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2009-03-26 9:46 AM
in reply to: #1856784

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Thanks guys for the input.  And I too like the quote. 

Ok, so I have to vent a little here....

So I got my measurements last night from one of the gym trainers.  She compiled them together for me and emailed my results were apparently were poor.  Seriously, her email actually said "Overall Rating - Poor" 

Now really, I beg to differ.  I have been busting my A** since september, have set goal and achieved them (like 30 mile runs in a month, 80 mile bikes in a month).  I know that for some, that's not a lot, but it's certainly not POOR. 

I know people out there way thinner than me, that certainly cannot do the things that I've done.  So I am taking this with a grain of salt.  Honestly, when I saw my hip measurement, I about fell out of my chair, then went and got my measuring tape and measured myself.  I was 4 inches different from her.  Even with her measurement, I couldn't find where she could've gotten that number.  Oh, well. 

Anyway, I guess there's nothing to do but get better.  So, now I'm back to logging everything that goes into my mouth.  Should've been doing that all along, but the results certainly were an incentive.

2009-03-26 3:00 PM
in reply to: #2041341

Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
crdvorscak - 2009-03-26 10:46 AM

Thanks guys for the input.  And I too like the quote. 

Ok, so I have to vent a little here....

So I got my measurements last night from one of the gym trainers.  She compiled them together for me and emailed my results were apparently were poor.  Seriously, her email actually said "Overall Rating - Poor" 

Now really, I beg to differ.  I have been busting my A** since september, have set goal and achieved them (like 30 mile runs in a month, 80 mile bikes in a month).  I know that for some, that's not a lot, but it's certainly not POOR. 

I know people out there way thinner than me, that certainly cannot do the things that I've done.  So I am taking this with a grain of salt.  Honestly, when I saw my hip measurement, I about fell out of my chair, then went and got my measuring tape and measured myself.  I was 4 inches different from her.  Even with her measurement, I couldn't find where she could've gotten that number.  Oh, well. 

Anyway, I guess there's nothing to do but get better.  So, now I'm back to logging everything that goes into my mouth.  Should've been doing that all along, but the results certainly were an incentive.

Screw what the trainer said!  Who cares. 

I've always stuck to the theory that my weight/measurements don't matter.  If I put in the time, accomplish the goals I've set for myself, and always push for more... those things will take care of themselves. should feel good that you have been making and hitting your goals and that you are busting your butt.  Keep doing what you're doing and stay focused on improving your endurance, speed and strength.  Don't worry about what a scale or a tape measure says.

BTW...hi everyone.  Except for a 4 mile road race, I've been quite the lazy azz.  I've re-evaluated and updated my training plan and am getting serious NOW!  I've taken the new bike out twice and LOVE it...minus the falls I took each time while, em, completely still.  Pretty embarrassing, but funny at the same time.  Damn clipless pedals!

2009-03-26 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2041341

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
crdvorscak - 2009-03-26 9:46 AM

Thanks guys for the input.  And I too like the quote. 

Ok, so I have to vent a little here....

So I got my measurements last night from one of the gym trainers.  She compiled them together for me and emailed my results were apparently were poor.  Seriously, her email actually said "Overall Rating - Poor" 

Now really, I beg to differ.  I have been busting my A** since september, have set goal and achieved them (like 30 mile runs in a month, 80 mile bikes in a month).  I know that for some, that's not a lot, but it's certainly not POOR. 

I know people out there way thinner than me, that certainly cannot do the things that I've done.  So I am taking this with a grain of salt.  Honestly, when I saw my hip measurement, I about fell out of my chair, then went and got my measuring tape and measured myself.  I was 4 inches different from her.  Even with her measurement, I couldn't find where she could've gotten that number.  Oh, well. 

Anyway, I guess there's nothing to do but get better.  So, now I'm back to logging everything that goes into my mouth.  Should've been doing that all along, but the results certainly were an incentive.


I know very few people who can run and bike as much as you and you should feel great!  What you have accomplished is impressive and keep believing you can do more over time. 

