BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-01-28 11:24 PM
in reply to: jfought

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Jayne - great job getting those WO's in while in Florida

Chris - wow, very impressed with how far you've come. Stay focused on those WO's and I believe you'll make that 210 weight goal. Also, keep up the swimming. Almost everyone I know eventually hits a break through where it just "clicks"...

Brenda - I havent pulled the plug yet, but I'm close... ha

2014-01-29 4:46 AM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by bswcpa

Seeing some of you do two-a-days raised the question in my mind whether it's better to do one long workout in the morn or divide it up?  Is there a benefit to that?   I can make it happen but it works better in my life to do one long workout.

The short answer is both questions.  Both types of workouts can be beneficial for a variety of reasons.  

One long workout can provide a little more fatigue that can help your body learn to work through the stress of longer efforts.  It can help build the endurance engine, so to speak.  When doing one long workout it may be important to dial one of the workouts back in intensity, mostly for the second workout.   This type of workout has become somewhat common for me currently, as I continue my recovery from knee surgery.  It is common right now so I can have a stronger focus on my riding and still get my runs done, but running 2-3 miles isn't much of a run after i've had weekly averages of 25-30 MPW for the last few years.

Two long workouts are equally important to complete because it allows the intensity to be a little higher without as high a risk for injury (when running with intensity mainly).  These workouts still have an endurance aspect to them while working on building base because you are still driving some fatigue into your body.  As you (and I) get closer to IM this will become more important to complete these type of workouts to keep from blowing up for a week.

That's the short version.  I have to get off to work and see if I can keep from shivering to death, but we are experiencing a warming trend today.  After all, it's only -2 with a -17 wind chill..................Welcome back from sunny Florida Jayne!!  

2014-01-29 6:20 AM
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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

Thanks for the explanation on workouts, DIRK.   I'll keep with my long one through tax season and start adding some doubles later.   Stay warm today!

Welcome back, JAYNE!   I'm impressed with your work ethic while in sunny, warm Florida.  I'm one of the rare ones who actually likes my treadmill so for hill work I just ramp up the incline.   Enjoy getting back to the reality of winter here in Indiana.   At least the sun's been shining.

You might want to upload your Garmin workouts to the training log here, CHRIS.  It's easy to do and it gives everyone an opportunity to check in, see how you're doing and help guide you more.  

Edited by bswcpa 2014-01-29 6:21 AM
2014-01-29 6:56 AM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

Checking ini

January has been hectic and awesome. Managing a gym and seeing all those people with New Year's Resolutions is awesome. I know that a very small percent will stick with their resolution and I will keep inspiring them everyday that they come in.

I have not been able to stick to my marathon training plan as I had hoped and the flu is the biggest reason why. The flu hit me hard on New Year's Eve and I started running about 10 days later.... The last several runs have felt great, except for my last long run.... I developed a blister at mile 9 and had to stop at mile 13. I know I have done the best I can under the circumstances and am now trying to rest, rest, rest.

I would like some input on what you guys eat before long races. I've had some wonderful long runs, and I have noticed that I ate several hearty meals the day before. the days I did long runs and carb loaded the night before were disastrous runs where I was starving around mile 12-15. I know I need to pay close attention to my nutrition the next 4 days so I am prepared and don't get famished 2/3 of the way through the run.

2014-01-29 7:06 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by jenbmosley

Checking ini

January has been hectic and awesome. Managing a gym and seeing all those people with New Year's Resolutions is awesome. I know that a very small percent will stick with their resolution and I will keep inspiring them everyday that they come in.

I have not been able to stick to my marathon training plan as I had hoped and the flu is the biggest reason why. The flu hit me hard on New Year's Eve and I started running about 10 days later.... The last several runs have felt great, except for my last long run.... I developed a blister at mile 9 and had to stop at mile 13. I know I have done the best I can under the circumstances and am now trying to rest, rest, rest.

I would like some input on what you guys eat before long races. I've had some wonderful long runs, and I have noticed that I ate several hearty meals the day before. the days I did long runs and carb loaded the night before were disastrous runs where I was starving around mile 12-15. I know I need to pay close attention to my nutrition the next 4 days so I am prepared and don't get famished 2/3 of the way through the run.

What are you using for nutrition while you are running?
2014-01-29 7:48 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Wow you guys sound like you are putting in some great riding with the tour!!!
Iam supposed to get my USB stick today but tonight is my late night at work so I won't be trying it out until tomorrow.

