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2007-01-31 5:30 PM
in reply to: #673488

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
LOL! Zoya, We call Drew the Gremlin when he's being difficult! And when I was pregnant I called him yo piccolo monstro - my little monster. He's about to start cutting teeth soon, too. Good luck with your little monster!

2007-01-31 8:44 PM
in reply to: #674727

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Reston, VA
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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Kaci, good luck with those little tethers!

Today I found out that bears give birth in hibernation so they do not feel anything and then the baby cub latches on and sleeps with mama bear till spring. I definitely want to be a bear...

I swam tonight. I'm starting to feel better, stronger while pulling myself. May be it will finally come back to me

Edited by zschaller 2007-01-31 8:52 PM
2007-02-01 1:27 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Kids....oh my.  My 6 month old got shots yesterday and is MISERABLE.  Poor guy. 

SO, does anyone have any FEBRUARY goals?  I can't believe it is February already.  I was going to say that maybe I'd give up beer or chocolate for a little bit, is too crazy, so....nah!  I want to do crunches every day.  That's my goal for Feb. 

Anyone else?

2007-02-01 3:46 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
My goal for this month is to increase my walking to 5 miles a day. Before I know it the 1/2 marathon in march will be here and I will be one sore _______. (you fillin the blank.)

It is interesting to hear all your talk about babies. Believe it or not, it all passes too quickly, so enjoy every moment you have. My "baby" is 22 and still at home. Will he ever leave? I have my doubts.

Then again, my daughter has given us two wonderful grandsons who are 3 & 2. I do love it when they visit, but i also enjoy the quiet when they go home.

2007-02-01 8:11 PM
in reply to: #675759

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
hmmmmm. February goal? I would love to do crunches everyday and get rid of the baby belly, but I know I won't be able to do that. I think I am going to give up chocolate and refined sugars. I need to work on getting my weight down so it's not as hard to run. Oh yeah and stretch out my IT bands after every run - I'm feelin it in my knees!
2007-02-02 8:15 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Reston, VA
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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Hey Girls, talking about the pounds, anyone is up for a "weight loss companionship"? I need to kick 10 pounds off. It could very well be my my February goal ;-)

I managed to drop 15 pounds of baby weight back in march 06, I was on extremely low-carb-long- workout program for 2 weeks.

It worked, but it was really hard. I still have 10 more to go. Anyone has any weight loss stories to share?


2007-02-02 11:32 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Zoya - I hear you on the baby weight!  I still have 2-3 lbs to go from my pre-pregnancy weight, BUT my pre-preg wt was higher than normal.  In '05, I did a 1/2 IM in August and was 125, and after that race, I switched totally to marathon training (no swimming or biking, but ran 5 days a week) and GAINED NINE LBS!  My training volume was less, but I continued to eat like I was tri training.  Just seemed unbelievable that I could gain wt while marathon training!

BUT when I started tri training, I lost 17-18 lbs from the was slow and took about a year, but that was fine.  So now I want to lose about 10 lbs also, and once my training ramps up (especially with the long bikes), I'll lose.  But I do need to watch my diet.  I love sweets and it is my total downfall!  So I'll be your wt loss buddy! 

And I'll keep doing my crunches every night

2007-02-02 11:33 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Kendra and Kaci, I like your goals!  Now watch out b/c I'll start leaving messages on your logs about your goals!  LOL! 
2007-02-02 12:12 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Reston, VA
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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Yeah! Thanks Cathy! My training is not anywhere near your intensity. I can do one hour a day due to my time restrictions (full time work + kids). I do not have a bike trainer yet and I can not get up early... I have to get myself to do that, this way ii will have more hours a day to train.

My hight is 5"10 and I'm 181.4 as of today. I should be in 142-173 range, I'm not a small frame type girl.

2007-02-02 12:54 PM
in reply to: #677048

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Why is it after having a baby, it's always the last 10 pounds that are the hardest to lose! I'm struggling to lose the last 10 pounds. Even with the 10-15 miles of running a week, I haven't lost one single pound! Now I look forward to incorperating the bike/swim into my training - maybe that will help kick my weightloss into gear.

Pre wedding weight - 128
Pre baby weight - 135
Post baby weight - 144
Healthy baby boy........Priceless!

2007-02-02 1:14 PM
in reply to: #676966

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Hey Cathy,
I've read that when you first start bike training you should avoid doing too many hills. Is it really bad to do hills right from the start? When I start doing the bike training, it will be as commuting to and from work and there are at least 3 major hills. Or meeting a carpool buddy which is about a large hill in a short distance. What are your thoughts on this?

2007-02-02 3:08 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Hey Zoya, I'll join you! I'd like to lose about 7 lbs. I actually lost the last of my pregnancy weight last summer. I went from 153 to 133 5'7". I excercised and stopped eating fast food and going to Starbucks. Prepregnancy I weighed 138 then right before I gave birth to my twins I weighed 255. My downfall are sweets too. I know if I eat healthier with the training I'm doing I'll lose the weight.

My goal for Feb. is to buy a bike & bike gear by the end of the month. (My dh just called me this am and he's getting a really good bonus so I already have plans on how I'm going to spend it!

I'm also going to buy & read one of the tri books Cathy recommended.

Hope everyone is doing well this week!


2007-02-02 7:44 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Hi girlies -

This week did not go well for training at all it snowed here and all shut down. Thursday I did nothing and today the gym wa closed in the AM today. I went roller skating this Pm with children...not great. I am going to swim in the AM....then Sun I am going to spin or ride. I have surgery on Tues AM and am feeling nervous.

