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2012-01-05 12:39 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
That's a great goal. It looks like you need to knock off about 1:40 from your 5k last week. Is it on the same course? Easier or harder? Obviously knowing the course will knock off quite a bit of time. I would suggest starting towards the front. You will not be setting any PRs by starting in the back and running around the slower runners. Use the garmin as a guide, beacuase it won't be exact and it will leave you disappointed if it is just .1 of a mile off. Make sure you are adequately warmed up. Pushing yourself that hard, especially in cold temps, is an injury waiting to happen. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

2012-01-05 12:50 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
no it isn't the same course. this one is flat. I'm gonna shoot for 6:15 pace
2012-01-05 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Wow, Jaelin, great goal. Good luck! My son won first overall in a local 5k when he was about your age.  I was really proud. I ran the race too and found out ages later when I crossed the finish line. Let us know!

I want to go train with Simone! Nice weather. We had a nice day today but did not get to take advantage of it. Thanks for the inspire I really appreciate it. That sounds like a hard workout you did. I feel like a wimp. I am sleeping, up for an appointment, back to sleep for a few hours and then spin and run. I hope I don't skip the run like I have been lately.

I do my group swim with the local tri club tomorrow. And I weigh in on Sat for the Biggest Loser on Sat. I will let  all of you know!

Great, awesome workouts for every one!


2012-01-05 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3971914

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Lees Summit
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
kruzmeister - 2012-01-04 10:06 PM

Hi gang, been offline for a couple of days with internet troubles. Hope everyone had a great New Year's. It has been really hot down south here in Vic the past week sitting around 36-38 degC thankfully a cool breeze dropped the temp yesterday as I am not a great fan of training in the heat.

I tried a new type of brick workout yesterday. I found it in an old issue of Triathlete Europe and thought I would share it as it was great for the legs (really feeling it today). I did it at the gym on a trainer and treadmill so I could keep the transition times between each to an absolute minimum, it also helped to keep my cadence and run pace steady. Here are the details.

Bike 30 mins (warm up)

Run 10 mins
Bike 10 mins
Run 10 mins

Bike 10 mins
Run 5 mins

Bike 10 mins
Run 5 mins

Bike 10 mins
Run 5 mins

Bike 10 mins
Run 5 mins

Bike 20 mins (cool down)

I kept my cadence at 80-90 RPM (average around 87 RPM) and HR on the run between 138-145 BPM. I was actually surprised how comfortably I managed to do it, I guess all the road running is finally paying off fitness wise. I actually found the cooldown on the bike the hardest would you believe as by then my legs were toast. I am thinking of implementing this type of workout permanently into my program and once I get my roadie and a wind trainer I can use my actual bike and run on the road (which I know will be much harder).

So far the weight loss is on track too. I've lost 6 kgs (13.22 Lbs) since I started tri training which I am pretty happy about, but I still have 22 kgs (48.50 Lbs) to go. I have found consistency is the key, so Brandon if I can add anything extra to what others have already said that would be it. Be consistant and patient. I have found my weight fluctuate a lot on the scales in that time, so I relied more on a tape measure and body measurements to keep me motivated. Also you might want to try carb cycling as I found it has worked for me. For example I set my calorie intake per week and on the days I train more I eat more calories for fuel and on the days I rest I eat less, so that at the end of each week my calorie intake is the same. I have found this helps stave off the "oh my God you're restricting calories and starving me" mode. Plus it gives you heaps of energy on the days you need it for workouts.

Jan, how was the swimming?? I know how you feel about doing lap work in a pool for the first time, I was really anxious too, but now it is a piece of cake. Hang in there you will be fine. I am looking at joining the local tri club too, probably in a couple of weeks just before my first race. They have a winter season too and often have duathlons or an odd "winter" tri in the heated pool. Joining a club was part of the reason I decided to get back into tris cause I knew it would be a good social outlet for me to get back in mixing with people again.

Jaelin, ice baths are great for recovery!! I did martial arts competitions for years (sparring and technical events) and a 15 min ice bath is great for recovery and to relieve swelling in joints. Another thing you could try is hot/cold showers. Hop under the shower and gradually turn the heat up till its relatively hot (don't scold yourself!) and then in 15-30 second bursts, turn the heat right down till its cold and then up again into the heat, then back down for the cold.. do this for about 10 mins, the change in temperature stimulates blood flow into the muscles and helps to drain toxins out of the body.

