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2007-02-26 10:03 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I am feeling a little under the weather, so I think my goals will be pretty basic this week.

Eat fruit every day.

Swim 3x

Run 5+ miles at least once

Really hoping my 4 month-old will stop getting up every 2 hours. Keep thinking how nice it would be to work out with an uninterrupted night of sleep.

2007-02-26 10:09 AM
in reply to: #702704

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

elizorbeth - 2007-02-25 7:23 PM I totally missed my training goals this week. I gotta stop working so much. Next weekend is the LA Marathon, so I shouldn't really do as much this week since I'm tapering. I have a swim lesson this week, which is an hour, and I'd like to get in at least 2 hours total of swimming before next weekend, so I'll try to get to the gym pool at least twice. It'll be the least impact on my running muscles, but still be a great cardio workout. My other goal is to do yoga at least once. Gotta get in lots of stretching this week. Elizabeth

GOOD LUCK on the race!  Again, don't forget to sleep well, and eat well.  My coach gave me these "rules" for the week before my marathon.  Don't stand if you can sit, don't sit if you can lie down, don't lie down if you can actually sleep.  I think it came from Dave Scott or Chris Carmicheal originally, but treat yourself right

2007-02-26 10:12 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Well, I missed my goal of controlling my drinking FOR SURE!!  And I put on a full 5# in a week!!!  I think that my goal for this week will be to DRINK WATER and lose 2 of those #  

NO drinking this week and oh yeah, get in at least 12 hours of training, with a little additional core and yoga.  I already missed masters this AM since we got back kinda late, but I think I will swim at lunch today then a 1 hr bike tonight.   It's good to be home, but I really don't want to work  

2007-02-26 10:28 AM
in reply to: #703149

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Near the end of last week I started to feel I could accomplish some of my goals. My eating salad goal has been met and it's a regular part of my diet now. This week's goals will be:

1. look into finding a coach to fine tune my running/biking/swimming technique and

2. get to bed early enough to get 8.5 hours sleep.

I've come down with a cold, Julia, do you still work out with a cold? Do others work out when fighting a cold? it's not too bad yet.

I bought new running shoes yesterday, asics gel landerth, which are very comfy, can't wait to run in them. Next purchase will be a swimsuit and goggles.
2007-02-26 10:54 AM
in reply to: #703187

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

francisjade - 2007-02-26 9:28 AM Near the end of last week I started to feel I could accomplish some of my goals. My eating salad goal has been met and it's a regular part of my diet now. This week's goals will be: 1. look into finding a coach to fine tune my running/biking/swimming technique and 2. get to bed early enough to get 8.5 hours sleep. I've come down with a cold, Julia, do you still work out with a cold? Do others work out when fighting a cold? it's not too bad yet. I bought new running shoes yesterday, asics gel landerth, which are very comfy, can't wait to run in them. Next purchase will be a swimsuit and goggles.

The general rule of thumb when it comes to colds is this:  If it above the neck (not in the chest) then continue to work out, but a little less intensity.  Don't sacrifice needed sleep to cram in a workout.  If it is in your chest, then take a FULL rest until it's better.  You should really go on feel.  Many times I will begin a workout with a cold and it will be better once I get going and get some of the snot moving out (sorry if that's gross!).  Other times, I will feel tired and achey after 15' so I just quit and rest instead.  The key is to try to prevent the colds from starting.  I take lots of supplements to try to stay healthy in the first place.  EmergenC is good once it starts too.

As far as coaching goes, I HIGHLY recommend D3.  They have personalized coaching at several different levels depending on your intensity and your budget.  They won't be local for you, but I know a ton of people who have found great success with thier online coaching.  Also, You can look for an individual local swim coach to help with technique.  Many local running groups will run clinics for form and such, which will be a great benefit as well  


2007-02-26 10:57 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Just got myself a new swimsuit, goggles, cap and ear plugs. Makes all the difference in the world now that I am not always fidgeting with my goggles, or trying to get water out of my ears. I got a $70 Speedo for $30 by doing their "Grab" bag. You choose the size, they choose the pattern.....absolutely hilarious....I ended up getting a tie-dye swim suit. I love it, but my husband is mortified when we go to the pool. He calls it my bong-hit swim suit.

2007-02-26 11:08 AM
in reply to: #703248

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Caycee - 2007-02-26 9:57 AM Just got myself a new swimsuit, goggles, cap and ear plugs. Makes all the difference in the world now that I am not always fidgeting with my goggles, or trying to get water out of my ears. I got a $70 Speedo for $30 by doing their "Grab" bag. You choose the size, they choose the pattern.....absolutely hilarious....I ended up getting a tie-dye swim suit. I love it, but my husband is mortified when we go to the pool. He calls it my bong-hit swim suit.

