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2010-01-19 11:32 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hi Team,

I haven't posted much lately as it has been extremely busy around here.  Plus, I am not able to be on the computer much at night.  Lately, I have noticed, if I talk too much about exercising or my challenges my husband is not exactly supportive-so I was trying to limit my computer time.  It looks like I am on here all of the time, but I forget to log off.

I guess my "A" race is the half marathon on April 24th.  I want to pick a sprint to do-I haven't done open water in a race and would like to conquer the fear!

I feel like I put myself under more pressure than necessary this month.  I am in 3 challenges, plus the stroke class!  

I would really like to do an olympic because of the challenge, but not sure if I am up to it this year-the extra time training may not be available, especially if we are making up school days we are not getting done now!  Ha! Ha!  We usually end up going into the summer, but that's okay.

I am thinking the sprints and the half marathons will be enough for this summer. 


2010-01-19 11:35 PM
in reply to: #2617922

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
davidson3 - 2010-01-16 10:04 PM Races:
5/8/10  5/3 RiverbankRun "A"  25k- got a 2:06 last year for my first try,  shooting for sub-2hrs this year
6/27/2010  Block 58 Sprint Tri- "B"
7/11/2010  Grand Haven Tri-OLY "A" - trying to be in top half of my AG
8/7/2010 Fremont Sprint Tri "B"
10/10, 10/17, or 11/7/10  Marathon "A" (either Grand Rapids, Chicago, or New York)- Goal will be 3:30-3:35

I will probably a couple of 5ks in there as well, but I will decide those as my schedule unfolds.

A friend of mine asked if I want to do the Chicago Marathon in October-that would be cool for you and I  to be training at the same time for the same race wouldn't it!!  I want to see how my half goes first!
2010-01-19 11:37 PM
in reply to: #2620353

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
arny - 2010-01-18 4:50 PM re:races I have tried to scheduele one per month...there were 2 months that have no road-run events or open water swim events that I can afford/get to. But other than that, it is monthly(to keep my butt off the couch, mostly~!). The only event that matters falls at the end of August -- that is my "A" event Happy training...

That's my plan, too!  Even if it's a 5K! 

2010-01-19 11:40 PM
in reply to: #2620688

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
leclerc457 - 2010-01-18 8:07 PM I am planning on doing 3 sprints, one in April, May and June.  I found an Oly Tri in mid August that I would love to do but we will have to see how I am doing. 

Since i have never done one yet, I think they are all A as I want to do as good as i can.  My first on is a 400 yard swim, 8 ,mile bike and 5 k.  If i can finish in less than 1 hr 15 min i will be stoked!!  If i can complete the oly i will be excited!!!

My first sprint was 150 yd. swim, 10 mile bike and 5K.  I was hoping to finish in 80 minutes and finished in 75-so I have no doubt you can do it!!  Plus, I had only trained two months and ran my first 5K not even a month before the race.

2010-01-20 12:01 AM
in reply to: #2622009

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hi Scott,

I follow what you said about increasing for 3 weeks and then having a recovery week.  Next week is recovery week for me-YEAH!!!

After looking at my schedule, I am rethinking the indoor tri-actually we may do it as a family, instead, I am not sure.  I have a 10 mile run to get in and it might be tricky to accomplish that if I do the tri.  Maybe I will just watch my husband, daughter and son do it and I will do my running in the afternoon.  My husband is running and biking now every other day.  He remembers when I was training for a marathon 18 years ago and I was obsessed-I guess I tend to be that way! 

The running is really fun.  I can't believe I love to run in this awful Iowa weather.  Today I saw about a dozen deer and yesterday 5 ran out in front of me-of course, I wasn't going very fast so I didn't have any fear of running into them!! 

My 14 year old pushed my husband today-they ran 2.5 miles (run 4, walk 1)  My son has these long legs-he already wears 32 inch long pants and he is 5'6".  He is probably 110 pounds soaking wet!  He would run way ahead of him and then wait for him to catch up.  They had a good time, though.  It would really be encouraging to be doing all of this together.  I guess that is one of my goals, too, to get them on the exercise wagon, too!  I would love to be doing 5K's together as a family!

