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2007-04-10 5:40 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hans I wish I was there to do some of that long running with you. I get bored running more than 1.5 hrs. Nice job! You should do well in Hamburg.

2007-04-10 7:05 AM
in reply to: #754865

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hi all

It has been quite a while since I've been here on the forum. Mainly because it has been Easter holiday here in Denmark (10 days off work for me). The holiday started out well, nice weather, but not as warm as I thought, did catch a small cold. That was the reason for me to drop my 25 km last weekend. Instead I did some smaller runs and some indoor training on the bike trainer. Later in the holiday the wind increased a lot, which again hold me indoor. This weekend I had a 30 km coming up, Sunday was real bad with a lot of rain, so I went along Monday instead. Did 2 laps @ 12.5 km + a 5 km, first 12.5km lap in 1:07 and second in 1:08 - so far so good – but the last 5 km lap was again hard. Maybe the weather was to blame, but I guess that I just need to train some more. Unfortunately this is a bit late to train more long runs, as the marathon is up in 2½ week. Next weekend says 25 km, which is my last long run. The weather should be nice, no wind and up to 65°F.
I finally got a session planned with my brother in the pool. This Thursday he will try to teach me some techniques. Last Tuesday I was in the pool with some young swimmers, they just glided trough the water. I was awesome to se how little effort it took them to crawl. I hope I can learn just a little of that.
I still haven’t got my bike on the road yet, but am doing some good sessions on the trainer. Focus is still on the marathon, so I looking forward to give it some long hours on the bike. When the marathon is over, I will join the local triathlon club and start training with them. In Denmark you need to have a licence to compete in a race. And the only way to obtain a licence is through a club.
As my first triathlon (Olympic distance) will be the national champion ship, I was a bit afraid to finish last. But I was told to have no worries. Their will be different groups, including an age group for male veterans (35+).

Best regards from Denmark
2007-04-10 7:17 AM
in reply to: #754865

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I also wish that I had someone to run with, not because I get bored, but to help me maintain my pace. The last 5 km yesterday was hard, maybe because I knew it was the last 5. I hope for the best I Hamburg, my goal is still to finish within 4 hours. But I’ll be glad just to finish, running all the way and not get injured. My plan in Hamburg is to follow the 3h 45min balloon, hopefully at least to 30 km. From there on I just have to wait and see how my legs are on the day.

So if you need some company while running, just come over and lets do some miles

BTW I’ve not updated my training log with all my trainings from the Easter holiday, did a 22.93 km on the trainer with an average 185 watts – had good legs that day. Log will be up dated tonight.

2007-04-11 4:59 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hey guys,

Thanks for the kick in the butt. It's been a little cold here so I went to the gym last night and did 60 minutes on the spin bike while my girlfriend did her excerise class. She wanted to go to the grocery store afterward (I hate grocery shopping) so I decided to run the 4 miles home from the gym. Now, I'm feeling great!!!
Thanks for helping me get back on track. I think I might even run a local 10K this weekend.

One funny story......I've had this headache for about 3 days that nothing would help. Well, it was gone last night and I slept like a baby all night. I guess training is a good stress reliever.

Hans, I wish I could make it over to do some miles with you. I don't train with anybody so it does get a little lonely.
2007-04-11 6:29 AM
in reply to: #756510

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I have to say this out loud---I leave for Albuquerque, NM today at 2:30pm for my brother-in-law's goal while I am gone is to run twice and swim once. I know that Wednesday is OUT for anything physical at all (I got to work at 6:30am and I'm leaving straight from here to land in ABQ at 10:30pm) but I have Thurs, Fri, and Sat to get some training in. I'm looking at it as an opportunity to train at high altitude (5,280 at the lowest part of the city that I'll be in!). I have only 45 minutes worth of layover at DFW to get to my connecting flight, and I've vowed not to count that 45 minute sprint as a run!

I'm quite sure that I won't have time to get to the internet, but I hope so, because as stupid as it may sound, entering my workouts in the training log is very motivating!

Now that I've UN-internalized those thoughts I think I'm more likely to get it done!!

2007-04-11 2:47 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Mandi have a safe trip and enjoy stocking up on the extra red blood cells.

