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2011-01-06 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

The weather was fantastic again today!  I ran 4.6 miles with Aidan in the stroller and then we played at the park.  We are going to do the same thing tomorrow after I teach my Spinning class but we're going to the zoo instead.  Being a stay at home mom is the best job EVER!!!!

2011-01-07 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Good morning!  What is the exercise plan for today?  I will be teaching Spinning class followed by a short run.  This evening I'm going to try to get on the bike trainer.  Not sure if that will happen, though.

2011-01-07 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3256657

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
I will go for a run this afternoon once the sitter gets here.
2011-01-07 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED


For yesterday's QOD:  The hardest part now is that i have to coordinate workouts with my schedule of schlepping the kids to their fencing practices, and making dinner, and my husband's schedule.  When the kids were younger, I definately took advantage of the day care center at the gym- it was a life saver when they were really little.  Morning workouts were helpful too.  The biggest thing was just coordinating with my husband and carving out time when we could.  It's really tough when spouses travel alot or work late.

I'm planning on getting a run in later on today. 

2011-01-07 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3256657


Bristol, England
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Heading down the gym after work, and hoping to get a decent bike session in.  Did a brick session last night, which was pretty good and managed to increase my run speed a good chunk too.

Things going pretty well!

2011-01-07 3:18 PM
in reply to: #3284372

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

momandmd - 2011-01-07 7:52 AM


For yesterday's QOD:  The hardest part now is that i have to coordinate workouts with my schedule of schlepping the kids to their fencing practices, and making dinner, and my husband's schedule.  When the kids were younger, I definately took advantage of the day care center at the gym- it was a life saver when they were really little.  Morning workouts were helpful too.  The biggest thing was just coordinating with my husband and carving out time when we could.  It's really tough when spouses travel alot or work late.

I'm planning on getting a run in later on today. 

My husband has been out of town all week.  I'm glad it was a sunny week so I could do my runs outside while pushing the stroller.  Poor little guy would have been in the gym childcare a lot this week if I had hoped to get all my runs done.  Sunny weather makes our time together fun!

2011-01-07 3:20 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Weekend Recipe Roundup!!!

Post your favorite recipes!  I've got a good one for pumpkin soup.  I'll post it sometime in the next couple of days.  Everyone gobbles it up!

2011-01-07 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

What are your weekend workout plans?  I will be going on a long bike ride with the girls on Saturday and on a long run on Sunday.  Cheers!

2011-01-07 4:29 PM
in reply to: #3285304

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Denver Area
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

owl_girl - 2011-01-07 2:20 PM

Weekend Recipe Roundup!!!

Post your favorite recipes!  I've got a good one for pumpkin soup.  I'll post it sometime in the next couple of days.  Everyone gobbles it up!

1/2 c favorite oil (olive is cheap and works well, jojoba is $$$ but sooo nice, almond is $$ pretty nice might spoil eventually, grapeseed or canola will work too)

1 c turbinado sugar or sea/epsom/kosher salt (table salt will work but supposedly is too rough, all super cheap at bulk aisle in natural foods stores)

few drops of favorite essential oil (my favorite for holidays was lavendamint)

mix all in a medium bowl, transfer to wide mouth container that has a tight lid.

rub all over all over then rinse excess, post-long swim to smooth rough places and lube the flesh, or keep it next to the sink for post-dishwashing moisture scrub

DO NOT EAT most likely tastes terrible (especially if you choose salt) and beee careful in the shower, it'll get slippery.

2011-01-07 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3285308

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Denver Area
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

owl_girl - 2011-01-07 2:21 PM

What are your weekend workout plans?  I will be going on a long bike ride with the girls on Saturday and on a long run on Sunday.  Cheers!

Apparently I'm supposed to ride/run/ride/run tomorrow and I've NO idea how to get that done, the longer run on Sunday might happen in the evening, but it's supposed to snow---not that I mind that but there are creatures around....

I heard coyotes right outside, literally right out side, yipping and howling for a few minutes the other night....caused a really visceral reaction I noticed, sitting there eating my dinner, kids were already in bed.  Spooky to think what it was like frontier days in a rickety cabin possibly with small children, and the man maybe away hunting.  Ada git yer gun kinda stuff.

