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2009-04-28 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hi Everyone!  I'm back from Ann Arbor. . . I did a lot of running around doing errands there and helping my sister pack & clean.  I was able to get my run workout in this morning, though I did have to skip my bike & swim workouts yesterday.  I'll reschedule them for later in the week.

Wow, I didn't even know BT had a beginner swim program!  I must not be poking around this site nearly enough Wink  If anyone's interested in looking at other plans, I really like  You can time yourself to see how long it'll take you to do a certain distance (without stopping), and it'll give you a workout that's suited to your abilities.  And it gives you descriptions of the drills it makes you do, so you don't have to worry about swimmers' jargon!

As for strength training, I'm addicted!  I really like the book New Rules of Lifting for Women (and actually, I like the original New Rules of Lifting as well, but it's geared toward men).  There's even a plan in NROLW that you can just follow right along, and it gives the descriptions of the exercises it has you do.  Some good lifting websites are and  For more tri-specific plans, The Triathlete's Training Bible also has some plans, but I haven't really looked at them or done them.  I used to loosely follow the plans in NROLW, but I've been working out with lifting buddies a lot lately, and since they're all burly macho men (only slightly kidding), I just follow them around and do what they tell me to do Tongue out  We basically try to do a full body workout each time and hit all the major muscle groups. 

I also sometimes have the problem of having a foot fall asleep during long rides.  I still don't know how to resolve that issue either!

2009-04-28 10:39 PM
in reply to: #2117148

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

yogachic - 2009-04-28 6:48 PM 

I also sometimes have the problem of having a foot fall asleep during long rides. I still don't know how to resolve that issue either!

My DH and I have been discussing this very problem lately since mine do the same thing.  Right now I just pull up on the pedals instead of pushing down for a few strokes and it helps for a while.  One of his suggestions is to check the placement of the foot on the pedals, assuming you're using clipless ones.  A slight adjustment can make a big difference.  I haven't taken the time to check mine yet but probably should soon.

2009-04-28 10:51 PM
in reply to: #2115876

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

erin.kelsey - 2009-04-28 10:50 AM I want to incorporate some strength training in to my routine. Before I started training I was doing interval workouts that combined cardio and strength, so I'm not a newbie but I wondered if anyone recommends a strength plan.

right now I'm going to peruse some of my fitness magazines and see if I find anything.

Another option for a strength training plan is to meet with a trainer.  Some gyms/fitness centers offer a free consultation to help get you started.  I took advantage of this as a YMCA member and it was very helpful.  It'd been 20 years since I'd done any and didn't know what exercises would be useful for triathlons, what weights to start at, etc.

2009-04-29 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Thanks for all of the weight lifting suggestions!

Today is rest day for me and I'm looking forward to it. It's a rest day from exercise, but not from life! I work today until 5 and then shoot off to a class until 9. gross! Luckily my semester is almost over.

I hope everyone has a great day!
2009-04-29 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2116874

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
hippotude - 2009-04-28 7:40 PM  After I have been on the bike for an extent period of time my feet fall asleep.  I know I probably push down more than I pull, so the last couple of rides I really consentrated on pulling up.  This helped with the numbness a little, but my toes still had some this normal?  If not any suggestions on what I can do to prevent this from happening?

Same thing happened to me.  Here's what the bike store owner / multiple Ironman athlete told me:  When we pedal, it stresses the instep of our feet and flexes that area in ways our feet aren't used to, and can give us carpal tunnel-like problems in our feet.  He said it wouldn't go away over time like the butt/seat soreness does.  Stiff-soled shoes, i.e. cycling shoes, are the answer and prevent the flexing.  I switched to cycling shoes and the numbness/tingling immediately disappeared.  You can use them with pedals alone, clips, or cages.
2009-04-29 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2116836

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
calimavs - 2009-04-28 7:21 PM I want to get more into doing sets and drills since I know they will make me faster, and I also want to build my overall volume. QUOTE]

My favorite swimming workout book is "The Fit Swimmer; 120 Workouts & Training Tips" by Marianne Brems.  The beginning workouts chapter takes you from Workout (WO) 1 (450yds in 50's) to  WO 12 (1 mile!) to WOt 25 (1850yds, intervals) and has additional intermediate, advanced, and training in a pool for open water Laughing chapters/workouts.  No drills, you'd need another source for those.

