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2010-02-05 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2655783

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Biking is my strength, so I'll chime in.   Keeping the cadence going is correct.  You want to aim for about 80-90 RPM.  You always want to be working at about 80% of your max, except when you purposely need a rest (like after the crest of a hard climb), or if you have to work at 100% to get over that crest. 

If you ever find yourself spinning so fast that you can't keep up with the bike gears, then you need a harder gear.  Going down a big hill is the perfect time to put it in the hardest gear and push to see how fast you can go! (If you like speed, that is!)  It's also a perfect time to rest!  lol

Hmmm, what else about shifting... not sure what kind of hills you are dealing with... you want to try to think ahead for an ascent and prepare... meaning, you want to downshift in preparation for the climb at the right time, before your cadence drops too low, because shifting when you are at a crawl can be very difficult.   But you don't want to downshift too soon, or you'll lose your momentum. If you know the course, it makes it easier... and the first downshift will usually happen 1/4 of the way up the incline.  Then, keep shifting as much as you need to in order to keep spinning.   Depending on the intensity of the incline, sometimes this means throwing it into 'granny gear' and standing.  Tuck in your core and pull up on the handle bars will give you a lot of strength on a hard climb too.

If you are planning to stay seated for a climb, you will have to choose an easier gear than if you plan to stand, because the weight of your standing body will help you push a bigger gear when you are standing.

It just takes time to become familiar with your bike and it's fun when you can get the gears to work with your body.   

Hope that helps a little!  Have fun

2010-02-05 11:38 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Thanks for all your help!  As soon as this snow melts, I will get outside and give shifting gears a try   Several inches of snow outside and still snowing, supposed to snow all the way through tomorrow and I've got my 5k race.  Hoping the roads aren't too bad for the hours drive there, and that the plows have made it not too icy for the run.  I'm really nervous, but in a good and excited way.  Now just to somehow calm the nerves enough to get to sleep.  I'll check in tomorrow and let everyone know how it went.
2010-02-06 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2658315

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Good Luck with your 5k race.  Be careful in the snow. 

I am running a 5k race also but we are supposed to be dry with 11 degrees for the wind chill.  That is doable.  I'll think of you and send you some fancy pants mojo. 

2010-02-06 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
jogo-- hope your race went well!  I had a lot of fun at mine, check out my race report for more details.  The sun ended up coming out and though it was still icy, there were clear paths to run on.  Overall it was a great experience.  There was a six year old boy who ran the 5k, and he did great.  I also met some grad. students from neighboring communities, that I may meet up with to run.  So glad I didn't let a little bit of snow/ice stop me from going out and running my race.
2010-02-06 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

My race is tomorrow.  I thought yours was too.  Sounds like it was a good race and you did well.  Way to go!  

2010-02-06 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2658903

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Way to go with your run!   The snow plows aren't supposed to be in our neighborhood until tomorrow so we aren't going anywhere!   I spent the snowy day being really lazy.... I will get out tomorrow and dig us out and call it my workout.... You winter runners are amazing!  

2010-02-07 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Tsk tsk Jo--no race report for me to comment on!! So congrats on doing your race. I did notice your numerology thing in your log--verrrryy interesting.....

Great job you two!! I'm too much of an asthmatic klutz to try to run in cold and ice. I prefer to run on my dreadmill in my coal stove heated living room at 84 degrees and breathe in all that lovely indoor dusty air My husband noticed how red in the face I was and drippy and at least plugged in the fan for me and brought me another jug of water. He's giving me a trip to my chiropractor for valentine's day....all together now.....ahhh.....

Gotta get back on the bike trainer today, but honestly, it causes me to H. Isn't it wonderful what having babies does to the body??? Whine whine whine
2010-02-07 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2659628

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

phoenixrising404 - 2010-02-07 10:26 AM Tsk tsk Jo--no race report for me to comment on!! So congrats on doing your race. I did notice your numerology thing in your log--verrrryy interesting..... Great job you two!! I'm too much of an asthmatic klutz to try to run in cold and ice. I prefer to run on my dreadmill in my coal stove heated living room at 84 degrees and breathe in all that lovely indoor dusty air My husband noticed how red in the face I was and drippy and at least plugged in the fan for me and brought me another jug of water. He's giving me a trip to my chiropractor for valentine's day....all together now.....ahhh..... Gotta get back on the bike trainer today, but honestly, it causes me to H. Isn't it wonderful what having babies does to the body??? Whine whine whine

I wasn't even home from the race when you posted this.  My race was 9am this morning and I had to hang out after for my recovery beer.  Race report is now posted.

