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2007-03-01 3:52 PM
in reply to: #707333

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
mosc11 - 2007-03-01 8:54 AM

welcome to MARCH!  the challenge is officially over and you all must join me in an after challenge stretch.  raise you right arm directly over you head , then bend at the elbow, find a nice spot on your back and start patting!!

Ouch! I think I pulled something doing that.

Carol, you are great. Thanks for saying such nice things and keeping us going.


2007-03-01 5:38 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Decatur, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Congratulations everyone on a challenge well done!!
2007-03-02 11:03 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

well i'm sure you all know by now that the VAMPS were victorious in the challenge.


but the challenge id over and tri season is just around the corner!  i think kristen is the first of us to compete this year, end of march i believe.  so lets keep that positive mojo going!


let us know when you register for a tri.  i have 2 so far...july22 and sept 16 so i have some time before my season begins.


hope everyone enjoys the weekend! 

2007-03-04 10:14 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
hey just checking in to see how everyone is doing....
2007-03-05 3:51 PM
in reply to: #711197

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Doing good here...a little nervous about my first tri... (3 weeks from this past Saturday - YIKES!) Swimming is still a struggle, but I know I can finish 300m in the pool, even if I have to take a tiny rest at the end of each lap. I'm dying to get back out on my bike, but it's been soooo windy here that I've been avoiding it, and then today I had my mind set to do it, but one of the munchkins threw up at day care and stomped on that best-laid plan.

Assuming all goes well, I'm also planning on another tri in June and July - all tiny sprints with pool swims, and the two this summer at the Y that is a stone's throw from my house.

Hope all is well with y'all too.
2007-03-05 5:00 PM
in reply to: #712287

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Decatur, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Doing good here too.  I'm getting into more of a rhythm with my new job and training.  This weekend we went for a 40 mile ride.  I was feeling a little under the weather to start out, but I knew if I could just make it to the turn around point (24 miles) that coming home would be a breeze.  So I pushed through it and by the end was feeling really good and really glad I stuck it out.  But then... we went out dancing.  Back to back lessons one was the Night Club two-step (also known as the Bosa Nova) and the other was East Coast Swing.  By the end of the second lesson I was seriously dragging!  Ahh well, you live and you learn.  But it sure was fun!

2007-03-05 9:32 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

hope the munchkin is feeling better and you will do great in the swim, actually the whole thing.  adrenaline is your friend!  plus i am vibe-ing you all the good swim mojo i can so no worries!


karen that was quite a ride you took this weekend, then dancing holy cow! 

march is definitely coming in like a lion here but i look forward to ditching the gym for some wide open spaces!  

2007-03-08 8:33 PM
in reply to: #625422

New user

Subject: Tri Tips
Hi all,
I know one of us has her first tri coming up (enders I believe)? Just wondering if the people who have completed tris have any tips for us newbies. My 1st is a few months out, but I'm already starting to sweat it. Would love to hear what your best tips/information for each leg of the tri are?

2007-03-09 9:21 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

right now the thing that comes to mind is to take your time and focus during the transition times.  i'm not saying stroll through them but don't get so hurried to shave time off that you loose what you are doing.  true, your total time counts but in my tri i actually saw more than one woman with her helmet on backwards, dangerous and just not necessary!  practice yo transitions, have your gear set up in the living room and run in and try to's important for your mental well being to be prepared.  the official race photographer got some shots of me in T2 and in the shots i am looking at my shoes as if i had never seen them before and quite frankly i felt a little like that. 

those are all the pearls i can muster right now...don't forget that tomorrow night (saturday) i will be at a Q & A with an IRONMAN FLORIDA finisher so let me know any questions you have for her! 

2007-03-10 12:38 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Thanks, Carol!

I have the transition layout map & checklist from the website and I'm going to practice this week. I got my road bike on the road today and it rocked. (The swim not so much)... Oh well.

I'm nervous but excited.

2007-03-10 8:09 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

The only helpful hints I can think of right now has to do with practicing your transition too. Practice what it feels like to come in to T1 wet. Last year before my first race I got my race clothes on, had my daughter spray me with the hose and practiced running to my "transition area" and getting changed. I had to throw on a singlet in T1 so I wanted to know how hard it would be to put it on while I was dripping wet and to get my shoes on with wet feet. I looked goofy in the backyard but I was much more comfortable on race day.

Oh, and if you're wearing socks this is what I did: I put baby powder in each sock, put them on my feet and then rolled them down so they were ready and waiting in my shoes and all I had to do was roll them on. The baby powder helped my wet feet because no matter how much I tried to dry them they were still wet when I put my socks on.

That's all I can think about right now and I'm sure I'll have more later!

2007-03-12 9:54 AM
in reply to: #716791

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: Tri Tips

lperdue - 2007-03-08 9:33 PM My 1st is a few months out, but I'm already starting to sweat it. Would love to hear what your best tips/information for each leg of the tri are? Thanks, Lachele

You asked about each leg so I'll tell you what I know.....

Swim: if you have an open water race, practice first! It's a totally different and a bit unnerving feeling to swim in a lake during a race. You'll feel more comfortable and confident if you've already gotten over that "weird lake swimming where there's fish and things growing" feeling. (although it still freaks me out a bit but a lot less after practice) Also, practice sighting. By that I mean while doing an OWS, practice looking for something to keep you on line and straight. It's best to practice in the pool first and I can't really explain how to do it but while doing freestyle you just move your head so you're looking ahead of you right before you take a breath. You don't have to sight on every breath, probably every 5 or 10, whatever works for you. Oh, and if it's a wave start and you're not confident in your speed, start near the back and to the outside. Doing this will prevent you from getting "tangled up" at the beginning as the faster swimmers take off and vie for the front of the pack.

