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2010-02-02 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2649998

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED

JohnnyKay - 2010-02-02 11:28 AM
jhogan9600 - 2010-02-01 6:05 PM Not to beat the TI drum too much here, but it seems to be working for me. Today was a milestone.... 100m without stopping!!! Never done that before. Hit a bunch of 50m repeats after that. Don't know what clicked.... up until now I've only been able to do 25m without a short break. Missed my swim on Sat. because the roads were too bad after the snow storm. Maybe the extra day off made the difference. Laughing

Congrats!  It will not be long before you can go 1000 straight! 

I'm looking forward to it! Thanks!

2010-02-03 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2592294

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Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
How is everyone doing with their training? I checked some of your pages today and saw a lot of blank space. Tri season is just around the corner.

Hope everyone is well.
2010-02-03 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2651919

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cincinnati, ohio
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED

training is going really well.  i am happy to be getting all the workouts from the schedule in.  looking forward to some warmer weather so that i can get outside.  I have a few races 10-15 weeks out.  Doing a small sprint in April (at my alma matar campus) - really doing the tri so i can justify some greasy college food and a beer afterward!  then May i have a half marathon and then TTT in Ohio.  That will be a crazy weekend.  I am sort of wondering what i was thinking signing up for that one!!!!! 

My plantar fascitis is flaring up again.  I have had this injury for almost a year now.  luckily it does not bother me to run, but a few hours later if sit for any extended period of time and get up, it is like someone is stabbing me in my heel.  Went to a therapist trained in ART (Active Release Therapy) last year and he worked wonders on me.  Looks like i may be needing a standing appointment with him as IM gets closer.

Swimming is going really well.  My training plan calls for alot of swimming in my opinion, but i can feel myself getting much stronger.  I actually have no worries about the IM swim, even though I wouldnt call it my strength.

Getting a new bike soon - ordering it on Feb. 20.  So hopefully, by the time the weather gets nicer I will be sporting my new Cervelo!!!!!

Run is fine.  this is my strength.  Feel like my training plan is really light on the run part, but that is ok with me.  need the extra time on the bike!

cant wait to hear everyone's update!

Albert- do you have races planned before your IM in July?


PS - took Tucker for his first 5 miler this morning.  he wasn't even winded.  think he will serve his purpose!!!!

2010-02-03 12:19 PM
in reply to: #2651919

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Mcluvin22 - 2010-02-03 8:53 AM How is everyone doing with their training? I checked some of your pages today and saw a lot of blank space. Tri season is just around the corner.

Hope everyone is well.

Today it's a 30 min swim and then the BT Hard Core workout for me.   This tri thing seem to be catching on at work. My boss and a coworker have both decided to join me! Boss is a tri vet.... coworker is a newbie like me. Having a blast! Smile
2010-02-03 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2652212

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
lulubug - 2010-02-03 11:11 AM

Getting a new bike soon - ordering it on Feb. 20.  So hopefully, by the time the weather gets nicer I will be sporting my new Cervelo!!!!!

Ooooohhhhh!  New bike! 

My running is going well.  Been getting 40-50mpw for most of the last couple months (a couple weeks below there where I missed or skipped a run).  Need to start adding some tempo miles and figure out how many longer runs I want to do before Boston.

Biking is coming around, albeit slower than I planned since I've missed more bike sessions and the weather/schedule haven't aligned to allow me to ride outside at all in months.

Swimming is...  Well, we won't talk about where my swimming is right now.  Suffice it to say that it's hard to maintain much fitness on once a week (at best)!  Sometime before Boston, I will ease back on the bike for a few weeks and start to ramp my swimming back up.  Hopefully that will be enough.

2010-02-03 1:59 PM
in reply to: #2652212

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Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
lulubug - 2010-02-03 11:11 AM

Getting a new bike soon - ordering it on Feb. 20.  So hopefully, by the time the weather gets nicer I will be sporting my new Cervelo!!!!!

Albert- do you have races planned before your IM in July?


PS - took Tucker for his first 5 miler this morning.  he wasn't even winded.  think he will serve his purpose!!!!

Hey Lisa!

A new bike sounds exciting!

As for my planned races... I am doing the Long Branch Half marathon in May, Mooseman 70.3 in June, I was doing a sprint in June but registration closed too quickly so I didn't get in.Frown  July is IM LP and for late fall I put my name in the lottery for the NYC marathon, which I really hope I get in.

I am also hoping to do a short sprint in May and possibly a TT. I just need to figure out which races work best with my schedule.

2010-02-03 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2652725

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Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
JohnnyKay - 2010-02-03 2:07 PM
lulubug - 2010-02-03 11:11 AM

Getting a new bike soon - ordering it on Feb. 20.  So hopefully, by the time the weather gets nicer I will be sporting my new Cervelo!!!!!

