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2009-01-05 2:10 PM
in reply to: #1887239

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

I've never used the mits but something I forgot to mention about paddles that Nicole's post reminded me... You do not want large paddles! They should be slightly bigger than your hand or you can cause shoulder issues. When the stroke is to a certain point you can get larger paddles to increase resistance if you want more pain

KelliD - 2009-01-05 1:49 PM
Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-05 2:39 PM
evondo - 2009-01-05 1:05 PM

Put me down for a plan!  You are the resident expert and I can use all the help I can get.

Question about swim training devices... Pull Buoy, swim mits (hand things), kick board?  Are they worthwhile investments? If so, rank in order of use/gain improtance or which should I get first?

I had a similar question, but just about the swim mits.  Does anyone use them?  What are they meant to help you with?

I use the pull buoy a fair amount...usually do some drills with it at the beginning of my workout.  I've found it to be pretty helpful.  It sits between your thighs, so you don't have to kick and can focus on your stroke. 

2009-01-05 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

I just looked into Kelli's 100 push-up challenge.  Then from there... the 200 sit-up challenge.  I am taking both challenges.  Another way to punish, I mean strengthen my body...Yell

Thanks Kelli for setting the standard...

2009-01-05 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1887304

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Week 1/5 Swim Workout

100 swim
2x50 :30 rest (sidekick/swim/sidekick by 25)

Repeat 1-3 times (1x1000yds, 2x 1300yds, 3x1600yds)
1x50 :30 rest medium (record stroke count & time)
1x200 :15 rest medium effort
1x50 fast (try to keep same stroke count as 1st 50 record stroke count & time)
rest 2:00

8x50 :30 rest (fingertip drag drill/swim by 25)

1x100 Easy

Side kicking is done with one arm forward, other arm near side, shoulders are completely vertical in the water.  To breath just rotate head to the side with arm by side, when done head should be in normal position looking down at bottom of the pool. Kicks should be short with only slightly bent knees.  Switch which arm is forward by 25. This is a difficult drill if you haven't done it before, it involves body balance and rotation not just kicking. If you have fins, this drill will be easier if you start with them on. 

Fingertip drag is pretty straight forward... when recovering your arm front drag your fingertips along the waters surface and try to enter the water smoothly with your hand, the fewer the bubbles you see the better.   This drill should help with smooth hand entry and also high elbows during the recovery portion of the stroke.

Any questions on the workout format or descriptions? When you put the workout in your training log make sure to note your stroke counts & time for the 50s in the main set.

2009-01-05 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1887361

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-05 3:38 PM

I just looked into Kelli's 100 push-up challenge.  Then from there... the 200 sit-up challenge.  I am taking both challenges.  Another way to punish, I mean strengthen my body...Yell

Thanks Kelli for setting the standard...

Yay Justin!!  Push ups AND sit ups!  I didn't see the sit up challenge, I may have to hop on board with that one as well.

Just as with my little tune for the pool, here's another.  When your shoulders start hurting and your arms start getting a little shaky, just start thinking (or singing) 'I love push ups, they make me stronger.  I love push ups they make me stronger.'

2009-01-05 4:02 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
I'm not getting the whole sidekick thing... is there a website or a photo or something I can reference?
2009-01-05 4:10 PM
in reply to: #1887582

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Here's some pics I took a while back that might help...


Nicole83 - 2009-01-05 4:02 PM I'm not getting the whole sidekick thing... is there a website or a photo or something I can reference?





sidekick_position.jpg (42KB - 10 downloads)
sidekick_breath.jpg (59KB - 7 downloads)
sidekick_smallkick.jpg (70KB - 12 downloads)
sidekick_position2.jpg (81KB - 14 downloads)

2009-01-05 4:12 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

That totally helps.  What I was picturing was er... different... glad you clarified.  That would have been embarassing.

Yep, I'm probably gonna drown trying to do those. 

2009-01-05 7:42 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Okay... the push-up & sit-up challenges are harder than I thought.  Especially the sit-ups.  I have done crunches for so long, doing a full ist-up was quite the challenge.  I don't know if I should curse Kelli or Thank her for such pain!

Curse now - thank later!

2009-01-06 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1888107

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-05 8:42 PM

Okay... the push-up & sit-up challenges are harder than I thought.  Especially the sit-ups.  I have done crunches for so long, doing a full ist-up was quite the challenge.  I don't know if I should curse Kelli or Thank her for such pain!