It sounds like everyone is doing awesome with their training. Keep up the great work everyone, I really love being part of this group!

p.s. Stuart thanks so much for the Inspire mate, I really appreciate it!


I did something similar to this last summer. My wife had knee replacement surgury and it cut down on the training...while basically not leaving the house. Rode the trainer for 20 minutes, then ran for 10. Did this for three hours. It was acutally pretty nice.
2012-01-05 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3973116

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
davisjanis58 - 2012-01-06 7:07 AM

Wow, Jaelin, great goal. Good luck! My son won first overall in a local 5k when he was about your age.  I was really proud. I ran the race too and found out ages later when I crossed the finish line. Let us know!

I want to go train with Simone! Nice weather. We had a nice day today but did not get to take advantage of it. Thanks for the inspire I really appreciate it. That sounds like a hard workout you did. I feel like a wimp. I am sleeping, up for an appointment, back to sleep for a few hours and then spin and run. I hope I don't skip the run like I have been lately.

I do my group swim with the local tri club tomorrow. And I weigh in on Sat for the Biggest Loser on Sat. I will let  all of you know!

Great, awesome workouts for every one!


I struggle most of all to motivate myself for the run too Jan even in nice weather, I'm slowly getting better. Good luck with the group swim and the weigh in.


2012-01-06 2:15 AM
in reply to: #3973889

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Thanks, Simone. I did skip the run tonight, dang it! I was tired and wanted to go back to bed. As a matter of fact, I kept thinking during spin I wished I had a pillow and I could put it on my handle bars and tri bars and just put my head down while my legs worked in my sleep! Guess that would not work too well, though.

Speaking of tri bars. I have the clip on kind. They are great for workouts on the trainer. But I just can't seem to use them when actually riding outside. I wobble really bad until I put my hands back on the regular handles. My bike is not set up with the seat higher or anything. They are just there basically to hold my water bottle! I would like to use them while riding to give my back a different position and also to be more aerodynamic. They really don't put me in a whole lot different position than my drops. I would like to be able to use them but wonder if I should just forget it for now until I am a little more experienced. I don't plan on getting a tri bike, at least for now. Would they be easier to handle if I had my bike seat put up etc.?

Also, I went to a doctor today, actually yesterday now, and he told me I should not be running-I have a ruptured L5-S1 disc in my back and there is basically no space on the x-ray between the 2 vertebrae and a lot of arthritis. I have been running for 2 years since my injury! I can't stop running! He does not understand. Also, he wants me to see a cardiologist about my low HR. He thinks I have a conduction problem. One of the nurses here told me I might have to have a pacemaker. Why did I go to a dr.? Any support would be appreciated, I am feeling down about this.

On a good note, even though it is a different scale at the dr's office-I lost 2 pounds from my starting weight for the BL! I will see on Sat. if that is right. Great job, Simone on your weight loss.

Best to everyone!


2012-01-06 2:34 AM
in reply to: #3974217

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
davisjanis58 - 2012-01-06 7:15 PM

Thanks, Simone. I did skip the run tonight, dang it! I was tired and wanted to go back to bed. As a matter of fact, I kept thinking during spin I wished I had a pillow and I could put it on my handle bars and tri bars and just put my head down while my legs worked in my sleep! Guess that would not work too well, though.

Speaking of tri bars. I have the clip on kind. They are great for workouts on the trainer. But I just can't seem to use them when actually riding outside. I wobble really bad until I put my hands back on the regular handles. My bike is not set up with the seat higher or anything. They are just there basically to hold my water bottle! I would like to use them while riding to give my back a different position and also to be more aerodynamic. They really don't put me in a whole lot different position than my drops. I would like to be able to use them but wonder if I should just forget it for now until I am a little more experienced. I don't plan on getting a tri bike, at least for now. Would they be easier to handle if I had my bike seat put up etc.?

Also, I went to a doctor today, actually yesterday now, and he told me I should not be running-I have a ruptured L5-S1 disc in my back and there is basically no space on the x-ray between the 2 vertebrae and a lot of arthritis. I have been running for 2 years since my injury! I can't stop running! He does not understand. Also, he wants me to see a cardiologist about my low HR. He thinks I have a conduction problem. One of the nurses here told me I might have to have a pacemaker. Why did I go to a dr.? Any support would be appreciated, I am feeling down about this.

On a good note, even though it is a different scale at the dr's office-I lost 2 pounds from my starting weight for the BL! I will see on Sat. if that is right. Great job, Simone on your weight loss.

