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2010-02-27 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2696488

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Whato - 2010-02-26 8:22 PM Hi Scott the snow was awesome! Had some of the best skiing of my life. My son is now faster than me and I can't catch him. I didn't start skiing until I was 26. One of the guys (a good friend) that was with us this trip almost made the Canadian Free Style team a few years back. Boy could he ski! He was helping Liam a lot and by the end of day three it was all over. Liam is now just way too fast for me.

I'm in for the peach challenge! I figured out what it was. lol  

it is really and odd mix of emotions when your kid surpasses you in some way,  your both extremly proud and little sad  as your kinda left behind. such is life, it sure beat the alternative.

2010-02-27 9:55 PM
in reply to: #2697023

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Edmonton, Alberta
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Sprint_DA - 2010-02-27 1:07 PM
scott1223 - 2010-02-27 8:57 AM Whato, Sounds like the conditions were fantastic!  Glad to see you are in for the challenge.  My biggest one will be the swim. Need to get to the pool more to find my rhythm in the water.  Skiing is an awesome leg workout even if your son beats you...Wink

Dan,  need advise on a new bike computer.  In taking my bike over to the LBS it fell over and broke the piece where the zip tie holds it to the fork.  It was an older Vetta computer anyway but wanted to wait until the Vetta broke. Looking for a wireless one, with candence and possibly HR.  Any advise??  Thanks.

March "Peach Challenge"  how many days of peach can you do??

I'm a sucker for my Garmin 305 with the cadence meter.  Time, distance, heartrate, pace, speed, can plan workouts into it, can upload it straight into your logs here.  I wouldn't trade it for the world.  Plus you can use it on the run, too. 

My preferred tool also. I don't have the bike cadence, however, March has my birthday in it. So, I let my wife know that was exactly what I wanted.
2010-02-28 9:26 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Ok.  The Challenge starts tomorrow.  Remember to do no more than what feels good to you.  There's nothing wrong with taking a day to just do stretching, or a different sport, or something to give your body a break from SBR if you need it.
2010-03-01 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2587085

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
So, what was everyone's first workout for March?

Mine was a 2200 yds swim this morning.
2010-03-01 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2699538

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Did 30min on the trainer this am, will do another 30min after work
2010-03-01 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full

I got Strength training and a spin class tonight.

2010-03-01 5:42 PM
in reply to: #2700212

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
We're off to a good start...if you need to change up your training from SBR use as Dan said yoga, strength training or even pushups and situps.

I did manage another session on the trainer.  45min sprint intervals, not too bad.  I have to travel to NC for work tomorrow and will either get up at 0330 to ride to 30min or see what time I get home.

Whato, thanks for the info on your Garmin, sounds nice.
2010-03-02 4:53 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Day 2 of no pop/soda/coke whatever y'all call it.  Been drinking tea to avoid the major withdrawal issues, but I always forget how much this process sucks.
2010-03-03 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2587085

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Edmonton, Alberta
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Used my new paddles today'm thinking this is going to really build strength and improve my technique.

I also got flippers - small ones I was surprised by how much, a little amount of additional feet speed made to arm cadence. The shape of the flipper also aided in the role of the body, which was cool. 

I really need to figure out a more detailed interval schedule for my swimming. Catch you later.... Whato

Edited by Whato 2010-03-03 11:55 AM
2010-03-03 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2703221

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Edmonton, Alberta
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Sprint_DA - 2010-03-02 4:53 PM Day 2 of no pop/soda/coke whatever y'all call it.  Been drinking tea to avoid the major withdrawal issues, but I always forget how much this process sucks.

I hear you! I have been free of junk food for a while now and I just can't put it in my mouth. I think, some people think I am so disciplined, however, I am now at the point I just can't eat it. I can smell the sugar in some stuff and I just feel sick thinking about it. lol I may be obsessive about what goes into the body/temple.  
2010-03-03 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2704944

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full

Well day 3 and I am feeling the lack of sleep.  Was only able to do pushups 3x and situps 3x.  Getting rest for tomorrow and will be going for a run.  Also tomorrow will be signing up at the local pool to get in extra pool time.

2010-03-04 9:05 PM
in reply to: #2706119

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
scott1223 - 2010-03-03 7:28 PM

Well day 3 and I am feeling the lack of sleep.  Was only able to do pushups 3x and situps 3x.  Getting rest for tomorrow and will be going for a run.  Also tomorrow will be signing up at the local pool to get in extra pool time.

