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2007-04-17 8:25 AM
in reply to: #748428

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

Sparco, way to keep up the training! You are well on your way to an oly! 12m on treadmill! Man 30 minutes is about my limit :-) Way to get your swim volume up!

2007-04-17 8:27 AM
in reply to: #747979

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

Mila, glad to see the runs are coming around! I highly recommend hill repeats if hills in your race. My inner quads are still hurting from not being prepared :-)

2007-04-17 8:29 AM
in reply to: #764015

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: Muddy Buddy

Jackie, they have one in Orlando. I heard some girls talking about it before the race last Sunday. They said it is a blast. I think I had enough of being wet and mud last Sunday though :-)

2007-04-17 8:52 AM
in reply to: #639066

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

Hey guys! Well I redeemed myself last Sunday through a tough race. You can see my RR from my blog for more details. It was a long sprint (1100y/19m/4.7m). Sat was beautiful and hot. The storm moving through the East coast hit Sun morning :-) It wasn't cold, but 23mph winds gusting to 50mph. Also add rain storms coming through!

So after my last swim in the cold, I kept telling myself to start the swim extra slow. The water was cold, but I went real slow at the beginning. This was also in somewhat rough waters. Right before our start, the jet skis brought in a guy from the swim and he really looked out of it. Ok, that helps :-) Well, the swim went great. Felt a little slow, but I swam the whole way and never got out of breath. Turns out my time was actually pretty fast for me compared to others because of the rough waters. Did have about 3 gulps of lake water though :-)

So get out of the water and it is about a 200y run to T1. Get on the bike and straight out of T1 is a hill! I thought we were going the other way! Make it oever that and another hill! Two hills bigger than anything where I live in the first 4 minutes! I do recover quickly on the downhills. There were several more hills with one coming after a 90 degree turn so no momentum going into it. Standing on the pedals going 6mph. We are still in Fl right? Don didn't accidentally drive to GA???? I also know I have some headwind coming back. We had about 3 short rain downpours  while on the bike. Scariest part was two downhills hitting about 35mph and a crosswind blowing you sideways on wet roads. Made it through the bike  without wasting my legs!

Onto the run. My groin feels fine today! I took the time to put on dry socks for the run. I just wanted them :-) Start running. During first mile I step in one little pothole and right foot is soaked. Now why did I want that dry sock? Then after mile 1 it pours and pours! Good thing I put on those dry socks! At one point head back it is raing so hard and pelting my face I have my hat sideways and head down. Interesting thing is every mile was within 8 secs of each other. I even had my inner quads cramping for 2 miles. I think from the hills on the bike. Finally hit mile 4 and pick up pace to make sure my buddy John doesn't catch me :-)

This was a tough race, but now that it is over it is one that I am happy to have been through. I swam the whole swim and ran the run without injury or have to add walks to. Inner quads still very sore

Turns out transition had a few inches of water that then drained so all of our stuff was soaked and covered with dead grass (must of mowed day before). The dead grass does not come off! Had to hose everything off when I got home :-)

2007-04-18 12:15 PM
in reply to: #764511

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

Cameron, awesome race!

TitanIV - 2007-04-17 8:52 AM

...So after my last swim in the cold, I kept telling myself to start the swim extra slow. The water was cold, but I went real slow at the beginning. This was also in somewhat rough waters.  Right before our start, the jet skis brought in a guy from the swim and he really looked out of it. Ok, that helps :-) Well, the swim went great. Felt a little slow, but I swam the whole way and never got out of breath. Turns out my time was actually pretty fast for me compared to others because of the rough waters. Did have about 3 gulps of lake water though :-)

That is great.  That strategy seemed to work for me for the last tri of the season.  Decided to warm up for it and then go out slow.  I felt very slow, and I WAS slow, but when I left the water and realized I did the crawl the whole way, I felt great!  It was really a confidence builder...

Bummer about the hills, and the sock story was just too real.  Great race.  You're gonna have a great season...

2007-04-23 8:24 AM
in reply to: #639066

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Port Huron, MI
Subject: Last Week/ This Week

Last Week: My highest volume week to date, and each workout felt pretty good. Plus, I finally got 3 swims in!!! I've found a schedule that works well for fitting everything in also. I work with my swim coach on Mondays after spin class, and do full body strength training on Tuesdays... then I added a "mini" tri Saturday. Thanks to Mila's inspiration. For the first time ever going through all 3 it went pretty well... my legs felt very heavy on my run... but I'm sure that's normal at this point.

This Week: Get 3 swims in again this week. Work more abs into the schedule, and look forward to my long run (do some mental preperation). Read up some more on the nutritional side of Tri training... especially since my volume is only going to increase at this point and I'm going to have to start paying more attention to my nutrition/hydration.  