IS it pink, white and silver tye dye??  If so - I have the same one

2007-02-26 11:32 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I wish it was pink and silver. At least then it would match my swim cap. But no it is every other color but pink and silver. I am quite the vision. I will have to take a picture. But like I keep telling Jeff, I don't know a lot of people who look like they should be walking the red carpet when wearing a speedo, goggles and a swim cap.
2007-02-26 3:14 PM
in reply to: #703298

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

LOL, "bong hit swimsuit", I love it!  I'll probably do the grab bag thing for my next swimsuit, but I'm afraid of getting like hot pink and lime green leopard print or something. 

My goals for the week are to check out the local Master's swim group, and to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.    

2007-02-26 9:05 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
i'm getting a good laugh about this speedo swimsuit thing. so funny.
my goals this week are to just get back on track with my training schedule. my husbands grandfather was very ill and we went on a 6 day trip to see him. he passedaway and so now we are making another trip to goto the funeral, so i'm just focusing on trying to get my time/mileage in and not letting it slip any further.

a ?? about long bike rides--especially for you moms with young kids--HOW do you fnd the time to do your long bike rides?? i feel like i'm a pretty slow biker, or maybe im just not used to a 1.5 hr workout!! ha ha! i'm usedto doing an hour long run, 45 min. in the pool, etc. Don't get me wrong, it isn'tb/c i don't want to, but i'm so limited in the time i have when my hubby is home with the kids to do a really long bike ride (like 25+ miles) which i need to be doing for the HIM training.
Also, what kinds of distances do you do in a typical spin class ? would that be a good substitute for my biking workout on days that i can't get out on the road?
I'm wondering if i need to get a trainer to do some ofthese rides for my training. its kind of getting me down, because i'm stressed about the bike portion of the HIM, but feeling really confident in the swim and run.
any thoughts? encouragement?
2007-02-26 9:16 PM
in reply to: #704331

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

trimomfour - 2007-02-26 8:05 PM i'm getting a good laugh about this speedo swimsuit thing. so funny. my goals this week are to just get back on track with my training schedule. my husbands grandfather was very ill and we went on a 6 day trip to see him. he passedaway and so now we are making another trip to goto the funeral, so i'm just focusing on trying to get my time/mileage in and not letting it slip any further. a ?? about long bike rides--especially for you moms with young kids--HOW do you fnd the time to do your long bike rides?? i feel like i'm a pretty slow biker, or maybe im just not used to a 1.5 hr workout!! ha ha! i'm usedto doing an hour long run, 45 min. in the pool, etc. Don't get me wrong, it isn'tb/c i don't want to, but i'm so limited in the time i have when my hubby is home with the kids to do a really long bike ride (like 25+ miles) which i need to be doing for the HIM training. Also, what kinds of distances do you do in a typical spin class ? would that be a good substitute for my biking workout on days that i can't get out on the road? I'm wondering if i need to get a trainer to do some ofthese rides for my training. its kind of getting me down, because i'm stressed about the bike portion of the HIM, but feeling really confident in the swim and run. any thoughts? encouragement? thanks!! Megan

First of all as a Mom, you jsut do what you can!  I get in a LOT of time on my stationary trainer...  It's just a fact of life.  At 5 am or at 7 pm, but I get it in.  I get in my really long rides (I did a few 4-5 hour rides last year in prep for the HIM) on the weekends and I plan accourdingly.  I beg my husband and we will trade time.  I get 6 hours for a bike ride and he gets 6 hours to get in a round of golf the next weekend.  But my hubby is a true SAINT when it comes to putting up with this stuff. 

Your HIM bike is going to be 56 miles, so I would suggest getting in a FEW 50 mile rides - preferably one with a slightly long run after it- to get the feeling of what a HIM will do to you and how much nutrition you will need on that bike.  Your legs are going to feel like jello, but if you've done a few longer rides, they will be manageable jello

The encouragement is this - you are already doing an EXCELLENT job and since you are a good swimmer and confident runner, all you need to do is get a little time in the saddle.  I know FINDING that time is difficult, but once you do - YOU'RE THERE!!! 

Oh and Bribery somtimes works with my husband.  You'd ba amazed what you get for giving him one really nice back rub - or whatever else he likes

2007-02-26 9:18 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I am in the same boat with you. I had a small hissy fit when someone told me the Danskin was a 20 mile ride (it's not, it's only 12). I am petrified of the bike because I just don't have the time to get out on the road.