Butt Butter or some sort of chamois cream really helps on the trainer.  It makes an amazing difference and definitely is worth the investment.  Maybe it'll save you needing the preparation H. 

2010-02-08 7:01 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I'm back!

Congrats to Jo and enkidukat on your races this weekend!

I did nothing- no working out at all- while gone. And I am not even sorry about it.
This week starts my running training plan though. SIGH. And our next big snowstorm hits tomorrow.

I will check logs later today-
2010-02-08 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I'm trying to stay motivated...having trouble because I'm so down on myself for not having done more the last 2 weeks. 

Snow started my general slacking and then my hubby was gone last week (and I had some places to go after work rather than work out), so I only got Tues/Wed in for work outs.  AND THEN we were soooooo tired this weekend on Sat & Sun that all we did was veg.  ALL WEEKEND LONG!

Today starts our week 5 out of 16, and I'm really scared that something's going to derail us!

I started gaining some weight back this weekend (I can't say that what I ate helped this at all)...I can't go backwards!!

The house is a MESS, kitchen needs to be picked up, still have laundry to do, need to work on my resume, many things to do, so little time!  How do you all get over all of the things you should be doing and instead get out there and work out?  Don't you sometimes feel guilty?
2010-02-08 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Quick Notes- I am hoping to have more time later....

Ali- LIFE GETS IN THE WAY. It happens to all of us. Quit being down on yourself and get out there and fit in a workout. Even if it is short, you will feel so much better. The good news is you are not starting cold turkey- look at all the work you already put in this year! So you had a little setback. Get back out there this week. Your body will remember all the work you did before and I swear you really will feel better.

Phoenix- HA! Preparation H. Okay, those of you without children, avert your eyes. Phoenix, I have the most padded bike shorts ever. By Trek. THEY ARE AWESOME. They were expensive but you know what? My lady parts have been through enough that we need some serious padding down there. Even then, I make sure I use body glide to avoid chafing on the legs for long rides, and after twenty minutes my bits and pieces are numb. That is a positioning thing for me- but it I would rather have my lady parts all numb than have to worry about the dreaded "hemis" as I call them! My suggestion is a very expensive well padded pair of bike shorts. And lean forward more on your bike- the aerobars make me lean forward so I have no choice.

My weekend was - ick. Just ick. The weather, the business, the not getting time to work out, the eating crap crap crap. My ride today felt so nice! Big snow hitting tomorrow.....

2010-02-08 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Sorry for the hassle Jo--I thought you ran the day before--I lose track of time sometimes, must be early alzheimer's kicking in:0 I commented on your race report, which was very fun to read!

Ali--easy does it, girl. I took like 2 YEARS off and didn't completely hate myself for it. I doubt very much that you actually gained any fat in 2 days. Maybe water weight, but not true fat. Who cares anyway. As women, our bodies do pretty much whatever they want. The best we can hope for is a truce now and then. The more you try to control it, the more the subconscious or whatever, seems to rebel. Finding time to rest your body, mind and soul is really important. You grow muscle when you REST. When you run, you tear it down. I even have a book somewhere that claimed people over exercise and that you can get really fit and strong working out like an hour a WEEK. I think we need more than that, as we do three sports, but I respect what the author is saying. My house is always a mess, but we always have something clean to wear and something clean to eat off of and most of the time we can walk from one room to another and not trip to bad over Phoebe toys.

Anne, thanks for the lady parts advice. I'm giving my parts a nice rest as it's that time of the month. I really want to get on the bike, but my poor body isn't down with that just yet. My kid is sick too. She's been incredibly needy for about 11 days now and between her sickness and my miserable husband's sickness, I'm sick of it!