2007-04-25 9:26 PM
in reply to: #639066

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Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

Muddy Buddy is coming to a venue near you (well, it is if you live in Atlanta!!!).  I've heard it's an absolute blast.  I'll have to look into it.  How exactly do you train for the army crawl through the mud?  That doesn't sound tiara friendly .  I am also interested in doing one of the Trek Awareness rides but unfortunately there is not one in Atlanta so looks like I'll be traveling to one. 

Cameron... again congrats on the race!  Your experience and insight is definitely appreciated.

There is no shortage of hills for hill repeats around here.  I live a half mile away from "Mountain Park"... need I say more?  Actually, the GA BT'ers are very active with a couple group rides per week plus a night of hill repeats each week.  I am starting to feel more confident on the new bike so am getting some tougher terrain under my tires.

Soooo... let's see... my running is still limited but I'm getting in the allowable miles and behaving (as best I can).  I need to up my swimming... a lot.  My endurance in the water is better and I'm more confident but I still feel like I'm in prison awaiting parole when I'm in the pool.  On the bright side, I'm doing much better with keeping track of distances.  Oh, and I like to ride my bike.  A lot.

2007-05-07 8:45 AM
in reply to: #639066

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Independence, KY
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

I hope everyone is doing well as I've not had time to read through all the posts.

I thought I'd give everyone an update since I'm been MIA for a while.
The knee is doing okay.  It's a bit swollen but I'm regaining strength in my leg and almost have full range of motion.

I went to St. Anthony last week fully expecting to just watch and cheer on my wife, brother, and sister-in-law.   As it turns out I ended up completing the race.  I started the swim thinking that I would only do the swim.  When I got done I felt so good I decided to try the bike.  It was flat and seemed fast so I kept going.  When that was done I was spent.  I felt like stopping, but I decided that I had gone that far and only had 6 miles left so I'd try the run.  It was not my best run but I finished it.  Finish time3:05:01.  I'll take that for my first oly only 4 weeks after knee surgery.

Now that I have the taste in my mouth I'm going to get back to training and see what happens.  I have a sprint I'd like to do in 2 weeks.  I'm going to do that and see how I feel after.


2007-05-07 8:55 AM
in reply to: #791049

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

moreland007 - 2007-05-07 8:45 AM

...The knee is doing okay.  It's a bit swollen but I'm regaining strength in my leg and almost have full range of motion.

I went to St. Anthony last week fully expecting to just watch and cheer on my wife, brother, and sister-in-law.   As it turns out I ended up completing the race.  I started the swim thinking that I would only do the swim.  When I got done I felt so good I decided to try the bike.  It was flat and seemed fast so I kept going.  When that was done I was spent.  I felt like stopping, but I decided that I had gone that far and only had 6 miles left so I'd try the run.  It was not my best run but I finished it.  Finish time3:05:01.  I'll take that for my first oly only 4 weeks after knee surgery.

Now that I have the taste in my mouth I'm going to get back to training and see what happens.  I have a sprint I'd like to do in 2 weeks.  I'm going to do that and see how I feel after.

Kevin, great to hear about the knee.  About the race...unbelievable.  Pretty gutsy.  Hopefully with Dr.'s approval.   Make sure you 'ease' back into it, wouldn't want you to have any reoccuring knee problems.  Congrats on the race!

2007-05-07 11:42 AM
in reply to: #791049

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL
Wow that is pretty incredible! Your mental confidence must be super now :-) That's a pretty good time too! I hope the knee is ok! Be careful about the sprint. You run pretty hard in a sprint. I have a friend who has done several IM's and he said his toughest race was a sprint he finished  in under an hour. He said that hurt more than any IM :-) Very glad you are doing better with the knee!
2007-05-09 8:44 AM
in reply to: #639066

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Independence, KY
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

If you like music and have some time check out this site.   I'm not a huge music fan so this give me a pretty cool way to find out what I like + the streaming is flawless and the sound quality is pretty good.  Just thought I would share. 

2007-05-12 9:27 PM
in reply to: #639066

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Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

Oooohhhh... I loves me some music .  Thanks for sharing.

Congrats on the race, Kevin!  That is amazing.  Do be careful though... listen carefully to the doc... and even more carefully to your body.  Welcome back!

2007-05-21 9:13 AM
in reply to: #639066

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Independence, KY
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

Here is a link to my race report from this weekend.  

Tri for Joe

And I know everyone is out training instead of posting right??? 

2007-05-22 2:04 PM
in reply to: #809434

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL
Great race Kevin...glad you're safe.  Fast race...
2007-05-22 2:11 PM
in reply to: #639066

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL
Yeah, yeah...I KNOW our mentoring time has reached it's end, but just wanted to say thanks to Cameron for being our mentor.  Cameron, you've got a wealth of technical knowledge and kept us all healthy during our training this season.  I guess I wouldn't consider myself 'new' when it comes to biking and running, but you definitely convinced me to get my butt in the pool and train...REALLY train.  I believe it paid off.  1st tri in a month...I won't drown...Thanks!...and good luck to everyone this race looks like everyone kind of found their 'place' in BT (with the exception of Mila...with 30+ inspires a day...she kind of fits in EVERYWHERE!).  Take care folks.  I'll visit your blogs every so... 
2007-05-23 9:10 AM
in reply to: #809434

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

moreland007 - 2007-05-21 10:13 AM
Here is a link to my race report from this weekend.  
Tri for Joe
And I know everyone is out training instead of posting right??? 

