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2010-01-04 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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Louisville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut

Motivation for triathlon:  I've always wanted to do it.   And I needed a goal.  A lofty goal that would force me to get outside my comfort zone.  One that would challenge all of my firmly established paradigms. I've battled my weight my entire life and the hope is that I'll like it enough that it will become a serious hobby.  If I don't end up liking it (hard to imagine, as I LOVE training for it) I'll at least have great fitness and will have transformed my body. I can then point my efforts at something else.  Like more serious cycling, weights, basketball, whatever. 

I just don't want to go back to the old "staring obesity and diabetes in the face" guy I've been for 15 years.

Heavy stuff for me. 

But I'm so stoked about this year, I can't stand it!!!

Swim starts tomorrow!!!!  I don't even own a swim suit!!!


2010-01-05 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
My motivation for triathlons - fitness.  Maintaining a healthy heart & body.  I need the short term goals (races) to keep the long term goal (fitness) in focus.  Without the race on the calender, I'm more likely to hit the snooze button and skip the workout.

Right now, I have tentative races scheduled.  I don't have a current training plan (I'm just winging it).  Guess what I did this morning?  Hit the snooze button.

What gets you out of bed early to workout, or off the couch to workout if you workout in the evenings?  It's important to define that early so a month or two from now when you're tired you know what you're working for.
2010-01-05 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
I got this from ZiaCyclist (and modified for my personal motivations):
There are 2 types of motivations - internal and external.  Internal motivations are related to elements that originate within you such as, doing triathlon for the enjoyment of it.  External motivations are related to elements that are external to you such as, beating your competition, winning trophies, etc.

Why is your motivation important?  Simply put, it can keep you going when you really don't feel like continuing on or you feel like you aren't making progress.  As an example, getting up at 4:30 am for master's swim is a bit easier if you remember your motivations for doing triathlon.

So, what are your motivations for doing triathlon?

I'll start:
1. Ultimately, I want to be one of those 70-year-old guys still doing tris..
2. To maintain my health.
3. I like the way I feel when I'm in good physical shape

1. I like the social aspects of training with my buddies
2. I enjoy the competition in races and setting PRs.
2010-01-05 7:44 AM
in reply to: #2593880

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
bassandbike - 2010-01-04 8:15 PM

Swim starts tomorrow!!!!  I don't even own a swim suit!!!


Let us know how it goes, Patrick.
2010-01-05 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2594478

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
So, what are your motivations for doing triathlon?

1) To be healthy and fit late into my life
2) It teaches me to be a tougher person both physically and mentally

1) I enjoy the admiration of friends and family who are impressed that I do triathlons (I don't want to let them or myself down)
2) I enjoy being outdoors and active
3) I love the feeling of accomplishment after I complete a race (especially if I reach my race goals)
2010-01-05 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2594478

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Louisville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut

Motivations for Triathlon:

1.  I love feeling strong on the inside and the outside. 
2.  I always execute and accomplish when I focus on a particular goal.
3.  I want long term health. 
4.  I thrive on testing my own internal limits. This accomplishment can lead me anywhere.

1.  I like the confidence I feel in public when I'm fit.
2.  I enjoy competition. More than I would admit in the past because I wasn't fit enough to compete.
3.  I thrive on testing other limits and NOT getting dropped by the Wednesday night ride because I'm too strong to be dropped....regardless of my size.

2010-01-05 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut

Motivations for triathlon

1. to be healthy and live a longer life
2. to feel a sense of accomplishment doing something I would never have thought I could do before
3. and like Ken, I want to be one of those 70 year olds, that I am in awe of, completing races

1. I'd like people to look at me because I'm fit, not because I'm fat
2. I like the social aspect of the sport
3. I'd like to inspire others, as to what they can achieve with some effort, especially my daughter
4. I'd like to get a medal for placing in my age group one day

2010-01-05 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Well I have not competed in a triathlon as of yet, but I have done a race my motivations are

 1- I want to be fit and healthy
 2- I want to push myself and challenge myself
 3- I love the feel good feeling after a long run/swim (is there a way to bottle that up?)
 4- take the time for me!!!
 5- and yes I want to be 70 or older doing this

1- I want to have that killer body and have people go she has 3 kids? I know I know so vain!!
2- I want my kids to see me being active
3- I want to impress people with the fact I do runs, and triathlons even with my busy life.( well more of my kids busy lives)
4- to win a medal in something....... anything!!!!! even if it's just a darn sportsmanship bull crap medal!!!!