Sounds like tomorrow will be a good day.  I'm hoping it will be for me also.  Swim class at 6:15am, then driving 5.5 hours to visit friends and bike in Southern Illinois for 4 days.  I'm planning on having some shot legs when I come back.
2010-03-04 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2704944

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Whato - 2010-03-03 12:00 PM
Sprint_DA - 2010-03-02 4:53 PM Day 2 of no pop/soda/coke whatever y'all call it.  Been drinking tea to avoid the major withdrawal issues, but I always forget how much this process sucks.

I hear you! I have been free of junk food for a while now and I just can't put it in my mouth. I think, some people think I am so disciplined, however, I am now at the point I just can't eat it. I can smell the sugar in some stuff and I just feel sick thinking about it. lol I may be obsessive about what goes into the body/temple.  

Figured I could share this with you guys too:
I haven't had a pop/soda/soda pop/coke (whatever you want to call it) this week.  I just had to let the dog back in from outside.  It's my roommate's dog...golden retriever, he's trained to bring beers out of the fridge if you say "bartender" and hold your hand like you're ready for a drink.  So, I'm just sitting here on the computer, haven't payed attention to Rocky (that's the dog) in about 15 minutes, and he brings me the last diet Mt. Dew that's been tempting me from the back porch for the last 4 days.  It's like he wants me to fail.  But I just put it back out there and went on with my day.
2010-03-04 10:04 PM
in reply to: #2708796

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Sprint_DA - 2010-03-04 8:08 PM
Whato - 2010-03-03 12:00 PM
Sprint_DA - 2010-03-02 4:53 PM Day 2 of no pop/soda/coke whatever y'all call it.  Been drinking tea to avoid the major withdrawal issues, but I always forget how much this process sucks.

I hear you! I have been free of junk food for a while now and I just can't put it in my mouth. I think, some people think I am so disciplined, however, I am now at the point I just can't eat it. I can smell the sugar in some stuff and I just feel sick thinking about it. lol I may be obsessive about what goes into the body/temple.  

Figured I could share this with you guys too:
I haven't had a pop/soda/soda pop/coke (whatever you want to call it) this week.  I just had to let the dog back in from outside.  It's my roommate's dog...golden retriever, he's trained to bring beers out of the fridge if you say "bartender" and hold your hand like you're ready for a drink.  So, I'm just sitting here on the computer, haven't payed attention to Rocky (that's the dog) in about 15 minutes, and he brings me the last diet Mt. Dew that's been tempting me from the back porch for the last 4 days.  It's like he wants me to fail.  But I just put it back out there and went on with my day.

LoL, What a cool dog!
2010-03-05 1:58 PM
in reply to: #2708878

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
That is awesome! I need to train my dog to make my protein drinks...LOL. 

Enjoy your weekend Dan, way to avoid the temptation.  I see Whato has already had his swim training in.  I wish I could have trained this morning, now will have to wait till after work.

Seems like everyone has had a very good first week.  Enjoy your weekend and keep training!
2010-03-05 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Edmonton, Alberta
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Good for you Dan - resist the pop. How was the Birthday - not too many calories I hope. Undecided

I had a reasonable swim this morning and a wonderful bike with the group. And, this afternoon I have a full massage! Oh boy does my body want this to happen! Cool Should aid with the recovery and to think that tomorrow is my rest day! Only stretching although the family may go for a ride together, which would be great.

Take care all,

2010-03-06 7:36 AM
in reply to: #2710916

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Whato - 2010-03-05 5:24 PM Good for you Dan - resist the pop. How was the Birthday - not too many calories I hope. Undecided

I had a reasonable swim this morning and a wonderful bike with the group. And, this afternoon I have a full massage! Oh boy does my body want this to happen! Cool Should aid with the recovery and to think that tomorrow is my rest day! Only stretching although the family may go for a ride together, which would be great.

Take care all,

My birthday was good...thanks!  I don't even bother thinking about calories at this point, my swim coach (who qualified for and raced at Kona) said I'm already getting to lean for this time of year.  So I figure it's game on for the time being.  I'm going to be jealous of that massage by this afternoon.  I have a big ride planned sometime today.  Hills.  Been a long time since I've done hills. 

Enjoy your recovery day, and an easy ride with the family.
2010-03-06 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2711428

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Sprint_DA - 2010-03-06 8:36 AM
Whato - 2010-03-05 5:24 PM Good for you Dan - resist the pop. How was the Birthday - not too many calories I hope. Undecided

I had a reasonable swim this morning and a wonderful bike with the group. And, this afternoon I have a full massage! Oh boy does my body want this to happen! Cool Should aid with the recovery and to think that tomorrow is my rest day! Only stretching although the family may go for a ride together, which would be great.