Awesome race! Looks like you are healing nicely :-) Very fast for coming off knee surgery! Glad the SUV missed you!

2007-05-23 9:12 AM
in reply to: #812183

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

sparco - 2007-05-22 3:11 PM Yeah, yeah...I KNOW our mentoring time has reached it's end, but just wanted to say thanks to Cameron for being our mentor.  Cameron, you've got a wealth of technical knowledge and kept us all healthy during our training this season.  I guess I wouldn't consider myself 'new' when it comes to biking and running, but you definitely convinced me to get my butt in the pool and train...REALLY train.  I believe it paid off.  1st tri in a month...I won't drown...Thanks!...and good luck to everyone this race looks like everyone kind of found their 'place' in BT (with the exception of Mila...with 30+ inspires a day...she kind of fits in EVERYWHERE!).  Take care folks.  I'll visit your blogs every so... 

Thanks Sal. I don't know if we have to close down the thread or not. I am fine to stick around and answer questions, etc if anyone wants. Sorry I have been gone lately. Fighting some health problems and has had me down some.

Let me know how your race goes! I will still monitor you guys off and on if we get closed down. I do love to discuss triathlon and training ideas.

2007-05-23 9:25 AM
in reply to: #639066

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL
Ok, looks like we can keep the group open if you guys want to. Some of you may want to disband or join other groups. So why don't we see who wants to keep this up and decide what to do.
2007-05-23 11:20 AM
in reply to: #639066

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Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL
I know I took an "unexcused" leave of absence and I am sorry to you all. But I am currently training agian and look forward to the motivation and advice all you guys have provided me. I can't thank you enough. My vote would be to stick around and continue to "feed" off of you all.

So - there is my vote for what it is worth -

Thanks agian - Cam for your experience and support - Mila for your Motivation (with a capital M"- Sal, Kevin, Tom and Jackie and everyone else who participated for your words of encouragement.
2007-05-23 11:54 AM
in reply to: #813522

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Independence, KY
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

tntexpres - 2007-05-23 12:20 PM I know I took an "unexcused" leave of absence and I am sorry to you all. But I am currently training agian and look forward to the motivation and advice all you guys have provided me. I can't thank you enough. My vote would be to stick around and continue to "feed" off of you all. So - there is my vote for what it is worth - Thanks agian - Cam for your experience and support - Mila for your Motivation (with a capital M"- Sal, Kevin, Tom and Jackie and everyone else who participated for your words of encouragement.

I second the vote to keep the thread open.  

I appreciate all the words of encouragement and motivation everyone gave me during my rehab.  It was a pretty down time and it was always nice to check and see an inspire out there wishing me well. 

Even though the entire site is full of people with tons of information it's nice to come to a place and be able to ask a question that you may feel timid about asking in the "public" forums. 

2007-05-23 6:38 PM
in reply to: #639066

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Port Huron, MI
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

Agreed! We definitely need to keep it open I can't turn away from my first "TRI" family It's helped me a ton, and I'm going to need to know I've got our thread to come back to with all of my questions that will come up before my 1st race (which is sooo soon, AH!)


2007-05-30 7:18 AM
in reply to: #639066

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL
So with summer coming, who has races coming up soon? Any questions for you first timers!
2007-05-30 7:38 AM
in reply to: #821720

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

TitanIV - 2007-05-30 7:18 AM So with summer coming, who has races coming up soon? Any questions for you first timers!

1st tri June 30th.  1/3 mile OWS, 13 mile bike, 5K.  Short one.

2nd tri August 11th.  OLY!  Nervous about the OWS.  Need more practice...

2007-05-30 7:50 AM
in reply to: #639066

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Independence, KY
Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL

Thinking about doing another sprint this Sunday.  It is in the same place the HIM I'm thinking about doing in September is held.

Anyone have a good HIM plan for someone who can't do run training??? 

2007-05-30 12:27 PM
in reply to: #639066

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Subject: RE: TitanIV Group FULL
First tri coming up July 29th - XTerra First Coast Off-Road Tri - I am registered so no backing out now! I can't wait - I think this off road stuff maybe just up my alley. I enjoy the off road - trail runs and rides much more than the road stuff. It also gives me an added training element - most of my road rides/runs are on flat pavement/concrete - not many hills here in NE Florida - but the off road gives me some hills/sand/brush etc to break up the monotony.

Anyway - I'll post a race report afterwards - until then I'll take on the encouragement & advice on my logs I can get!
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