Edited by achaterbox 2010-01-05 11:14 AM
2010-01-05 12:22 PM
in reply to: #2594481

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Louisville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2010-01-05 8:44 AM
bassandbike - 2010-01-04 8:15 PM

Swim starts tomorrow!!!!  I don't even own a swim suit!!!


Let us know how it goes, Patrick.

First swim update thoughts: 
4x100, 4x50, 4x25  nice and easy.

-MUCH harder than I thought this would be.  My body feels wicked tired.
-Couldn't recover fast enough between sets.  Couldn't catch my breath.  No matter.  Keep swimming.
-Toward the end, I realized I hadn't kicked very hard and it was my upper body doing most of the work.
-My technique probably sucks.  Felt inefficient.  Need help.
-Wore this gnarly old black long billowy swimsuit.  More drag= better fitness? Felt like a boat anchor.
-Overall, a very cool experience and I feel great after having done it.  Excited about next time.

2010-01-05 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2595346

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
bassandbike - 2010-01-05 12:22 PM
KenD - 2010-01-05 8:44 AM
bassandbike - 2010-01-04 8:15 PM

Swim starts tomorrow!!!!  I don't even own a swim suit!!!


Let us know how it goes, Patrick.

First swim update thoughts: 
4x100, 4x50, 4x25  nice and easy.

-MUCH harder than I thought this would be.  My body feels wicked tired.
-Couldn't recover fast enough between sets.  Couldn't catch my breath.  No matter.  Keep swimming.
-Toward the end, I realized I hadn't kicked very hard and it was my upper body doing most of the work.
-My technique probably sucks.  Felt inefficient.  Need help.
-Wore this gnarly old black long billowy swimsuit.  More drag= better fitness? Felt like a boat anchor.
-Overall, a very cool experience and I feel great after having done it.  Excited about next time.


My thoughts - you sound like every one who has ever got into the pool and tried to swim for fitness without previous experience.

You made it 700 yds.  That's great.

Realizing you need help with the technique is good.  I recommend a swim clinic / coach / lessons.  It makes a huge difference.
2010-01-05 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2595346

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Shoot, sounds great to me.  My first swim I swam 33yds (yes it is one of those weird 33yd pools) and thought my chest was going to explode.  I rested for about 5min before doing my next 33yds.  I am impressed you did 700y.  I think my first swim I maybe did 200y tops. 

PS - I still swim with baggy swim trunks, as I feel this will only help come race day.

bassandbike - 2010-01-05 12:22 PM

First swim update thoughts: 
4x100, 4x50, 4x25  nice and easy.

-MUCH harder than I thought this would be.  My body feels wicked tired.
-Couldn't recover fast enough between sets.  Couldn't catch my breath.  No matter.  Keep swimming.
-Toward the end, I realized I hadn't kicked very hard and it was my upper body doing most of the work.
-My technique probably sucks.  Felt inefficient.  Need help.
-Wore this gnarly old black long billowy swimsuit.  More drag= better fitness? Felt like a boat anchor.
-Overall, a very cool experience and I feel great after having done it.  Excited about next time.


2010-01-05 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Great job with the swim!!!  Just keep at it.  I agree with Ken on checking out some swim clinics or something.  I know the Y by us does adult swim lessons.  If you go and talk to someone about what you are trying to accomplish, I am sure someone will be able to help you out. 
2010-01-05 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2596424

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Louisville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Thanks for the kind words and encouragement!  No stopping.   This is too much fun!
2010-01-05 11:12 PM
in reply to: #2595346

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
bassandbike - 2010-01-05 10:22 AM
KenD - 2010-01-05 8:44 AM
bassandbike - 2010-01-04 8:15 PM

Swim starts tomorrow!!!!  I don't even own a swim suit!!!


Let us know how it goes, Patrick.

First swim update thoughts: 
4x100, 4x50, 4x25  nice and easy.

