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2009-04-18 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2094315

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
lkagop - 2009-04-18 5:38 PM Back from my first tri of the season - and my first indoor pool tri!  They haven't posted results yet, but when they do, I'll start my race report (RR).  In the meantime, here are some initial thoughts I wrote on my Training Log.

I can say that the indoor pool swim was colder and more fun than I thought; T1 wasn't as cold as I thought it would be; the bike was horrible with hills that belong in West Virginia not Ohio; T2 was fast; the run was great, though my calves started tightening so I had to stop 3 times to stretch, but I'm still pleased with my time considering I train on hills and this was flat (running on flats is HARD if you don't train on them - seriously!).

Great to have my BT and Cincy tri club friends cheering me on.  That was so cool.

I debated on whether to do this tri or not for the longest time, but I'm so glad I did.  I've missed racing here in the off season and it got me pumped for the remainder of the year.  I got to meet a couple ladies (one here on BT and the other a friend of a friend with the tri club) who were doing this tri as their first and it was great to see them after the finish line or cheer them on in the run.  Man, I absolutely love, love, love this sport!

Sounds like you had a wonderful day! Can't wait to read the race report! Go and relax, you deserve it!!

2009-04-19 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Ditto on the race report Lora, can't wait to read it

Busy weekend. Yesterday I had to work all day and after that hubby and I went out for diner and had a great meal and great convo My daughter was gone at a friends house and we had the whole evening to ourselves...

Right now I'm having oatmeal with fruit and a coffee and then I'm off to run for an hour (anyway I'll try hehe). This afternoon will be shopping for our new house (ceramic tiles, flooring, bath, shower etc...) Fun stuff

Have a great day

Edited by mekira 2009-04-19 8:00 AM
2009-04-19 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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New user
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hi Girls!

Got my run in this morning and I used the new route feature, thanks for the tip!  Ran about 4 miles.  Man, I'm so slow outside!  It's much more hilly outside, and I don't have mile markers to know what kind of pace I'm doing.  I guess I'm not very good at pushing myself to go faster.  On the TM pacing yourself is so easy cause you just set the speed you wanna go and try to keep up.  My run was OK, I just felt like I was running up hill and into the wind the whole time!  LOL!  I'm getting a little discouraged because I'm so freaking slow!  Best I could do on the TM was about 11min/mile and now outside it's over 13 min/mile!!  I don't feel much like a "runner" as most people could probably walk along side me and keep up!  I told my dad yesterday that I was thinking about doing a triathlon and he wasn't exactly encouraging.  He's some kind of all star athlete, runs marathons and half marathons and stuff.  Most other runners and all of my other friends, as well as you guys, have been very supportive and encouraging.  He said he's not running any races this year cause he's getting slower.  Neither is my step mom.  I think if you enjoy it and can do it just get out and do it.  You don't have to win!!  I've always been proud just for participating and finishing.  It's a lot more than most people do!  I guess he's getting to that age where he's reached his peak and is getting slower and now is not enjoying the sport as much.  He doesn't have to rain on my parade though!  I don't care if I come in last, I just like to get out there and do something!  He kind of bursted my bubble a bit yesterday, but I'm trying to stay positive.  As much as I say I don't care if I'm fast or not, a 13 minute mile is kind of a slap in the face.  I guess I am carrying about 200 pounds around....Hopefully I'll effortlessly get a little faster as I lose weight.

I got my TI DVD today.  I can't wait to start watching it! Thanks again for your notes Lora. 

I'm heading off to the gym to do some toning and then to weigh in at weight watchers.

Will probably have to do some work from home today....blah!  I have a very busy week of work coming up this week.  I have clients in tomorrow and then will be flying to St. Louis in the evening, but will be back late Tue night.  Will be hard to get a work out in on Mon and Tue with work plus travel, but I'll see what I can squeeze in.  The good news is that I wasn't going to be back until Thursday, but some meetings were cancelled, so I get to come back early.  I have 2 huge proposals this week, but with clients in on Monday and Friday, plus travel on Mon and Tue, I don't know how I'm going to fit it all in.  Looks like I have some late nights coming up ahead of me!