This is what I've used since last September, moving up about 1 workout a week.

2009-04-29 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2081113

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I swam last night and my damn shoulder is still bugging me from last week.  I did one length of butterfly thinking my swimmer's shoulder was well healed and - BOOM, it's back.  Last night I did a kick-heavy workout and babied it.

Today it's single leg drills on the trainer.

I have yet to ride in the rain.  What do I need to know?
2009-04-29 10:10 AM
in reply to: #2116836

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
calimavs - 2009-04-28 6:21 PM

Like Erin I've also been thinking about my swimming lately and I need some advice.

We can't afford to have me join a masters team right now so I'm stuck going on my own for the time being. I'm not really a newbie at swimming technique, I swam competitively as a child and because of that I can do all 4 strokes, bilateral breathing every 3rd stroke, etc.

I want to get more into doing sets and drills since I know they will make me faster, and I also want to build my overall volume. Right now I've just been swimming a straight 1,000 meters freestyle in about a half hour taking short breaks every so often and going at a moderately easy pace. I always feel like I could have done more after one of these pool sessions.

I want to do one of the BT Beginner swim programs but I'm having trouble deciding which month to start on. If I can already do 1,000 meters consistently should I start with month 2, month 3? Intermediate month 1? I looked at the distance of the beginner month 1 and 2 and I'm not sure they would be much of a challenge given that my base is already ok. I'm sort of lost as to where to start!

As long as you've covered all the bases that are outlined in the previous months (especially with drills and stuff), and feel comfortable and confident with your abilities, jumping ahead to month 2 or 3 based on your ability probably is not a bad idea. If they have any speed work tailored to shorter distances in the earlier months you may find bringing that into the mix as beneficial as well.
2009-04-29 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

I get to go swimming today, Yay!  Especially since it's raining here too. 

It's been a while since I've ridden in the rain but I would suggest taking it easy on the curves (and prepare for a little grit in the face unless you have fenders).

After swimming I get to pack and prepare for this weekend's trip.  Tonight we drive to Seattle, tomorrow we fly to Tenn.  It's for the second memorial service for my MIL.  She died on Easter after battling ovarian cancer for 6 months.  This is the second person in my life I've lost to this terrible disease and it makes me very angry.

Sorry for the sad note.  I probably won't be online much again until Monday.  Hope everyone has a nice weekend and good workouts.

2009-04-29 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2116874

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
hippotude - 2009-04-28 6:40 PM

I do have a question.  After I have been on the bike for an extent period of time my feet fall asleep.  I know I probably push down more than I pull, so the last couple of rides I really consentrated on pulling up.  This helped with the numbness a little, but my toes still had some this normal?  If not any suggestions on what I can do to prevent this from happening?

Hope everyone has a good evening.

Based on my previous experience with tingly toes and feet, what folks have been talking about pulling up versus pushing down is right on the money.

There are a few things I try to do to avoid this during my longer rides...
- wiggle my toes every once in a while since the cycling shoes are so restrictive.
- loosen the velcro on my cycling shoes a pinch.
- focus on the upward motion and maintaining an even pressure on the pedal throughout the entire motion.
- you may need to play with the position of your saddle a little bit...moving it forward/backward/angle of tilt. (I just installed a new saddle last week and the first 10 minutes of last night's ride included a lot of position play. I ended up raising my seatpost a hair, moving my saddle forward about a centimeter and angled it down another degree or two and it made a HUGE difference.)
- You could also be sitting on a nerve (likely sciatic?) that's triggering a weird sensation--do you ride in padded shorts or regular shorts?

