BT Development Mentor Program Archives » chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full Rss Feed  
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2011-05-17 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3500415

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

tkatzhyman - 2011-05-15 7:57 PM Made my  volume for swimming and running this week a little short  in biking.  Ran in a 5k race on Sunday looking to do under 35 minutes  ran it in 32:45.   The question is will I be able to do it again in three week  at Breezy Point after the  swim and bike?


Nice job on your 5K!  You crushed your time goal!!

2011-05-17 10:44 AM
in reply to: #3503531

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
chrisbowers - 2011-05-17 9:43 AM

Who's got next?


It's not a triathlon, but I'm running my first 10K ever this coming Sunday.  I'm a little bit nervous about it, even though I've been steady with the training.  Anything over 5 miles is a LONG run for me!

2011-05-17 12:44 PM
in reply to: #3503883

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
I rode in my first organized bike ride last weekend.  They had options for 15, 25, 66, and 100.  I was shooting for 25, got lost for about 30 minutes and finished up with 30 miles.  Not super fast but great practice on hills and riding with a group. Very fun experience. My next sprint tri is an OWS on June 2!
2011-05-17 3:59 PM
in reply to: #3504197

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

carolh - 2011-05-17 12:44 PM I rode in my first organized bike ride last weekend.  They had options for 15, 25, 66, and 100.  I was shooting for 25, got lost for about 30 minutes and finished up with 30 miles.  Not super fast but great practice on hills and riding with a group. Very fun experience. My next sprint tri is an OWS on June 2!

Ha. That's great. I love the fun stories we get to tell about our training and racing. I had a bike accident about a year and several months ago (minor - scrapes and bruises), but Debbie Fields (Ms. Fields' Cookies) stopped and picked me up, took me back to her house which was nearby and cleaned me up and bandaged me. My wife still makes fun of me.  Says that the woman never eats any of her own cookies either.  By the way, she did send me home with some fresh baked cookies. No joke.

2011-05-17 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3503883

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
kpringle - 2011-05-17 10:44 AM

It's not a triathlon, but I'm running my first 10K ever this coming Sunday.  I'm a little bit nervous about it, even though I've been steady with the training.  Anything over 5 miles is a LONG run for me!

You will definitely rock it. Your run times have been great.

2011-05-17 8:35 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Chris very funny. I had my first fall on Sunday on the bike. During my ride I noticed I always unclipped my left foot and never my right. So as I was pulling into my driveway I thought maybe I should unclip my right foot which I did no problem. The problem though was I leaned toward my left side and it was slow motion from there. I had no time to unclip my left foot and went down. Somehow I cut my right calf on the way down but still it was funny. Better that I suppose than falling while going 30 mph. Has anyone else taken a fall on the bike?

2011-05-18 8:32 AM
in reply to: #3505105

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Vegasadam - 2011-05-17 8:35 PM Chris very funny. I had my first fall on Sunday on the bike. During my ride I noticed I always unclipped my left foot and never my right. So as I was pulling into my driveway I thought maybe I should unclip my right foot which I did no problem. The problem though was I leaned toward my left side and it was slow motion from there. I had no time to unclip my left foot and went down. Somehow I cut my right calf on the way down but still it was funny. Better that I suppose than falling while going 30 mph. Has anyone else taken a fall on the bike?

I think the better question is: Has anyone not fallen on the bike? Adam, I feel your pain. I have been in that spot before, and I have seen many others do it too.

2011-05-18 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Okay let me vent for just a minute! A friend of mine, who happens to be on BT, jford2309, (which is where I met him, but he lives just a couple of miles away and we train together occasionally) had his bike stolen out of his garage yesterday. Are you kidding me? Really? You have to be pretty low down to go into a guy's garage and take something in the middle of the day.

Problem is he is racing in the Memphis In May Olympic race (5150 Series) on Sunday like I am. I hope he can find a loaner bike that works for him. If you get a chance send him a PM or an inspire to encourage him.

Be careful with your things. Not everybody believes that if something is yours then it is not for them, I guess. It's tough to not be as trusting as you want to be. 

2011-05-18 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3505625

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

That stinks about his bike being stolen!! 

I'm excited - I'm picking up a friend's road bike tonight that she is letting me borrow from now until my race in September!  I think it has clipless pedals, so I'm a little nervous about getting started - I've never used them before, and between the postings about your falls, and the inevitable fall we will all have, and then seeing some bad falls during the Amgen bike race, I'm not feeling very confident!

Any suggestions on the best way/technique to get started for a complete newbie?! 

2011-05-18 10:48 AM
in reply to: #3505625

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

That is a bummer, definitely bad karma for the thief. I live about a zillion miles from Memphis or I would offer up my bike for the race.  I bet someone on the BT site will loan him one though, seems like a great group.  Hopefully he has home owners or renters insurance to cover the loss. 


2011-05-18 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3505935

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
erinhenke - 2011-05-18 4:35 PM

That stinks about his bike being stolen!! 

