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2011-06-06 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3534652

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-06-06 11:05 AM

To MRI or not to MRI ($600)? The past week my knee has started to get sore on the lower lateral side. It actually feels totally normal when I'm working out, but as soon as I stop, it's painful. I'm thinking a solid week of good stretching/icing, and then maybe go see the doc? Anyone have similar experiences where the pain is only evident when you're NOT working out?

I had the same sort of thing in my groin/hip area. It would be fine while I was working out and then hurt after I was done or the next morning. I went on a strict "ice after every run" even short easy ones for about two weeks and that seemed to take care of the issue for me. I think it was some kind of tendonitis issue. Hope you work out the problem without the MRI!

2011-06-06 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3534254

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JoePetto - 2011-06-06 8:02 AM

My 10 mile run Saturday allowed me to get my head on straight.  I'm back on the horse and focused for this coming up Sunday.  Can't freakin' wait!!!

Has anyone had to rack their bikes the night before the race?  If so, what did you about inflating your tires the day of the race?  Did you lug your pump?

Hey glad to here you are back on track! The taper weeks are rough. Good luck this weekend! As far as the tires, I have not had to rack the night before but I would say either bring a pump or visit the mech tent in the morning. They are always pumping tires for people!

2011-06-06 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV - Race is Sunday.  Had two MRIs on my knees in the last 18 mos - one showed a full tear of the medial meniscus (which required surgery/scope and rehab) and the other showed bursitis (which I treated with lots of PT and ice).  The meniscus injury hurt all the time and couldn't run on it. The bursitis only bugged me when I wasn't working out. For a type A personality like me, I needed to know what was up.  Which side of the knee hurts (inner or outer)?

Edited by JoePetto 2011-06-06 12:30 PM
2011-06-06 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Thank you to those of you that raced this weekend and continue to inspire everyone! When you share the ups and downs of your journey with all of us, it's so very inspiring to those that are still training, still doubting, still freaking out, still hoping for the best. YOU are what makes BT such an awesome place!
2011-06-06 10:10 PM
in reply to: #3533565

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kathy caribe - 2011-06-05 5:17 PM

popsracer - 2011-06-05 1:14 AM Things went great today. I really wanted to beat my time from two years ago but was 12 minutes off that. I was still very happy given that a year and a half ago I started my training after major cancer surgery with walking to the door of my hospital room and back. It was ten feet. I had a tear in my eye as I finished because I was given such a great gift of a second chance. We are so lucky to do what we do. The swim was nuts. They increased the field to 1800 and compressed the start line. People were hanging way back from the start line so I figured what the heck I do not want to take a minute just to get to the start so I took front row middle. I thought it was a gutsy call but it worked out pretty well. There were so many people in the water that it didn't do any good to sight. You had to just go with the flow. I know it cost me because I had a good, strong swim and was about 41:30 after very comfortable 38's in the pool. Very long transition area so had planned to be on the bike in 45, was there in 47. Was pretty pleased with that. The bike is tough. A 5 mile climb to the turn around. Found a gear I liked and powered up very comfortably. The winds were blowing but could have been worse. Decided on the way back to preserve everything I could for the run since I have not been running well. Just coasted down all the rollers. Was off the bike in 4 hours which was pretty close to my goal. The run here is the toughest you will find anywhere. It is like a cross country coarse with all the ups and downs as you run throughout and around a golf course and the resort area. Much of the course is going down the middle of undulating fairways and on golf cart paths. The sun just cooks you. There were parts were I felt like my shoulders were being microwaved. I had planned to walk for a minute after every mile but I threw that out as I stratagized my run in the latter stages of the bike. I knew the run would be tough so I left my Garmin in my T2 bag so that I would just listen to my body and not worry about how slow I was going to be. The run/walk was replaced immediately with the death shuffle. My run was so slow that I just switched to the steady shuffle. My pacing was very slow but my splits were very consistent and I didn't walk at all. I thought about you all often on the run and it was a great inspiration to me. I wish I could buy you all a beer. God bless.

YAY!!!  SO HAPPY for you!  Our field was only 500 athletes but then again this is only the 2nd HIM in the entire country so not a bad turnout.  Actually there were more as we had revelos also.