Take care all,

My birthday was good...thanks!  I don't even bother thinking about calories at this point, my swim coach (who qualified for and raced at Kona) said I'm already getting to lean for this time of year.  So I figure it's game on for the time being.  I'm going to be jealous of that massage by this afternoon.  I have a big ride planned sometime today.  Hills.  Been a long time since I've done hills. 

Enjoy your recovery day, and an easy ride with the family.

Happy Birthday! Dan,  Hope you enjoyed your day.   I am also jealous of the massage, could use one myself.  Enjoy the ride Dan and climb those hills, sounds like a great workout.

Nice job Whato with training 2x a day.  You deserve a rest day!  Have fun with the family.

2010-03-07 10:40 PM
in reply to: #2711428

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Edmonton, Alberta
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Sprint_DA - 2010-03-06 7:36 AM
Whato - 2010-03-05 5:24 PM Good for you Dan - resist the pop. How was the Birthday - not too many calories I hope. Undecided

I had a reasonable swim this morning and a wonderful bike with the group. And, this afternoon I have a full massage! Oh boy does my body want this to happen! Cool Should aid with the recovery and to think that tomorrow is my rest day! Only stretching although the family may go for a ride together, which would be great.

Take care all,

My birthday was good...thanks!  I don't even bother thinking about calories at this point, my swim coach (who qualified for and raced at Kona) said I'm already getting to lean for this time of year.  So I figure it's game on for the time being.  I'm going to be jealous of that massage by this afternoon.  I have a big ride planned sometime today.  Hills.  Been a long time since I've done hills. 

Enjoy your recovery day, and an easy ride with the family.

Thanks Dan. I figured you must be lean, you're fast! Hope you did take my comments the wrong way, they were not intended as a dig. Just attempting to encourage you.

Take care,
2010-03-08 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2713350

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Start of week two...Hope everyone had a good weekend.  The weather here is getting warmer and the days are getting longer.  Cannot wait to start training outside.

2010-03-09 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2715301

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full

Ready for new week.

In the training plans do you include distant & time traveled during your warm ups & cool downs? For me they are both just a slower pace but I still covering distance. I am trying plan ahead and need to plan blocks of time for training.

2010-03-10 8:14 AM
in reply to: #2717656

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
BonnieB - 2010-03-09 9:07 PM

Ready for new week.

In the training plans do you include distant & time traveled during your warm ups & cool downs? For me they are both just a slower pace but I still covering distance. I am trying plan ahead and need to plan blocks of time for training.

Yes, I do count my warm up and cool down time, but I'm not the best about doing either.
2010-03-10 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2713350

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Whato - 2010-03-07 10:40 PM
Sprint_DA - 2010-03-06 7:36 AM
Whato - 2010-03-05 5:24 PM Good for you Dan - resist the pop. How was the Birthday - not too many calories I hope. Undecided

I had a reasonable swim this morning and a wonderful bike with the group. And, this afternoon I have a full massage! Oh boy does my body want this to happen! Cool Should aid with the recovery and to think that tomorrow is my rest day! Only stretching although the family may go for a ride together, which would be great.

Take care all,

My birthday was good...thanks!  I don't even bother thinking about calories at this point, my swim coach (who qualified for and raced at Kona) said I'm already getting to lean for this time of year.  So I figure it's game on for the time being.  I'm going to be jealous of that massage by this afternoon.  I have a big ride planned sometime today.  Hills.  Been a long time since I've done hills. 

Enjoy your recovery day, and an easy ride with the family.

Thanks Dan. I figured you must be lean, you're fast! Hope you did take my comments the wrong way, they were not intended as a dig. Just attempting to encourage you.

Take care,

No worries, it takes direct insults to rub me the wrong way on a message board, and I knew that was meant in fun. 

Hope everyone is having a good week.
2010-03-13 1:30 AM
in reply to: #2587085

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Ok so today was my birthday and the only excersie I got was window shopping at the mall, then a friend treated to a massage. 

you guys, we really need to post more I am tired of seeing my face at the top of page eveytime I log onWink
2010-03-13 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2724215

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Okay, I was out of service for 2 days...I am feeling better.  Happy Birthday - Bonnie!  Window shopping is very exhausting, carrying bags (strength training), walking to all those stores (cardio) you had a very productive day...Wink 

I was fine until I saw the Maryland basketball game last night.  After the way they played I am sick again...LOL.  Going to do a light run today wish me well.
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