Soooo, what I am going to do is buy a bike trailer for the kids. I found some really good deals on Craigslist. Now I am just trying to decide of I buy a double or a single and reserve my rides for the days my oldest is in school!!???

In spin class, I generally go about 10 miles in an hour. A lot of times I get on the stationery bike and do a hill course. That takes me about an hour to go 20 miles. I know they aren't anything like being out on the road, but until I have a trailer that is my only option.

BTW - Here is my LOVELY bong-hit suit with non matching cap. SCARY spice!!!!

Edited by Caycee 2007-02-26 9:31 PM


scary_suit.jpg (21KB - 37 downloads)
2007-02-26 10:04 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Caycee - I like the suit. It is really "groovy" (lol..jk, I do like it)

Thanks for bringing up the cold question-I fell one coming on as well and hoped to not let it affect stepping it up a little this week. Hit is in the head so I plan on just going with it. Need to remember tissue in the pocket is all.
2007-02-26 10:33 PM
in reply to: #704349

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I LOVE your swimsuit Caycee! I'll try Speedo's grab bag too!
2007-02-26 10:41 PM
in reply to: #704387

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Diane&Mike - 2007-02-26 10:04 PM

Caycee - I like the suit. It is really "groovy" (lol..jk, I do like it)

Thanks for bringing up the cold question-I fell one coming on as well and hoped to not let it affect stepping it up a little this week. Hit is in the head so I plan on just going with it. Need to remember tissue in the pocket is all.

Diane, I decided to work out even though I felt pressure in my ears and had a scratchy throat and runny nose. After the workout I felt a bit better, I kept the workout light and kept warm all day. My cold hasn't gotten any worse. So far soo good!

I have another cycling question. I read in the Triathlete's Bible that you should have a quick running cadence of around 90. Is there a cycling cadence I should aim for, I couldn't find it in the book.
2007-02-26 11:09 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I have a swim question. I am completely comfortable swiming a mile (freestyle). So now I want to increase my speed for the 1/2 mile sprint at the Danskin. My ultimate goal is to swim it in 14 minutes. Right now I am steady at around 17 minutes. What drills will help me to build speed...and do I need to buy pull buoys, paddles, etc...

2007-02-27 12:03 AM
in reply to: #704428

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Caycee, I'm going to have to disagree with your husband, I think that's more of an acid-trip swimsuit than a bong-hit swimsuit - it's psychedelic! I actually really like the bright colors, it seems like it would be cheerful on a cold morning heading to the pool!

francisjade - A lot of what I've read recommends a pretty high cycling cadence, like 95-100, here is an article from this site where the guy suggests 88-95:

I never thought about my running cadence, 90 rpm seems like it'd be pretty fast. But it makes sense that you'd want a high cadence just like on the bike.

2007-02-27 9:00 AM
in reply to: #704416

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

francisjade - 2007-02-26 9:41 PM

Diane, I decided to work out even though I felt pressure in my ears and had a scratchy throat and runny nose. After the workout I felt a bit better, I kept the workout light and kept warm all day. My cold hasn't gotten any worse. So far soo good! I have another cycling question. I read in the Triathlete's Bible that you should have a quick running cadence of around 90. Is there a cycling cadence I should aim for, I couldn't find it in the book.

Pretty similar cadence for cycling.  I try to stay between 88 and 90.  However, unlike running, it is OK to get in some big gear, lower rpm work for strength.  I will crank it all the way up on the trainer, or otherwise simulate a hill and try to go 65 rpm really pushing that bigger gear for 1-5 minutes (ocassionally I have a workout that calls for more).  my coach gives me guidelines.  In a RACE however, the faster the cadence, the better.  Using a higher cadence, pushing a smaller gear will keep your legs moving, but not fatigue them as much as a bigger gear.  It took me a while to get used to 88-90 rpm, but now, it is pretty normal!

2007-02-27 9:05 AM
in reply to: #704428

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Caycee - 2007-02-26 10:09 PM I have a swim question. I am completely comfortable swiming a mile (freestyle). So now I want to increase my speed for the 1/2 mile sprint at the Danskin. My ultimate goal is to swim it in 14 minutes. Right now I am steady at around 17 minutes. What drills will help me to build speed...and do I need to buy pull buoys, paddles, etc...