We had coke on course but NOT defizzed!!!  Ack!    We also had people along the route, just private citizens handing out oranges, some INCREDIBLE concoction that I wish I knew what it was and freezing cold water.  it was incredible!   They had a fire truck at one end of the run that doused us with water and a water tunnel.  They had ICE COLD water at each and every run stop food station and towards the 2nd half of the run (it was a 2-loop course) the volunteers were DUMPING freezing cold water on us.  It Was Amazing!  I had such a great time but was doing 9 min run 45s-1min run and by the last 5 km or so it was dissolving quickly into a death shuffle - I know exactly what you were talking about.  I actually got taken to the med tent after as I couldn't stop shaking but after some Electrolit I was fine again.  The race organizers imported some salt tablets (you can't get them here) but I only took 1 on the bike and couldn't find the other 2 they handed out at entrega de paquetes so I'm guessing it was an electrolyte issue.

Congratulations!  I think we'll spend another night here to finally enjoy the area.    Hope you have a good flight home.  You doing an IM next?  All day today I'd be thinking "The IM is going to be 2x this...."  Sigh. 

So happy for both of you. I was thinking of you both all weekend. Your races both sound awesome! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for sprinklers and ice baths at my race but I'm afraid I'll be SOL!

Congratulations again. You two have been very inspiring to read about on this thread!

2011-06-06 10:57 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Extreme Veteran
Harbor City/Torrance/Carson
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Good job to all who raced this weekend!!!!

To those racing this weekend, good luck!!!  Go kick some triathlon a$$!  And have fun of course Laughing

2011-06-07 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Woz and Joe - Thanks for the thoughts regarding my knee.

Joe - I also tend to want to know what's going on regardless ..... we only get ony body right! Still, at $600 for the MRI (to meet my deductible), I'm willing to give it some ice time to rule out bursitis or another tendonitis-like inflamation issue. The pain is isolated to the front lower lateral part of my knee; just outside my patellar tendon, and kind of wraps around the outside of the knee. It's not at all tender to the touch.

I've started to ice first thing when I wake up, after my morning workout, after my afternoon stretch and before going to bed. We'll see how it feels a week from now. As far as I can tell I've lost no strength or endurance. I actually just had a real good bike run brick this morning!

POPS and KATHY - Nice job again on your recent races! I thought about you both during the later half of my run brick today :-)

2011-06-07 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3536555

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-06-07 8:20 AM

Woz and Joe - Thanks for the thoughts regarding my knee.

Joe - I also tend to want to know what's going on regardless ..... we only get ony body right! Still, at $600 for the MRI (to meet my deductible), I'm willing to give it some ice time to rule out bursitis or another tendonitis-like inflamation issue. The pain is isolated to the front lower lateral part of my knee; just outside my patellar tendon, and kind of wraps around the outside of the knee. It's not at all tender to the touch.

I've started to ice first thing when I wake up, after my morning workout, after my afternoon stretch and before going to bed. We'll see how it feels a week from now. As far as I can tell I've lost no strength or endurance. I actually just had a real good bike run brick this morning!

POPS and KATHY - Nice job again on your recent races! I thought about you both during the later half of my run brick today :-)

You might also try a foam roller to work out the knots in your leg. I had a similar pain when I began to increase bike/run mileage. I worked my thigh and IT band on the foam roller, had a deep tissue massage and one ART treatment. I have not had any more trouble out of it. My IT band never really hurt. The pain was in my knee but the tightness and knots were in my IT band. Just something else to try before you fork over 600 bucks! 

2011-06-08 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
I'm there and ready to race on Sunday.  During the time away from training over this two week taper, I've been working out lots of conflicting emotions, but am now in a really great place.  On Sunday, I will have the opportunity to recognize a goal that I have dedicated countless hours of physical and emotional energy and a goal, which 12 months ago, would have seemed impossible. I have prepared myself as best I can for Sunday's effort and I will leave everything I have in me on that course.  Will I be nervous, scared, filled with self-doubt - of course.  But that's part of feeling alive.  We spend so much time wrapped up in our own and others' pursuits, stories, drama, etc. that sometimes we forget what it feels like to live in the moment. At various points this week, I've stopped to "smell the roses" and think about what Sunday means to me.  It is not about times, splits, MPH, pace, it is about seizing the moment and being (hopefully) in control of an outcome.  It is all on me Sunday and I can't wait.
2011-06-08 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

