BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013 Rss Feed  
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2012-03-04 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Didn't get my ride outside this weekend like I hoped, winds were gusting 25 to 30 and I figure it would've best to ride inside. The new bike seat made the world a difference. Now I just have to figure out what and where to hold my water.

Have a great week everyone!

2012-03-04 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

I have been silent for a while, have also been laying low on the work out front.  I did read all you posts and you got me going again.  Maybe I also need a name for my bike?    I restarted my HIM countdown and re-uploaded a training plan!

Here in Florida it was windy as well and i did not go outside to ride either.  I did last week in the wind and my contacts were glued to my corneas so that the next 2 days my eyes were really red which was great since I was up at the home office in Minneapolis, not!  I did run afterwards outside and stayed away from the open water since the gusts were so hard it felt I was running uphill.  I had not done a brick in a long time so I had to take a nap this afternoon!

Have a great week everyone!

2012-03-05 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Finish line, Rock n Roll half marathon, 1:55:40, Goal was 1:45, but my son was not able to keep up so had to back off.  We planned to do the full but again, him being in his senior year of Aerospace engineering at Miss State, he wasn't able to train enough.  Will take 2 hours of quality time with him just the same!
2012-03-05 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Billy, how cool to be running with your son.  congrats on the finish.  Which artist/band did the arrival concert at your R&R finish line?

My son (9 years old) asked if we could do a tri together using a tandem bike...  So I am sure one day we'll figure something out.  He is an awesome runner, likes to swim but he is not sure on the bike....

2012-03-05 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Congrats on your finish line Billy!  I've only been able to get my kids to do a 5k with me, but I'll take what I can get.  One day maybe they will want to do more.


It's been hectic for me lately with the kids and all, but did manage to get OUTSIDE for a bike ride this weekend with Patrick, despite the 15-20mph winds.  Not so fun going into it at 10-13 mph, but lots of fun with it at your back doing 28mph easily.  What a brutal workout that was.


Keep at the run/walking for those of you who are doing it.  I have done 12 marathons and I've only done ONE - that's right ONE - where I didn't walk at all.  All 11 of the others involved walking at some point.  And while I agree to build slowly and not rush, if you want to do a marathon, you can.  My parents did their first marathon in their mid to late 60s and they want to do another one the year my mom turns 70 and my dad 75.  And they walked the whole way.  It took them around 8 hours, but it can be done.

2012-03-05 10:07 AM
in reply to: #4080448

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

elcaminobill - 2012-03-05 8:12 AM Finish line, Rock n Roll half marathon, 1:55:40, Goal was 1:45, but my son was not able to keep up so had to back off.  We planned to do the full but again, him being in his senior year of Aerospace engineering at Miss State, he wasn't able to train enough.  Will take 2 hours of quality time with him just the same!

Awesome Billy.  I hope my kids will get out with me some time soon. (Kids or husband) It is hard to train when you are in school.  He graduates this year, yes? What does he hope to do? Does he do tris also or just running right now?

Edited by avisser 2012-03-05 10:30 AM

2012-03-05 2:33 PM
in reply to: #4080460

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Pam, do a sprint relay withyour son.  Did one to years ago with both my kids and will bnever forget it.
2012-03-05 2:38 PM
in reply to: #4080701

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Ann, he has done sprints and several half marys with me.  Also, as I said to Pam, he has done a sprint relay with me and my daughter.  Very cool.  He does graduate this May, but will continue in grad school.  Majoring in Aerospace eng. and wants to work in the sporting goods industry with composites.  Can anyone say "new prototype bike for dad?"  Now that would be way cool.  Standing in transition, picture this.  "oh my bike? yes my son designed it and its the prototype for the new bike to be used in Kona next year!"



Doesn't hurt to dream.

2012-03-05 2:43 PM
in reply to: #4081297

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

elcaminobill - 2012-03-05 3:33 PM Pam, do a sprint relay withyour son.  Did one to years ago with both my kids and will bnever forget it.


Billy, what a great idea:  I 'll do the swim, my daughter can do the bike and my son will run.  I love it.  

2012-03-05 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Great Job Billy.. and congrats on doing it with the son..

Too much travel.... ugh...however.. say this for Casino's.. at least they have rockin gyms!!

If weather is nice tomorrow here in Biloxi, will try and get in a nice run along the beach...(with the wind I hope.. LOL)


2012-03-05 9:00 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Congratulations Billy! You have one awesome son in the fact he wants to run with you and not run away from you.

2012-03-05 9:52 PM
in reply to: #4081880

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Biloxi!!! You are in my backyard!  We could have worked out together!
2012-03-05 10:23 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Quail Valley
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Good job Billy. That is cool you can run with him. Well worth giving up the goal.


Finally done fighting the workouts and I am just doing it when I can. So no races anytime soon for me. Hope to get back on track in June and my job changes so I can have more time to train. I will still come around as much as I can.

2012-03-06 7:43 AM
in reply to: #4082001

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

elcaminobill - 2012-03-05 9:52 PM Biloxi!!! You are in my backyard!  We could have worked out together!

ha... Staying at the IP.  Spend day in Gulfport.. day in Pascagoula...

How close?

