BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN) Rss Feed  
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2015-01-21 7:13 AM
in reply to: Snaaijer

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

That is great!!  Running when you are tired is a good thing as you don't start "fresh" when running in a tri  


Originally posted by Snaaijer Sounds like a productive weekend for unstructured training Mimi After my group ride on saturday I was asked to substitute in a rowing eight on sunday. I was a bit reluctant as I had an 11 mile run planned for sunday but I always know how fun it is to row especially when everybody knows what they're doing. I enjoyed the row, but not so much the run after. I think it might have been more mental than physical training, but lesson learned and although at my upcoming IM I will have to run the whole 26.2 after the swim and bike, in January I'd like to have a bit more separation between workouts Especially with running being second. Swimming tired and biking tired are far more forgiving I've found. Ted: nice time on the TT! Is that a new personal best for you?

2015-01-21 7:15 AM
in reply to: Kaper

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

I totally would not be a triathlete if I lived in a cold place  I admire the tenacity!!  

Originally posted by Kaper
Originally posted by Mimir98

What is everyone up to this weekend?  I got in a nice 60 mile ride along A1A on Saturday, 9 miler on the recovered trash heap on Sat. and thinking a nice swim, gym and maybe yoga with the spawn today.  I have a few months of unfocused training/ base building, before I kick into IM training


As a side note...did you make up the list of mentees, Jim?  So I can send hellos and inspires and such?  



I am hoping to get back at it this week. My tri group has brought back their Sunday "death by spin" session, 4 1/2 segements of spinning. You can do it all or some. Cycling outside is not an option. My goal is to get to that and our Saturday morning swim. Both will be easy sessions since, at this point, I'm still too sick to do anything. I went for a walk outside this weekend and ended up spiking a fever and had chills so bad. Hoping I'll be feeling better by the weekend. Ted - Nice!

2015-01-21 1:36 PM
in reply to: Mimir98

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Can I join too?

I forgot the format, but here's my story: I'm a 41 year old physician, wife, mother of 8 year twin girls. I have actually been a mentor on BT in the past (I started Hashers and Mashers and turned it over to Mike Ransick, who finally dropped it last month), but I'm really not reliable enough to be a mentor. I love the camaraderie of the groups, and hope you have room for me.

I have raced a number of half marathons, marathons, triathlons, etc. I've done a half IM and full IM and will do one of each this year, as well. (Augusta and IM Florida). This weekend I'm racing in NOLA trying to qualify for Boston.

I was a collegiate tennis player, but gave up all forms of exercise while in med school and residency, and started running again in 2009. Can't remember what else I'm supposed to share, but that's the bulk of it!

As my BT ID suggest, my name really is Sarah.
2015-01-22 10:47 AM
in reply to: 0

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by Sarah73 Can I join too? I forgot the format, but here's my story: I'm a 41 year old physician, wife, mother of 8 year twin girls. I have actually been a mentor on BT in the past (I started Hashers and Mashers and turned it over to Mike Ransick, who finally dropped it last month), but I'm really not reliable enough to be a mentor. I love the camaraderie of the groups, and hope you have room for me. I have raced a number of half marathons, marathons, triathlons, etc. I've done a half IM and full IM and will do one of each this year, as well. (Augusta and IM Florida). This weekend I'm racing in NOLA trying to qualify for Boston. I was a collegiate tennis player, but gave up all forms of exercise while in med school and residency, and started running again in 2009. Can't remember what else I'm supposed to share, but that's the bulk of it! As my BT ID suggest, my name really is Sarah.

Hi Sarah, yes you're welcome to join us. One of my athletes is racing IM FL as well.

Sorry gang, I've been at a meeting in Wichita the past few days and haven't touched bases.  Mimi I will make that table of group members today and Sarah will be the latest on the list!

Edited by Birkierunner 2015-01-22 10:47 AM
2015-01-22 5:19 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Hi all!  And welcome Sarah- nice to have another physician in the group.

I was sick last week so I'm just getting back into the workouts.  I did sign up for the Colfax half marathon in May, so I'm at least partially committed.  I'm still thinking I will sign up for the Harvest Moon 1/2 IM in September, but I have a little time before I have to commit.