If it continues to happen you may consider taking your bike in for a professional fitting. They'll adjust everything from the seat post/saddle to the stem of your bike to the float on your cleats to make sure you're in the correct position. also has some information regarding insoles for your shoes that may help ease the numb/tingling feeling.
2009-04-29 10:26 AM
in reply to: #2118150

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
lghays - 2009-04-29 10:13 AM

I get to go swimming today, Yay!  Especially since it's raining here too. 

It's been a while since I've ridden in the rain but I would suggest taking it easy on the curves (and prepare for a little grit in the face unless you have fenders).

After swimming I get to pack and prepare for this weekend's trip.  Tonight we drive to Seattle, tomorrow we fly to Tenn.  It's for the second memorial service for my MIL.  She died on Easter after battling ovarian cancer for 6 months.  This is the second person in my life I've lost to this terrible disease and it makes me very angry.

Sorry for the sad note.  I probably won't be online much again until Monday.  Hope everyone has a nice weekend and good workouts.

Frown  I'm sorry for your loss, Lara.  I lost an uncle last year after battling cancer for several years.  It's hard to see your loved ones suffer through that for so long!  Anyways, I hope you have a safe trip to Tennessee!

I love swimming on rainy days too!  I decided to shuffle my workouts around for the rest of the week so I can swim tomorrow when it's rainy, and save my bike & run workouts for the weekend, when it's sunny.  I know I should practice running & cycling in the rain, but there's something about the rain that makes me wanna dive into the pool and do laps!

2009-04-29 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2117148

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
yogachic - 2009-04-28 8:48 PM

Hi Everyone!  I'm back from Ann Arbor. . . I did a lot of running around doing errands there and helping my sister pack & clean.  I was able to get my run workout in this morning, though I did have to skip my bike & swim workouts yesterday.  I'll reschedule them for later in the week.

Wow, I didn't even know BT had a beginner swim program!  I must not be poking around this site nearly enough Wink  If anyone's interested in looking at other plans, I really like  You can time yourself to see how long it'll take you to do a certain distance (without stopping), and it'll give you a workout that's suited to your abilities.  And it gives you descriptions of the drills it makes you do, so you don't have to worry about swimmers' jargon!

As for strength training, I'm addicted!  I really like the book New Rules of Lifting for Women (and actually, I like the original New Rules of Lifting as well, but it's geared toward men).  There's even a plan in NROLW that you can just follow right along, and it gives the descriptions of the exercises it has you do.  Some good lifting websites are and  For more tri-specific plans, The Triathlete's Training Bible also has some plans, but I haven't really looked at them or done them.  I used to loosely follow the plans in NROLW, but I've been working out with lifting buddies a lot lately, and since they're all burly macho men (only slightly kidding), I just follow them around and do what they tell me to do Tongue out  We basically try to do a full body workout each time and hit all the major muscle groups. 

I also sometimes have the problem of having a foot fall asleep during long rides.  I still don't know how to resolve that issue either!

Welcome back, Missy! I'm glad you were able to get some runs in while you were in Michigan. Hopefully the move went smoothly for your sister.

Great advice sharing! It's one of my favorite swimming sites along with

That's for the tip on the strength training book. I may have to check it out since it's geared toward women!
2009-04-29 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2117808

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
erin.kelsey - 2009-04-29 8:32 AM

Thanks for all of the weight lifting suggestions!

Today is rest day for me and I'm looking forward to it. It's a rest day from exercise, but not from life! I work today until 5 and then shoot off to a class until 9. gross! Luckily my semester is almost over.

I hope everyone has a great day!

How much longer until the semester is finito!?
2009-04-29 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2118044

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
lovesreading - 2009-04-29 9:44 AM

I swam last night and my damn shoulder is still bugging me from last week.  I did one length of butterfly thinking my swimmer's shoulder was well healed and - BOOM, it's back.  Last night I did a kick-heavy workout and babied it.

Today it's single leg drills on the trainer.