Just case you're wondering....I work in sales for a contract testing laboratory.  We do microbiological and analytical testing for pharmaceutical companies as required by our governmental regulatory agencies.  We don't do any animal testing.  Anyhow, I'm in charge of 3 of our largest accounts and I travel to meet with them regularly and try to find new opportunities to grow our business with them.  I'm excited because I am working on 2 really big proposals right now (due this week), and hope to win them, but it's so much work up front!

What do you guys do???
2009-04-19 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Hi Girls,

I am in FL for this week and may not be able to check in or post often because the internet does not work where we are staying on the beach, and the coffee shop costs a fortune to use their computers ( which is what I am doing now).  I am working on uping my weekly milage. Running on the beach is wonderful, but a little tougher than I imagined when the sand is thick.  Ran 4mi yesterday and did a 10K this morning.  I also was able to get a swim in last night and plan on swimming every evening while I am here. 

I wasn't able to read all the posts, but good luck to anyone racing this weekend and good job to all who are working hard towards their goals.

2009-04-19 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Wow, maggie - you sound incredibly busy!!!!!!

I just wanna say, above all else - I am impressed with you!  You say your weight is about 200 - but I'm not too far behind you - 187 at the doctor on Thursday.  And the fact that you're getting outside and running 4 miles is impressive - and that's at any weight!!  I was so glad yesterday that I ran 1 mile straight - and it was on the TM...and it was 15 minutes...and I was happy!  I'm not running expert, but I now that your TM time will differ from your outside time - and that's ok!!

And about your Dad....maybe, unfortunately, you won't be able to talk to him about your training and/or your races too much.  Frown  Something I'm learning to accept and live with - I can't control other people's reactions...the only person I can control is me! SmileFrown  So if your dad isn't so positive, the only thing you can do is control how you take his not so positive-ness.  You could say something to him about it...or you could realize (as I think you might've) that he is kind of dissapointed in himself.... But regardless, it still sucks that he isn't giving you the feedback you want!

Work for you sounds crazy busy!!!  Good luck!  As for what I do...I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and have been working in the diesel engine industry for about the last 5 years.  I always say, it's every little girls dream, I know! Tongue out  I'm surrounded by mostly men - which is kind of fun...but unfortunately for single me - - The odds are good, but the goods are odd!  (But I do work with a lot of fairly attractive men, about my age - - but of course, all but like 1 have girl friends!!)

I have to say, after I've spent a week with the purpose of training for triathlons- I feel pretty good - I feel hopeful!!  I also took everyone's suggestion and signed up for the tri in August.  I have also signed up for two 5K's that are late May and early June.  So my plan is to focus on the running (as I mentioned, yesterday was 1 mile, 15 minutes - first time run a mile straight in a while...) and then have some side workouts of swimming and biking.  Then, assuming I can do the 5K running portion of my sprint - - I'll be in better shape, then can continue with running, but ramp up the biking and swimming for the remaining 2 months.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend - it was nice here, but is now yucky!!!  Which is ironic, because I took my old bike in to get tuned up and ready for some riding - I got a phone call yesterday saying it was ready - but won't really want to go out for another week!!!  Such is life, huh?!!?  I'm working now (really hard, as you can tell!! Wink) Then lunch with my mom and then there is a meeting for a local tri club tonight at 5.  I'm hoping that I can convince myself to do a good swimming workout too...


2009-04-19 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2095119

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Ugh!  That's too bad about your dad raining on your parade.  Sounds like he's just got some disappointment with which he's dealing and is just sour on this type of stuff in general.  Obviously, I don't know your dad, but maybe he was just having a bad day.  Who knows: Maybe your positive attitude about the sport will rub back on him?

I understand how frustrated you can feel about your pace.  If you just keep consistently training, that pace/mile will get smaller.

Did you guys know (as the announcer at yesterday's race reminded all the noobs about ready to hit the swim portion of a triathlon for their first time) that only 1% of people in the entire world ever finish a triathlon?  I just think that's super cool and, Maggie, that attitude you've got will get you into that 1%!

That sounds like a busy but rewarding job.  Very unique.

Keep up the great attitude and have fun watching TI!