Biking is coming around, albeit slower than I planned since I've missed more bike sessions and the weather/schedule haven't aligned to allow me to ride outside at all in months.


Don't let him fool you there is nothing slow about his bike. He just posted a 18mph workout today.

Edited by Mcluvin22 2010-02-03 2:02 PM
2010-02-03 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2592294

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Sorry guys, it's been a little while since I've checked in.

I did get a run in yesterday - 2 miles without stopping averaging about 9:45. That gave me a big boost of confidence that things might get easier. I'm still struggling with fine tuning a training plan, or initiating one.

Life has gotten the better of me recently, but I'm optomistic with the longer afternoons now. School has been tough, I've had a few bumps in family life, but all in all, it's conquerable. I have a week off from classes over President's week, so I should be able to regroup somewhat.

Now if only my damn husband would get home, I could get out for another run!!! Just kidding.
2010-02-04 7:10 AM
in reply to: #2592294

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED

Been trying to catch up to some of you overachievers in here.  The good news is I am off and running with a 20wk Sprint plan.  On week 3.  Have followed it to a T......well, except for the swims.    Right now it is just a logistical thing.  Work schedule will change, and I'm planning on 6-12 master swim sessions to hone my technique.  But the real reps won't really be possible until the last 7 weeks or so of the plan.  I know this is not ideal, but it is what it is right now.

My first ever tri is a Sprint in Mobile on June 5.  The swim is a 600yd gulf swim, but I'm told it is pretty shallow for the first and last 150 (not that I'll walk, but helps the confidence).  Am I crazy to only truly train for the swim the last 7 weeks prior to the race?  Be honest.  Total newby here.

Outside of that my biggest concern is my running pace.  I can run 2-4 miles with little problem, but my pace is always like 11mins.  I have dropped about ten pounds and am feeling better, but dang that is SLOW. 

Bike feels awesome.  Love it.  So there's my update.  Any advice welcome and appreciated.  You guys are definitely keeping me going.  Very impressive folks!  Thanks.


2010-02-04 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2654049

LaGrange, GA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED

Chris,  your running time will improve in a few weeks.  Get that volume where you can run 4-5 miles and then you can worry about increasing your speed for the 5K.  You seem to be on track for that.

7 weeks for the swim is enough time.  It is only 600 yards, which will seem like 600 miles the first week in the pool.  If you the master's swim sessions will be a big benefit.  Looking forward to hearing your results at your first sprint tri.  Have you set any goals, other than to finish?

2010-02-04 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2654049

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED

Congratulations on shedding that 10 pounds.  I am glad to read that you are feeling so good on the bike, as it is generally the longest portion of a triathlon. 

As for the swimming I think that the seven weeks should be ample to getting you ready for your first tri.  It is not like you are doing nothing right now, as you are working on your technique.  The classes should allow you to hone your  technique, which should be a real plus when you have the time to focus more on putting in the pool time.   As someone who really struggled with the swim, I think having good technique is the most important part. 

Finally, right now I would  focus on getting in the miles.  As you build your base you can focus more on your speed.  Also, as you put in the miles I think you will see your times improving. 

Not that I know it all, but I think you will be fine when it comes race time.  Keep up the good work and good luck with the training.


2010-02-04 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2654049

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Aubiewood - 2010-02-04 8:10 AM

Been trying to catch up to some of you overachievers in here.  The good news is I am off and running with a 20wk Sprint plan.  On week 3.  Have followed it to a T......well, except for the swims.    Right now it is just a logistical thing.  Work schedule will change, and I'm planning on 6-12 master swim sessions to hone my technique.  But the real reps won't really be possible until the last 7 weeks or so of the plan.  I know this is not ideal, but it is what it is right now.

My first ever tri is a Sprint in Mobile on June 5.  The swim is a 600yd gulf swim, but I'm told it is pretty shallow for the first and last 150 (not that I'll walk, but helps the confidence).  Am I crazy to only truly train for the swim the last 7 weeks prior to the race?  Be honest.  Total newby here.

Outside of that my biggest concern is my running pace.  I can run 2-4 miles with little problem, but my pace is always like 11mins.  I have dropped about ten pounds and am feeling better, but dang that is SLOW. 

Bike feels awesome.  Love it.  So there's my update.  Any advice welcome and appreciated.  You guys are definitely keeping me going.  Very impressive folks!  Thanks.


You gotta work with what you got logistically.  That said, 6 weeks is going to be on the short side if you don't have a swimming background.  It took me about that long before I could swim more than a couple hundred meters at one time.  But, once I found that "spot" I could swim (slowly) for quite a long time.  So it's certainly not impossible by any stretch.  Plan to swim at least 3x/wk and the more, the better.  They don't have to be hard workouts at all--just getting a "feel" for the water, learning to relax and establish a good body position.  With that, you should survive a 600m swim (even open water) fine.

