72 hours for an inspection, and that was four days ago.

And my lease is up next Wednesday, and I'm set to visit family over Memorial Day weekend and race my first triathlon, which means I only have this weekend to move.

On the bright side, the sellers have agreed to let me move in early, but they only made that offer after I spend $162 to rent a storage unit for a month.


5 days down on Trainer Road's 8 Days in California challenge, some of the most fun I've had on the trainer to date.  Today's a time trial, so my quads are about to go on strike.

Enjoy the day folks.

2013-05-17 7:49 AM
in reply to: #4746577

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
mirthfuldragon - 2013-05-17 6:38 AM

Lots of things going on, stress and stress, oh, and some more stress.

So, Cook County has been declared a disaster area by Obama and FEMA, so my lender is requiring all properties be re-inspected before closing.  The disaster declaration was made on Tuesday, and my closing was set for Thursday.  The inspector (whose company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of my lender) says 72 hours for an inspection, and that was four days ago.

And my lease is up next Wednesday, and I'm set to visit family over Memorial Day weekend and race my first triathlon, which means I only have this weekend to move.

On the bright side, the sellers have agreed to let me move in early, but they only made that offer after I spend $162 to rent a storage unit for a month.


5 days down on Trainer Road's 8 Days in California challenge, some of the most fun I've had on the trainer to date.  Today's a time trial, so my quads are about to go on strike.

Enjoy the day folks.

If it was easy anybody can do it. At least there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Also if you can continue on the damn bike trainer when it is nice enought to ride outside, you can handle anything...Laughing

2013-05-17 7:51 AM
in reply to: #4746346

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
bardscript - 2013-05-16 9:31 PM

Hello Again,

First time to this site so if anybody can explain to me how I enter workout logs and tie it to this group would be helpful.


You don't really tie them in you just make them public for all to see...accountability!

2013-05-17 8:32 AM
in reply to: #4746565

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New user
Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open

Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Weekly Goal Sheet


  •  workout 5X this week
  • sign up for OLY in August
  • Finish Grad school (thesis is with prof waiting on edits)
 thor67 Thor
  •  get 3 runs and 3 bikes in.
  • more physio!
  • Watch my calories
 SportzVision Cynthia 
mirthfuldragon Charles 
  •  Trainer Road 8 Days in California
  • Brick each one
  • No swims, sadly
  • Nutrition focus / damage control
Burd Alex 
  • 3 swims plus last stroke refinement class
  • 2 slow runs
  • 2 strength days at gym
  • Ice and compress knee to get back on bike soon
  • Continue food logging
 bobddsmd  Bobby 
 justinfss Justin 
BigDH Darren/DH 
  Qua17 David or DQ
  • Recover from this weekend's sprint
  • Keep better track of my calories
josephje Jen


podemma Matt
  • Prepare for my first Brick on Sunday
  • Track what I eat
  • Complete a 20 min workout in the pool
Asalzwed Adrienne 
hoenninger George 


Updated with my goals for the week.
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