2010-01-20 12:09 AM
in reply to: #2622643

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
arny - 2010-01-19 4:18 PM Hey John: Those are awesome goals. And I am totally with you on the times/speeds. I went into IMC 2008 with those speeds and had an AWESOME day. know, about the swimming... I abhor the kids race and have certain poolside behaviours that I don't approve of so I can't swim at the same time....which limits already limited pool time and causes some friction, to say the least. BUT ~~ I LIVE for those long heavenly swims in the lakes. Have you ever been swimming out on the lake on a gorgeous sunny day and just watched how the sun shines through the water to create underwater rainbows? Have you listened to the sound your hand makes on entry when it goes in smoothly and you know you are swimming well(ie calmly,not necesssarily fast....I do everything slowly -- laughing -- it's true...but I do get there...eventually). Or how about that feeling that you get when you calm yourself and listen to the even-ness of your is hypnotic BUT you have to put yourself in that mindset. I can' t do it in the pool but I love those long swims outdoors. AND learning to find that calm place totally helps when you go into the water with a mass start(Ironman 2009 was 2500 mass swimmers start). Just learning to find that calm place in your mind makes those longer swims much better. I used to dread swimming, but once I got a perfect wet suit and learned to love the lake swims, things were way better. I do my time in the "people bucket"(the pool) in order to cherish my time in the lakes. Hang in there with the swims!! It is totally worth it

I have had the experience you talk about-almost hypnotic-almost feeling like I am sleeping.  And, I hated swimming, not that long ago.  I remember trying to get 6 laps in!  Plus, I was doing the sidestroke or the backstroke! 

I love your dreams, too!  Keep at it, you are doing great!  You are getting some awesome workouts in and some great long rides. 


2010-01-20 12:18 AM
in reply to: #2623075

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed


Pointers on going faster-someone had a phrase-"run like you are on the menu"  ha!

I am not a fast runner, so no pointers here.  Although, something that I do now, that I never used to do is that I run for four minutes and walk for 1 minute.  I even do that in races and my times have improved.  It helps my pacing. I had to get over it-the fact that I was walking.  I always went out too fast and this has helped me tremendously.  I can and do run farther when I forget about the time.  Just thought I would share. 


2010-01-20 12:23 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Anyone notice I have two stars by my name, now?  That's what you get when you are chatty!  See what you started, Scott!  Just kidding!Smile  I don't know how to make my smile blue-aren't I supposed to do that when I am being sarcastic?

Did I make up for the time that I was gone?

6 mile run planned for tomorrow-gotta check the weather forecast to see when I can rack up the most points for the crappy winter weather challenge.  I know, crazy!

2010-01-20 3:30 AM
in reply to: #2623075

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Pointers on Running?  You should be running 3 times a week to prepare for anything longer then a 1/2 marathon.  Quality vs quantity.  The 3 workouts should be a long run, a tempo run, and a speed workout. 

If you main focus is to complete a distance longer than 1/2 marathon, you need to concentrate on your long runs more.  If you goal is to get faster in a 5k, you need to concentrate more on speed workouts and tempo runs. 

I recommend that people start out doing a long run and see how far they can go at a comfortable pace.  Mixing walking in is fine.  That will be your starting level.  Every other week try and add a either a 1/2 mile or mile to that distance until you get up to the distance of your race.  If training for a marathon, go up to 20 miles at least 3 times before the race. 

Speed workouts.  These will hurt and you will learn to hate them but they will get you faster.  Start up by running a mile at your fastest pace.  That will be your starting point.  Every 3 weeks, time yourself again in the mile but add either a 1/4 mile or a 1/2 depending on your running ability.  Before you know it, you will be running a 5K at that mile pace.  This will not come over night though.  Even if you increase 1/2 mile every three weeks, this process will take 12 weeks.  Your normal speed workouts should include either 400 or 800 repeats.  I can provide more info on speed workouts if anyone is interested.

Tempo runs.  Run at your race pace.  Lets say your goal is to run a 10K at a 9 min pace.  Your tempo run should be a warm up mile at a relaxing pace, 3 miles at race pace, and a warm down mile at an easy pace. 

This has worked for me in the past. 

Good luck. 
2010-01-20 5:47 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
ok so my laptop started to make this wierd noise about 2-3 months ago (really loud whining) so i took it to my son's computer teacher at school who works on them on the side.  After he looked at it he could fix it but wasn't able to find the parts quickly so i went and bought a new one.  the one i had was about 6 yrs old and slow as heck so now after getting it somewhat set up i can start moving around the net a lot more quickly 

but anyway training has been slow around here for me been stretching everyday just with one son in swimming and boy scouts and the other a cub scouts about to cross over into boy scouts (i am his leader and cubmaster) it's been really hectic i might have some time after work and before the swim meet tonight

2010-01-20 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hey, thanks for the inspires!! That was the nicest thing to wake up to this afternoon. I really don't like sleeping through the day, but if I am going to work all night, there isn't much choice. Funny thing is that our dog sleeps all night in the hall and when I come home, he sees the kids off to school and then races me to the bedroom -- he is curled in his spot on the carpet long before I am ready to sleep the day away. Thanks for your really helps...