Edited by Terps421 2009-03-26 6:14 PM
2009-03-26 7:09 PM
in reply to: #1856784

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Thanks guys for all the nice words.  And not so nice comments for the trainerLaughing!  I had to vent a little and thanks for listening.  I was back at the gym tonight.  Not a great workout, but at least I was there!
2009-03-27 6:56 AM
in reply to: #2042755

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

crdvorscak - 2009-03-26 8:09 PM Thanks guys for all the nice words.  And not so nice comments for the trainerLaughing!  I had to vent a little and thanks for listening.  I was back at the gym tonight.  Not a great workout, but at least I was there!

Seriously, does your trainer suffer from a passive-aggressive inferiority complex?!?!?!

You're amazing!

Just dump her into the motivation section of your brain

2009-03-27 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2042755

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

crdvorscak - 2009-03-26 7:09 PM Thanks guys for all the nice words.  And not so nice comments for the trainerLaughing!  I had to vent a little and thanks for listening.  I was back at the gym tonight.  Not a great workout, but at least I was there!


Seriously, I feel like we must be in the same training group for a reason!  I go to the Docs and they say I am moderately overweight. Which may be true (BMI=28) but I track what I eat and train a lot and have been for over a year...working out at least 3X/week.  You look amazing. You are amazing and sometimes, as I tell my students...we are smarter than the computers (or the numbers they spit out).  My doctor actually looked at me recently when I went in complaining of a lack of weight-loss and the fact that my BMI is 28 and he said...well the important thing is that you are "Very well say the least". My venture is that with your hip measurement and your waist measurements and what not that you are probably also well proportioned to say the least!

 Finally...what's the definition of health for you? For me it is the ability to do what I am doing now...running around for miles, biking like a maniac (well, that's pushing it and swimming fast and long.  That's health. Not fitting into a size eight.  Some day I'd like to be back in 10's for sure, but please don't let this trainer get you down.  I had an amazing trainer at the Y who said not to let weight even be a goal. He went so far as to say that you don't have v. much control over it.  You can control those other AMAZING goals that you've completed.  So, you and I can just keep upping the ante and we'll show those trainers what type of body types can cross a finish line!

2009-03-30 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2043634

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
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Continue 22-Week Training Prgrm, Begin 12-Week intense Tri. program/ Half Marathon Training (80%)

Additional April Goals:

Eat at 1,500 calorie threshold (+ earned calories) for one month

Strength train 2X/week (PT counts in a bind)

Cardio at least 4X/week (5 would be better)


too much???

2009-03-30 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1856784

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Well, I've decided that I am not going to run the half-marathon I planned for this weekend.  For numerous reasons (nagging injuries, weather, family events/life, etc.) I have not put in the miles I needed over the last few weeks and while I'm confident I can finish I want to avoid pushing myself when not ready to race that distance. 

So today I'm going to refocus my efforts to the sprint tri I was planning in June and then work on planning my season from there.  With the nagging injuries and aches and pains in my legs I want to be more diligent in ramping up my run volume.  I think what happened is that after my vacation in Feb. I panicked with the race only 5 weeks away and tried to do to much volume too fast.  I knew better but ignored the voice of reason in my head.  Oh well, it is all a learning process and not life and death.

2009-03-31 7:29 AM
in reply to: #2048124

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
gcoller - 2009-03-30 8:55 AM

Continue 22-Week Training Prgrm, Begin 12-Week intense Tri. program/ Half Marathon Training (80%)

Additional April Goals:

Eat at 1,500 calorie threshold (+ earned calories) for one month

Strength train 2X/week (PT counts in a bind)

Cardio at least 4X/week (5 would be better)


too much???


I'll follow up with what I suggested in your log.  If I read your schedule right, you've got the half-marathon at the end of May, and not a tri until July. (ha, that kind of rhymes)

I would highly suggest you get your running up to 4x a week, at a minimum, in advance of the HM, and that you get one progressively longer long distance run in each week (we can't all be like Terps).  Your bike and swim can take a hit since you'll have time to ramp them back up prior to the tri in July (look, I rhymed again).