Tony you said you are using endurance nation for your IM training this time how is that working for you so far, I am going back and forth with Ironfit and possibly getting one of ENs programs I thought I had it all figured out and now Iam wavering. You also sound like you've been pushing thru some hard workouts, and thanks for the reminder on not letting my mind take over

Brenda I am not a great swimmer but I know when I stay with my swimming consistently it takes a bit but I see improvement, hang in there it will come.

Johnny, how are you feeling?

Jayne welcome back from Florida. As for hills....The trainer has us pushing and/or pulling weighted sleds or if you have a partner, you can use a band wrapped around your waiste and your partner holds you back while you pull them. I am not completely sure this is for hill work but it sure feels like it.

Chris I did total immersion and it defefnitly helped, like Brenda, I also recently got the book swim speed secrets and there is a lot of great information in there too I highly recommend it.

Dirk how's the biking going with the new FTP?

Jeff I have been meaning to ask you about your nutrition? You mentioned macro/ micro nutrients, are you juicing?

2014-01-29 11:54 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

Good morning all. It is raining here! Woohoo! Finally after almost a whole month with no precipitation. Not unheard of in June, July, or August here, but for January I think this one is our driest on record. I just spent my break standing outside and enjoying it. Now I just want to take a nice long run and get drenched in it.

JoAnne - I'm feeling better although the cough is still there and threatening. I've been drugging myself with Nyquil to sleep through the night (6+) hours the last 3 nights and that has helped keep me from coughing at night. I do feel like I'm finally starting to recover. The rain cleaning all the junk out of the air should help too.

Chris - Both my wife and I taught ourselves to swim freestyle using a Total Immersion book and a video. There are also several youtube videos from total immersion out there. Most of my pool swims my speed is about 2 minutes per 100 yards. Race pace averages between 1:45 to 1:50 per 100 yards. I'm certainly not a speedster compared to many, but those speeds have put me about mid pack of most of the sprint tri swims I have been in. I know that with more focus I could probably make some speed gains, but I'm pretty comfortable where I'm at for now.


2014-01-29 1:25 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Matt you and Derek have my sympathies with the ToS. I hope you guys make it through the week.

Jayne welcome back glad to hear you had a great vacation and got some solid workouts in. I'm with Brenda if you've got no hills to run and can't easliy go some place that has them then I'd think the treadmill might be the next best thing. I've been doing all my running on the treadmill as of late which includes hill training thanks to the incline button.

Jenn good to see you checking in and glad to hear that you are feeling better and your training has been going well. For me I carbo load over the course of the week. I don't have a big meal before any big race as a matter of fact I make sure I eat something that is not going to upset my stomach or isn't really heavy . I'll just eat a little more maybe 4 or 5 days prior to race day. You should not be famished during the race either. Have you got your race day nutrition plan in place?

JoAnne I've been using EN's outseason plan. It's 14 weeks and the focus is on short intense workouts, not volume. The intent is to try and make you faster on the bike and run. Swimming is totally optional based on your ROI (return on investment). I've been swimming on the off days in the plan so two days a week. I've not yet purchased the IM plan but I'm going to go with EN's 20 week intermediate IM plan which will build endurance on top of the speed you've built doing the outseason plan.

I did IronFit last year and used it as a guideline for my IM training. I did not follow the plan to a T. I think the biggest difference is IronFit is lower internsity and more volume. EN is more about higher intensity and less volume. For instance your longest training run for IM is only going to be 2.5 hours in their IM training plan. I went with EN mainly becuase I wanted to put in less hours and I wanted to get faster plus they were right on the money about how to race IM Wisconsin which was very helpful to me in executing my race properly and finishing there this past year. If you have more questions or want specifics about the outseason plan PM me. I don't want to sound like a spokeperson lol.

John glad to hear you guys finally got some rain out there. I hope it helps and glad to hear you are feeling a little better. Enjoy getting drenched during your run today
2014-01-29 3:48 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Chris - Both my wife and I taught ourselves to swim freestyle using a Total Immersion book and a video. There are also several youtube videos from total immersion out there. Most of my pool swims my speed is about 2 minutes per 100 yards. Race pace averages between 1:45 to 1:50 per 100 yards. I'm certainly not a speedster compared to many, but those speeds have put me about mid pack of most of the sprint tri swims I have been in. I know that with more focus I could probably make some speed gains, but I'm pretty comfortable where I'm at for now.