Like I mentioned in your blog, don't worry about your pace right now.  It'll come in time.  Gradually build up the time you spend running and keep it mostly easy--whatever that pace is for you is what it is.  Any additional days you can throw in even a 15-20min run right now will help.  Your running pace is not much different than when I started.  Maybe a little faster! 
2010-02-04 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2592294

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Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Chris do you train with a HR monitor? I have found that when I started using a hr monitor that my speed began to improve. The HR monitor kept me on track when doing different training runs such as tempo, speed work, and recovery.

7 weeks for the swim, you should be fine. However, I saw that loosely. I have worked with Team in Training and have seen some people needing more than 7 weeks to get themselves ready the swim. But if you are going to be swimming with a group I am sure they will help you get up to speed in no time.

Edited by Mcluvin22 2010-02-04 1:18 PM
2010-02-04 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2592294

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Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Sorry not sure why it posted it twice and don't know how to delete it.

Edited by Mcluvin22 2010-02-04 1:20 PM
2010-02-04 7:20 PM
in reply to: #2655205

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone - I haven't checked in this week, but mostly I've been on track.  Last week I finally got in every single run on my training plan for the first time in this marathon plan.  That came out to 32 miles - definitely a personal best.  I did it mostly injury free except for a flare up of tendinitis during and after my 16 mile long run on Sunday.  So I took a rest day on Monday instead of cross training and I did my cross training on Tuesday to give the foot a little more time.  Then back to running yesterday, 8 miles and today 4 miles.  The snow storm that's headed this way threatens to derail my weekend.  The gym will be open, I'm just not sure I'll be able to get there.  

I'm beginning to feel more and more confident that I will finish the marathon.  Every time i complete a long run, I feel like I've made big strides.  If I can keep my pace at 10 min/mile, I might even finish it with a smile.  so I'm definitely going to stay with the 4:20 pace group to try and accomplish that.

Lastly, I think I've got my schedule worked out for the year.  I signed up for the Chicago marathon on Monday when it opened.  My marathon is March 21st and then 10 milers on April 10 and 24th.  I might fit a half marathon in between there on April 18.  My first tri of the season is a sprint on May 9, then my Olympic on June 26 in CO.  Then other than a few local fun running races I'll be left with the marathon in Chicago on October 10 and my HIM in NC on November 12!

Talk to you guys soon!

Edited by aggienmmi 2010-02-05 9:02 AM
2010-02-04 11:29 PM
in reply to: #2592294

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Thanks, everyone for the advice and encouragement.  Combining responses here.

Not using an HR monitor at this point.  Have heard others say it was a very effective way to train.  Which one should I buy?

No real specific goals for my first tri at this point.  As you said, just to finish.  I'll go a little further and say I'd like to finish strong, that is, run a decent 5k with no walking.

McLuvin- my brother finished LP IM last summer.  His first.  Hope you get better weather than he did!  It was a monsoon.

Thanks again, y'all.  I am taking your advice and adding more base-building runs to my training.  Will keep you posted.

2010-02-05 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2656268

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Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Aubiewood - 2010-02-05 12:29 AM Thanks, everyone for the advice and encouragement.  Combining responses here.

Not using an HR monitor at this point.  Have heard others say it was a very effective way to train.  Which one should I buy?

No real specific goals for my first tri at this point.  As you said, just to finish.  I'll go a little further and say I'd like to finish strong, that is, run a decent 5k with no walking.

McLuvin- my brother finished LP IM last summer.  His first.  Hope you get better weather than he did!  It was a monsoon.

Thanks again, y'all.  I am taking your advice and adding more base-building runs to my training.  Will keep you posted.

I currently use the Polar RS 200 SD which is a great watch but not so great if you are a mac user like me. Polar does not support mac, so I had to purchase third party software to be able to download the data from my watch. Based on what is available now on the market I would go with the Garmin FR60, Forerunner 305 or 310Xt.

I have not had bad experiences with Polar and my watch has been great in training but it's a pain to send my watch back to polar just to get the battery replaced. Garmin watches either the battery is rechargeable or you can replace it yourself. Right now you can buy a forerunner for $150 which is a pretty good deal considering everything it does.

As for LP I heard about the monsoon! I hope that doesn't happen this year.
2010-02-05 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2592294

LaGrange, GA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Yesterday was one of those day's were life gets in the way of training.  Planned on picking up my son from soccer tryouts, taking him home and heading back to the pool and gym.  Soccer ran late, got home starving, sat down to eat a little and lost all interest in working out.  Not good. 