With only 8 weeks until it's going to be tought to ramp up and not get hurt, so be careful, but again, frequency and volume are the keys to a successful HM (or so I've read many times on this site).

Take a look at a Hal Higdon novice plan.  Think you could jump into week 4 or 5?  It has slots for cross training that you could fill with swim and/or bike.

Oh, and take my advice with a grain of salt - I've only run one HM.  But I've been surveying the advice of others on this site and there have been some definite patterns.

2009-03-31 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2048488

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
dangremond - 2009-03-30 11:10 AM

Well, I've decided that I am not going to run the half-marathon I planned for this weekend.  For numerous reasons (nagging injuries, weather, family events/life, etc.) I have not put in the miles I needed over the last few weeks and while I'm confident I can finish I want to avoid pushing myself when not ready to race that distance. 

So today I'm going to refocus my efforts to the sprint tri I was planning in June and then work on planning my season from there.  With the nagging injuries and aches and pains in my legs I want to be more diligent in ramping up my run volume.  I think what happened is that after my vacation in Feb. I panicked with the race only 5 weeks away and tried to do to much volume too fast.  I knew better but ignored the voice of reason in my head.  Oh well, it is all a learning process and not life and death.

Mitch, that stinks, but I applaud you for making the responsible decision.  Hopefully you'll be able to reset your focus on the tri.  Have you figured out the rest of your race season yet?  I recall you wanted to do an Olympic or possibly even a HIM?

2009-03-31 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2050451

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED


I have a loose plan for the season...but agree that I need to firm it up.  I'm thinking the following:

June - Sprint Tri (Big Fish)

July - Century Ride (One Helluva Ride)

August - Sprint or Olympic tri (race and sitance TBD)

August - 10 Mile Run Race (The Crim)

Sept - Michigan Tri Championship (Olympic?)

Oct - Free Press Half Marathon

Wow - putting it on paper really seems like a lot...the key will be staying motivated and healthy.  How are you doing?

2009-04-01 7:05 AM
in reply to: #2051585

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Mitch - that does sound like a lot, but a lot of fun too, and it looks like you're mixing up things quite well.

For me, motivation hasn't been an issue . . . yet, but things can always change.

Oh, and my first tri (pool sprint) is on Sunday - sure hope it's not too cold.  I'm not expecting to do too well, as my swim and bike just aren't there yet, but it should be fun.


2009-04-01 7:27 AM
in reply to: #2053551

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Jeff - Great attitude about your tri this weekend. 

Everyone - I'm sure all of your early season events are rapidly approaching.  Let me know how you're doing and any questions you might have.

2009-04-01 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2053601

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Mitch, I would like to do a century or a metric.  Have you ever done one and do you have any advice?  I am actually worried about being in the saddle that long.
2009-04-02 12:15 PM
in reply to: #2055604

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Terps421 - 2009-04-01 6:01 PM Mitch, I would like to do a century or a metric.  Have you ever done one and do you have any advice?  I am actually worried about being in the saddle that long.

I almost did the One Helluva Ride last year but decided not to because of chance of bad weather.  The closest I have come is riding my Mountain Bike 60 miles around the Sea of Galilee in Israel with no real training or before doing the ride.  I remember the last 5 miles being painful painful painful.

I think the key is to get in some longer rides as well as riding frequently.  You'll likely be riding with friends so you can take turns pacing off one another.  Maybe I'm naive but I don't think it will be too bad.

2009-04-02 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2050425

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED


You are so super helpful!  You even provided a link! haven't charged me a dime  The schedule you sent me us much more tri-training friendly than the schedule I was going by.  I SO appreciate it.  I might ramp up distance where I feel comfortable to make it a bit more like the but other than that I'm going to follow your advice.  As a matter of fact, I'm paying daycare this very moment to watch my little one for additional time so I can go do a 4-miler so I best get on it! Thanks again...and good luck with your exciting to have found a pool tri. I'm totally jealous-face!

