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2007-07-31 7:49 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Hi Peeps:

Here is the race report from Du Nationals - Had a good overall race - always want to go faster... got 4th in age group - happy w/ overall result.


2007-07-31 8:26 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

wow!!  You make me wanna run like a girl, LOL.   Your speed is awesome.  very impressive.

I've been plodding along here but have been skimpy on posting.  Not much other than running right now but Sunday we're gonna ride theour next half course.  I gotta get back to the water. 


2007-07-31 8:28 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

You should figure your max - from that you can get your LT - many of the formula's set the Heart Rates too low. Also as your fitness increases you will be able to run faster and longer in lower zones. I ran a hard 5 mile race - to get my max - it's my base line and then I was able to get the Lactate Thresold number - that's what you want to know -in races you stay just under LT(LT # 189). My max is way over that 220- age.
My zones - to give you an example -
192 max (just raised the bar and hit 195 - in Buffalo race) You can get a higher number
Z1 - 150-159
Z2- 160-169
Z3- 170-178
Z4- 179-187
Z5- 188-194

Most of my training is z-1-z2 -- I do pick ups and tempo runs z-3 (little in z4)
Races are done in z-4 to 5

Bottom line is everyone is different - you z-1/2 runs should be comfortable but not that slow... I'm thinking you zones should be higher based on the max!!


Edited by michlmead 2007-07-31 8:31 AM
2007-07-31 9:58 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I know my max to be at least 206. When I was hyperthyroid, I frequently hit my max, and 206 was the highest number I saw. My endocrinologist (and other info I have read) tells me that max heart rate is genetic and fixed, decreasing maybe 1% a year. So, it would not change now that my thyroid is under control. I put my max heart rate and my resting heart rate of 47 into the calculator at and came up with the following zones:

z1 - 127-143
z2 - 143-159
z3 - 159-175
z4 - 175-191
z5 - 191-206

So, according to these zones, I ran this morning's run correctly if not a bit too hard. Previously, most of my runs were in z3 with some forays into z4. Maybe I am not as fit as I thought! I guess I will be able to run faster in each zone as I get fitter and with more training. Do you suggest I stay with my new training plan approach or go back to the z3 training? This was an endurance run - other runs include pick-ups/tempo/intervals into z4-z5, so I am not just supposed to stay low/slow for all runs.

I had read somewhere that runs in z3 are sort of "junk" miles and you should run either slower than you intend to race or do speed work/tempo runs.

Sorry for the long messages, but I am trying to figure out this zone training thing.
2007-07-31 10:23 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Based on all that... the range you have is large - I do some Sub zone 1 runs (not very often) 140-149.

I would try and use my heart rate zones for your runs - Z 3 - are not junk miles that's my speed and tempo work - I'm a believer in Long Slow Distance - tends to make Long Slow runners. That's why most marathoners get slower - they teach the body that doing lots of long runs.

Doing bricks that last 2 seasons - has made me faster with no speed work and not beating up my body. The high turnover from the bike cadence translated well for me to get faster on the runs. I have not done any track workouts in 2 years. It's all been Run/Bike/Run. Sooo that formula has worked well for me.

Building a consistant base is the most important tool when starting out and then moving up in distance - That's the best way to stay injury free - I always listen to the body... If you pace feels too slow in the really low zones - try mine and see how they work over a few weeks!! When I first started - z1 felt comfortable - but i did feel like I was working out.

Now it's harder to get to Z-3 - I have to run hard and fast to get it to stay in the zone.

HAVE fun!!

2007-07-31 10:50 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Thanks, Michelle - this is very helpful. Glad to hear you agree about long, slow training making long, slow runners - that was one of my fears. I will try your zone ranges and see how they work for me. I think that would have me running pretty close to my previous pace. This new training plan has a bit more speed and tempo work in it, so I am excited to try that out. I had taken a break from that sort of training in the first half of the year since my heart rate was at its max every time I looked down at my monitor! Now that I am back to normal, I can re-introduce speed work. I agree on the bricks - my 10k time in the NYC triathlon (50:53) was pretty darn close to my 10k PR time, so I have to think I have gotten faster in an open 10k. And, after the bricks I did in training, my legs felt surprisingly good when I got off the bike started my run.