Curse now - thank later!

You thank me, you thank me!!!  But, if it makes you feel any better I'm cursing myself at the moment so you can fee free to do the same.

I started the push up challenge on Sunday and planned to do them roughly every other day.  It's been a couple months since I've done push ups, so I may have overestimated my abilities when I started this   Yesterday morning I was a little sore and by last night it was so hard to even lift my arms over my head.

2009-01-06 8:20 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

I'm living vicariously through all of your training today as getting out of bed was enough to get my hr up and get me sweating this morning!  Don't ask me how Kelli got me sick all the way from NY.

Happy Tuesday everyone. 

2009-01-06 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1888107

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

The cursing of fellow group members got me to look into the challenge and I'm going to start the pushup/situp challenge tomorrow.  Now I get to curse, I mean thank both of you!

Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-05 7:42 PM

Okay... the push-up & sit-up challenges are harder than I thought.  Especially the sit-ups.  I have done crunches for so long, doing a full ist-up was quite the challenge.  I don't know if I should curse Kelli or Thank her for such pain!

Curse now - thank later!

2009-01-06 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1888841

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Well that stinks, get better soon! Kelli is sure getting blamed for a lot recently

Nicole83 - 2009-01-06 8:20 AM

I'm living vicariously through all of your training today as getting out of bed was enough to get my hr up and get me sweating this morning!  Don't ask me how Kelli got me sick all the way from NY.

Happy Tuesday everyone. 

2009-01-06 8:28 AM
in reply to: #1888842

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
evondo - 2009-01-06 9:21 AM

The cursing of fellow group members got me to look into the challenge and I'm going to start the pushup/situp challenge tomorrow.  Now I get to curse, I mean thank both of you!

Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-05 7:42 PM

Okay... the push-up & sit-up challenges are harder than I thought.  Especially the sit-ups.  I have done crunches for so long, doing a full ist-up was quite the challenge.  I don't know if I should curse Kelli or Thank her for such pain!

Curse now - thank later!

Way to hop on board Eric!!!  Who's next???  I know someone else out there must be interested...

2009-01-06 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1888858

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
evondo - 2009-01-06 9:26 AM

Well that stinks, get better soon! Kelli is sure getting blamed for a lot recently

Nicole83 - 2009-01-06 8:20 AM

I'm living vicariously through all of your training today as getting out of bed was enough to get my hr up and get me sweating this morning!  Don't ask me how Kelli got me sick all the way from NY.

Happy Tuesday everyone. 

You're right!!  And, it's not even 10am!

2009-01-06 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1888864

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
KelliD - 2009-01-06 9:28 AM
evondo - 2009-01-06 9:21 AM

The cursing of fellow group members got me to look into the challenge and I'm going to start the pushup/situp challenge tomorrow.  Now I get to curse, I mean thank both of you!

Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-05 7:42 PM

Okay... the push-up & sit-up challenges are harder than I thought.  Especially the sit-ups.  I have done crunches for so long, doing a full ist-up was quite the challenge.  I don't know if I should curse Kelli or Thank her for such pain!

Curse now - thank later!

Way to hop on board Eric!!!  Who's next???  I know someone else out there must be interested...

Hmmm.... can I wait until the phlegm dries up?  (curses! peer pressure!)

2009-01-06 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1888841

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Nicole83 - 2009-01-06 8:20 AM

Don't ask me how Kelli got me sick all the way from NY.

Happy Tuesday everyone. 

Yeah, don't be passing that crud around... As I spray my computer down with lysol!  No stops in Texas... a direct flight to Cali!  None of our group members live out west!

I truly thought the PU/SU challenge would not be that difficult... Ha... that's what I get for being cocky.  I have a PU/SU hang-over this morning... I am definitely feeling it! 

I too want to have a day off in between... so I have to get up early tomorrow morning and get the PU/SU sets in.  Wednesday evenings are a wash for me, because I work OT from 4p-10p.  I like the extra money, but I HATE how it eats up my time. 

2009-01-06 9:42 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Typical guy...not reading the instructions!  I was doing the 'ol retro sit-up, having my elbows touch my knees...  But after further reading on the 200 SU challenge site, You do not elevate your body more than 35 degrees.  I was wondering why my back, hips, and Abs hurt.  Retro sit-ups bad, crunch sit-ups good. 