You go Joe!!! It will be an amazing day :-)

2011-06-08 10:03 AM
in reply to: #3538508

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

JoePetto - 2011-06-08 8:16 AM I'm there and ready to race on Sunday.  During the time away from training over this two week taper, I've been working out lots of conflicting emotions, but am now in a really great place.  On Sunday, I will have the opportunity to recognize a goal that I have dedicated countless hours of physical and emotional energy and a goal, which 12 months ago, would have seemed impossible. I have prepared myself as best I can for Sunday's effort and I will leave everything I have in me on that course.  Will I be nervous, scared, filled with self-doubt - of course.  But that's part of feeling alive.  We spend so much time wrapped up in our own and others' pursuits, stories, drama, etc. that sometimes we forget what it feels like to live in the moment. At various points this week, I've stopped to "smell the roses" and think about what Sunday means to me.  It is not about times, splits, MPH, pace, it is about seizing the moment and being (hopefully) in control of an outcome.  It is all on me Sunday and I can't wait.

Joe - Have a great race this weekend and savour each and every moment, you deserve it!!

Best wishes.


2011-06-09 12:56 AM
in reply to: #3538508

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JoePetto - 2011-06-08 8:16 AM

I'm there and ready to race on Sunday.  During the time away from training over this two week taper, I've been working out lots of conflicting emotions, but am now in a really great place.  On Sunday, I will have the opportunity to recognize a goal that I have dedicated countless hours of physical and emotional energy and a goal, which 12 months ago, would have seemed impossible. I have prepared myself as best I can for Sunday's effort and I will leave everything I have in me on that course.  Will I be nervous, scared, filled with self-doubt - of course.  But that's part of feeling alive.  We spend so much time wrapped up in our own and others' pursuits, stories, drama, etc. that sometimes we forget what it feels like to live in the moment. At various points this week, I've stopped to "smell the roses" and think about what Sunday means to me.  It is not about times, splits, MPH, pace, it is about seizing the moment and being (hopefully) in control of an outcome.  It is all on me Sunday and I can't wait.

My thoughts and prayers will be with you Joe.
2011-06-09 6:12 AM
in reply to: #3538508

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

JoePetto - 2011-06-08 8:16 AM I'm there and ready to race on Sunday.  During the time away from training over this two week taper, I've been working out lots of conflicting emotions, but am now in a really great place.  On Sunday, I will have the opportunity to recognize a goal that I have dedicated countless hours of physical and emotional energy and a goal, which 12 months ago, would have seemed impossible. I have prepared myself as best I can for Sunday's effort and I will leave everything I have in me on that course.  Will I be nervous, scared, filled with self-doubt - of course.  But that's part of feeling alive.  We spend so much time wrapped up in our own and others' pursuits, stories, drama, etc. that sometimes we forget what it feels like to live in the moment. At various points this week, I've stopped to "smell the roses" and think about what Sunday means to me.  It is not about times, splits, MPH, pace, it is about seizing the moment and being (hopefully) in control of an outcome.  It is all on me Sunday and I can't wait.

No worries, you are ready! Have a great race!

2011-06-09 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Grr, I'm having trouble ramping up my training, seems my 49-yr. old body isn't recovering as quickly as I would like.  I'm trying to gingerly start up my running after a break to (hopefully) recover from some neuroma.  For the first time ever, I got some mild knee irritation during my last bike ride, and last night my knees were irritated going down stairs. 

I guess part of it is getting enough sleep adjusting to the 5:30 AM Masters I started this week.

So today is a rest day.

I just hope I can ramp up enough to get some volume in soon, my planned HIM is Oct. 8.


Edit: Whoa, had to change that to 49-yr. old body, not 39-yr. old (talk about wishful thinking!!!)

Edited by windandsurf 2011-06-09 8:56 AM
2011-06-09 7:44 AM
in reply to: #3538508

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Waterloo, IL
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

JoePetto - 2011-06-08 8:16 AM I'm there and ready to race on Sunday.  During the time away from training over this two week taper, I've been working out lots of conflicting emotions, but am now in a really great place.  On Sunday, I will have the opportunity to recognize a goal that I have dedicated countless hours of physical and emotional energy and a goal, which 12 months ago, would have seemed impossible. I have prepared myself as best I can for Sunday's effort and I will leave everything I have in me on that course.  Will I be nervous, scared, filled with self-doubt - of course.  But that's part of feeling alive.  We spend so much time wrapped up in our own and others' pursuits, stories, drama, etc. that sometimes we forget what it feels like to live in the moment. At various points this week, I've stopped to "smell the roses" and think about what Sunday means to me.  It is not about times, splits, MPH, pace, it is about seizing the moment and being (hopefully) in control of an outcome.  It is all on me Sunday and I can't wait.