For the 1/2 marathon I am planning to follow the McMillan Running You(Only faster) plan using the 2-3 day/week plan and interspersing with biking on the other days (and some swimming as I get closer to the summer).  The 1/2 marathon is just about 16 weeks out from the 1/2 IM, so I figure I'll rest a week and jump into training- I'm planning to use the Fink Be Iron Fit program.

Intervals on the treadmill tonight- I'm hoping to get out this weekend, it is supposed to be beautiful here!

2015-01-23 10:16 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Folks, I will be posting a couple of tables of group member names, locations, and links to their training logs.  It looks like some have not started a log page yet and one other is restricted.  Please look over your information and let me know if you find any errors.  Hopefully links to members logs will promote some visits and inspires!!!

2015-01-23 10:16 AM
in reply to: 0

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
 Member BT Log Location
 Jim Birkierunner WI
Angelo Angelo314 FL
 Sonya Kaper 
 John Toefuzz MI
 Kat KatNWater TN
Mike neweyes 
William Jhupcom PA
Chris Toffels MO
David [email protected]



 Karen momandmd 
 Steve StevenC CA
 Bill fshcm NV
 Kevin kevinbourque NB
 Mimi Mimir98 FL
 Carrie carrie639 IL
 Eddie ramiedd 
 Craig tri42 
 Thomas Snaaijer NED
 Dan lanzodt OH


 Mike tribone 
 Ted Ted Conroy NY
 Sarah Sarah73 MS
 Neelia marathongirl21 CO


Edited by Birkierunner 2015-01-26 8:23 AM
2015-01-23 4:55 PM
in reply to: Sarah73

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New user
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Sarah73

Can I join too?

I forgot the format, but here's my story: I'm a 41 year old physician, wife, mother of 8 year twin girls. I have actually been a mentor on BT in the past (I started Hashers and Mashers and turned it over to Mike Ransick, who finally dropped it last month), but I'm really not reliable enough to be a mentor. I love the camaraderie of the groups, and hope you have room for me.

I have raced a number of half marathons, marathons, triathlons, etc. I've done a half IM and full IM and will do one of each this year, as well. (Augusta and IM Florida). This weekend I'm racing in NOLA trying to qualify for Boston.

I was a collegiate tennis player, but gave up all forms of exercise while in med school and residency, and started running again in 2009. Can't remember what else I'm supposed to share, but that's the bulk of it!

As my BT ID suggest, my name really is Sarah.

Good luck this weekend!
2015-01-24 4:03 AM
in reply to: Kaper

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Groningen, Netherlands
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Yes Sarah good luck this weekend! And let us know which pacing strategy you're going to end up using (I remember you posted a thread about that)

I did the CSS test yesterday... mixed feelings about it. The 400m went in 6:40, and the 200m in 3:09. Did the 400m first as per the instructions. I followed the whole warmup as listed on the SwimSmooth workout, but I feel that maybe the warmup was a bit too long, it left me not so fresh as I would have liked, maybe, especially for someone like me who swims his warmups wayy too fast. I paced the 400 very conservative, not wanting to blow up. Maybe I will retake the 400 as I feel that it is definitely a soft time. The 200m I was happy with, which kind of debunks my "freshness" theory As it was done after the 400m. Based on the drop in speed it also brands me a "sprinter" which is rather off the mark I think It should probably brand me as a coward for not giving my all in the 400m.

Anyway it gives me a threshold of 1:44 which seems slow to me seeing as I've been doing threshold sets of 8x200 at around 1:42 previously. Also did a really rather easy and relaxing 45m continuous swim on wednesday on a 1:50/100 average on what I'd describe as an all day pace. Biggest point probably is as things get harder for me I have to remember not to start kicking more but to keep focusing on the pull.
2015-01-24 9:59 AM
in reply to: Snaaijer

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Good luck tomorrow Sarah!

Thomas, I hadn't heard of SwimSmooth until now, but it looks really good. Do you follow their workouts? Have folks found value in structured swim sets/training vs. just do some drills, some hard, some easy, and always focus on form?