Edited by lkagop 2009-04-19 12:35 PM

2009-04-19 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2095201

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
sahebb - 2009-04-19 11:52 AM

Hi Girls,

I am in FL for this week and may not be able to check in or post often because the internet does not work where we are staying on the beach, and the coffee shop costs a fortune to use their computers ( which is what I am doing now).  I am working on uping my weekly milage. Running on the beach is wonderful, but a little tougher than I imagined when the sand is thick.  Ran 4mi yesterday and did a 10K this morning.  I also was able to get a swim in last night and plan on swimming every evening while I am here. 

I wasn't able to read all the posts, but good luck to anyone racing this weekend and good job to all who are working hard towards their goals.

I'd take spending a week in Florida over having internet access any day.  Sounds like you've got a good plan to work-in some good training while you're there.  Best wishes!
2009-04-19 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2095222

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Lisa, I love it!  "The odds are good but the goods are odd."  That just cracks me up!!!

Big congrats to you for taking the plunge,  plunking down the money and registering for your first tri!  Yippee!  Oh, and those 5Ks will be great for you beforehand.

I really do hope you make it to the tri club meeting.  Most clubs are incredibly welcoming to newcomers.  They understand that today's noob could be tomorrow's president or pace line leader - you name it.

I really like the Couch to 5K on this site, but it's a 16 week program and you don't have that much time.  A lot of triathletes I know use Hal Higdon's running programs.  They're great because they allow you days for cross training (in other words you can bike or swim on those days).  I just finished his 10K program and I loved it.  Most of all, because I had a schedule, I met all of my goals and - just because I was running more frequently - the times on my shorter distances improved.  Here's a link to his novice 5K plan:

Let me know if you have any questions!

- Lora
2009-04-19 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
First the bad news - I didn't get in my run at all yesterday.  I went to visit a friend and just procrastinated all day.  Kind of mad at myself that I didn't, but all in all a very good week.

Then, the GOOD news - I rode 11.16 mi on the bike today! - and I was CLIPPED IN!  I practiced stationary with the shoes a few times this week, and then I just decided to go for it today.  Yay me!  I am a little tired, but I certainly still had energy left at the end - I didn't push it all out since I wanted to go for the distance rather than speed.  I am so proud of myself I could burst.

Maggie- Sorry to hear about the negative comments from your dad.  I am 220 and working towards my first tri, and I've gotten a couple of people who say "you are training for what?" too.  But I choose to listen to those that support me in this - my husband, friends, daughters, sister - and disregard all the rest.  I'll be a triathlete either way and they won't be!

Wishing everyone a great week-
Mary Sue
2009-04-19 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2095119

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
maggiewvu - 2009-04-19 10:59 AM
Just case you're wondering....I work in sales for a contract testing laboratory.  We do microbiological and analytical testing for pharmaceutical companies as required by our governmental regulatory agencies.  We don't do any animal testing.  Anyhow, I'm in charge of 3 of our largest accounts and I travel to meet with them regularly and try to find new opportunities to grow our business with them.  I'm excited because I am working on 2 really big proposals right now (due this week), and hope to win them, but it's so much work up front!

What do you guys do???

You don't work for Covance, do you?  Because that's who I work for and that would be just too weird!  I work in corporate finance doing SEC reporting. 
2009-04-19 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I had a good run this morning, and I went 3 1/4 miles which is the furthest I've ever run.  (Can you tell I'm not a runner?)  It felt good and I enjoyed it.  Enjoying the running is something recent.  For awhile it felt like work.

Then I taught a gentle yoga class.  I like to run before that class so I can use the class to stretch out.  My students haven't caught on that many of the poses we do stretch the running muscles.  They just like the stretches.

It's very warm and sunny today, so I spent the afternoon doing gardening.  (Which means I lugged 12 bags of mulch around the yard.)  Now I'm tired and ready for a quiet evening.

2009-04-19 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2095574

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New user
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

serendipity - 2009-04-19 3:51 PM
maggiewvu - 2009-04-19 10:59 AM

What do you guys do???

You don't work for Covance, do you?  Because that's who I work for and that would be just too weird!  I work in corporate finance doing SEC reporting. 

Debbie, I work for Lancaster Labs, but Covance is one of our competitorsWink


Thanks for all your support everyone!