-MUCH harder than I thought this would be.  My body feels wicked tired.
-Couldn't recover fast enough between sets.  Couldn't catch my breath.  No matter.  Keep swimming.
-Toward the end, I realized I hadn't kicked very hard and it was my upper body doing most of the work.
-My technique probably sucks.  Felt inefficient.  Need help.
-Wore this gnarly old black long billowy swimsuit.  More drag= better fitness? Felt like a boat anchor.
-Overall, a very cool experience and I feel great after having done it.  Excited about next time.


This was a great first effort, nice going! 

I've just signed up for some lessons at my local pool, for a little help with form and drills, doesn't cost too much.  Looking around in my own community I found lots of options for improving my swimming from masters programs, via local swim clubs to private instruction, call your local recreation center and talk to someone to see what options might be available to you. 
2010-01-06 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2596814

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
corstan - 2010-01-05 11:12 PM
bassandbike - 2010-01-05 10:22 AM
KenD - 2010-01-05 8:44 AM
bassandbike - 2010-01-04 8:15 PM

Swim starts tomorrow!!!!  I don't even own a swim suit!!!


Let us know how it goes, Patrick.

First swim update thoughts: 
4x100, 4x50, 4x25  nice and easy.

-MUCH harder than I thought this would be.  My body feels wicked tired.
-Couldn't recover fast enough between sets.  Couldn't catch my breath.  No matter.  Keep swimming.
-Toward the end, I realized I hadn't kicked very hard and it was my upper body doing most of the work.
-My technique probably sucks.  Felt inefficient.  Need help.
-Wore this gnarly old black long billowy swimsuit.  More drag= better fitness? Felt like a boat anchor.
-Overall, a very cool experience and I feel great after having done it.  Excited about next time.


This was a great first effort, nice going! 

I've just signed up for some lessons at my local pool, for a little help with form and drills, doesn't cost too much.  Looking around in my own community I found lots of options for improving my swimming from masters programs, via local swim clubs to private instruction, call your local recreation center and talk to someone to see what options might be available to you. 

That's what I did this past summer.  I found a local tri club and it's coach gives a swim clinic with videotaping.  I spent $125 for 1 evening of instruction of videoing.  It made a huge difference. 

There are options out there, you just need to ask the right people.
2010-01-06 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
My tri club's first group swim of the year was this morning.  I got out of bed at 4 and made it.

This is one of the reasons I need to document my motivations.  It helps me remember why I get up.  Sometimes it's too easy to reset the alarm.  But if I have communicated my motivations to others (which means I had to think of them and write them down somewhere) then it's easier to get up and go.

2010-01-06 12:19 PM
in reply to: #2597912

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2010-01-06 9:47 AM My tri club's first group swim of the year was this morning.  I got out of bed at 4 and made it.

This is one of the reasons I need to document my motivations.  It helps me remember why I get up.  Sometimes it's too easy to reset the alarm.  But if I have communicated my motivations to others (which means I had to think of them and write them down somewhere) then it's easier to get up and go.

I commend you on your ability to roust yourself out of a warm bed sooooo early in the morning.  Though I consider myself an early riser(rarely get up past 6am) I can't get motivated to do anything that early on a regular basis.  I am considering doing early morning runs.

Edited by corstan 2010-01-06 12:45 PM
2010-01-06 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2597912

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2010-01-06 11:47 AM My tri club's first group swim of the year was this morning.  I got out of bed at 4 and made it.

This is one of the reasons I need to document my motivations.  It helps me remember why I get up.  Sometimes it's too easy to reset the alarm.  But if I have communicated my motivations to others (which means I had to think of them and write them down somewhere) then it's easier to get up and go.

Way to go!!!  I turned the 4:40 alarm off this morning.  I really don't enjoy working out after the kids are in bed but I hate getting up at the crack of dawn even more.  Looks like I am back to late evening/night runs and workouts.  Oh long as I do them!
2010-01-07 7:36 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
How's everyone doing this week?  Back to the "normal" schedule yet?

My tri-club is meeting at a new pool this Sunday.  We'll be practicing open water swimming in the pool.  This is one of my weak points.  In my last open water race, I completed the swim easily but stopped and looked up every time I touched someone. 

