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2009-02-18 11:08 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Yesterday was a great workout day. I was going to swim, but decided to run on the treadmill. After 4 miles (I was going to do 5) I felt like I was just barely getting warmed up, so I decided to go further.

I ended up going 8 miles. I felt great until the very end. Afterwards I iced and stretched and whatever and everything seemed fine until the afternoon. THen my left foot hurt A LOT! I thought, "Oh well, I'll feel better tomorrow."

Well, this morning I swam 800 yds and biked 8 miles. Then I was going to run 3 miles. I figured that was almost a tri! I got on the treadmill and started to jog slowly and there was that pain! BAD! So I stopped almost immediately.

A couple hours later I could still almost not put any weight on it, so I went to the Dr. She said I sprained it. I guess I must've rolled my foot to the outside, and sprained it, pulled that tendon that attaches to the outside of your foot, forward of your ankle. When I said, "So, when can I run again?" She laughed. (That didn't make me feel better!) She said I should be able to walk on it in a couple weeks, then start gradually running after that, depending on how it feels.

So, I'll be biking and swimming a lot in the upcoming weeks.

2009-02-19 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Oh wow Jennifer, what a bummer!  And you where really coming along nicely.  Well, If you keep the cardio up with swimming and biking you should be able to get back into running fairly quickly.  Take it easy on the foot when you do. Last thing you want is to develop a chronic injury.


2009-02-19 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1969834

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Oh man....sorry to hear Jennifer. Sounds like you were really making great progress. When it feels better, you may be able to water run. What do you think Susie? I have added water running to my swims whenever I have time or when my plantar fasctis is bothering me. Yes, it can be a little boring, and yes you look funny- but apparently it is a great way to keep your running endurance up without impact. Do be patient and allow yourself to heal. I know that's a hard thing to do!
Speaking of running: Susie, should I be focusing on achieving a certain distance (e.g. 5km) consistently before I add speedwork? I am so slow that I am afraid I am training to be a slow runner.
2009-02-20 9:35 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Water running is great when you are recovering from injury.  A friend of mine who broke a bone in her foot did that.  Of course, check with your doctor first, just to make sure. 

Lori, I'm not sure what the running gurus would tell you, but I feel you should build up some distance/endurance and then work on speed. If your goal is to run a 5k, build to that distance and once you can consistantly run it, start  adding some intervals to work on speed.  But, I'll now contradict myself and say that if you want, you can always add some interval workouts into your routine, just not every time.  Basically, you need to continue to challenge yourself in some fashion.  Once you are comfortable at a certain distance or speed, push it a little.  If you always go out and run the same distance at the same speed, then you will never see much improvement. Also, the treadmill can be a good tool for doing intervals for speed work.

One more week of February...of course we in Chicago are having looking forward to a major snow storm tonight and tomorrow.  Great.

Happy Training (and recovery) to all!


2009-02-21 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Oh one more thing about the water running.  If your pool has a rough bottom, as my does, wearing water shoes is a good idea or the bottoms of your feet will hurt after a while.

Going to see the new chiropactor today.  Let you know how it goes.


2009-02-22 9:07 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I'm sorry I was MIA. The past 3 weeks have been stressfull and it caught up to me with me being sick as a dog for the past 5 days!!! I use to do stress pretty well but I guess as I get older I'm not so good at it.

It started with my dog getting sick then my mom getting an operation, then we had all these visits for my house AND the same time leaving for my trip. Saturday before I left, my neck was giving me trouble so I couldn't train or do anything. (big big sigh)

The trip was nice - I didn't feel well while I was there though. I was letargic and had no appetite. I just laid on the beach and counted the days I'd get back home (weird huh? - who would do that??) I missed my house, my food and my training LOL But the weather was great and I can't wait till summer

When we got back home, we had an offer on the house. After a few rounds of negociations, we sold it WOOHOO!! Today we are meeting with the builder for our new house - very exiting stuff.

In between all this, I had the flu that left me in bed for 2.5 days with fever, headache. I still have the damn headache but the fever is gone.

As for training, well I ran on the beach for 30 minutes 3 times on my vacation (that was GREAT). When I came back I couldn't train because of the flu. Saturday, I was feeling better so I went swimming with the club. I managed to do the workout (the main set was 3X200m drafting on pace and z3 pace) but I was out of energy after LOL But I'm happy I went, it was good for me

Today I'm suppose to run 45-50 minutes but it's snowing big time so I might do it tomorrow instead (hate moving a workout because of weather). I'm slower getting back into it and should be back to my old self soon.

Sorry this is so long (oups) I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still around

2009-02-22 9:11 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Jennifer - I'm sorry you are hurt

Susie - We are having that snow storm here right now. Boy, I can't wait till winter is over!!! For me, with my back injury, it's the chiropractor that healed me. I love her LOL I go weekly now and I feel great since I've been seeing her. I hope you get the same relief I did

2009-02-22 5:55 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi all,

So I had my first ART treatment (Active Release Technique)  and I'm a bit sore today.  The doc warned me that I would, although he said it would feel like soreness from a workout.  I feel bruised. He said that people usually get relief after a few treatments.  This Chiro doc seems good.  My friend, a long distance runner swears by him.  So, time will tell.

Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend.  It went by extremely fast. 


2009-02-24 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Swimming tonight. Speed work. I can't wait to get back at it
2009-02-24 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Alright Patricia!  Hope the swim goes well.

So what else is new everyone?  Anything to report, training or otherwise?

Terri, did you do the Biathlon relay?

and in March we were to have Julie's sprint tri.  


2009-02-25 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Foot is feeling better. Certainly not well enough to run, but well enough that I'm not gimping around when I walk. I'm wearing a brace most of the day, but now just to remind myself to keep it slow and not do anything stupid (like run down the stairs! I have a tri-level house, so I'm constantly going up and down the 4 stairs to my room.)

I rode almost 16 miles on my bike today. HTat was great. It felt really good, and I was surprised I had gone that far when I got back and mapped it. It does take me a good 20 minutes to warm-up. Until then I feel like I'm gonna' die!

Things are quiet on the board...lots of injuries, etc. WIll be glad when the weather warms up and we're all having good workouts! I leave for my vacation a month from today, so I'm trying to get ahead of the curve a little bit so I can take it easy those couple of weeks. We'll be doing a ton of walking, and I'll be able to workout on the ship, but I dont' want to feel like I'm losing ground.


2009-02-25 9:51 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi Everyone -

I'm finally back in town for a couple of weeks and have had a couple of good workouts this week.  It's amazing how much better I feel when I can work out hard.  It's warming up a bit here, around 50 today, so I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I'm chomping at the bit to get out on my bike!

Hope everyone has a great week!



2009-02-27 6:08 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi everyone,

Things are awfully quiet out there.  

  I hope everyone is healthy and excited that March begins on Sunday so spring can't be far behind.  Jennifer glad to hear you are on the mend.  I'm hoping that you will not be discouraged and will continue with your quest to finish that half marathon and sprint tri.

Ruth, glad your travel is over for awhile and you can get back into action.

Let's hear from everyone else.




2009-03-04 9:08 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi Susie, I just saw a post you made about swimming and damaged hair. What is pre swim hair cream or spray? Where do you find it? My hair is getting dry and seems to be falling out.

I have noticed that since I have started swimming more the chlorine is eating my nails away. Is there anything that you know of that can help with that?



2009-03-05 9:43 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Karen, I've used both a spray and a cream.  The spray is by Matrix, part of their Biolage Sunsorials.  The cream is by Redken, UV Rescue.  This one is specifically for color treated hair.  I've heard you can also just put conditioner on your hair prior to swimming. Also, wet your hair in the shower then put on the cream.  THe theory behind this is your hair absorbs the water so it will not absorb so much of the clorinated water.  I think the cream does a better job, but it can be hard to get out.  There are shampoos to take out the clorine.  Matrix has one, and there is also Ultra Swim shampoo.   I've used both.  I also make sure I use conditioner.

Hope this helps.  Swimming is hard on hair and skin.  I also always use a moisturizing shower gel after swimming and use lotion every day.

Other knee is improving.  I'm hoping the ART treatments are working.  The weather was great today, felt like I ran outside for the first time in months.  It was great!  My Half Iron training plan started this week so I'm tired.  I reduced the running a little  this week to ease back into it.  Haven't looked at next weeks plans yet so I"m not sure what, if any changes I'll have to make.  Do not want any more injuries.

Hope everyone is doing well.  



2009-03-05 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Things have been so busy, that I haven't done too well. I'm hit & miss lately. I've been busy at work (which is a good thing!) but having morning appointments is really tough on my workouts. I did run 6.3 miles yesterday though.

Vacation is coming up sooner than I expected (19 days from today!!) so I need to get busy on so many things!!

Suzie- glad to hear your knee is doing better. My foot is better too, but a little tender today after my run yesterday, so I'm going to swim or bike for the next few days. I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't run again until my vacation to give it more time to rest- and I'd like to be able to run on the ship in case there aren't exercise bikes available.

2009-03-06 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2000959

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Hi Everyone
I'm so glad to hear your knee is better Suzie! I ran outside today too. What a relief to get off that dreadmill. The uneven sidewalks and roads always make my knees and feet sore the first few times, but that's okay, it'll pass. I ran 5km relatively easily as opposed to dragging my heels after only 1 km on the treadmill.
Karen, I'm so glad you asked about the hair products. I don't mind the sacrifices made for triathlon, but I hate having bad hair! I think I should just give up on the highlites tho'
Our tri group is growing in leaps and bounds. We now have our own swimsuits and cycling clothes. Our website went live this week and looks great. Now that the weather is improving, everyone is feeling more energized. It's time to get my bike in for it's "spa visit".
I,also, need to adjust my training. I looked at my logs and I have no consistency. I struggle so much with the shift work element...
Have a great weekend.
2009-03-06 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi everyone,

Jennifer, I'm so glad that your foot is doing better.  Sounds like you had a great run.  I wouldn't stop running completely until your vacation, just cut down the mileage.