I have been using the book and video and may be swimming a little better. I just need to keep working at it. I have a session scheduled with a Total Immersion Coach on Saturday. The trouble is I am sick! I never get sick but I have a cold/flu/crud that has hurt me. I am going home from work and going to sleep again. I did the same thing yesterday; I cannot remember the last time I took two days in a row without some kind of training.

I spent a little time last night and today looking over you guy’s profiles and ready and few race reports trying to get to know you folks.

Will, I noticed in your pictures, some photo’s that looked like Africa? Do you mind sharing with me some of details? I went on a misson trip to Kenya last summer.
2014-01-29 5:44 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Still open? I'd like to join... I'll post a bio soon. 56 yo male living in Ft Lauderdale, FL. Just completed my first 140.6 on January 11, 2014 in Naples, FL.
2014-01-29 8:32 PM
in reply to: tmoons

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

You're in!  Welcome!

Get your bio up as soon you can and we'll be up and running.


And with tmoons I'll close the group.

2014-01-29 8:48 PM
in reply to: jfought

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by jfought

Hey everyone,
I spent last week in Florida 

I'm signed up for a very hilly trail half marathon at the beginning of April.  4,000 feet of elevation change.  Any suggestions on how to prepare for run hills when I don't have any hills to train on?  I'm thinking I should spend some time on the stair climber.  Thoughts?


The treadmill would be the easiest way to get some hill work in if you don't mind running on them.  (I hate them!!)  For something with that kind of elevation changes the treadmill or stair climbers may be your best option.  Knowing where you're living there's not much there, or anywhere close I am aware of, that you coud use for training for hills.

If the dreadmill becomes to monotonous for you, try to run on over passes or railroad elevations and do repeats.  If the few places you can run are pretty short you could add some intensity to the repeats to build a little more leg power.  You should also do more repeats the shorter the distance.

Other more odd ways to train for hills that will work but cause strange looks from anyone around you:  Use some type of harness to attach a heavier weight to you and drag it behind you for a quarter to half mile at a time.  Release the harness run another half mile and return to drag the weight another round.  Repeat as necessary.

2014-01-29 9:03 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by jenbmosley

I would like some input on what you guys eat before long races. I've had some wonderful long runs, and I have noticed that I ate several hearty meals the day before. the days I did long runs and carb loaded the night before were disastrous runs where I was starving around mile 12-15. I know I need to pay close attention to my nutrition the next 4 days so I am prepared and don't get famished 2/3 of the way through the run.

Obviously nutrition is a key element for these large workouts.    During my marathon training I would eat a larger meal with a few more complex carbs the day before.  Nothing major but I did maintain an effort to make sure I had a few extra calories to provide something to feed my muscles for the following day's long run.  A key is to make sure you're eating the right kinds of carbs to fuel your body.  As much as I wish it were the case, candy bars and ice cream aren't the right way to go here.

Glycogen is the best type of fuel for you.  It's the body's most easily used form of fuel.  You can never really get to 100% of the storage of glycogen because you're always using it.  

Some forms of building these stores are in the form of bagels, pasta, rice and, my personal favorite, quinoa.  Quinoa can be added to salads or cooked in place of rice.  One of the great things about quinoa is that it is also a fair source of protein.

Race carb loading is a different thing than training loads.  Race loading should take place for 2-3 days prior to a key long course race. Let us know if you have more questions about carb loading, I am passing out at the computer and my mind is beginning to shut down a bit.

2014-01-29 9:36 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by jenbmosley

Checking ini

January has been hectic and awesome. Managing a gym and seeing all those people with New Year's Resolutions is awesome. I know that a very small percent will stick with their resolution and I will keep inspiring them everyday that they come in.

I have not been able to stick to my marathon training plan as I had hoped and the flu is the biggest reason why. The flu hit me hard on New Year's Eve and I started running about 10 days later.... The last several runs have felt great, except for my last long run.... I developed a blister at mile 9 and had to stop at mile 13. I know I have done the best I can under the circumstances and am now trying to rest, rest, rest.

I would like some input on what you guys eat before long races. I've had some wonderful long runs, and I have noticed that I ate several hearty meals the day before. the days I did long runs and carb loaded the night before were disastrous runs where I was starving around mile 12-15. I know I need to pay close attention to my nutrition the next 4 days so I am prepared and don't get famished 2/3 of the way through the run.

I always love seeing all the resolution people at the gym.  You know very few will stick with it, but to see the hope and desire is great, even though it is a pain in the arse to have to wait on equipment and such, but if one person makes the change it is well worth it!