2015-01-24 11:54 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Cool, thanks for this, Jim! I am going to try to copy and paste it to my blog  


Originally posted by Birkierunner

 Member BT Log Location
 Jim Birkierunner WI
Angelo Angelo314 FL
 Sonya Kaper 
 John Toefuzz MI
 Kat KatNWater TN
Mike neweyes 
William Jhupcom PA
Chris Toffels MO
David [email protected]



 Karen momandmd 
 Steve StevenC CA
 Bill fshcm NV
 Kevin kevinbourque NB
 Mimi Mimir98 FL
 Carrie carrie639 IL
 Eddie ramiedd 
 Craig tri42 
 Thomas Snaaijer NED
 Dan lanzodt OH


 Mike tribone 
 Ted Ted Conroy NY
 Sarah Sarah73 MS


2015-01-24 12:00 PM
in reply to: neweyes

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

YES! Sarah!! Let us know how it goes.   When you are feeling crappy, think of your BT teammates yelling in your ear to GO GO GO :D  


As far as swim, neweyes, I find early in the season is a great time to really work on form...more frequent, shorter, swims.  As the season goes on...more structure and focus - esp if you can find a masters group!  


Originally posted by neweyes

Good luck tomorrow Sarah!

Thomas, I hadn't heard of SwimSmooth until now, but it looks really good. Do you follow their workouts? Have folks found value in structured swim sets/training vs. just do some drills, some hard, some easy, and always focus on form?

2015-01-24 12:51 PM
in reply to: #5075376

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Groningen, Netherlands
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Mike, I have their waterproof Ironman plan that I've just started. They work alot with fins which im not so thrilled about (for drills and warmup, not main set swimming ofc). But they also use a tempo trainer to help with pacing during sets which sounds like it can help (have yet to use that though). Mostly I value the threshold sets and the large amount of videos on youtube and their new app. Also, they have a swimtype system which focuses on certain flaws that are found in certain swim types (kickheavy, pullheavy, overgliding, afraid of water, you name it and they have a set of workouts to help removing the flaws)
2015-01-24 3:42 PM
in reply to: Snaaijer

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Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Y'all are the real MVPs; I hate doing swim drills. Even a kick set angers me. My club has gotten me doing more though, and you definitely see the difference as your fitness level improves!

I haven't used the log feature here, and will get started this week. Happy training everyone! Leaving you all with a picture I snapped on a 3.5 miler in Central Park last night


CP.jpg (61KB - 8 downloads)
2015-01-24 7:02 PM
in reply to: Ted Conroy

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Ted, that's awesome. Bit different from the farm roads where I do my training. 

Thomas, the SwimSmooth app looks pretty sweet. Maybe I'll use it for a few months early in the season and then do their IM plan for the last 12 weeks.

In other news, I think I'm finally going to upgrade my trusty old Forerunner 305. I love that thing, but the 910 at less than $200 is too tempting. Psyched about the swim features.

2015-01-24 10:41 PM
in reply to: Ted Conroy

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by Ted Conroy ! Leaving you all with a picture I snapped on a 3.5 miler in Central Park last night

I have run on that path!

2015-01-25 5:14 PM
in reply to: #5086726

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Thanks for all the well wishes. I finished in 3:48, so a few minutes shy of BQ, but a good race. I paced myself to finish 26.2 in 3:45, but the course ended up being 26.5! Didn't read the race reports - which would have told me that - until after the race. Oh well! Live and learn!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!!
2015-01-25 5:59 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
HI Jim,

I have started to log my training on the Buckeye Outdoor site as it allows me to input workouts in advance as opposed to the BT site...I will try to post a link to the training but I am not sure that it will workout...until February 15th, I am simply building mileage and that point, I will start the BT 20 Half IM workout..

2015-01-25 7:52 PM
in reply to: Sarah73

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Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
That's and AWESOME time. Go you!
2015-01-25 8:32 PM
in reply to: Sarah73

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Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Sarah73

Thanks for all the well wishes. I finished in 3:48, so a few minutes shy of BQ, but a good race. I paced myself to finish 26.2 in 3:45, but the course ended up being 26.5! Didn't read the race reports - which would have told me that - until after the race. Oh well! Live and learn!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!!

Great race. Sorry about no BQ. Sucks that a qualifying course was a bit long.
2015-01-25 8:37 PM
in reply to: Ted Conroy

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Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Ted Conroy

I haven't used the log feature here, and will get started this week. Happy training everyone! Leaving you all with a picture I snapped on a 3.5 miler in Central Park last night

Nice pic. I miss NY some days. but then I check out the weather and decide no thanks. Will be in NY in a couple weeks and hope to get in at least one or two runs.