Lori, exciting news about your tri club.  What's the website

Oh, the sacrifices we ladies have to make.  Staying fit AND keeping great hair, skin, nails....I have found that since I began swimming several years ago I have to get my highlights done more often.  And it's not just the swimming.  Before I was working out 6 days a week, I could go for a day without washing my hair.  Not any more.  Last year when I had 2 a days for my IM training I was washing it twice a day.  And I don't even bother with my nails.  Between  swimming and the fact that I wash my hands at least a zillion times a day ( a must when working with little kiddos who have runny noses) I figure polish wouldn't stand a chance.

Anyhoo...I was going to try and ride OUTSIDE today, but given that it's 4:20 and I'm still at work, I don't think it's going to happen.  Looks like a date with the trainer tonight.  At least I have recorded TV shows to watch.  (It's my first 2 a day for the year.  A swim this morning and a bike this evening - THE SEASON HAS BEGUN!

Happy Training All!



2009-03-07 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Rode by bike over 17 miles today, then got off, switched into my running shoes and ran 2.6 miles. I was hoping it was 3, but oh well. I just wanted to see how it felt to get off the bike and run- and boy was it weird! But it was a great workout, and I felt great!!

So here's my question. I am a complete goofball for even thinking about you think it's realistic to think I could run a marathon in October? I'm thinking about registering for the Nike Women's Marathon in SF. I live about an hour away, so it's ideal. I could register for the 1/2, but I'm doing a 1/2 in May. It's a lottery system, so there's nothing that says I'll be selected to participate, but obviously I don't want to sign up if I can't finish.

What do you other crazy athletes think? Too much too soon, or good goal to finish off my year?

2009-03-07 7:08 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed


I can appreciate the enthusiasm and great feelings you have been having since you began your training., because you are really doing great.  I'm really not sure how to advise you on the Marathon.  If you are doing the half in May, you would have plenty of time to build for the marathon. But, you would really have to crank out the mileage later this summer and you haven't had enough of a base to see what happens when you add more miles.  (especially the shin splints) I know there are many people who go from the couch to a marathon in one season, so it can be done.  Can you wait to see how the 1/2 goes, or will it be filled by then?  Or perhaps post this question on the Triathlon Talk forum and see what responses you get. 

As I said before, you been bitten by the bug! Good for you on stretching those goals!  Just be careful not to do too much too fast and risk injury.


I made my list of races for the season, including running and tri.  I discovered today that two of them, one half mary and a sprint tri, changed the weekend that they have always been on and now conflict.   Why can't they leave it alone!  Plus, both have been taken over and the price has gone WAY UP.  Guess that's a reason to ditch them both and do a brand new race.  But I like these races.  What to do?!?!!?

Edited by suzimmer 2009-03-07 7:21 PM
2009-03-08 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Jennifer, I saw that you posted your marathon question in Triathlon Talk and you received some really good responses.  I hope that they help you. 


2009-03-10 12:10 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Well, if only I would listen to my own advice.

My Half Iron training program started last week and  of course...too much too soon for the old knee.  It was feeling really good so went back to regular training and of course you know what happened. The pain came back with a vengence so  I'm back on rest for a day or two and then TAKE IT SLOW AND EASE BACK IN.  Why do I have such a difficult time with this?

Hope everyone is doing well.  The mentor program ends in April, so I'm hoping to hear back from everyone soon.  I'd like to know how you are all doing on the goals mentioned back in January.


2009-03-10 2:13 PM
in reply to: #2008513

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I must not have been paying attention. I did not realize the mentor program ended in April
2009-03-10 2:37 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Susie, so sorry to hear about the knee. It must be something in the air, so many people I have talked to are having or have just had issues with their knees.

I am in week 7 of training for my 10K and my Tri plan started yesterday for my Sprint. I am already doing at least 3 times as much swimming/biking/running as the plan calls for. I think I will do just fine in the 10K and Tri. I have been having a lot of fun training with my husband and other BTers in the area. I have lost about 20 lbs since August and I feel great. I even got my best friend interested in running.

Susie, thanks for all your words of wisdom and the advise on the bike shoes, I love my LG shoes.

Is anyone running this weekend? We are going to Trainerfest#4 at a locale BTers house on Sat. and running a 4 miler in Detroit "Corktown" it's a fun run. Lots of people drink green beer while they run. I can't wait to see this.

Hope you all have a great week, Karen

2009-03-11 12:32 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
WOW Karen- sounds like you're doing great! Suzie- sorry your knee is bugging you again. You don't take your own advice because it feels so good to back in the swing of things that you get too anxious- I would think that's probably normal for all of us "Type A" people!

I didn't realize the mentor program ended in April either....bummer Cry
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