As for the food, I would be no help I believe the best nutrition plan starts with a bacon cheeseburger pizza!  Man that thing is awesome,  

2014-01-29 10:44 PM
in reply to: Captain_Chris

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by Captain_Chris

Chris - Both my wife and I taught ourselves to swim freestyle using a Total Immersion book and a video. There are also several youtube videos from total immersion out there. Most of my pool swims my speed is about 2 minutes per 100 yards. Race pace averages between 1:45 to 1:50 per 100 yards. I'm certainly not a speedster compared to many, but those speeds have put me about mid pack of most of the sprint tri swims I have been in. I know that with more focus I could probably make some speed gains, but I'm pretty comfortable where I'm at for now.


I have been using the book and video and may be swimming a little better. I just need to keep working at it. I have a session scheduled with a Total Immersion Coach on Saturday. The trouble is I am sick! I never get sick but I have a cold/flu/crud that has hurt me. I am going home from work and going to sleep again. I did the same thing yesterday; I cannot remember the last time I took two days in a row without some kind of training.

I spent a little time last night and today looking over you guy’s profiles and ready and few race reports trying to get to know you folks.

Will, I noticed in your pictures, some photo’s that looked like Africa? Do you mind sharing with me some of details? I went on a misson trip to Kenya last summer.

Yes, I have been to Africa numerous times. I am a youth minister and usually take high school students with me. Going back this summer! We go to Lilongwe, Malawi out into the villages where most have never heard the name Jesus nor seen a white person... ha. There's a huge need for clean water in the areas we go to. And for living water as well. And we've had chances to take them both. I love the trip... although I will say that the jet lag from the 2-day flight (one way) can be rough... I must be getting old
2014-01-30 4:10 AM
in reply to: tmoons

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by tmoons

Still open? I'd like to join... I'll post a bio soon. 56 yo male living in Ft Lauderdale, FL. Just completed my first 140.6 on January 11, 2014 in Naples, FL.

Welcome!, And congrats on your race!!!!!

2014-01-30 4:20 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
I ran inside at the track yesterday and did 5 miles in 50 min success!!! usually Iam a 11:30-12 min miler Not sure if it was all the people that were there today as motivation or what but Iam feelin good about it! Oh and I actually swam too
2014-01-30 4:43 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by Jo63 Wow you guys sound like you are putting in some great riding with the tour!!! Iam supposed to get my USB stick today but tonight is my late night at work so I won't be trying it out until tomorrow. Dirk how's the biking going with the new FTP? Jeff I have been meaning to ask you about your nutrition? You mentioned macro/ micro nutrients, are you juicing?

Let us know how the ANT+ works or if there are any problems.  It's not hard to set up at all, so you should be up and running in no time.

My new FTP?  IT HURTS!!!  That's how it goes!  Actually it feels good to have a little higher, more accurate number for my current fitness.  I don't like the workouts anymore than I like having a knife thrust into my back, severing my spinal cord, but I love the work..........Did I just say that?  Seriously, I know it's going to provide a big boost as I get ready for Ironman and on race day it should help me even more.

And finally, is Jeff juicing?  Of course he is!  Have you noticed how fast he is?  No one is as fast as him without a needle.  Oh wait!  Did you mean like apple juice and orange juice?  Nevermind then, my bad. 

2014-01-30 4:47 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by Jo63 I ran inside at the track yesterday and did 5 miles in 50 min success!!! usually Iam a 11:30-12 min miler Not sure if it was all the people that were there today as motivation or what but Iam feelin good about it! Oh and I actually swam too

Congrats!  it sounds like a great run AND swim.

I am hoping to get some swimming in this week.  Last week the pool was closed because of the weather and again this week it was closed on Monday (weather), closed last night (schedule) and tonight I'll have to go late 7:15 because of the schedule.

2014-01-30 7:03 AM
in reply to: tmoons

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

TERRENCE - A hearty welcome to the Junkies!  You made my day by popping in here because now I won't be the oldest resident.     Congratulations on your 140.6 finish!  Looking forward to reading your bio and learning about your journey. 

Good to hear from you JENN!   Glad to know you've recovered from the flu and that you're impacting and encouraging folks at your gym.   I can't help you out with nutrition as I'm still learning what works and what doesn't for me.   I don't see your marathon posted in your race log  - which one are you doing?  And if you've told us before, then please forgive me for forgetting. 