Thanks Joe.  As I am preparing for IMKs 70.3, I really needed to read your post.  My nerves have been all over the place this week.  I really struggled with the tapering and felt like I should be doing more. 

I am looking forward to arrive at the race site and just enjoying being around my fellow athletes.  I am looking forward to sharing the experience with my wife and telling my kids about it afterwards. 

2011-06-09 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3538508

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Extreme Veteran
PaaMul QRoo, MX
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

JoePetto - 2011-06-08 8:16 AM I'm there and ready to race on Sunday.  During the time away from training over this two week taper, I've been working out lots of conflicting emotions, but am now in a really great place.  On Sunday, I will have the opportunity to recognize a goal that I have dedicated countless hours of physical and emotional energy and a goal, which 12 months ago, would have seemed impossible. I have prepared myself as best I can for Sunday's effort and I will leave everything I have in me on that course.  Will I be nervous, scared, filled with self-doubt - of course.  But that's part of feeling alive.  We spend so much time wrapped up in our own and others' pursuits, stories, drama, etc. that sometimes we forget what it feels like to live in the moment. At various points this week, I've stopped to "smell the roses" and think about what Sunday means to me.  It is not about times, splits, MPH, pace, it is about seizing the moment and being (hopefully) in control of an outcome.  It is all on me Sunday and I can't wait.

YAY!  you go Joe!  I'm finding about a week after my race that I'm really starting to realize it IS an accomplishment!

2011-06-09 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3540331

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Extreme Veteran
PaaMul QRoo, MX
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
windandsurf - 2011-06-09 7:43 AM

Grr, I'm having trouble ramping up my training, seems my 39-yr. old body isn't recovering as quickly as I would like.  I'm trying to gingerly start up my running after a break to (hopefully) recover from some neuroma.  For the first time ever, I got some mild knee irritation during my last bike ride, and last night my knees were irritated going down stairs. 

I guess part of it is getting enough sleep adjusting to the 5:30 AM Masters I started this week.

So today is a rest day.

I just hope I can ramp up enough to get some volume in soon, my planned HIM is Oct. 8.

My 50 year old body felt the same when I started but I definitely got used to the load.  I had a couple injuries but I'd say I stopped noticing the recovery issues about 1/2 way through the plan.  It will get a lot better.

2011-06-09 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3540445

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kathy caribe - 2011-06-09 9:37 AM
windandsurf - 2011-06-09 7:43 AM

Grr, I'm having trouble ramping up my training, seems my 49-yr. old body isn't recovering as quickly as I would like.  I'm trying to gingerly start up my running after a break to (hopefully) recover from some neuroma.  For the first time ever, I got some mild knee irritation during my last bike ride, and last night my knees were irritated going down stairs. 

I guess part of it is getting enough sleep adjusting to the 5:30 AM Masters I started this week.

So today is a rest day.

I just hope I can ramp up enough to get some volume in soon, my planned HIM is Oct. 8.

My 50 year old body felt the same when I started but I definitely got used to the load.  I had a couple injuries but I'd say I stopped noticing the recovery issues about 1/2 way through the plan.  It will get a lot better.

Thanks, Kathy, for the words of encouragement.  It's been frustrating trying to keep up with the plan, as I've never had to pay such close attention listening to my body (49-yr. old, 39 was wishful thinking).  I guess I just do the best I can and back off, as needed, to avoid injury. 

2011-06-09 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

It's official - I suck at running - LOL :-)

I just have no power in my legs when I run. I guess I need to run more!

Did another 1.5 hour run today, basically the same one as on Sunday. Sunday I went like 8:15 average. Today was 8:45. Only difference was that on Sunday I woke up and ate a PB&Banana Bagel an hour and a half before the run. Today I woke up and had a PowerBar Gel and was out the door within 30 minutes. I guess these are the kind of comparisons that prove useful when developing a solid race day nutrition plan! I think I ate too much before my Oly a few weeks ago so I'm experimenting with morning nutrition before longer sessions. My Oly this Sunday will be another good test!