Mary Sue - great job on the bike clipped in!  I am still waiting to get my bike back from the bike shop.  I asked them to put the caged pedals on it.  You guys are getting me worried about these clip things.  Guess it will be a while till I'm ready to upgrade.

2009-04-19 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2095906

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Thanks Maggie!  Actually the clips weren't that bad at all and I have much less muscle soreness tonight because they make you ride more efficiently.  You have to get over the mental thing that you are attached to your bike, but then it isn't bad.  My bike shop also set the tension on the clamps so they are easier to get out of - I definitely recommend them!
2009-04-19 11:48 PM
in reply to: #2093969

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New user

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
blujay65 - 2009-04-18 2:40 PM

Hey Ladies!

Back from my biathlon... did well and got second place in my age group (40-44). It was a tough hilly course, but not too long and luckily the weather held so no rain, but there was a lot of wind. It was a very fun day. You can go to my training log and click on the race report link at the bottom of today's log to see more detailed info.

Hope everyone is having a good day and good luck to Lora!

WOW! Congrats! Nice trophy!

2009-04-20 7:32 AM
in reply to: #2096306

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
chardnett - 2009-04-19 11:48 PM
blujay65 - 2009-04-18 2:40 PM

Hey Ladies!

Back from my biathlon... did well and got second place in my age group (40-44). It was a tough hilly course, but not too long and luckily the weather held so no rain, but there was a lot of wind. It was a very fun day. You can go to my training log and click on the race report link at the bottom of today's log to see more detailed info.

Hope everyone is having a good day and good luck to Lora!

WOW! Congrats! Nice trophy!

Thanks! Did you ever get to the Aquatics Center? And how is the bike purchasing going? Cheers!
2009-04-20 10:25 AM
in reply to: #2095906

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
maggiewvu - 2009-04-19 8:17 PM

serendipity - 2009-04-19 3:51 PM
maggiewvu - 2009-04-19 10:59 AM

What do you guys do???

You don't work for Covance, do you?  Because that's who I work for and that would be just too weird!  I work in corporate finance doing SEC reporting. 

Debbie, I work for Lancaster Labs, but Covance is one of our competitorsWink

Whew.  I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to complain about work.

2009-04-20 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I've been following the Boston Marathon commentary online.  The elite women just passed the halfway point.  I'm blown away by their speed.  How do they run 6 minute miles for 26 miles?  I never really appreciated how hard they worked until I started this training and have been tracking my own pace.  Maybe I could keep up with them - for about 30 seconds!  (on a good day)

Anyone else suddenly finding themselves interested in the triathlon-related events?  A month or so ago I was caught up in the Tour of California, after never watching a pro bike race before.
2009-04-20 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Happy Monday ladies!  I had a busy weekend so wasn't around much.  Congrats to Jen on her second place finish!  And to Lora on her tri!  I did a 5k myself on Saturday morning and had a really good race - 16 seconds short of a new PR.  But I ran well and felt good the whole time. 

Unfortunately my biking wasn't so goodFrown.  I went out after work on Friday to ride around the neighborhood (some hills, some flats) and realized that out of the 12 gears on my bike only 4 of them actually work.  I can get to both rings in the front but the rear shifter apparently has some issues.  I can use the small ring and one of the middle ones in the back, but can't get to any of the others.  Not a good thing to find out 2 weeks before my first tri.  I can probably get it into the LBS this week to have them look at it, but don't know if I want to be without a bike to ride when it's the one area where I really need the practice.  I may just go with it as is for this first one and then look into either fixing the shifter or getting a new one after the race. 


2009-04-20 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hey all!
So, last night I realized that I have made it to week 6 in the 13 week training program and it is a rest week... Which is good because I am suppossed to be in a taper for my regional swim meet this weekend. But, I am having a hard time comming to terms with resting!

So 2 15 min sessions running is cool cause I don't like to run, I have been going over the swim from the beginning so I'll keep doing that, but the 2 30 min rides... :0( I just got my trainer (it is raining here so I have to be inside today anyway) and a Time Trial video and I am thinking of doing it tonight anyway! I'll lay off starting tomarrow....

I promise myself I will take friday off completly!
2009-04-20 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2097640

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
freeflykami - 2009-04-20 1:30 PM Hey all!
So, last night I realized that I have made it to week 6 in the 13 week training program and it is a rest week... Which is good because I am suppossed to be in a taper for my regional swim meet this weekend. But, I am having a hard time comming to terms with resting!