I'm excited - I'm picking up a friend's road bike tonight that she is letting me borrow from now until my race in September!  I think it has clipless pedals, so I'm a little nervous about getting started - I've never used them before, and between the postings about your falls, and the inevitable fall we will all have, and then seeing some bad falls during the Amgen bike race, I'm not feeling very confident!

Any suggestions on the best way/technique to get started for a complete newbie?! 


I think it's just a case of getting used to them, everybody who uses them has to. Just make sure you concentrate mentally whenever you want to stop and tell yourself to twist your feet when you want to disengage your feet.

I've been using them about 3 years and have never fallen (I know Chris won't believe me! Several almost moments though). And if the worst comes to the worst it's likely to be at zero speed so hopefully will be more embarassing than anything else.

And if you do find you can't get used to them it's no big deal to change pedals and switch back when you return it, but I bet you'll be happy with them once you've got used to it.

2011-05-18 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Chris, that is such a bummer about your friend's bike!  I can't believe someone would steal it right out of his garage!

Adam, you're right - good thing you weren't going really fast when you fell off the bike! I'm absolutely terrified about clipping in on a bike and will be biking/running in my running shoes this tri season.  I feel like I'm going to fall off my spin bike when I clip in to those pedals, so I think I'm a long ways off of clipping into a real bike!  Hope your leg is okay...

Erin, I can't wait to hear how your training goes on your loaner bike.  That's awesome that you're able to borrow that bike! 

2011-05-19 11:13 AM
in reply to: #3506306

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Gaz147 -

"I think it's just a case of getting used to them, everybody who uses them has to. Just make sure you concentrate mentally whenever you want to stop and tell yourself to twist your feet when you want to disengage your feet.

I've been using them about 3 years and have never fallen (I know Chris won't believe me! Several almost moments though). And if the worst comes to the worst it's likely to be at zero speed so hopefully will be more embarassing than anything else.

And if you do find you can't get used to them it's no big deal to change pedals and switch back when you return it, but I bet you'll be happy with them once you've got used to it."


In my case mentally concentrating on my pedals sounds like this-

Uh oh stop up a head--GET OUT, GET OUT, TWIST, TWIST, COME ON, COME ON - whew foot is now free. 

I'm getting use to them but it takes a bit, I don't know if this is standard but my clips have a tension adjustment so you can make them easier or more difficult to release.   Helps a bit.


Edited by carolh 2011-05-19 11:15 AM
2011-05-19 11:41 AM
in reply to: #3508163

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

I think my mental process is about the same as yours. I am of the mentality that I will clip out probably way more then I need to, but that way, less falls! 

My next is a sprint on June 12. But did manage to swim 2 miles on Monday, so that was big for me. 

I just fear some of the transitions at races this year, if it is the same as last year, one is up a gravel washout hill, in bike shoes, that should be fun, both coming in and out! 

2011-05-21 5:17 PM
in reply to: #3282396


Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Been off of the message boards for a while, between vacation and a new work schedule ive been lucky to find time to work out, though I've managed to get most of it in.

Good luck to everyone thats racing this weekend. My first mini-sprint is tomorrow. No set goals other than finishing. Instead,  Im looking forward to it as a learning experience, especially for the pre race set up and transitions.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.


2011-05-21 6:22 PM
in reply to: #3511585

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
scotmkf99 - 2011-05-21 6:17 PM

Been off of the message boards for a while, between vacation and a new work schedule ive been lucky to find time to work out, though I've managed to get most of it in.

Good luck to everyone thats racing this weekend. My first mini-sprint is tomorrow. No set goals other than finishing. Instead,  Im looking forward to it as a learning experience, especially for the pre race set up and transitions.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Good luck tomorrow, Scot!  Can't wait to hear about it!!

2011-05-22 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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Newport News
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Just got back from the inaugural Run for the Dream 1/2 marathon in Williamsburg There  to cheer on my son and daughter-in-law.  Road  my bike between  various point  to see them run about 10 miles total.  Question I have is  do I count the biking as training miles or can  I COUNT  THE FULL 1/2 MARATHON RUN AS MY HEART WAS WITH MY KIDS (maybe  twice)
2011-05-23 12:08 PM
in reply to: #3512208

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

tkatzhyman - 2011-05-22 11:34 AM Just got back from the inaugural Run for the Dream 1/2 marathon in Williamsburg There  to cheer on my son and daughter-in-law.  Road  my bike between  various point  to see them run about 10 miles total.  Question I have is  do I count the biking as training miles or can  I COUNT  THE FULL 1/2 MARATHON RUN AS MY HEART WAS WITH MY KIDS (maybe  twice)

Ha. Tsvi, I say you can count it all. I know when I watch my girls run a race or play a game that I am all in too. I hope they had a good race and you all had a great weekend.

2011-05-23 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3511585

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
scotmkf99 - 2011-05-21 5:17 PM

Been off of the message boards for a while, between vacation and a new work schedule ive been lucky to find time to work out, though I've managed to get most of it in.