Note to self... In an effort to prevent injury, read the instructions... blah, blah, blah!

2009-01-06 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1889082

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-06 10:42 AM

Typical guy...not reading the instructions!  I was doing the 'ol retro sit-up, having my elbows touch my knees...  But after further reading on the 200 SU challenge site, You do not elevate your body more than 35 degrees.  I was wondering why my back, hips, and Abs hurt.  Retro sit-ups bad, crunch sit-ups good. 

Note to self... In an effort to prevent injury, read the instructions... blah, blah, blah!


I was totally wondering about that but was going to leave it to Kelli to call you out on it.

2009-01-06 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1887240

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

I totally missed this yesterday, I like the idea.  Since almost everyone is in the base building phase the majority of the workout should be long intervals with about 20% rest. The faster stuff is at the end because you don't want to compromise your base building to sprint. 

5min easy
5min (30s build to race pace, 30s easy)
5min medium

2-5x5min w/1min easy btw

6x1min (odd - 30s sprint high cadence/30s easy, even - 30s sprint hardest gear/30s easy)

5min (30s build to race pace, 30s easy)
5min easy

For all workouts (especially intervals) always try to negative split.  This will teach your body how to correctly pace a race and mentally finishing strong is a huge boost in racing. As you progress through the base-build-taper periods the intervals will generally get shorter and rest in between will increase.

For those that are new to the sport there is no need to do shorter intervals until performance gains seem to stabilize.  For me personally, it took nearly 1.5years before I started doing sprint interval workouts.

I'm entering the build phase of my training in a couple weeks so many of my bike/run workouts would not work for the group. Would someone else like to write the weekly run/bike workouts for the group? I'll be happy to help with any questions

Nicole83 - 2009-01-05 1:49 PM

I would love love love a weekly swim workout.  That would be awesome, and definately motivational to know that if I didn't do it you all would make fun of me.

Could we do a weekly cycling or running interval workout too?  I'm not sure this will make sense, but perhaps structure a 5 minute or 10 minute interval series that can be done however many times we would need to in order to get our workout time to where it needs to be? 

So maybe a cycling interval workout that was something like:
2 minutes at an RPE of 5
30 second sprint
30 second sprint with climb
1 minute seated climb in same gear
1minute recovery RPE of 3
Repeat as many times as necessiary, for me probably 10 to hit the 50 minute mark plus a warm up and cool down?

It might be fun to be doing similar training stuff even though we're all over the place and doing a bunch of different events?

2009-01-06 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1889092

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Nicole83 - 2009-01-06 10:47 AM
Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-01-06 10:42 AM

Typical guy...not reading the instructions!  I was doing the 'ol retro sit-up, having my elbows touch my knees...  But after further reading on the 200 SU challenge site, You do not elevate your body more than 35 degrees.  I was wondering why my back, hips, and Abs hurt.  Retro sit-ups bad, crunch sit-ups good. 

Note to self... In an effort to prevent injury, read the instructions... blah, blah, blah!


I was totally wondering about that but was going to leave it to Kelli to call you out on it.

Haha...thanks Nicole!  I actually haven't started (or even read up on) the SU challenge yet, so I wasn't fully sure on the instructions.  Although, I assumed it wouldn't be "all the way" sit ups.

Edited by KelliD 2009-01-06 12:03 PM
2009-01-06 12:09 PM
in reply to: #1889126

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
evondo - 2009-01-06 10:59 AM

I totally missed this yesterday, I like the idea.  Since almost everyone is in the base building phase the majority of the workout should be long intervals with about 20% rest. The faster stuff is at the end because you don't want to compromise your base building to sprint. 

5min easy
5min (30s build to race pace, 30s easy)
5min medium

2-5x5min w/1min easy btw

6x1min (odd - 30s sprint high cadence/30s easy, even - 30s sprint hardest gear/30s easy)

5min (30s build to race pace, 30s easy)
5min easy

For all workouts (especially intervals) always try to negative split.  This will teach your body how to correctly pace a race and mentally finishing strong is a huge boost in racing. As you progress through the base-build-taper periods the intervals will generally get shorter and rest in between will increase.

For those that are new to the sport there is no need to do shorter intervals until performance gains seem to stabilize.  For me personally, it took nearly 1.5years before I started doing sprint interval workouts.