I have yet to ride in the rain.  What do I need to know?

Argh! How frustrating, cheryl. Take it easy on your shoulder the next few days.

As far as tonight's trainer session's some things to do and focus on during your SLD's...
1. Whichever foot is not doing the single leg drill, unclip and rest on the back part of trainer.
2. During the drill, focus on keeping a smooth, even, fluid motion for the duration of the drill.
3. With your foot positioning, be sure to keep your heel down...during your pedal through think of trying to scrape mud off the bottom of your cycling shoe...that's the motion you should be aiming for.

SLD's are great for working on technique. There's a great video by Joe Friel posted here on BT on pedaling technique you (actually everyone) should check out when they have time: ...they actually go over SLD's (calling them isolated leg turnover drills) about 3 minutes into the video.

2009-04-29 11:54 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Good morning everyone,

Thanks for all the suggestions about the numb feet.  I am taking the bike in for a tune-up this week and I might see if we can make a few adjustments.  I think if I can find a solution it will make the transition from the bike to the run easier.  That way the feet are not "waking up" during the first part of the run.

Sounds like everyones' workouts are rocking....keep up the good work!

2009-04-29 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2118150

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
lghays - 2009-04-29 10:13 AM

I get to go swimming today, Yay!  Especially since it's raining here too. 

It's been a while since I've ridden in the rain but I would suggest taking it easy on the curves (and prepare for a little grit in the face unless you have fenders).

After swimming I get to pack and prepare for this weekend's trip.  Tonight we drive to Seattle, tomorrow we fly to Tenn.  It's for the second memorial service for my MIL.  She died on Easter after battling ovarian cancer for 6 months.  This is the second person in my life I've lost to this terrible disease and it makes me very angry.

Sorry for the sad note.  I probably won't be online much again until Monday.  Hope everyone has a nice weekend and good workouts.

Lara - I'm really sorry to hear about your loss, hun. Ovarian cancer is a horrible disease that no one should ever have to experience. I hope you have a safe trip with your family...I'll be thinking about you guys this weekend.

2009-04-29 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
It sounds like we're all getting hit with some wet weather these days, so I've done some poking around for Rainy Day Cycling's a bit of what I've found online (and based on my own personal experience, too)...

1. When riding on the roads, avoid the lane lines as they can be super slick...same with leaves or any other debris you may come across.
2. Avoid puddles if you's hard to tell how deep they are, if they're really a pot hole, or if there's class or something else that can puncture your tire.
3. Consider letting a little bit of air out of your tire...about 10 psi.
4. Wear your cycling glasses...rain can come at you from every which way and when you add your speed from the bike, a pelt in the eye can get painful. So wear glasses so you don't have to worry about squinting and getting water in your eyes.
5. Gently pump your brakes several times with even pressure to slow down without skidding...and give yourself more time to stop.
6. Ride slower in general.
7. Wear bright, waterproof clothing. Some folks opt for waterproof pants/jackets/shoe covers (I typically wear a waterproof running jacket that I own and call it good)
8. Use lights or reflective strips on your bike to increase your visibility to others.
9. Balance weight evenly, especially on turns.
10. When you're done riding, be sure to bring your bike indoors and dry it off adequately. Make sure there's no grime or other gunk in your gears/chain/brake surfaces or cables. This will help prolong the life of your ride.
2009-04-29 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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New user
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
How much longer until the semester is finito!?

Not much longer! Only about 2 more weeks. I can't wait! I keep joking that I think I have senioritis or something, haha. 
2009-04-29 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Regina, Sk
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
More snow! We are supposed to get 1.5 to 2 inches tonight!! Mother Nature us mad at us. Therefore I did not ride my bike today. Went for a swim and did some drills again. The flutter board drill is my worst drill I may as well be going backwards. None the less it was a good swim and I can again see forward progress as I did the 500 M in 19 min instead of the 30 min from the other day. Of course the other guy did 1000m in the same time but thats OK I feel good.Hope you all stay warm. Ha ha. Can't believe I had to break out my toque today. Sorry that would be tobbaggon cap/watch cap/skull cap or beanie in American.Cheers,Alan
2009-04-29 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2081113


Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Today I am out for a run at lunch. The morning thing is definitely not working. I just need to stick with getting up and doing it. NO MORE EXCUSES.