Good luck to everyone thats racing this weekend. My first mini-sprint is tomorrow. No set goals other than finishing. Instead,  Im looking forward to it as a learning experience, especially for the pre race set up and transitions.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Scot I hope your race went well. I was racing this weekend and I didnt have a good internet access point to log onto BT. Let everyone know about your results.

2011-05-23 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3505935

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
erinhenke - 2011-05-18 10:35 AM

That stinks about his bike being stolen!! 

I'm excited - I'm picking up a friend's road bike tonight that she is letting me borrow from now until my race in September!  I think it has clipless pedals, so I'm a little nervous about getting started - I've never used them before, and between the postings about your falls, and the inevitable fall we will all have, and then seeing some bad falls during the Amgen bike race, I'm not feeling very confident!

Any suggestions on the best way/technique to get started for a complete newbie?! 

Just practice. If you have access to a indoor trainer you can put the bike on it and practice clipping in and out to get the feel of it and to become comfortable with what you are doing.  If not, maybe a narrowhallway where you can lean against the wall and just clip in and out over and over. Once you go outside, you just need to anticipate your stops and slowing down and FOCUS on what you are about to do. Clip out early to be comfortable. I typically clip out with one leg only most of the time and then I lean to that side - kind of like my leg becomes the kickstand for the bike. Do NOT lean to the side that is still clipped in if you only unclip one foot.

2011-05-23 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

I hope everyone had a great weekend.  I am fresh off of a PR for my Olympic distance racing.  So a good result for me. My wife though had a DNF in her first ever triathlon because of two flat tires. So I was pretty bummed for her. Also, since I am her bike mechanic, I feel like I should have done a better job inspecting her bike before her race. Lessons learned - 1) make sure you do a pre-race check of everything on your bike that you can work on or fix (i.e. control what is under your control). 2) Make sure you know how to change a flat and are prepared to do so in a race situation (quickly and under the stress of wanting to get back on the road). Memphis in May Triathlon weekend though was great. If you ever want to plan a trip to Memphis, that would be a good time to do it. Overall, a mixed weekend for me.

What is on the training agenda this week?

Also, I want to make sure I am helping all of you with your questions and making this a fun process for you.  Let me know if we aren't addressing some of the things you are looking for out of this group.

2011-05-23 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3513954

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Congrats on your PR, Chris!  That's awesome! 

Sorry that your wife got not one, but TWO (!) flats on her first tri...  That must have been very frustrating for her. 

I completed my first 10K yesterday.  It was a great race - very well run and FUN!!  I had a great time and felt good during the run.  It was challenging, but in a good way.  The biggest lesson I learned is to be sure where the finish line is.  I started to kick it into high gear towards the end of the race and when I crossed what I thought was the finish line, I realized it WASN'T!!  It was the start line (and I just assumed it was where the race ended, too).  The finish line was about another 1/4 mile up the road.  So I could not keep up with the sprint pace and slowed down to a jog by the "real" finish line.  Kind of funny!! I ended up with an official time of 1:00:41.  I was hoping to run it in less than an hour, but am okay with the time.  I'm psyched that I averaged a 9:46 minute mile (was hoping for under 10 min/mile)!!

Here's my race report if anyone's interested.  (Hope I posted it correctly.):

I'm enjoying a rest day today, but will be back at it tomorrow.  I'll be cutting back on my running a little bit until July (when I start my 1/2 mary training) since I am only doing sprint tris this summer with 5K runs.  Hope everyone has a good week!!

2011-05-24 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3513919

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Sorry to have been out of communication - my home computer was on life-support and finally gave up, and my mobile BT application doesn't always seem to post my workouts that I have entered.

Picked up the loaner bike on Thursday - it is a carbon frame.  Can't believe how much lighter it is than my moutain bike!!  It has the basket-type pedals though but I think I'll buy clipless.  As much as I'm fearing clipless, they seem easier to deal with than these basket pedals.  Haven't actually ridden the bike yet - have to figure out the seat adjustment and gears and get some air in the tires - this is much more sophisticated than any bicycle I've ever ridden, that's for sure!  And will definitely plan to get instruction and experience fixing a flat, especially after hearing about Chris' wife - what a bummer!!

I'm inspired by the racing you all are doing!!  Way to go!!

2011-05-25 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3516713

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Good job races last weekend everybody!

My question is about tapering - is it really necessary to taper for a sprint?  I was thinking of working out lightly one or two days before but otherwise maintain my regular workout schedule. I plan to taper for a week before my Oly in July.  I was also wondering about doing 2 sprints with only a one week break between.  Good idea? 

Thanks, C

2011-05-26 4:07 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Okay, I am starting to come out from under a fog of drugs from my dental surgery on Tuesday (from my Newe Orleans mishap).  I don't know where the last few days disappeared.  I hope everyone is havuing a good training week so far.  I have to live vicariously through you until I am cleared to train again (hopefully by the weekend).

What is on your mind? What good training have you done this week?

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