2011-01-07 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3285470

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New user

Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Have any of you ever done a tri through Team in Training?  I talked with someone today from TNT and I'm intrigued to join to raise money for cancer research but the goal you have for fundraising is very high and if you don't fundraise it, you are responsible for the difference.  Perks aside from a good cause is you get a free wet suit, some tri gear, a tri coach and training plan for 5 months, twice-weekly workouts with a group, etc.

I'm just not someone who is comfortable asking people for money and I'd have to get over that

2011-01-07 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3256657

Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Today was a snow day and a rest day so I was amazingly lazy. I did manage to register for an Oly tri in Paris this summer! It did bring up a training question since it's less than two months after my half marathon. How do people transition from one sport to another? My plan for now is to swim/bike on my current cross training days and maybe drop a shorter run as I get closer to the race and replace it with a bike. Then just jump into the tri plan full force after the HM. Does that sound about right?
2011-01-08 10:49 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

OMG Paris?  How cool!  I signed up for an oly too, but it's in Ithaca.  Not nearly as exciting.  On the other hand, I've agreed to do the 1/2 Ironman in St. Croix with a friend (but not until 2015, thank goodness!). 

I did a trainer ride today- so far this year my longest has been 1 hour, so I decided to increase to 1:15.  It was mentally tough (and tough on the butt), but I got through, so I am happy.  And it's my birthday (43), so we'll go out for a nice dinner tonight. 

2011-01-08 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3286494

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
momandmd - 2011-01-08 10:49 AM

OMG Paris?  How cool!  I signed up for an oly too, but it's in Ithaca.  Not nearly as exciting.  On the other hand, I've agreed to do the 1/2 Ironman in St. Croix with a friend (but not until 2015, thank goodness!). 

I did a trainer ride today- so far this year my longest has been 1 hour, so I decided to increase to 1:15.  It was mentally tough (and tough on the butt), but I got through, so I am happy.  And it's my birthday (43), so we'll go out for a nice dinner tonight. 

Happy Birthday to you! Nice trainer ride! My plans for a brisk morning xc ski were foiled....when I forgot to bring my skis. Hope to get something else in later....
2011-01-08 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3264016


Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Hey everyone! I am sorry I went missing after my initial post.  I had a few 60 hour workweeks and just didnt have time for the computer.  That is over now, not to return for another year thank goodness!

My name is Linda and I live in Kimberley, BC.

I am so excited to start training for triathlons this year!  I just completed a holiday transformation challenge for a program  called "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" and need some new goals so that I do not gain back what I have lost!

Like I said in my initial post my 6 year old daughter has completed 3 kids tri's now and this year I am keeping my promise to learn to swim and compete in the same events.  

I am so excited to share this journey with all of you! 
2011-01-08 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3256657

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Got on my trainer today and it wasn't awful!!!

2011-01-08 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Did a ride with some friends.  I was going to go longer but I'm still not feeling very good.  This cough is driving me nuts and kept me up most of the night.  I was tired on the ride.  I was really thankful that those ladies are slow.

2011-01-08 4:07 PM
in reply to: #3285677

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

melmarie80 - 2011-01-07 4:47 PM Have any of you ever done a tri through Team in Training?  I talked with someone today from TNT and I'm intrigued to join to raise money for cancer research but the goal you have for fundraising is very high and if you don't fundraise it, you are responsible for the difference.  Perks aside from a good cause is you get a free wet suit, some tri gear, a tri coach and training plan for 5 months, twice-weekly workouts with a group, etc.

I'm just not someone who is comfortable asking people for money and I'd have to get over that

I've never done anything with TNT.  I think they have a solid training philosophy, though.  Thank you for considering it.  My best friend growing up died of leukemia when we were 20 years old.  I still miss her.

2011-01-08 4:09 PM
in reply to: #3285470

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

AdaBug - 2011-01-07 2:36 PM

owl_girl - 2011-01-07 2:21 PM

What are your weekend workout plans?  I will be going on a long bike ride with the girls on Saturday and on a long run on Sunday.  Cheers!

Apparently I'm supposed to ride/run/ride/run tomorrow and I've NO idea how to get that done, the longer run on Sunday might happen in the evening, but it's supposed to snow---not that I mind that but there are creatures around....