Sunday should be fun.  There are some that are riding afterward.  I don't think I'll be one of them as it's too cold.
2010-01-07 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2599716

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Hopefully that new pool is indoors!  The only pool close to me is heated, but outdoor.  I haven't gotten the nerve up to go yet during the winter. 

The OWS was the hardest part for me to get used to.  My first one was like yours.  I kept stopping every time I bumped someone.  Now read some of my race reports and I am pushing people out of the way and got people running into me.  Quite a change. 

Yes, I am back into the normal routine.  And honestly I like it.  I tend to like structure and routine and get comfortable having a normal schedule.  I think I tend to get lazy and out of whack when my schedule changes or if I have a lot of days off.  Don't get me wrong, I love not having to work but it's nice being back on a regular schedule. 

Today I am going to do an easy session on the elliptical.  Then either on Fri or Sat morning I will be doing my first ever spin class.  Whatever day I do it on, I will run the other day.  Sat night is my Cowboy game so will be partying and then use Sun as my day off. 

I've lost 2.5lbs this week and hope to drop a little more before this weekend, b/c I am confessing now, I will be doing a bit o' drinking Sat night and Sun we are going to a catfish fry!  Good times! 

KenD - 2010-01-07 7:36 AM How's everyone doing this week?  Back to the "normal" schedule yet?

My tri-club is meeting at a new pool this Sunday.  We'll be practicing open water swimming in the pool.  This is one of my weak points.  In my last open water race, I completed the swim easily but stopped and looked up every time I touched someone. 

Sunday should be fun.  There are some that are riding afterward.  I don't think I'll be one of them as it's too cold.
2010-01-07 11:19 AM
in reply to: #2599716

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2010-01-07 5:36 AM How's everyone doing this week?  Back to the "normal" schedule yet?

My tri-club is meeting at a new pool this Sunday.  We'll be practicing open water swimming in the pool.  This is one of my weak points.  In my last open water race, I completed the swim easily but stopped and looked up every time I touched someone. 

Sunday should be fun.  There are some that are riding afterward.  I don't think I'll be one of them as it's too cold.

I've been pretty much slammed at work this week, trying not to think too much about all the projects people want and the limited resources I have to work with or I may just break down and cry.  I really enjoyed the Christmas break and the fact that I got to train so much, if only I could get paid well to do it full time, I would.  I love being back to teaching bootcamp as well, have a couple of new people and last night the discussion of forming a team for the Sun Run a popular run here in Vancouver...great aspirations from my beginner's I love it.

I should be able to figure out where to fit in my training during this week and that may mean doing an early morning run at least once a week...whether I can drag my butt out of bed that early remains to be seen.

2010-01-07 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2599716

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2010-01-07 7:36 AM How's everyone doing this week?  Back to the "normal" schedule yet?

My tri-club is meeting at a new pool this Sunday.  We'll be practicing open water swimming in the pool.  This is one of my weak points.  In my last open water race, I completed the swim easily but stopped and looked up every time I touched someone. 

Sunday should be fun.  There are some that are riding afterward.  I don't think I'll be one of them as it's too cold.

Just about back to normal here.  I am hoping to really get back to the running after 2 weeks off.  I ran 2 miles last night and thought I was going to choke.  I started with a cold on Friday and I am at the end of it.  I have said for a few weeks now that I really need to figure out a plan for the next few months and have not done it.  I have no excuses.  I have just not done it.  I will do that between today and tomorrow.  We have no plans this weekend and my husband is home both days so I am not wasting this weekend!
2010-01-07 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Here's a picture of the new bike.  I just threw it together for the picture.  Will need to take it in to get properly fitted and set up right.  If it only wasn't 20 degrees outside!


P1071434.jpg (78KB - 8 downloads)
2010-01-07 9:52 PM
in reply to: #2601924

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
chichitao - 2010-01-07 7:20 PM Here's a picture of the new bike.  I just threw it together for the picture.  Will need to take it in to get properly fitted and set up right.  If it only wasn't 20 degrees outside!

Very Pretty!  Congratulations!!
2010-01-08 7:35 AM
in reply to: #2601924

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
chichitao - 2010-01-07 9:20 PM Here's a picture of the new bike.  I just threw it together for the picture.  Will need to take it in to get properly fitted and set up right.  If it only wasn't 20 degrees outside!

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