Edited by arny 2010-01-20 4:08 PM

2010-01-20 4:49 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
So...I'm curious. I wonder what others dream of accomplishing in terms of endurance sports? How about if all concern for money, cost, family sacrifice,etc is taken away....
What are the things that are on your sport "wish list"?
2010-01-20 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2625007

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

Good Question!  If I didn't have limitations, the endurance race I would love to do is the ECO-Challenge.  It's a 300 mile event that involves running, mountain biking, Trekking, Whitewater rafting, and surprise events.  The event usually goes anywhere from 3-7 days and they are usually in some very unfriendly places.  An event like that test your will and endurance.  It's a 4 person co-ed team and you have to carry  your supplies with you while you are racing until you hit the next transistion point. 

What about you and everyone else? 

2010-01-20 7:08 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
WOW - that sounds amazing...what a great event!!!
2010-01-21 12:05 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hey team,
Did my six miles running at the wellness center.  We had freezing rain. 
planning to run and swim tomorrow in the late afternoon if the weather is not terrible enough to keep me off the road!

Tomorrow, some close friends of ours are getting their two children they have been trying to adopt from Haiti for three years!  It's just amazing how things have progressed this week.  Something so terrible can result in some wonderful news and a forever family for these orphans!
They just found out today and are flying out tomorrow!

Have a great day!
2010-01-21 12:15 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

Thanks so much for being a mentor for our group! It has helped me tremendously to have the accountability of a group and support and encouragement has been awesome!


p.s.  I found some less expensive tris and will be revamping my schedule accordingly.

2010-01-21 1:41 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Great run, Nichi!! Woohoo...well done!!

RE: if I had no I would wanna do....Ultraman Penticton(but it is by invitation only
10 mile swim open water of course

Anyone else have dreams??
2010-01-21 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2622478

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
arny - 2010-01-19 12:55 PM

Hey Scott: I was wondering the same thing about the numbers. But I think it is like that in January for alot of folks. I notice this at spin class, too. At the start of Jan, I can barely get a bike and have to call really early am to reserve. But later on in Jan only the most popular classes are filled, and then by March...they run with empty bikes.

I don't want to be one of the only ones posting, so I often delay in response but I still check in very regularly...self conscious even on-line(silly but true).

Training went well over the weekend, but crummy the past two days...I have lots of things I want so much to accomplish, but no idea how to get there. I am, as we speak, wondering about online coaching. The kids are both swim racers and hubbie has done Ironman, I am surrounded by successful athletes who seem to find it easy. My sedentary "hefalump" body rebels when I ask it to go too fast...I think my transmission is stuck!!(laughing). Anyway....

After I do my two 12 hour nights now, I am determined to get back to better training...

Here are the things I dream about accomplishing in the next 2 years
1. half marathon in under 2 hours(may 2010)
2. Ironman Penticton (and see the finish in dusk -- not complete darkness)
3. half marathon in fall 2010 in under 1:45
4. long term...100km in november one is the "Haney to Harrison" and is a relay but also a solo option if support vehicle provided by runner.

I have been with BT for 2.5 years but still feel like I am a beginner in that I have lost SO much fitness and gained so much wt, that I have to start over again....argh!!

Hopefully we will get some others posting soon as the "busy-ness" of life slows down a bit

Just a thought about online coaching. I tried this last year. I found a really good, affordable coach out of canada. He gave me a lot of really good workouts and the only difficulty is that because he is online he can'tphysically see my progress andmy ego wouldn't let me say that I was burning out fast. For some other reasons I had to drop the coaching but my first two races after 6months of coaching and my times were the worst ever. Rather than doing an online coaching yet my encouragement is to see if I (or rather we) can get you on a realistic program that will have you working towards your goals and its free. Just a thought.If you want individual help and don't want to post here also just message me. I'm happy to help. I would even be willing to get you a program to start with until you get your feet under you.
2010-01-21 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
First we have a gentleman joining our group. Welcome Jonathan Swift. Please tell us a little about yourself.

Second we have had several questions about workout schedules and what is. I want to give you a sample of my workout week when I am up and running full speed. Let me also give this disclaimer. I obviously don't hit this all the time and it is something I work into. Hope it helps.