I heard coyotes right outside, literally right out side, yipping and howling for a few minutes the other night....caused a really visceral reaction I noticed, sitting there eating my dinner, kids were already in bed.  Spooky to think what it was like frontier days in a rickety cabin possibly with small children, and the man maybe away hunting.  Ada git yer gun kinda stuff.

No worries, Ada.  Coyotes won't do anything to you.  Domestic dogs scare me!  They are unpredictable!

2011-01-08 4:13 PM
in reply to: #3285949

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

TheGoGoGoes - 2011-01-07 7:38 PM Today was a snow day and a rest day so I was amazingly lazy. I did manage to register for an Oly tri in Paris this summer! It did bring up a training question since it's less than two months after my half marathon. How do people transition from one sport to another? My plan for now is to swim/bike on my current cross training days and maybe drop a shorter run as I get closer to the race and replace it with a bike. Then just jump into the tri plan full force after the HM. Does that sound about right?

Paris!!!  Awesome!!!!

You will have to keep your run fitness up between the two races by continuing your long runs after the half mary.  Don't slack on them!  Beginning now, you should do your bike rides on days when you will not be running.  Don't ride hard.  Just put some miles on your butt and legs.  Go to the pool at least once per week.  After the half mary, start doing harder rides and hitting the pool more often.  Don't forget to taper for both of the races!

Can't wait to hear about Paris!

2011-01-08 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3286494

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

momandmd - 2011-01-08 8:49 AM

OMG Paris?  How cool!  I signed up for an oly too, but it's in Ithaca.  Not nearly as exciting.  On the other hand, I've agreed to do the 1/2 Ironman in St. Croix with a friend (but not until 2015, thank goodness!). 

I did a trainer ride today- so far this year my longest has been 1 hour, so I decided to increase to 1:15.  It was mentally tough (and tough on the butt), but I got through, so I am happy.  And it's my birthday (43), so we'll go out for a nice dinner tonight. 

Happy Birthday!!!!  Good job getting a longer ride done on the trainer!

2011-01-08 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3286676

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

aquinn - 2011-01-08 10:58 AM
momandmd - 2011-01-08 10:49 AM

OMG Paris?  How cool!  I signed up for an oly too, but it's in Ithaca.  Not nearly as exciting.  On the other hand, I've agreed to do the 1/2 Ironman in St. Croix with a friend (but not until 2015, thank goodness!). 

I did a trainer ride today- so far this year my longest has been 1 hour, so I decided to increase to 1:15.  It was mentally tough (and tough on the butt), but I got through, so I am happy.  And it's my birthday (43), so we'll go out for a nice dinner tonight. 

Happy Birthday to you! Nice trainer ride! My plans for a brisk morning xc ski were foiled....when I forgot to bring my skis. Hope to get something else in later....

Ha ha ha!!!  That's as bad as going for a bike ride and forgeting to take your bike!

2011-01-08 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3286732

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

lmcvetty - 2011-01-08 11:32 AM Hey everyone! I am sorry I went missing after my initial post.  I had a few 60 hour workweeks and just didnt have time for the computer.  That is over now, not to return for another year thank goodness!

My name is Linda and I live in Kimberley, BC.

I am so excited to start training for triathlons this year!  I just completed a holiday transformation challenge for a program  called "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" and need some new goals so that I do not gain back what I have lost!

Like I said in my initial post my 6 year old daughter has completed 3 kids tri's now and this year I am keeping my promise to learn to swim and compete in the same events.  

I am so excited to share this journey with all of you! 

Hi Linda!  Thanks for checking in!  I can imagine how 60 hour work weeks would prevent you from getting on the computer!  Sheesh!  So, what are your new goals?

2011-01-08 4:19 PM
in reply to: #3286926

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

tricrazy - 2011-01-08 1:33 PM Got on my trainer today and it wasn't awful!!!

Good for you!!!  No, it is not awful!  I like my trainer.  I also like the treadmill.

2011-01-08 10:32 PM
in reply to: #3286987


Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED
Oh right goals... I want to start with a sprint in June, and then consider a longer one later in the season. Its hard to determine goals with such unknowns right now, mainly the swimming.
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