2007-04-11 10:06 PM
in reply to: #669112


Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hi everyone! I have been sick this whole week, so finally made it to the gym tonight to meet w/my trainer despite still not being 100%. I do feel better after working out though and I agree w/the rest of the group- sometimes you just have to make yourself go workout and you'll get over the blah feeling. One thing I read recently said to pay attention to your body though and commit to just going and doing 10 minutes and if you're still not feeling good after that, then leave and don't push it. Your body could be telling you to take a break, but most times you'll get the blood pumping and feel like continuing on.

Just got my "Freestyle made easy" dvd and am anxious to visualize swimming faster and easier!! Ciao!
Have a great training week!

Edited by eroberts 2007-04-11 10:07 PM
2007-04-13 4:17 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full

Yesterday I was in the pool with my personal coach. After the warm up it was time to pay attention. Didn’t do a lot of laps, instead we tried to do some drills. I was swimming, he was watching.
First 8 x 25 m kick - my kick was fine, he said. But it’s quite hard to use legs in another way than running.
Then 8 x 25 m arms with pull-boy - totally wrong! My hand was entering the water wrongly, didn’t reach enough forward, didn’t pull enough backwards and didn’t pull correctly. Did I miss something?
He corrected me and I tried the new way, what an improvement! He insisted in only doing 25 m at a time, keeping up the technique is more important than doing at lot of laps. When I got tired my technique was dropping. We continued for 30 min more, but the 2 long runs earlier this week was still in my legs.

It’s still hard to crawl for long distance; I definitely need some more upper body muscles and more practice. He showed me some drills for strengths training of arms and chest.
Next time in the pool I have to concentrate on my arms; next thing will be my breath, head position and flip-turns. Then I need to do a lot of laps. I also need to practice in my wetsuit in a nearby lake, the swimming in my first tri will by in the ocean. Water temperature in June will be around 14-16°C (~60°F). I also got hold of the bike route for my first tri, fairly hilly and demanding. 7 laps of 5.5km (40km total) each laps have 85m (280 feet) climbing. Running route though, is totally flat.

I will take it easy for the next few days, on Sunday I have the last long run, 25 km.

2007-04-13 5:49 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Great job Hans.
I am a novice swimmer also. The best thing about learning the correct technique is that you really want to get back to the pool and train more because you know there will be improvements each time.
When I first started in January I could barely do 50 meters without being out of breath. Yesterday I did my first 1500 m non stop and at a faster pace than I was doing for just 50 m back in January.
Keep with it. You'll be amazed how quickly you improve.

Erica, I'm using the Freestyle Made Easy video and it's made a big difference.

On another note. I want to thank you guys for being part of this group. Because of your encouragement I am out of my funk and back to training.

Have a great weekend.
2007-04-16 3:54 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Wooooo's 4:45am on Monday and out the door for a workout.
How is everyone else doing????
2007-04-16 4:19 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Steve I am tired just thinking about it. Have a good session.

2007-04-16 5:47 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hans check out the conditions for the Boston marathon, it is perfect for you.(cold/rainy) How you do it I cannot understand. 2wks to go! Are you feeling good?
2007-04-18 5:59 AM
in reply to: #762533

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hi there

I’m feeling fine!

I just got back from 2 days at the Hannover fair in Germany. Hannover is about 200km south of Hamburg. The weather was super, 27°C (80°F) and even warm at night. The weather in Hamburg was only a few degrees colder. I’m really looking forward to the race now. But I’m back in the cold Denmark again. This week will be a bit rainy and a lot of wind in the next couple of days.

Friday I had my bike on the road for the first time. Did a few meters up and down the road. When I came back to the house, the whole family was watching when I unclipped one foot from the pedal – and fell to the other side, my first crash after only 100 meters. Well, nothing happened to me or the bike. I’m truly a beginner :-)
Saturday I tried again. This time I did not crash. Did a small trip of about 18 km, it was nice to feel the wind at last. The bike rides well; I still find it at bit hard to ride in the aero position. I have been using a lot of time on the bike lately, so it was nice to finally get it on the road. When the marathon in Hamburg is over, its time to get some long rides.

Sunday I had a 25 km planned, but due to time limitations, I only did 12.5 km. I had to go to my nephew’s confirmation and get ready for the fair in Germany. I did my running early, to early after breakfast, as wasn’t felling on top for the whole training. To night I will have a run again, just to get those lazy legs moving again.