Monday - Swim 1200 meters, 300 warm up slow, 600 as 100 x 6 at race pace with 15 second rest between, 300 cool down.
Tuesday - Bike 30 under 2 hours
Wednesday - Run 6 miles. 1mile warm up, then run 8 x 20 sec at race pace then 1:40 cool down, run rest at race pace plus 1min per mile. (if race pace is 9 mins per mile, run at 10mins per mile)
Thursday - Swim 1600 meters - 300 warm up, 300 technique drills, 6 x 50 at race pace with 15 sec break between, 300 at race pace plus 15 sec, 400 cool down
Friday -Bike 20 miles to include some hill repeats and sprint pace.
Saturday - Bike 15 miles at easy pace, run through mock transition then go run for 5 miles, I alternate this workout with just running long (10+ miles)
Sunday - Rest relax etc

This workout is not very technical or tough but it took me from barely able to run a mileto doing a half iron in 7 months.That summer I also completed my first marathon and 11 other races. This workout can get a lot more complex depending on time. I think it provides a good base and can be modified as needed and depending on goals.
2010-01-21 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2625664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
nichip - 2010-01-20 10:15 PM


Thanks so much for being a mentor for our group! It has helped me tremendously to have the accountability of a group and support and encouragement has been awesome!


p.s.  I found some less expensive tris and will be revamping my schedule accordingly.

Glad you are enjoying the group. Let me know if you (any of you) have specific questions. We are almost to my favorite part. Shaving time off your race easily.
2010-01-21 12:19 PM
in reply to: #2625660

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
nichip - 2010-01-20 10:05 PM

Hey team,
Did my six miles running at the wellness center.  We had freezing rain. 
planning to run and swim tomorrow in the late afternoon if the weather is not terrible enough to keep me off the road!

Tomorrow, some close friends of ours are getting their two children they have been trying to adopt from Haiti for three years!  It's just amazing how things have progressed this week.  Something so terrible can result in some wonderful news and a forever family for these orphans!
They just found out today and are flying out tomorrow!

Have a great day!

How cool. Adoption provides such a unique opportunity to kids that need a break.

2010-01-21 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Had a killer 1:15 trainer workout last night, but that left my legs all rubbery, so my tempo run today did not seem like a good idea.  I plan on the Tempo run tomorrow and then Long Run (8 or 9) on Sunday morning.  It is getting tough again to get in the long workouts.  I am missing some much needed sleep, but I guess this would not be possible for any of us with some sacrifice.

2010-01-21 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
hey everyone

first scott thanks for taking the time to mentor us!

second welcome to our newest member Jonathan

well the new laptop is great windows 7 is really cool, having connection/ driver related issues some drivers are not up to speed with 7

going for a long run tomorrow supposed to 41

gotta clear my head had a rough week or with work and one of my cub scouts grandma passed away monday issues 

hopefully it's all gonna be cleared up after friday

2010-01-22 1:37 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hello everybody!!  Thanks for allowing me to join with you, Scott.  

ABOUT ME: My name is David and I am new to the world of triathlons.  I have been fairly active my whole life, mostly through sports such as baseball, soccer and tennis.  I ran cross-country in college along with numerous 5K, 5M and 10K road races, and completed a marathon in 1992.  After college, I continued to run on and off for about ten years, but never really trained consistently.  Eventually, my exercise was reduced to tennis and church league softball.  Over the past 5-6 years I have gained 60+ pounds which led to high blood pressure and sleep apnea.  I am married without children and live about 30 minutes outside Atlanta.  

TRAINING: I am beginning a 7-week Couch to 5K Program starting Monday morning (January 25).  This will be my second attempt at the program (I originally started back in October 2009, but rolled an ankle playing tennis and had to stop).  I also hope to begin some type of swimming program in the next few weeks as well.  I do not have a bike yet, and will not let myself buy one until I stick with the C25K program long enough to run a comfortable 5K again.  

 1)  Complete a 5K by April 30
2)  Complete a sprint by August 30
3)  Get my weight back below 200 pounds

Eventually, I want to build up to the Olympic distance, but I don't know how reasonable that is over the course of my first year considering where I am starting from.  

To answer some of Scott's questions up to this point:

I am passionate about Georgia football, my job, my free time and my beliefs (religious, political and philosophical).  I enjoy playing tennis, shooting pool, reading and traveling.  And I am about to enjoy running again.    

What motivates me at this point is my health.  I want to get off blood pressure medication and get back to sleeping without a machine to help me breathe.  

I'll need a couple more of the 168 hours this week to calculate my free time, as that requires me to do math.
Glad to be here and I'll see ya'll tomorrow.
2010-01-22 2:00 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Welcome aboard David,

You joined a really good group.  Most of us are just beginning as well.  I think you have set some realistic goals there.  You ran cross country so I know you have the right mind set to run.  Its just a matter of finding the time.  Time is my biggest issue.  Nice to have another person with us. 
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