Grace (I rhymed...)

2009-04-02 9:48 PM
in reply to: #2058160

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
gcoller - 2009-04-02 3:24 PM


 You even provided a link! haven't charged me a dime 

You didn't see the invoice in your inbox??

You mention paying for daycare.  Is it wrong, that when my mother-in-law offers to take the kids for 5 weeks during the summer, that I all of a sudden consider ramping up my training for a HIM???

 I'm one selfish bastard.

Above comments tempered by 5 glasses of wine.



2009-04-03 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2059599

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
roch1009 - 2009-04-02 9:48 PM
gcoller - 2009-04-02 3:24 PM

Above comments tempered by 5 glasses of wine.



A.) HILARIOUS that you blog and check BT after 5 glasses of wine

B.) That is SO not wrong (the training..

C.) I'm going to bring this issue of 5 weeks up with MY mother-in-law...

2009-04-04 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2060311

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Whoa. What happened to It looks fantastic!

2009-04-06 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2062673

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Tri Gear: what should we wear? A tri suit? In the pics it looked like a lot of folks competing at the Philadelphia Women's Tri were wearing long-sleeved wet suits. Do you wear a tri suit in all three parts of the race? What's a girl to do?  Also...I'm not totally thrilled about this whole Athena thing.  If I were (and I have been) 150 pounds I look SKINNY. That's a low weight for a tall girl like myself.  On the bright side...I had my cholesterol measured recently and I'm SUPER healthy! I'm babbling.  But I would like to know about the tri suit deal.
2009-04-06 12:22 PM
in reply to: #2065511

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED


I think the general consensus is to wear a tri-suit under a wetsuit, where wetsuits are allowed.  A tri-suit dries out quickly, but still has thin padding, making it ideal for the 3 combined events.

I specifically chose races this year with either a pool start or water temps warm enough that wetsuits aren't allowed.  Then I just wear tri shorts during the swim and throw on a top in T1.

2009-04-06 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2065665

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

You definitely want either a tri-suit or tri tops and tri shorts.  Both options would work well under a wetsuit, which is not totally necessary (the wetsuit).

First on the clothes:  Tri-suit would be one piece version of tri shirt and tri shorts.  Some people like them a lot because they aren't as constrictive on the waist...lending themselves to less gastro problems if you are prone to those  Drawbacks are if you have to go to the bathroom...  Tri shirts and tri shorts variety is also a good option, just make sure the tri shirt or jersey will be good to swim in (ensure pockets are designed to not create excess drag, etc).  Draw back on this (at least for men) is that the tri jerseys always seem too short and ride up, if you don't have a perfectly flat stomach (like me) you  and everyone else will know.

Regarding wetsuits, I've never swam with one but by all accounts they make you more buoyant and less draggy (is that a word?) in the water.  I've done two late summer sprint tri's in Michigan in 68 degree water with air temps at race start in the 50's.  I was cold in each but I survived.  So, wetsuit is good but don't feel like you have to have one to be successful.

Edited by dangremond 2009-04-06 12:41 PM
2009-04-06 1:53 PM
in reply to: #1856784

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

The race report is up.

If you don't want to read the novel - it can be summed up as:

Swim: Sucked

Bike: Felt good to pass all the people because of my sucky swim

Run: Not too bad

2009-04-06 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2065923

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
roch1009 - 2009-04-06 1:53 PM

The race report is up.

If you don't want to read the novel - it can be summed up as:

Swim: Sucked

Bike: Felt good to pass all the people because of my sucky swim

Run: Not too bad

Good job on the race and the swim will improve over time.  I get your comments on the bike because that describes me to a T.
2009-04-08 8:53 AM
in reply to: #1856784

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
If anyone is interested I signed up to mentor again in the Spring Mentor program.  Hope everyone continues to train and I'm always here to answer any questions or to vent to or to chat!
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