I'm entering the build phase of my training in a couple weeks so many of my bike/run workouts would not work for the group. Would someone else like to write the weekly run/bike workouts for the group? I'll be happy to help with any questions

Nicole83 - 2009-01-05 1:49 PM

I would love love love a weekly swim workout.  That would be awesome, and definately motivational to know that if I didn't do it you all would make fun of me.

Could we do a weekly cycling or running interval workout too?  I'm not sure this will make sense, but perhaps structure a 5 minute or 10 minute interval series that can be done however many times we would need to in order to get our workout time to where it needs to be? 

So maybe a cycling interval workout that was something like:
2 minutes at an RPE of 5
30 second sprint
30 second sprint with climb
1 minute seated climb in same gear
1minute recovery RPE of 3
Repeat as many times as necessiary, for me probably 10 to hit the 50 minute mark plus a warm up and cool down?

It might be fun to be doing similar training stuff even though we're all over the place and doing a bunch of different events?

I'm planning to get on the trainer tonight, so I'll give this a try.  Thanks Eric!

5min (30s build to race pace, 30s easy) - Are we increasing the pace for 30 seconds; easy for 30 seconds; increasing for 30, etc?

2009-01-06 12:16 PM
in reply to: #1889547

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Yep you got it. Start the 30s strong and by the last 5-10s or so you should be @ race pace, go easy 30 and repeat.  This is intended to elevate your HR and get you ready for the intervals so you're not starting cold.

KelliD - 2009-01-06 12:09 PM

I'm planning to get on the trainer tonight, so I'll give this a try.  Thanks Eric!

5min (30s build to race pace, 30s easy) - Are we increasing the pace for 30 seconds; easy for 30 seconds; increasing for 30, etc?

2009-01-06 2:19 PM
in reply to: #1889547

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
KelliD - 2009-01-06 12:09 PM
evondo - 2009-01-06 10:59 AM

I totally missed this yesterday, I like the idea.  Since almost everyone is in the base building phase the majority of the workout should be long intervals with about 20% rest. The faster stuff is at the end because you don't want to compromise your base building to sprint. 

5min easy
5min (30s build to race pace, 30s easy)
5min medium

2-5x5min w/1min easy btw

6x1min (odd - 30s sprint high cadence/30s easy, even - 30s sprint hardest gear/30s easy)

5min (30s build to race pace, 30s easy)
5min easy

For all workouts (especially intervals) always try to negative split.  This will teach your body how to correctly pace a race and mentally finishing strong is a huge boost in racing. As you progress through the base-build-taper periods the intervals will generally get shorter and rest in between will increase.

For those that are new to the sport there is no need to do shorter intervals until performance gains seem to stabilize.  For me personally, it took nearly 1.5years before I started doing sprint interval workouts.

I'm entering the build phase of my training in a couple weeks so many of my bike/run workouts would not work for the group. Would someone else like to write the weekly run/bike workouts for the group? I'll be happy to help with any questions

Nicole83 - 2009-01-05 1:49 PM

I would love love love a weekly swim workout.  That would be awesome, and definately motivational to know that if I didn't do it you all would make fun of me.

Could we do a weekly cycling or running interval workout too?  I'm not sure this will make sense, but perhaps structure a 5 minute or 10 minute interval series that can be done however many times we would need to in order to get our workout time to where it needs to be? 

So maybe a cycling interval workout that was something like:
2 minutes at an RPE of 5
30 second sprint
30 second sprint with climb
1 minute seated climb in same gear
1minute recovery RPE of 3
Repeat as many times as necessiary, for me probably 10 to hit the 50 minute mark plus a warm up and cool down?

It might be fun to be doing similar training stuff even though we're all over the place and doing a bunch of different events?

I'm planning to get on the trainer tonight, so I'll give this a try.  Thanks Eric!

Make that two of us. Thanks for the idea!!

Edited by Newtons1st 2009-01-06 2:20 PM
2009-01-07 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

OK here comes the newbie question of the day. On the bike workout above. What is Race Pace?

2009-01-07 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1891632

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Race pace is different for everyone so not a newbie question at all... I also should have used the term race effort instead of pace. Race effort is a strong effort but your HR should still be aerobic and only slightly labored breathing no huffing and puffing

Newtons1st - 2009-01-07 8:32 AM

OK here comes the newbie question of the day. On the bike workout above. What is Race Pace?

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