CHRIS - sounds like the flu has hit your area, too.  I'm sorry you're not feeling well and pray you can get the rest you need to take full advantage of having a TI coach on Saturday.     It's cool that you have a connection with WILL through an Africa missions trip.

I didn't know you taught yourself to swim through TI, VERO!  And your wife too - that's inspirational!   I'm happy to know your coughing has subsided but don't stay on that Nyquil stuff too long.

Hope everyone has a happy and healthier Thursday! 

2014-01-30 12:18 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Welcome aboard Terrence you've definitely picked the right group here on BT. We have an awesome bunch of people here who will keep you inspired and motivated. Congrats on completing your first 140.6, I did the same this past year and it was quite a humbling experience to say the least.

Dirk your making great gains with fitness on the bike. Doing intervals at any FTP sucks but I do agree I enjoy the work as well. I'm glad to see you suffering like the rest of us on the trainer. It's like putting money in the bank it will go a long way for you once IMWI rolls around you'll be cashing in
on that great fitness.

JoAnne sounds like you're making some gains in speed with your running. Glad to hear about it hope the swim workout was as good as your run.

This week has been a struggle for me I've been dragging all week. I'm not sure why I've been so tired but I think it may be a combination of putting in some hard workouts, not enough sleep and a slight cold. I did manage to get my run workout in last night which included some run intervals. I actually felt better after the workout then before it. I also feel much better today so I am definitely going to get my hour in on the trainer and get my VO2 interval workout done this evening. Can't say I'm looking forward to it but I will get it done. The weekend is also looking favorable I may actually be able to get a ride outdoors on the MTN bike. Now that is something to look forward to.

2014-01-30 12:21 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by bswcpa

I didn't know you taught yourself to swim through TI, VERO!  And your wife too - that's inspirational!   I'm happy to know your coughing has subsided but don't stay on that Nyquil stuff too long.

Hope everyone has a happy and healthier Thursday! 

Well, we both did know how to swim, but neither of us had ever swam freestyle. I spent much of my summer time as a kid underwater with a swim mask on out at the local lakes. With strings of 100+ degree days in summer the lakes are a refreshing way to stay cool.

After using Nyquil the last 4 nights I think I'm going to try sleeping without it tonight. My throat feels much better now. I don't know that I'm back to 100% yet but the 4 solid nights worth of sleep have made a huge difference. I should easily be up for this Saturday's Frosty Fun run/race.


Next week will be "test week" at the Kung Fu school. Tuesday night will be the physical fitness test. I have 90 minutes to see how many of each excercise I can complete. The targets are: 90 pushups, 90 crunches, 90 super burbies, 90 V-ups, 90 chair push ups, 90 jumping jacks, and 10 pull ups. Last test week I was only shooting for 40 of each and I hit that mark with plenty of time to spare, but I was sore for days afterward.

Happy training everyone!

2014-01-30 1:03 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Tony take care of yourself and don't overdue! Hydrate and take some extra vitamins

I was so excited to post about my run I forgot to post my swimming question lol, so I am working hard on my catch and pull but have discovered my issue is on my breathing stroke, the side I breath on I loose complete form every time, any suggestions? is this possibly a flexibility issue?
2014-01-30 8:32 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Yeah, I think I should of prepared for this tour of sufferlandria a little better. I am already over 5 hours for the week, and my legs are cooked. I am to the point I can no longer reach the target outputs! Derek how are you surviving?
2014-01-30 8:32 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by pistuo

Yes, I have been to Africa numerous times. I am a youth minister and usually take high school students with me. Going back this summer! We go to Lilongwe, Malawi out into the villages where most have never heard the name Jesus nor seen a white person... ha. There's a huge need for clean water in the areas we go to. And for living water as well. And we've had chances to take them both. I love the trip... although I will say that the jet lag from the 2-day flight (one way) can be rough... I must be getting old

Very cool! I spent 10 days at school in the slums of Nairobi telling kids about Jesus. It was my first trip but we are planning another trip for this summer. I hope I can go!

I got in the pool for a little while tonight, swimming was a lot easier when I didn't have to think about improving my stoke! Still sick but feeling a little better.

@jfought I have been thinking about running the bleachers at the high school for some hill work.

General questions...

I don't have a bike trainer so I have been going to spinning classes. I use a heart rate monitor and do both endurance and interval type workout. How well do these improve your cycling? Is an hour at a shot enough?

Uploading Gamin data here? Is there an write-up on how to do this easily? maybe a third party app?
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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