Drills are great to improve your form, but if you want to swim faster you have to - well, swim faster!  I would put some speed sets into your workouts.  Add in some 50's and 100's at a faster pace and on short rest intervals (maybe 10" rests).  This is similar to building speed in a track workout for running.  I would start by doing a 1000 yd TT (time trial) going as fast as you can for that 1000.  Then divide by 10 to get your T-pace.  For example, I did this yesterday.  My 1000 was 14:05 so my T-pace is 1:25 per 100.  When I do 100's I will do them faster than t-pace (say trying to hold 1:15) with 10" rest so I will do them leaving the wall every 1:25 or better yet every 1:20.  I can sustain several on 1:30's.  It's also good to then do some 200 sets at just faster than your t-pace to build that speed into a longer and longer set.  Then do some 500's a little faster than t-pace (when I say that I mean build up to it over a month or so.)  You will get there for sure!! 

Oh, and NICE SUIT!!!!  That cap would match my suit perfectly - and I have the pink vanquisher goggles - MAN I would be styling

2007-02-27 9:12 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
You want the cap? I will send it to you!!!! Normally I don't give a rip, but I have been getting some pretty funny looks. In fact, when I went to pick up my daughter at the gym daycare yesterday, one of the ladies who works there asked "Was that YOU swimming in lane 3 last night?" Ha ha ha!!! Must have been my fancy getup.
2007-02-27 11:16 AM
in reply to: #704688

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
juliapurr - 2007-02-27 9:00 AM

Pretty similar cadence for cycling.  I try to stay between 88 and 90.  However, unlike running, it is OK to get in some big gear, lower rpm work for strength.  I will crank it all the way up on the trainer, or otherwise simulate a hill and try to go 65 rpm really pushing that bigger gear for 1-5 minutes (ocassionally I have a workout that calls for more).  my coach gives me guidelines.  In a RACE however, the faster the cadence, the better.  Using a higher cadence, pushing a smaller gear will keep your legs moving, but not fatigue them as much as a bigger gear.  It took me a while to get used to 88-90 rpm, but now, it is pretty normal!

Elelen thanks for the article link, I think it'll take me a while to get used to the higher cadence too. This is the first time I even heard the word cadence in running and biking before. Biking around town I usually muscle it and a fast cadence doesn't seem like you're moving fast. But when I compared myself to a training partner, he was flying and I was left in his dust. Tomorrow I'll test it out!

2007-02-27 11:53 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

OMG!  This is way too funny!  I love the suit!  Atleast if you sink in the race, you don't have to worry about blending into the dark water, the fish might bite thinking it is a jig or something, but FUN! 

Cadence:  Alright, so you would think I might know this, but really when it comes to running I just put one foot in front of the other.  So, how exactly would you calculate cadence for running?  I understand the is right on there, and it is funny...I do cadence on the bike. 

Lots of good info out there that I am picking up!  Thanks for asking so many questons and reinforching things I am already thinking increasing speed...I usually just do it, don't push like I should.  So lately I have been putting in intervals for swim and we were just talking about how we always get blown away at our group swims...must be becasue we never do intervals!! 

2007-02-27 12:15 PM
in reply to: #705010

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
trYgrl - 2007-02-27 11:53 AM

OMG!  This is way too funny!  I love the suit!  Atleast if you sink in the race, you don't have to worry about blending into the dark water, the fish might bite thinking it is a jig or something, but FUN! 

Cadence:  Alright, so you would think I might know this, but really when it comes to running I just put one foot in front of the other.  So, how exactly would you calculate cadence for running?  I understand the is right on there, and it is funny...I do cadence on the bike. 

Lots of good info out there that I am picking up!  Thanks for asking so many questons and reinforching things I am already thinking increasing speed...I usually just do it, don't push like I should.  So lately I have been putting in intervals for swim and we were just talking about how we always get blown away at our group swims...must be becasue we never do intervals!! 

To calculate your running cadence, every two steps counts as 1 cadence. So in one minute the book recommends a cadence of 90 which is 90 pairs of steps.
2007-02-27 12:46 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I just count left foot strikes for 30 seconds - you want to be around 45.  It's easier than counting to 90 and taking a whole minute to count!  Of course, counting right foot strikes will give you the same result
2007-02-27 1:44 PM
in reply to: #705087

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

juliapurr - 2007-02-27 12:46 PM I just count left foot strikes for 30 seconds - you want to be around 45.  It's easier than counting to 90 and taking a whole minute to count!  Of course, counting right foot strikes will give you the same result

Well, not when right foot hits more than your left.... Thanks for the do you stride out then if you are trying to do more cadence?

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