Best to everyone!


Wow Jan I'm really sorry to hear about your bad news at the dr's. But it is better to have these things seen too and out in the open rather than unknown and waiting to cause worse problems later on down the track. Even if you cannot run for a while it doesnt stop you from doing tris, you can always power walk the run leg. I know how frustrating and hard life can be at times, but there are always ways around injuries and illness if you want something bad enough. Try and keep your spirits up, although I understand how tough that can be too. I really hope everything works out for you. I am sending lots of positive energy your way! Hang tough my friend!


2012-01-06 5:21 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Jan, I just want to echo what Simone said, keep your head up!  It's a good thing you went to the doctor so you can address these issues now.  You know, life's all about handling the curve ball or having to take one on the chin.  Hang in there and we'll root you on!
2012-01-06 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Thanks, Monty and Simone,

Love having friends! I am going to enjoy my swim today and think about this some other day. (after making my cardiology appt

Have a great day!


2012-01-06 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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College Station, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

OK group, here is a video of me on my bike, I would like some input on position, in the normal position I feel its really close I havent ever had a pro-fit as I want to wait to get it when I buy a new bike this year, this bike is a used bike I bought last year under a tight budget from the wife, in  the aero position I dont feel right at all, the bars my wife bought me for xmas seem very short, they are Profile T2's you can see in the video they only get to like my middle forearm and I have them adjusted as far as I can, also its clear Im not "that" aero but I feel like I am, also Im not used to it, Ive lost alot of weight last year(105#) and still want to lose another 20-30 this year, another reason to wait on fit and new bike. So what do you think?

2012-01-06 3:17 PM
in reply to: #3974627

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Phillip, right off the bat I can see that your seat is far too low and needs to be raised. If you can prop your bike up, set it on a trainer, or have your wife hold you up while you're on it, get on with socks only and start peddling backwards with your heels on the pedals. You should have only a slight bend in the knee, almost straight when the pedal is in the lowest position. This should get you in the ball park when you have your shoes on and clipped in. You are losing a lot of power in your pedal stroke by not extending as optimal as possible. As far as your aero bars go, you might try moving your seat as far forward as possible and also using a longer stem, hard to tell from the video. Note that shifting your CG forward will make your bike a little more unstable as more weight will be transferred to the front wheel making it harder to turn, but it is very doable. I'll try to upload a video of me on my trainer and you can see my position as I use a road bike with clip ons. T2+ carbons. So, definitely raise your seat. Maybe wait on moving forward, but probably will help.

2012-01-06 4:10 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Good luck to jaelin and anyone else if they are racing this weekend.  Everyone else, have a fun, injury free weekend.
2012-01-06 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Philip, awesome job on the weight loss!!

Okay I have a question for those of you who have raced already, which I think is most of you. I've nearly got all my gear for my roadie, the only thing I have to get is a tool bag and I was wondering what everyone else has, or does/carries, with regards to spare tube, tire, CO2 cartridges, mini pump, bike tool, levers, etc.

I've been looking at the Topeak Aero Wedge Quick Clip Pack, as I figured I could detach it easy enough if need be for races. Which I guess brings me to my next question, how many of you carry kit bags in a race? I've read that for HIM and IM events not to worry so much as there are support vehicles on course but I think I would still prefer to be independant to save time waiting. But in a Sprint or Oly, you are pretty much left up to your own devices if you get a flat.

On the other hand I was also looking at an XLab rear wing set up with gorilla cages for extra drinks and bag underneath. Any ideas?

Thanks heaps in advance,


2012-01-06 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3976114

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Lees Summit
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
I don't carry a mini-pump. I use the CO2 cartridges. They are cheap and fill up a tire. I carry 2 or 3. I'd have to go look. As far as bags are concerned, just about anything will do. I have the Trek Concept bike, and the only gear it takes is stuff made specifically for the bike. As far as water bottles, I use the areobottle. I like that a lot and fits between the handlebars. I also carry 2 bottle behind the seat. For a training ride, i carry one tube. The support people are around, but if I have a flat, I dont want to waid for a support vehicle. So, I carry 2 tubes.
2012-01-07 7:44 AM
in reply to: #3976114

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
I carry a small Specialized brand bag behind my seat. In it I carry no tools, one spare tube, 2 CO2 cartridges, 2 tire levers and that's pretty much it. Don't want to get weighed down with a lot of stuff. In an IM you do have support vehicles, but you may be waiting a long time for one. You also have a bike special needs bag you pack yourself that you can pick up at the halfway point of the bike course. That's where I will pack an extra tube and CO2 and will pick it up if I flatted during the first half. You're right, you're pretty much on your own in sprint and oly.
2012-01-07 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Raced this morning, didnt know much of the event, it was the opening of a new highway overpass. They had it closed and we ran it so big hill and we had to climb it 2x. Did not go sub 20. But I'm happy with my performance.