Hey Kathy and Pops - How did you feel on race day given the taper period of the plan? Do you think your body remembered what it was supposed to be doing? How was your endurance compared to the last few longer brick sessions of the plan?


2011-06-09 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3540331

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
windandsurf - 2011-06-09 7:43 AM

Grr, I'm having trouble ramping up my training, seems my 49-yr. old body isn't recovering as quickly as I would like.  I'm trying to gingerly start up my running after a break to (hopefully) recover from some neuroma.  For the first time ever, I got some mild knee irritation during my last bike ride, and last night my knees were irritated going down stairs. 

I guess part of it is getting enough sleep adjusting to the 5:30 AM Masters I started this week.

So today is a rest day.

I just hope I can ramp up enough to get some volume in soon, my planned HIM is Oct. 8.


Edit: Whoa, had to change that to 49-yr. old body, not 39-yr. old (talk about wishful thinking!!!)

I know how you feel as I only started running properly (i.e. correct cadence and stride = injury free) last November and this 48yr old body struggled initially with the increased training loads. However, the body definitely adapts over time, just don't push too hard too soon. I ice my knees regularly to keep any niggly aches at bay and use Hammer Recoverite drinks to fuel the body after those long strenuous days!!!!!!!! It works for me anyway!!

Hang in there Buddy!!!

2011-06-09 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3540581

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-06-09 9:24 AM

It's official - I suck at running - LOL :-)

I just have no power in my legs when I run. I guess I need to run more!

Did another 1.5 hour run today, basically the same one as on Sunday. Sunday I went like 8:15 average. Today was 8:45. Only difference was that on Sunday I woke up and ate a PB&Banana Bagel an hour and a half before the run. Today I woke up and had a PowerBar Gel and was out the door within 30 minutes. I guess these are the kind of comparisons that prove useful when developing a solid race day nutrition plan! I think I ate too much before my Oly a few weeks ago so I'm experimenting with morning nutrition before longer sessions. My Oly this Sunday will be another good test!

Hey Kathy and Pops - How did you feel on race day given the taper period of the plan? Do you think your body remembered what it was supposed to be doing? How was your endurance compared to the last few longer brick sessions of the plan?


Your body will remember. The adrenaline will kick in race morning as you feel the start time getting closer. Endurance should not be a problem as again the excitement and competition will draw you along. After all the training your body will be fine. It's your heads that messing with you. Taper week is when you start doubting yourself. You'll have times when you don't feel strong and you feel like you should be out training more but it'll all come back when the gun goes off.

2011-06-09 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Wow, very interesting to read all these posts & see people at all stages of the training plan.

Took a 3 day break at the beginning of this week. On Sunday, my right knee was bothering me. Not a sharp pain, but just a dull ache. Anyhow, I had trouble keeping the group's pace & fell back. It mostly hurt climbing and since I live in Vegas, there was a lot of climbing. So instead of doing 50 miles, I turned around early & did 30. Did something to my back too (not sure what) & didn't feel great on Monday, but still took my 3rd graders on an all day hiking trip (probably not the best way to rest). So I didn't do anything until today. Felt kinda guilty, but I see I have a long road ahead of me with all this training, so I figured better safe than sorry.  

I ran 40 mins today and had no pain at all in that knee, so hopefully it's not a big deal. I'm going to get back on the plan & see how it goes with my knee. Now that school is over, getting in the workouts will be a lot easier. Planning on early morning runs or trainer sessions before my husband goes to work & late afternoon swims a few times a week after he gets home. And of course doing the long weekend rides. The rest of the time I will get to hang out with my 3 kids as I am officially a SAHM for the next 10 weeks.

2011-06-09 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3540581

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Extreme Veteran
PaaMul QRoo, MX
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-06-09 9:24 AM

It's official - I suck at running - LOL :-)

I just have no power in my legs when I run. I guess I need to run more!

Did another 1.5 hour run today, basically the same one as on Sunday. Sunday I went like 8:15 average. Today was 8:45. Only difference was that on Sunday I woke up and ate a PB&Banana Bagel an hour and a half before the run. Today I woke up and had a PowerBar Gel and was out the door within 30 minutes. I guess these are the kind of comparisons that prove useful when developing a solid race day nutrition plan! I think I ate too much before my Oly a few weeks ago so I'm experimenting with morning nutrition before longer sessions. My Oly this Sunday will be another good test!