Alan, I am sorry for the snow. Here in Vancouver it is sunny and 17. I might be able to get out on my bike.

Does anyone have an opinion on Specialized Bikes? I bought a Transition Elite have seen mixed reviews. I personally love the bike but am afraid that in a few months something might go wrong. 

2009-04-29 2:56 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I actually haven't used my cycling shoes since the day I got the pedals installed on my bike.  They adjusted my seat and installed my cleats & pedals all at the same time.  Hopefully I won't have the numbness problem at the end of my next long ride!

Cheryl, I'm sorry to hear your swimmer's shoulder is back   Argh, that must be frustrating!

Barb - Thanks for the rec. . . I'll have to check it out!  Sometimes I YouTube famous swimmers and watch their form, but it's definitely different swimming a 200m race than longer endurance distances. 

Alan - yikes!  Uh, have fun in the snow??  Keep chugging with the swim. . . Fwiw, I'm much slower kicking with a kickboard as well!  Don't worry too much about the people around you - everyone has their own thing that they're working on Smile

2009-04-29 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2118954

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
baseballbabe - 2009-04-29 3:42 PM

Today I am out for a run at lunch. The morning thing is definitely not working. I just need to stick with getting up and doing it. NO MORE EXCUSES.

I hear you!  I didn't get out for my morning run today and now I'm regretting not going.  It's my speed day and was hoping for more energy after work.  But now I'm getting to the end of my work day and feeling very lethargic.  Nothing like sitting in front of a computer all day.

My shin is hurting more today too.  I'd switch out and bike, but it's in the shop.  I wish I wasn't so good at coming up with excuses. 
2009-04-29 3:25 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I just got back from a lunch time swim. It was great! Injury is feeling awesome, no pain at all. I did 1,200 meters which is my longest swim workout yet. It was my first attempt at making up some sets to do and I had a really fun time. I think I'll continue to just make up swim workouts until I do a bit more research and find a plan to follow. I'm picking up the Total Immersion book at the library tonight so I'm excited to see what info is in there.
2009-04-30 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!! How is everyone this fabulous Thursday? It's a rest day for me (woohoo!!) and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it staying late at work tonight...blah. Such is the live of an advertising slave. What all do you fine folks have on tap?? To those racing this are you feeling? Are you ready to rock and roll?!

Margot - Great job on the swim. Let me know how you like the TI book, too. There's a DVD floating around out there with drill examples (lots are on as well) if you need an action/visual demonstration.

Dena - how's the shin feeling this morning?

Alan - You have my deepest sympathies. Snow?!? Ugh. I'm sending you lots of virtual warmth and sunshine (even though we're rainy and chilly here in chicago today).

And Angela, you just have to find a timing that works for you. Were you able to squeeze a lunch run in? I am NOT a morning person at all, but have recently forced myself to the pre-work workout routine. Plus starting next week my masters group will be meeting at 5:30 am. (ugh!) For some reason it's easier for me to swim or cycle in the morning. Running is a totally different beast for whatever reason.

Edited by RunningJayhawk 2009-04-30 8:24 AM
2009-04-30 10:03 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Good Morning!!

It's such a dreary & rainy day today, but for some reason, the weather's making me happy   I'd planned on getting a swim in this morning so that I'm free later tonight to go to a yoga class, but I slept in by accident. . . Maybe the extra sleep is what's putting me in a good mood! 

So I'm doing my swim later tonight, which I'm looking forward to.  I love swimming when it's raining out!  Rain makes me want to get in the water for some reason.  Unfortunately, this means yoga will have to wait until some other day.
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