Won my age group and came in 6th overall. I got 20:58 the winning time for the whole race was only 18:58

2012-01-07 11:45 AM
in reply to: #3942453

Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Dropped a few more pounds and am down to 238 now. Hopefully I can keep disciplined over the next few months and drop many more before my race season starts in May. I bought myself a Cervelo P1 in November and am trying to determine a good behind the seat twin water bottle configuration for training rides and my sprints and Olys this year. Anybody have some suggestions I'm all ears. The P1 does not have the same seat post configuration as the carbon fiber Cervelo bikes but it is an aero seat post. I'm having difficulty finding something.

Edited by John_S 2012-01-07 11:59 AM
2012-01-07 11:55 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Nice!  Congrats on the run Jaelan!

I learned the hard way about tools for the bike.  Got a flat on a long Sunday ride and had to take the bus home!  After that I got on it!  I have a little storage area under my seat and I carry a tube and three tire levers and a little tool thing that has allan keys etc.  The latter I added after cycling one day and my whole freaking peddle crank fell off!!  I kept hailing other cyclists and NO ONE had a tool kit.  I have a small hand pump attached to the cross bar.  I have two water cages on my frame and then I add a two bottle carrier behind my seat for my long country rides.  I also have a little storage thing near my handle bars for gels etc but only use that if I'm not wearing a cycling jersey. 

So ya... I'm not only fully loaded but also loaded down!!!

I like to feel independent - ready for anything that can go wrong.  So far so good.

Edited by kimmax 2012-01-07 11:58 AM
2012-01-07 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3942453

Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Jaelin, great time. I'm envious of the pace you had to hold to achieve that time. Good on you.

2012-01-07 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
I just found out that I qualified for the USAT Age Group Nationals in Burlington, VT in August! I qualified in 2011 from a race I did and finished first in my age group. How did I not know this before now? Anyway, I guess I'm adding a race for 2012!
2012-01-07 1:49 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Thats great roger good luck. Does anyone have any knowledge on sponsorships

2012-01-07 2:03 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
I am being sponsored by a non profit this year. They are paying my entry fees and they want me to wear the team kit and help them raise money by going to their events throughout the year. I know Mark(m.a.burghart) is being sponsored this year by suggoi, Kansas beef, and first nutrition. Every company will have different requirements of you. Such as racing certain races, racing in team gear, blogging about their products, etc. the best way to find these is to either check with local tri clubs, your LBS probably has a team, follow companies on twitter or read other triathletes blogs. It sure does help offset some costs of an expensive sport. Most companies want to know what they will get out of you. I would suggest coming up with a list of what you can provide in return for their support. Like twitter, blogs, Facebook, how many races and what races specifically. Good luck.
2012-01-07 6:36 PM
in reply to: #3976832

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College Station, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
mroger82 - 2012-01-07 1:36 PMI just found out that I qualified for the USAT Age Group Nationals in Burlington, VT in August! I qualified in 2011 from a race I did and finished first in my age group. How did I not know this before now? Anyway, I guess I'm adding a race for 2012!
Awesome, congrats!
2012-01-07 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3977240

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

PhilipRay - 2012-01-07 7:36 PM
mroger82 - 2012-01-07 1:36 PMI just found out that I qualified for the USAT Age Group Nationals in Burlington, VT in August! I qualified in 2011 from a race I did and finished first in my age group. How did I not know this before now? Anyway, I guess I'm adding a race for 2012!
Awesome, congrats!


^^ x2  AWESOME!

2012-01-07 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3977331

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Extreme Veteran
Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
kimmax - 2012-01-07 7:45 PM

PhilipRay - 2012-01-07 7:36 PM
mroger82 - 2012-01-07 1:36 PMI just found out that I qualified for the USAT Age Group Nationals in Burlington, VT in August! I qualified in 2011 from a race I did and finished first in my age group. How did I not know this before now? Anyway, I guess I'm adding a race for 2012!
Awesome, congrats!


^^ x2  AWESOME!

Ditto. Hard work paying off.
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