2007-07-31 12:18 PM
in reply to: #818033

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
IMWI training camp overview

Myself, three training mates, 15 other Moo competitors went with three coaches, a bike mechanic, two message therapists and a support crew. Backgrounds ranged from multi IM, Kona competitors to IM novices like myself.

First day was a bit hectic but we did a short bike, swim and run and got to know each other a bit. Mainly got our bearings and made sure our bikes were in order for big ride tomorrow. That evening we got some dinner and had a seminar on race registration and setup (i.e. transitions, etc)

Second day was one lap of the IMWI course. Course is out to a loop, two laps of the loop and then back. We essentially got two looks at the entire course and boy am I glad I did. There's nary a flat spot on the entire length of it. It's got it all...slow inclines that look flat, rollers, fast downhills and some steep climbs (for a MN boy). My mates and I were some of the strongest riders in the group. We rested after and had a seminar on IM nutrition.

Third day was a 45 min OWS in the area of the actual course. The cool thing is that it was done at the time that the actual race would take place so we got a good idea of where the sun would be, etc. Following the swim we went an ran one loop of the marathon course. Course is pretty flat with only a couple inclines and what I'd consider one hill. All bumps will feel like hills come race day! After the run we had a seminar on the mental side of IM and how detrimental negative thoughts are as well as how important it is to break the race into chunks smaller than just the swim/bike/run. Each facet should be broken up into sub-facets so in the event something happens along the way we'll be prepared (i.e. mechanical probs, forgot to hydrate, etc).

Overall I think it was very informative and contained some priceless info.

Day of rest feels mighty good today.

Have a great week folks!

2007-07-31 3:03 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Wow... Good to see everyone's active. I saw my coach today to work on the next 3 weeks leading to the Westpoint TRi.

She wants me taking short strides with NO heel striking keeping my strides at 90 per minute minimum but push to 100 if I can. She doesn't think this will be an issue as my cycling cadence is very high.

The tri is Aug 19th.... ooohhh, scary monsters....

Eric J
2007-08-01 6:34 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
As per my Coach's instructions and new system of running;

I ran after work today: 16:37. The distance turned out to be just shy of 2 miles so the time was very good relative to me. approx 8:20/mile AWESOME!

I kept an avg cadence of 90 but frequently hit 100 for several minutes at a time but tuned it down to bring my HR back in line. My avg HR was 151 but I maxed at 164 at one point.

The short stride high cadence running seemed to work my legs differently and so far the knees feel fine, what a relief. A couple times I felt the urge to kick but held back and started getting used to this new system of running...

Eric J
2007-08-01 7:48 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
GREAT RUNNING ERIC!! That's how i do it too!! Glad to see the high cadence is working for you... some folks on this board like to debate that issue - IMO High cadence is the ticket for faster running!!


2007-08-02 8:38 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Ran my first speed workout since turning the corner with my thyroid disease this morning. It felt great to get my legs moving quickly on the run again! I need to be careful not to overdo it, but sticking with my plan should help.

I also wanted to say a big GOOD LUCK to Michelle on her first HIM this weekend! I can't wait to hear about it since I hope to do one in 2008.

Anyone else racing this weekend?

2007-08-02 8:49 AM
in reply to: #910441

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
michlmead - 2007-08-01 7:48 PM

GREAT RUNNING ERIC!! That's how i do it too!! Glad to see the high cadence is working for you... some folks on this board like to debate that issue - IMO High cadence is the ticket for faster running!!



The high cadence running seems to be a natural for me since my cycling strength is, well, high People can argue if they want but my coach is one of the highest ranked amatuers in the world and was just invited to compete in the World Championships in Hamburg Germany. She advocates short stride high cadence....

Good luck Saturday, very exciting!

Eric J
2007-08-02 8:49 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

CHECKING IN.   Just traded my Garmin 101 in for a 305-whooo hoo!!  If anyone's looking-great deal, $219 at, free shipping.  Go to powerbarom and sign up for the newsletter (make sure you have pop ups allowed) and a $50 rebate form will pop up.  Plus I had a $25 gift card so it was only $144!!!