T1: read my above post for tips on this transition

Bike: do your own race, it's so easy to get caught up in the moment and try to keep up with people that are faster but you'll probably be better off if you keep to the pace you're comfortable with because you've still got to run after the bike! Coming in to T2, watch the volunteers and dismount where they tell you to, otherwise you might run in to someone or someone might run in to you. Watch your balance too, coming in too quickly and having wobbley legs make balance difficult. (I fell at the end of the bike leg at my 1st race last year. )

T2: rack your bike back in your space and watch other people's bikes. There might be people that  have not respected your space but just try to scoot their bike over as delicately as possible. If you have to change shoes, I'd recommend some sort of speed laces, lace locks or Yankz!. They make it so much easier to throw on running shoes because you don't have to worry about trying to tie your shoes because you probably won't be able to, you'll be surprised at how easily basic stuff becomes difficult. (and practice with them ahead of time so the tension is right to avoid problem spots)

Run: This is it, the last leg of the race! Your legs will be wobbley and might cramp, don't freak out! It happens to everyone and it's normal because of the switch from using biking muscles to running muscles. Slow down if you need to, stretch your calves and keep going. Shuffle if you have to, you'll soon forget it when you cross the finish line anyway! I could only maintain a shuffle in both my races last year. The best way to prepare for the bike to run transition is to practice and get your body used to making the switch, lots of bricks!

That's all I can think of for now, probably more info than any of you anticipated!

2007-03-14 9:13 AM
in reply to: #625422

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: Thanks & under-where?
Great tips! Thank you soooo much.

One stupid question - underwear? I did a good brick today to simulate the race, and I tested out my new tri-suit (works beautifully). I wore a running bra under it as suggested (good call) and since I didn't go in the pool, I wore underwear too. But what about on race day? Go commando or wear quick-drying briefs under my suit?

(Sorry for the weird & personal question).


(gearing up for race day! 10 days left!!!)
2007-03-14 11:36 AM
in reply to: #625422

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Kristen, no to the underwear. No matter what type of quick dry underwear you choose, they'll still probably be wet the entire race. Sprints go by really fast and your undergarments won't have time to dry and could bunch, chaffe, and be really uncomfortable. The tri suits are actually designed to be worn without them, a little weird at first but once you get going you won't even think about it. Even my tri shorts stayed wet after the swim in my races last year but not uncomfortably so. First races are fun, enjoy the moment and have fun!
2007-03-14 9:00 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

i thought it was a good question!


and i agree with the answer!



2007-03-15 10:46 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

hey, just checking in to see how you all are doing.  i'm failing miserably at being a stay at home mom because i just can't seem to get the stay at home part down.  worked 4 days this week and it doesn't seem to be ending!  its one of those things where you can't say no because you just don't know when the calls for work will stop coming...anyway enough about me and my current juggling act.  how are you all doing?  kristen i am sending you my best and most positive mojo for the next two weeks so suck it all up!

anybody else got anything coming up?



2007-03-16 7:55 AM
in reply to: #625422

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
My husband and I have decided (I think!?) to do a duathlon on the 24th, 3m/15m/3m.
2007-03-16 10:16 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

wow the 24th is turning out to be a big race day!  good for you.


my hubby and i want to do something together but the childcare thing always gets in the way. 

2007-03-17 9:23 AM
in reply to: #625422

New user

Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Childcare is always an issue for us too. We've only done a few road races together and this summer is going to be interesting since we're both going to be doing triathlons. There are only a couple of races that we're planning to both do, like next weekend. We're going to visit our best friends in TN and they'll keep the girls while we race. We have to plan WAY in advance so we can secure babysitters. We're very lucky that his parents and my mom live an hour away so we can take the girls over there for the times when we both race. Otherwise, we do the tag-team routine.
2007-03-17 9:27 AM
in reply to: #625422

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Winder, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
Ok, the last response was me, I'm forum-retarded apparently. I forgot my husband was logged in to his account even though I accessed the forum through my email. Haha.
2007-03-17 2:17 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

thats ok... i just thought he was joining our group as well.


a new member pm'd me and wanted to join our group.  Nate21.  i said sure and told him to come in here and introduce himself. 

2007-03-24 2:57 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
I did it! I did it! I AM a triathlete. (Full race report forthcoming, once I get some of my split numbers...but I think my overall time is 1:23:26 - AND I brought home some hardware as the 3rd place Athena.)

WHOO WHOO! Thanks, ya'll for all of your help, advice, support, & encouragement.

2007-03-24 9:12 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL
OMG!  that is sooooo awesome!  i am so proud of you and i will speak for the group and say we are all so proud of you.  can't wait to read your RR, TRIATHLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-27 10:52 PM
in reply to: #625422

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Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

just checking in to see how everyone is...two great races last weekend Kristen and Mindy!


I know Kristen you have a 10K this weekend...anyone else have something coming up? 

2007-03-28 9:59 AM
in reply to: #625422

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Decatur, GA
Subject: RE: mosc11's Group - FULL

Way to go Kristen!  Congratulations on becoming a triathlete! Maybe someday I'll be one too.

Things are crazy hectic for me these days.  I'm working (which is wonderful!), trying to finish up all the details for the wedding (which is now only 52 days away!), working with another woman to get a new church started, and squeezing in exercise whenever I can.  So, I don't get on here much, but I'm sending y'all lots of good training vibes!!

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