We did go out sledding on Sunday though. Just to get some fresh air. My brother in law rigged up this bench seat on two sets of ski's and pulled the 3 bigger kids on it behind his minibike. Then he pulled me and Phoebe on her sled behind it. The boys also tried snowboarding for the first time. I pulled Phoebe around on the sled til I got sweaty so I spose it counts as some kind of mild exercise.

I challenge everyone to practice some mental training this week: try your best to think only really positive thoughts about yourself, your training and your body! Every time you are tempted to do some "stinkin thinkin" take a moment and reflect on how excellent you are! I admire each of you!! Be nice to yourself this Valentine's week. Love, Phoenix
2010-02-08 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

I went to yoga tonight.  Lesson always learned.  Tonight's lesson seemed very appropriate.  Maureen (my yogi), read from a book and when I remember the name, I'll post it.  The passage was about the only real constant is change.  We have to change over and over again and we go back to what works.  Our lives our constantly building and then breaking down and we rebuild and something else breaks the constant down, we rebuild.  

I was attributing this to my own life.  Just when something is fixed, something else breaks.  That is life.  It is wonderful.  We learn, we grow, we move on.  It goes right with my resolution for the year of finding the positive.  I am one who does not do that so easily.  I have to look hard.  I think if we all look inside us and at our lives we can find a small positive. 

No one rates you on how well you stuck to a training plan.  Do as much as you can.  The body has a much better memory than I do.


2010-02-09 7:08 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

There goes my 2 mile scheduled run on this week's training plan. CRAP. So, Weather gets in the way, I will reschedule it. No biggie. Instead, I'll fit a ride in sometime and play in the snow.

My two youngest woke up with colds, so I am betting I do not drag them to the Y this week. Maybe I can sneak a swim very early saturday morning before everyone gets up? We'll see. I'm starting to worry that I will not get my swim miles in for our challenge- not a very good example!

Thanks Phoenix and Jo for reminding us to find the positive. I'm really enjoying my rides on the trainer- it is my quiet time right now. I do wish the weather was better so I could run more, or that I had a treadmill, but it's alright- at least my body is moving!!!

Everyone have a good Tuesday!

Edited by AKR18 2010-02-09 7:26 AM
2010-02-10 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
The snow has been effecting my training too.  Was hoping to get in a run yesterday before it started, but it started at 4 am.  This morning it was too warm under the covers to get up early and go out to 4 degrees to swim.  I know excuses, excuses.  I do plan on going to gym today at lunch and WILL get in that 3 mile run today. 

My youngest daughter (17) will be having surgery on Friday.  She is having what they are referring to as a fibroadenoma in her breast.  They are 99% sure it's benign, but will not know 100% until after they biopsy it.  It's out patient surgery, but you still worry about your babies, no matter how minor it is.  Keep her in your thoughts and prayers if you guys don't mind.

2010-02-10 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Jo- thanks for the inspiration.  I think as women, we are the hardest judges of ourselves.  I am always down on myself if I don't do this workout or that, but you have to listen to your body and rest every now and again.   I also get down on myself because my BF is so dedicated to his training and I am ho hum about mine right now.

I have to remember we have different goals this year and we both train differently as I can burn out very easily.  Needless to say, I'm hoping to enjoy the snow we are finally getting in NH and will hopefully go for a run in it this afternoon- it not, then it's on the trainer.

And I can't say enough about the wonders of body glide.  I slathered myself it in for my marathon- I didn't get a single blister or any chafing.  Amazing. 

Have a couple days here and then off to San Fran on Fri to see the BF's niece. Super excited- we're planning to do a couple of runs in Golden Gate park.  Any other suggestions while we're out there?  Thanks and keep up the great work ladies!

2010-02-10 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

This weather sucks. We had over 3 feet of snow over the weekend and school was cancelled on Monday. My husband stayed home with the kids while I dragged myself to work. Now we have a blizzard that started yesterday. My husband didn't want me to drive to work so he refused to help shovel me out so I did it myself but then he hid my keys.