2007-08-02 8:49 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

CHECKING IN.   Just traded my Garmin 101 in for a 305-whooo hoo!!  If anyone's looking-great deal, $219 at, free shipping.  Go to powerbarom and sign up for the newsletter (make sure you have pop ups allowed) and a $50 rebate form will pop up.  Plus I had a $25 gift card so it was only $144!!!


2007-08-02 8:53 AM
in reply to: #910774

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
jgz_tarheel - 2007-08-02 8:38 AM

Ran my first speed workout since turning the corner with my thyroid disease this morning. It felt great to get my legs moving quickly on the run again! I need to be careful not to overdo it, but sticking with my plan should help.

I also wanted to say a big GOOD LUCK to Michelle on her first HIM this weekend! I can't wait to hear about it since I hope to do one in 2008.

Anyone else racing this weekend?

Tar- Good to hear. I hear you about holding back. My instructions for last night's run were simple; 15-18 minutes, no higher than 155 HR and short strides w/ 9o mini cadence and NO heel strike.

Well I did the two miles in 16+ and felt so good I was about to go for another when I heard her voice in my head saying, "Don't you do it!" and thankfully I listened and feel better for it....

Eric J
2007-08-02 9:53 AM
in reply to: #818033

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
No racing for me till IMWI in Sept.

With respect to cadence: I'm a proponent of short strides, high cadence. I've got one half right - I get the short strides! High cadence...that's another story.

Garmin: Congrats on the new toy! A friend of mine who is also doing IMWI is wondering what he'll do without his garmin as it's battery 'only' lasts 9 hrs. He'll be lost partway through the run but I'm sure he'll muddle through.

2007-08-02 12:54 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
snip>>A friend of mine who is also doing IMWI is wondering what he'll do without his garmin as it's battery 'only' lasts 9 hrs.

Now that's funny!

Eric J
2007-08-02 1:08 PM
in reply to: #818033

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I told him he should platoon two garmins; Put one on in T1 for the bike and the other in T2 for the run.

2007-08-02 2:59 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Finally got in my first swim today. Stats are in my log. It felt great but wiped me out. Tooka me a while to get the rythm but it started falling into place about halfway in. I tried several techniques: 4 stroke/breathe for endurance, 6 stroke/breathe to rest, and rolling stroke/breathe to sprint...

Felt that I rested more than I wanted to but being my first swim in, I don't know... 12 years...

Slept a bit and now its a 30 miler on the bike....

Eric J
2007-08-02 3:06 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Got in the pool a couple of times over these past few days. I'm not going to be racing for awhile, so I'm just focusing on racking up swim laps, runs, and miles biked.
2007-08-02 10:46 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Nice going Allie & Eric - Swimming still takes it out of me - I've been in since Dec... so keep plugging away. I'm looking forward to having some base for next year!! It's got to be like running - unless you're a genetic swim freak... takes time to get fast!!

Heading out @ 7:00 - for Benton Harbor got all the stuff packed and double/tripled checked
I pack all my stuff in a pink princess box - yes w/ princesses on it... i get flack from everyone LOL...

2007-08-03 9:45 AM
in reply to: #911975

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Good luck this weekend Michelle. Your strong training regimen will carry you through. I look forward hearing the full skinny when you get back.

Next week is my peak week of IMWI training so I'll be resting up this weekend.
2007-08-04 9:49 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Hi everyone,

Good luck to those racing this weekend!

Just this year I started swimming, so I have a ton of questions. When I do drills where I focus on my breathing, I usually exhale through my mouth, but I read an article where the writer mentioned exhaling through your nose. Is one way better than the other?

2007-08-04 3:26 PM
in reply to: #913367

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I exhale fully through my mouth prior to inhaling. As opposed to exhaling continuously after inhaling.
2007-08-09 7:05 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Swam 1500 yards in good time kwwping my HR low-ish. I'm getting the rythm back from my long gone campetition swimming days. I'm now enjoying the swimming and look forward to each swim session.

The running's been coming along with my coach's supervision. I am really getting psyched for my first triathlon on the 19th. The dedication to training has really energized me...

Had a short bout of anxiety this morning but can't wait!

Just had to express that...

Eric J
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