You all are talking about weight loss challenges...I have 25 more to lose by June. I have lost between 65-70 in the past 6 months. Right now I have a BMI goal as well----started at 44 and I m at 32.8 now. I got meaured on Wed by the trainer....she wants me to be at 27 in 6 weeks and put my scale away for a month. I have been at the same number for a month now give or take 5 pounds.

I am having surgery tuesday and I am very concerned about training. No biking until at least march. I am going to concentrate on walking every day and really watching my carbs over my recovery period. I wanted to do a fast but dr did not reccommend this after surgery.

So....that was probly TMI You all ROCK losing that baby weight so fast!

Have a great weekend!


Edited by countregirl 2007-02-02 7:45 PM
2007-02-02 9:54 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Reston, VA
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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Great! You all rock and we are going to drop plenty of pounds together!
2007-02-03 4:06 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Swam 4200 yards this morning loved every minute of it

Trying to get as much in as possible before Tues.

Hope everyone had a great SAT!

2007-02-04 10:36 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Cathy, I forgot to Thank you in my last post for all the info on transitions/clothing info. That is great info. Thanks!

I bought Tri 101 yesterday and started reading it. It has a lot of good info so far.

Heather, Great swim! I hope I can swim that much at one time some day! Good luck on your surgery on Tues. I hope everything goes well.

How does everyone keep track of their pace when you're running? I usually walk for about 10-15 min to warm up before running. After I'm finished, my pace is skewed b/c I was walking in the beginning. Should I reset the treadmill before I start running?

Also I have an embarrassing question to ask but since there are only women in our group I'll ask anyway. Hopefully not tmi, when I workout I sweat a lot and I looked down the other day and my crotch area was all wet. It looked like I had peed in my pants. I usually wear regular workout pants. Should I be wearing different workout clothing?




2007-02-05 2:00 PM
in reply to: #677048

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

zschaller - 2007-02-02 11:12 AM Yeah! Thanks Cathy! My training is not anywhere near your intensity. I can do one hour a day due to my time restrictions (full time work + kids). I do not have a bike trainer yet and I can not get up early... I have to get myself to do that, this way ii will have more hours a day to train. My hight is 5"10 and I'm 181.4 as of today. I should be in 142-173 range, I'm not a small frame type girl. Z.

Hi Z!  One hour a day is GREAT!  LOL, of course you can get up early   It is not an easy switch takes planning and making yourself go to bed earlier!  But it can be done.  YOU CAN DO IT! 

Man, seems like you all are some seriously tall women in this group! 

2007-02-05 2:02 PM
in reply to: #677170

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

kaciphiz - 2007-02-02 12:14 PM Hey Cathy, I've read that when you first start bike training you should avoid doing too many hills. Is it really bad to do hills right from the start? When I start doing the bike training, it will be as commuting to and from work and there are at least 3 major hills. Or meeting a carpool buddy which is about a large hill in a short distance. What are your thoughts on this? kp

I can see why people would say that, BUT I think it's a good idea to work on hills at any time.  As long as you take it easy and aren't killing yourself with a crazy high HR for too long on a daily basis.  I think you can do it and heck, what a great way to get in bike miles!  I say go for it.  Try it out.  AND those hills will get so much easier over time! 

2007-02-05 2:04 PM
in reply to: #677412

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

lialog - 2007-02-02 2:08 PM My goal for Feb. is to buy a bike & bike gear by the end of the month. (My dh just called me this am and he's getting a really good bonus so I already have plans on how I'm going to spend it!

LOL Mel!  A bonus is nice.    Keep us posted on your bike shopping! 

So should we make a pact of not eating chocolate for a week or something? 

2007-02-05 2:07 PM
in reply to: #678687

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
lialog - 2007-02-04 9:36 AM How does everyone keep track of their pace when you're running? I usually walk for about 10-15 min to warm up before running. After I'm finished, my pace is skewed b/c I was walking in the beginning. Should I reset the treadmill before I start running?

Also I have an embarrassing question to ask but since there are only women in our group I'll ask anyway. Hopefully not tmi, when I workout I sweat a lot and I looked down the other day and my crotch area was all wet. It looked like I had peed in my pants. I usually wear regular workout pants. Should I be wearing different workout clothing?

Either reset it or make a mental note of the time you spent warming up and the distance you were at.  You could just note it in your log? 

Are you wearing cotton?  Cotton will hold onto sweat.  Consider compression shorts or a material that "wicks" sweat away.  Or just wear black?   

2007-02-05 2:15 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Reston, VA
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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL



2007-02-05 2:53 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

HEATHER:  good luck with your surgery, I am hoping it goes well and smoothly and your recovery is easy!  I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!  And darn girl, you are one swimming machine!  That is awesome!

How is everyone doing on this fine Monday?  It is finally in the 50s here.    maybe the snow will melt. 

2007-02-05 2:56 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
We had wind chill at 1F this morning...
Indoor brick today, spinning class-hills
Run - 15 minutes

2007-02-05 3:33 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Had one last go around at the gym this morning for a few days ran to warm up about 10 minutes, did lunges, abs, and then a spin class. Thanks for the well wishes....the surgery is elective, however it is necessary if I want to run any distance w/o wearing depends hahahah..that's what i get for having 2 ten lb babies!

Do they make depends for triathletes extra super thick? JK!

I am nervous about the anesthesia everything else should be a pice of cake.

2007-02-05 7:13 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Reston, VA
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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

In past three months I had two surgeries with full anesthesia. It was the best sleep I ever had, honestly. After my first procedure I was really looking forward to the second one. I'm not sure if you had a surgery before but they give you a relaxation meds right before they wheel you to the operating room, it takes all the edge off and makes you extremely "happy." Do not worry, you'll like it !!!

Zoya a.k.a. anesthesia junkey

Edited by zschaller 2007-02-05 7:15 PM
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