 Then grab bunch of seafood to take back to Atlanta for the Grill!!


Edited by Malsup 2012-03-06 7:44 AM
2012-03-06 7:46 AM
in reply to: #4082044

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
phildampier - 2012-03-05 10:23 PM

Good job Billy. That is cool you can run with him. Well worth giving up the goal.


Finally done fighting the workouts and I am just doing it when I can. So no races anytime soon for me. Hope to get back on track in June and my job changes so I can have more time to train. I will still come around as much as I can.

Hang in there Phil... Life happens and we often have to deal with it first...

2012-03-06 11:11 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Obviously, I have been away from the discussion for a while...

Ann, great running! Keep it up, you are rocking!

Great job on the finishes, all... I guess we need to read Deb's race report.

One point made that I disagree slightly with... the 4th component of the tri for me is the nutrition, very key to manage this early on in the training and stick with it. Recovery/decompression from the adrenaline rush at the finish comes next in the progression.

Looks like I have convinced the daughter and future son-in-law to at least walk the Dallas Chocolate 5K next year... and she got a bike for her birthday, so who knows? Baby steps in the right direction.

As Briana said, yippee for all the wind around here...hopefully, the 3rd century in the 12 in 12 in 12 Challenge will be completed this weekend.

2012-03-06 7:12 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Where is Bryan?

And did I just miss his race reports??


2012-03-07 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Washington DC
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Signed up for an indoor tri this weekend: 15 min swim, 20 minute bike, 15 minute run. The running is on a track, not a treadmill, which is why I signed up, since I have one scheduled in 2 weeks already.


Really nervous. I know I won't win anything if the girl who has been doing the first 3 participates again in this one, but I'm going to do the best I can, and hope that the swim goes okay. It's time based, but it's still my first race ever so I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm trying to view this as more of a practice run than an actual competition.


I'm supposed to do my run and bike training Friday, so, I think I'll try getting a short exercise in while I'm already at the gym on Thursday so I'm not doing back to back days. I think that's the right choice, can anyone confirm/deny?

2012-03-07 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
2012-03-07 12:39 PM
in reply to: #4084738

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

I just heard that IMLou volunteer sign-ups are open.

Those of you that are going, did you sign-up in 2011 for the 2012 race?  How quickly does this event fill?

Best Wishes,


2012-03-07 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Sorry I have been MIA for a few days. RR comin I promise.

IMLou fills a bit more slowly. Almost always available online for several months. That is not the case with more popular IMs. AZ and FL are two that are generally only online for minutes or at most - hours.

2012-03-07 10:08 PM
in reply to: #4085676

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Bryan.. hope all is going okay with you and yours.. and its just work kickin ya in da face...

Maria.. you go girl... as we say down here in Hot Lanta... Git er Dun!!!

Kathy.. did you name your bike yet?  still haven't named mine... think it needs a race first (then it might get a bad name.. ha)


2012-03-08 9:32 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Phil,  Hang in there.  Do what you can but do!! To quote my brother inlaw, any exercise is better than no exercise.  Keep on the site, you will get the inspiration you need.

Maria,  Have fun at your first "event"  Just do it, as they say and have fun and celebrate your accomplishments thus far and keep reaching higher.

Suzie,  where are ya??

As for me, I am stalling at the moment.  Getting ready to do my long run for the week, 9 miles. Planning 3:1. I am working 56 hours from Sunday to Friday morning.  So I am tired. On call tonight 3p-7a.  so I have to get out there.  It's a nice mild day here in the East so off I go!!  Let you know how it worked out.

BTW, I'm looking for an Oly training plan, preferably 12 weeks.  Anyone have suggestions?  I've been looking.  Can't seem to print the free one from the site.  I need specifics with mileage and which sport, swim, bike and run. I like effort level recommendations as well.

Still stalling........  Off I goCool

2012-03-08 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

I have a question about trainers, do I have to do anything special with my back tire.  It just looks like I am getting a lot of wear and tear on it from having it on the trainer and its not like I am logging major mileage...  I am not very technical but it is getting all shiny and the ridges seem to be disappearing?

Nice weekend ahead.  Flying out to Phoenix, Arizona for some R&R, which will include swimming, biking and running and southwestern fare.  Pools are scoped out online, bike rentals still a bit iffy...  running shoes will be packed.


2012-03-08 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4084661

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
fat2tri - 2012-03-07 11:24 AM

Signed up for an indoor tri this weekend: 15 min swim, 20 minute bike, 15 minute run. The running is on a track, not a treadmill, which is why I signed up, since I have one scheduled in 2 weeks already.


Really nervous. I know I won't win anything if the girl who has been doing the first 3 participates again in this one, but I'm going to do the best I can, and hope that the swim goes okay. It's time based, but it's still my first race ever so I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm trying to view this as more of a practice run than an actual competition.


I'm supposed to do my run and bike training Friday, so, I think I'll try getting a short exercise in while I'm already at the gym on Thursday so I'm not doing back to back days. I think that's the right choice, can anyone confirm/deny?

Maria, this sounds like fun.  Just go and enjoy.  I found the idea of my first tri much more intimidating than the actual tri itself, I  kinda like turning 40 come to think of it!

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