-School is closed for the WHOLE week.
-The YMCA is closed where I take my swim training and my gym is closed for the next two days.
-I don't have a treadmill.
-I have an old elliptical that is so uncomfortable to use. I feel like I move with "jerky" motions.
-I finally took my bike trainer out but I am still trying to figure out how to set my bike up. Plus I need to find a pump to pump up my tires.

Let it be spring already!

2010-02-10 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Totally off topic, does anyone here have any insurance experience?  I have some questions about my 20 year old who doesn't want to pay so much for insurance but her car is still in my name.  I just talked to my agent and she gave me her answers, but I'd like to hear some advice from someone else.

2010-02-10 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Lovey- sounds like a great time for cross training!  Maybe try some pilates or yoga or work on core strength for a couple of days.  I know the snow is a bummer right now, but playing it in for a couple of hours burns a bunch of calories and is way more fun than staying inside.

Ginny- no idea on the insurance part.  What is her driving record like?  There are some low-cost insurance companies like Geico or Progressive where you can do minimum coverage for a pretty good price.  Does OH have laws about what type and how much car insurance a driver must have?
2010-02-11 7:32 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Lovey- time to learn how to set your bike up on your trainer. It is VERY EASY. I bet if you did a search on here you would find an article or discussion on how to set it up. I recommend putting a paperback book under the front wheel to raise it up a bit (unless your trainer came with a riser for the front, most of the time you have to buy that seperate). I'm counting snow shovelling as a workout!

It's easy to get down on yourself for getting off your training plan. But guess what? It's just as easy to hop back on WHEN YOU CAN. Life gets in the way! You can't control the weather. I always look at it as a reminder to get my workouts in when I can. I might be feeling too lazy to run, but I better get out there, because if I put it off until tomorrow someone is bound to be puking, or my car won's start, or we will get a foot of get the picture.

I'm running on my friend's treadmill today- 3 mile run scheduled, wish me luck! I do not know if my kids will behave for that long. But I can not take them to the Y because the two little ones have runny noses and I don't want them to pick up anything else.
2010-02-11 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Hey all- I'm off to San Fran for the long weekend.  Will probably get some runs in at Golden Gate Park.  Am really looking forward to the change in scenery!

Hope all the snow melts, the kiddos get better and everyone has a great weekend of workouts.  Talk to you Tuesday!

2010-02-12 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Daughter's surgery today, no work out for me probably.  Have a great weekend
2010-02-12 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2669617

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you Ginny.  I know it will be fine. 

2010-02-15 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Ginny- I hope everything went well with surgery and you had a nice, quiet weekend.

Jo- How was the run for beads?

Mike is off today and spending time watching the kids while I deal with Girl Scout Cookies. I am leaving here in about an hour to pick up all the cookies in my empty mini van, caravan to the Cookie Mom's house, unload all the cookies, run back home and get Jo and Abby and head back to count out cookies. And, Um, eat cookies later. YUM!

Our house is full of valentine's candy, cupcakes from Jo's baptism party yesterday, and no girl scout cookies. A huge sugar migraine if I'm not careful.

I tore some huge nastiness into my heels wearing dress shoes all day yesterday. ICK! But I still started out my week with a run and am hoping nothing gets in the way of training plans this week- like last week's huge snowstorm.

How are our maryland gals???
2010-02-16 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Oh Man.....some of our training logs are taking a real beating, while others are very sad and empty.

I know there are excuses- the snow! Some of you are buried in it! But snow shovelling counts as a sport- seriously- log it!

February is a key month- it's where a lot of people drop, where they decide that all this training for a race is just not worth getting out of a nice warm bed when it's freezing outside. Or people get discouraged, upset that they have not dropped a huge amount of weight since their New Year's Resolutions, and they quit trying.

Has it been awhile? Is your log kind of empty? Are you getting mad at me? GOOD. Go fit in a workout. Each time I head out for a run, or walk down to the basement to ride, I have at least 4 reasons not to workout that day. I can come up with more. But I tell that little excuse spouting voice in my head to shut it and do my training.

If you hopped on the February challenge and said you would do a Full Ironman distance this month, and it's not looking like it's going to happen for whatever reason (snow, travel, etc) then just switch to the HIM distance challenge. I'm struggling to find time to swim- but if I can do it, YOU CAN TOO!!!!!
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