Oh well, will try again tonight and will get a workout in over the weekend.  Hope everyone's training is heading the right direction. 

Looking for some tri cycling shoes.  Where online do you find the best deals?  I don't have any LBS that I can try on the shoes.  Might have to drive to Atlanta to try on some different brands.
2010-02-05 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2656743

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
triton63 - 2010-02-05 10:26 AM

Looking for some tri cycling shoes.  Where online do you find the best deals?  I don't have any LBS that I can try on the shoes.  Might have to drive to Atlanta to try on some different brands.

I check Performance, Trisports or probikekit most frequently when looking for something like that.  However, shoe fit is such a personal issue and not all brands/styles fit the same way so it is difficult to guess which one to pick online if you haven't tried it on before.  If you go that route, make sure they have a liberal return policy (and I would probably exclude PBK in this instance since you'd have to return ship overseas).

Sometimes, you can find an LBS which will order a few different shoes so you can try them before you buy them.  Might cost a few more dollars that way, but comfortable feet when riding a lot is probably worth it. 
2010-02-05 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2656531

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
I purchased a 305 Forerunner about 2 weeks ago from Amazon. So far I really like it.

Mcluvin22 - 2010-02-05 8:07 AM
Aubiewood - 2010-02-05 12:29 AM Thanks, everyone for the advice and encouragement.  Combining responses here.

Not using an HR monitor at this point.  Have heard others say it was a very effective way to train.  Which one should I buy?

No real specific goals for my first tri at this point.  As you said, just to finish.  I'll go a little further and say I'd like to finish strong, that is, run a decent 5k with no walking.

McLuvin- my brother finished LP IM last summer.  His first.  Hope you get better weather than he did!  It was a monsoon.

Thanks again, y'all.  I am taking your advice and adding more base-building runs to my training.  Will keep you posted.

I currently use the Polar RS 200 SD which is a great watch but not so great if you are a mac user like me. Polar does not support mac, so I had to purchase third party software to be able to download the data from my watch. Based on what is available now on the market I would go with the Garmin FR60, Forerunner 305 or 310Xt.

I have not had bad experiences with Polar and my watch has been great in training but it's a pain to send my watch back to polar just to get the battery replaced. Garmin watches either the battery is rechargeable or you can replace it yourself. Right now you can buy a forerunner for $150 which is a pretty good deal considering everything it does.

As for LP I heard about the monsoon! I hope that doesn't happen this year.
2010-02-06 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2656981

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
I just purchased a tempo trainer for swimming. I set it to a slow pace, shoved it under my swim cap and took off. Worked great! Forced me to slow down, relax and think about each stroke. I suspected my cadence was wacked... that's why I bought this thing. Looks like I'm averaging about 23 stokes per pool length. Increased my distance today and kept my HR in zone 2 for most of the workout. This is funny to me.... cause I'm a cyclist.... but swimming is becoming my favorite workout. Crazy.... ain't it. Cool

2010-02-06 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2658626

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Well it is a winter wonderland (or winter hell, depending on how you feel about snow) here in the DC metro area.  We're at somewhere around 24 inches right now.  Not being a person who has the space for a treadmill, or an owner of a trainer yet, it looks like I won't get any workouts in for the foreseeable future.  Our gym is open but there is no way to get there as our car is not visible right now.  I guess a few rest days won't hurt, i just hope I don't lose any fitness.  
2010-02-07 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2658667

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
aggienmmi - 2010-02-06 12:43 PM

Well it is a winter wonderland (or winter hell, depending on how you feel about snow) here in the DC metro area.  We're at somewhere around 24 inches right now.  Not being a person who has the space for a treadmill, or an owner of a trainer yet, it looks like I won't get any workouts in for the foreseeable future.  Our gym is open but there is no way to get there as our car is not visible right now.  I guess a few rest days won't hurt, i just hope I don't lose any fitness.  

Welcome to my world!
2010-02-08 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2592294

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New York City
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Hey all-

working out has been sporadic. I've been swimming 2x a week, with one of those times being the Friday night class. I am also training for a half marathon, so I am trying to run 3x a week. I did a 7 mile run yesterday.

Have not been able to sue the bike trainer because my basement is being finished. I'm not going outside too much, but if I do I am focusing on running for now.

We missed the snow this weekend, but it looks like we may get some during the week.

2010-02-08 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2660941

LaGrange, GA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
JohnOD - 2010-02-08 10:02 AM  Have not been able to sue the bike trainer because my basement is being finished.  John

John, why are you suing the bike trainer? Money mouth  I keep hearing all this talk about snow.  What is this white stuff you are talking about?  We don't have it down here.  Just nasty, 40 degrees and raining...and raining...and raining.  I am ready for global warming...also known as SPRING! 
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