Wife was out of town all wknd until this so just snuck in a great ride today and enjoyed the beautiful later afternoon and sunset. Pushed it a bit harder than my plan called for so I hope my coach doesn't get too made

2015-01-25 8:37 PM
in reply to: Ted Conroy

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Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Ted Conroy

I haven't used the log feature here, and will get started this week. Happy training everyone! Leaving you all with a picture I snapped on a 3.5 miler in Central Park last night

Nice pic. I miss NY some days. but then I check out the weather and decide no thanks. Will be in NY in a couple weeks and hope to get in at least one or two runs.

Wife was out of town all wknd until this so just snuck in a great ride today and enjoyed the beautiful later afternoon and sunset. Pushed it a bit harder than my plan called for so I hope my coach doesn't get too made
2015-01-25 11:03 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Hi Jim and all,

I need a Mentor and this support group sounds great!

NAME: Neelia

STORY: I'm 34, have been running for 10 years, and run around 15 marathons, i'm losing count. Lots of half marathons. Signed up and completed my first Half ironman this sept. I said i either need to do an ultra or a tri. I bought tri clothes like 7-8 years ago telling myself someday i'd do one. Bought a road bike from my friend Spring of 2013, road 30 miles a few times and signed up for a sprint tri. I used to be a swimmer and went and swam once before and road a few times and did the sprint. Was one of the best days of my life and was so much fun i signed up for 2 more sprints.
last summer 2014 did multiple sprints and olympic tri's and half marathons. many weekends a tri sat and half marathon on sunday. Trained for Berlin marathon concurrently for the half ironman and also did 2x 100 miler rides, i was very prepared for the half ironman.
I'm more concerned about the full. I used to be a swimmer and i'm a runner so cycling is my weakness.
I'm slow in all the sports.
Harvest Moon half ironman 6:30
Marathon PR 4:07


CURRENT TRAINING: Running 5-6 days/week. Bought Be Ironfit and need to get started. Boulder Ironman is 189 days away!

2015 RACES: several Century rides, half marathons, sprint/olympic tris and mainly Boulder Ironman my FIRST!

WEIGHTLOSS: I would like to lose 10-15 lbs to be faster. Easier said then done.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have a lot of questions and am a fast learned. I used to be really active on runners worlds forums and have made life long friends there that also many i have met in real life.

2015-01-25 11:09 PM
in reply to: momandmd

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Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)
Hey MomandMD,
I think you contacted me in the past! I'm in Aurora maybe we can get together to train sometime?
I'm considering joining the Utah pool on Peoria masters swim mon/wed/friday 5:30-7am.
I ride with meet up groups when the weather is warmer and hope to find a few to ride the Boulder Ironman route a few times before the race!
You should do harvest moon. I should probably do it, its a month after Boulder. I did it this year and it was great. Really lucked out with it not being to hot!
2015-01-26 8:20 AM
in reply to: marathongirl21

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by marathongirl21 Hi Jim and all, I need a Mentor and this support group sounds great! NAME: Neelia STORY: I'm 34, have been running for 10 years, and run around 15 marathons, i'm losing count. Lots of half marathons. Signed up and completed my first Half ironman this sept. I said i either need to do an ultra or a tri. I bought tri clothes like 7-8 years ago telling myself someday i'd do one. Bought a road bike from my friend Spring of 2013, road 30 miles a few times and signed up for a sprint tri. I used to be a swimmer and went and swam once before and road a few times and did the sprint. Was one of the best days of my life and was so much fun i signed up for 2 more sprints. last summer 2014 did multiple sprints and olympic tri's and half marathons. many weekends a tri sat and half marathon on sunday. Trained for Berlin marathon concurrently for the half ironman and also did 2x 100 miler rides, i was very prepared for the half ironman. I'm more concerned about the full. I used to be a swimmer and i'm a runner so cycling is my weakness. I'm slow in all the sports. Harvest Moon half ironman 6:30 Marathon PR 4:07 

Hi Neelia and welcome to the group!  I'll add you to our table of members with links to training logs.  Look forward to your participation

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