Hey Kathy and Pops - How did you feel on race day given the taper period of the plan? Do you think your body remembered what it was supposed to be doing? How was your endurance compared to the last few longer brick sessions of the plan?


I had one after another completely disastrous, awful, think of quitting workouts the week before taper.  I did not exactly follow the plan but did a little more running and cycling and each workout i'd think, "I AM NEVER going to be able to finish the HIM!"  I couldn't dial in my nutrition and I was running slowly and could not get my HR where the plan said it should be - the last week (before taper) was a TOTAL DISASTER.    Taper sucked.  If I couldn't do my usual load I didn't want to do anything but I did give it a half-hearted effort.  Looking at my logs, I think I did most of the last week except on travel days.

I had a GREAT HIM.    I was SURE I'd be sore and feeling awful on the bike after a week off long rides but the bike was SUPER EASY - I had a LOT left in the tank (and my HR was at LT for a good 1.5 hours, I had a hard time getting it under 140 (LT is 151) and eventually gave up) after bike and I'd never run more than 12 km and did 22.  I definitely went slow - bike was 3 hours and run just under 2:30 (I think) and total 6:22 but if I had covered the distance in running previous to the HIM I would have been more confident.  I was only hurting (hips) the last 6km but felt like I had the strength to do the distance.  It was a long day at the office and I was hurting the next 2 days (quads and hips) but I think that is more due to never going the run distance before.  I felt my endurance was good but again, I padded the cycling HEAVY throughout the plan and padded the 2nd to last week (definitely tapered but not as much as the plan wanted) and then tapered the week before the HIM.  I was really worried it was too much taper and the padding worked out for me, but dayum, I was TRASHED by taper week. 

2011-06-10 5:55 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Hello, going by the thread title, thought i'd drop in and see whats going on. I'm a tri-wannabee. I've never done a tri of any length but by the end of this year that should all have changed. I'm signed up for Beach 2 Battleship HIM in October and start the 1/2 Plan on Monday!... been using it kinda the last few weeks but not religously, that will start on Monday.

To be honest i havent read all 105 pages on this thread so i apologize in advance if i ask questions that have maybe been addressed previously

Looking forward to hopefully getting to know a few more fellow beginners

2011-06-10 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3541761

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
h9lfc - 2011-06-09 8:55 PM
windandsurf - 2011-06-09 7:43 AM

Grr, I'm having trouble ramping up my training, seems my 49-yr. old body isn't recovering as quickly as I would like.  I'm trying to gingerly start up my running after a break to (hopefully) recover from some neuroma.  For the first time ever, I got some mild knee irritation during my last bike ride, and last night my knees were irritated going down stairs. 

I guess part of it is getting enough sleep adjusting to the 5:30 AM Masters I started this week.

So today is a rest day.

I just hope I can ramp up enough to get some volume in soon, my planned HIM is Oct. 8.


Edit: Whoa, had to change that to 49-yr. old body, not 39-yr. old (talk about wishful thinking!!!)

I know how you feel as I only started running properly (i.e. correct cadence and stride = injury free) last November and this 48yr old body struggled initially with the increased training loads. However, the body definitely adapts over time, just don't push too hard too soon. I ice my knees regularly to keep any niggly aches at bay and use Hammer Recoverite drinks to fuel the body after those long strenuous days!!!!!!!! It works for me anyway!!

Hang in there Buddy!!!

Thanks for the advice.  Today I had to cut the Masters short because my left foot kept doing this on/off cramping thing ever since I woke up (I'm guessing used fins for too long on Wed.), icing it as I speak.

Kathy, congratulations on your race!!!  Did I read that right that you never ran more than 12 km in training?  If so, then I'm very much encouraged -- I was concerned about whether I'd be able to reach running 10 miles regularly in training, but setting a less punishing 12 km goal seems more realistic right now.

I'm going to take it easy next week, I have a sprint race (1st of season) next Saturday.  After the sprint I'm gonna try some Sole insoles I ordered (rec. by a podiatrist at Slowtwitch), if that doesn't help, it's off to a local podiatrist.

Thanks again for all the words of encouragement.

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