Now there are only 11 days left and its time to stepping down the training. The next days will be 10 and 15 km and the last week only a couple of 5 km.

Best regards
2007-04-18 9:27 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hans you now are an official cyclist. Everyone I know has fallen like that. Hurts the pride much more than the body. I did it twice just to be sure I had it out of my system. Sounds like the legs are ready. Can't wait to see how it goes for you. Keep focused and don't get hurt.
Have a good training week.
2007-04-18 11:30 AM
in reply to: #766207

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I was laughing when I was lying on the ground, it didn’t hurt my pride. I’m glad that part of cycling is over.

This time I won’t get hurt or injured before my marathon. 3 weeks before my first marathon I was bragging to my daughter that I could walk on my hands. I told her to stand back as I was 25 years ago I last did it. But I could! Did walk to the end of the living room and back, and then smashed my foot down in a chair when I was coming down. I didn’t break my toe, but I was crippled for a day or two. The foot was twice as thick as normal for a week. At the marathon I could feel the injury, but it didn’t limit my run. At 18 km I forgot all about the toe. Now – a year later the toe is still not in its normal position, but I have no problems with it.

2007-04-22 11:28 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hans, I did that the very first time I took my bike out. I had practiced clipping and un-clipping on a spin bike at the gym for a week before I took my new bike out. I was doing great and decided to stop near some nice looking girls sitting on a bench. I came to a stop near them and put one foot down, took out my water bottle and took a drink. Then I went to swing my other foot over to get off the bike. Well, I forgot to un-clip the other foot and fell right over almost on top of them. Needless to say I got out there pretty quick.

It's been a great weekend here in MD. How is everyone else doing?

Mandi, how was your trip?

2007-04-22 2:53 PM
in reply to: #771774

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I've been AWOL from the fitness world this week.

I had a great, but very emotional time in Albuquerque. We left there 2 years ago, and the family kind of held it against us that we hated living in their hometown. My husband's aunt and uncle were in a horrible car accident right after we left, and we weren't there with the rest of the family through the hospital stays and rehab. Talk about feeling helpless. We really hadn't talked to anyone but my husband's parents, so we were anticipating a not-so-welcome homecoming. We ended up rekindling all of the relationships that we had left there, and it was as if 2 years hadn't elapsed.

I guess the emotions and the subsequent return to my ridiculously stressful job left me in a minor state of depression for the last week. I woke up today feeling good and happy for the first time in a week.

I finally got off my @$$ and went to the gym today, and I feel really good. I also ran w/ a heart monitor for the first time, which was really an eye opener!

I've really got to get back on it with my first tri is in less than a month!! Thank god its a short one!

2007-04-23 4:26 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Mandi welcome back. Glad to hear that your are refreshed and back at it. A break is always nice for the mind and the body.
2007-04-25 5:51 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hans have a great race this weekend. Look forward to hearing how it went. Gook luck!
2007-04-25 2:50 PM
in reply to: #775580

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Thanks Rob

I really look forward to the race now. The weather will be perfect, not to hot and not to cold.
The start is at 9:00 am, my group at 9:05. Temperature at 9 am will be around 14°C (57°F) and up to 22°C (72°F) at 1 pm and only very little wind. The sun will be out all day - I just love the blue sky.

My girlfriend and I will travel down to Hamburg Friday evening. Saturday I will have a short run at 11 am, just to check out the weather. This will be my first run this year in T-shirt and shorts.

My priorities for my second marathon are:
1. Enjoy the race
2. Complete
3. Running all the way
4. Within 4 hours
And of cause not get injured

Look out for #13292. I let you know how it went.


2007-04-25 3:04 PM
in reply to: #776472

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Sounds like perfect weather!!

Good luck!

2007-04-30 2:37 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hi all

I back from Germany. What a wonderful trip :-)
The weather was perfect, sun and blue sky, but some wind.
A complete race report will come Wednesday, are a bit busy Monday and Tuesday.

But I did it! In 3:58:02

Regards Hans
2007-04-30 3:13 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Great job Hans.

I can't wait to read your race report.

2007-04-30 5:59 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Nice Hans. Also look forward to the race report
2007-05-02 10:48 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I just finish my race report, it's a bit long.

Picture will come later today

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