So 2 15 min sessions running is cool cause I don't like to run, I have been going over the swim from the beginning so I'll keep doing that, but the 2 30 min rides... :0( I just got my trainer (it is raining here so I have to be inside today anyway) and a Time Trial video and I am thinking of doing it tonight anyway! I'll lay off starting tomarrow....

I promise myself I will take friday off completly!

First- good luck in your swim meet! I have participated in biking and running events, but never in a swim only event, frankly it scares me, swimming is my weakest area.

Second- I know what you mean about rest days/periods. It is hard. Mainly I feel as if I am cheating or something and often when I do try out a training plan those days never coincide with when I really do need rest. Good luck in sticking to it!

2009-04-20 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hi All,

Happy Monday! This morning I did my long run, 9 miles. The pace was just OK, about 10:43. I get easily bored running anything over 30min, never mind three times that amount. So to make it more interesting I jumped on some side mountain bike trails for a few miles. It slowed me up a bit but the mental diversion was well worth it.

For me boredom is a big issue and sometimes my Ipod just doesn't cover it. I try and switch up the scenery as much as possible to keep myself interested, I also tend to run better when I do this for my long runs. Never mind that it was a perfect day for running!

Hope everyone is having a productive day, no matter what your are doing!

2009-04-20 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hello everyone,

I have not been posting because the snow finally melted here in Minnesota and I have been working outside (and training, of course).

I need to pick a training program next week.  I'm looking seriously at the sprint program in "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Triathlon Training".  You need to be able to swim 20-25 min, bike 40-45 min, and run 30-35 min, which I can do except I can only swim 15 min straight.  If I pick this program, I'm going to add an extra swim session (3xweek).  It includes a transition workout the 1st week, which I kinda like.

Bike:  I got a road bike last week - also found out I've been riding my old,old bike way to low - my knee's been way bendy even when on the down pedal.  I've got a bit of a learning curve riding higher - I'm kinda  paranoid - and I haven't even tried the toe clips yet.  Bike is a priority this week.

Swimming:  Went from 17:08 last month to 14:27 last week for 9 laps (450 yards) - so I'm happy with that (even tho it's really slow, it shows improvement)

Running: Up to 3.7 miles (pretty slow tho).  Will work gradually on increasing speed and distance.

Congratulations Jen and Lora.
Congratulations to Kara Goucher - ex-Minnesota girl who took 3rd at Boston


ps  I've lost 15 of the 20 pounds I gained last winter when I was on crutches.  If I lose the other 5 this month I'll be happy because I don't want to restrict calories too much when I'm training
2009-04-20 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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West Fargo
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hey all!

Well, this week is coming along a little better than last week. I was pretty tired then, and I'm still not sure what the right combo to remedy that is yet. However, I did have a 6.2 mile run (I should have clarified that it was 10k distance, not a race....sorry). I made it just fine, so I think maybe having the extra days off was a good thing. I was pretty tight in the legs so yesterday I did yoga. That generally loosens me up pretty good, however I'm still feeling tight. Today I was able to run 5 miles, however due to thinking a few cups of coffee would be good to give me the extra boost, I ended up in the bathroom 4 times!!! Lesson learned. I also needed to re-tape my blister twice..... So I'm not sure on the time. i guesstimated. However, I was able to pick up the pace quite a bit. So that was good. I'm planning on running 3 tomorrow and 5 on Wednesday. We'll see if the legs hold up! Just no more coffee......
2009-04-20 9:32 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
So I did the Time Trial video and noticed a couple things

when I am down in the horns my thighs are buming my stomach, is that normal?

it seems like I keep putting pressure on the outside of my feet... Im not sure Im suppossed to be doing that?
2009-04-21 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2098009

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Denise, I love your plan.  I read that book last year myself and it was very, very helpful.  I didn't use the training plan but there was a lot of great information to glean.

Glad you've got a new road bike - and most importantly - that you've been fitted.  I can totally relate to feeling weird being so high, but you will get used to it.

Here's to hoping those last 5 lbs. are practicing their farewell song!!!
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