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2012-05-15 10:27 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

The pre-race jitters are in full effect now. My tri is not till Sunday but I'm already excited. I remembered to download a tri checksheet for my iPhone so hopfully this time I'll remember my gels and not bonk like I did on my last race.

I've been doing a lot of hill work on the bike and on the run and feel ready for that. I still have not done any OWS time this year. The closest lake is still closed and the only one that is open is almost one hour away. I'm thinking (and hopeing) that my previous experiences from last year will stay with me and I'll remember what it is like.

Been tapering and I have to say that I'm actually bored with my training. I"ve gotten so used to having a fairly high volume in prep for my HIM, now that I'm tapering I'm not happy with just doing a few miles and resting. I feel like I"m cheating myself out of valuable training time.

Hope all is well with everyone else.

2012-05-16 7:28 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Yesterday was a good training day.  Was able to get a nice ride in and then had a great 5k training class.  The ladies are coming around.   
2012-05-16 1:01 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hi all! Got in a 45 minute trainer session and pool workout yesterday, then a short run this morning. It's back in the pool again this afternoon and tomorrow, then a long ride on Friday before I leave for vacation on Saturday!

Beth - Glad you're finally able to breathe again, hopefully you've seen the last of those issues for a while. As for not getting in any OWS prior to the race, you should be able to draw off your experience last year. I was worried for my race in March, since it was the same situation, and that went fine, so I'm sure yours will too. Regardless, I'm sure you'll get in a lot of OWS work prior to your big HIM later this year. Sorry the taper is getting to you, but try to enjoy it. You'll be dealing with more volume than you know what to do with later on!

Amanda - Sorry to hear about your mom, I hope she's feeling better. As for building stamina, the answer is just to run more. Biking and running both benefit greatly the more time you're able to devote to them. That being said, don't bump things up too much initially, given your ankle issue. Make sure that's feeling good, then focus on increasing mileage.

Ken - What's your 5K training class? Not sure what ladies you're referring to...

2012-05-16 1:05 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Sorry, that was a bit vague. I am coaching a couch to 5k group.  It has been fun to see them progress.  
2012-05-16 1:34 PM
in reply to: #4213204

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

kmatt318 - 2012-05-16 2:05 PM Sorry, that was a bit vague. I am coaching a couch to 5k group.  It has been fun to see them progress.  

I figured it was something like that, since the pace in your log was clearly not your usual one. Sounds fun!

2012-05-16 4:46 PM
in reply to: #4213204

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Nottingham, England
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

kmatt318 - 2012-05-16 7:05 PM Sorry, that was a bit vague. I am coaching a couch to 5k group.  It has been fun to see them progress.  


That's fab Ken!! I completed C25K a few weeks ago and its been the most amazing experience ever! I really didnt realise what I could achieve in 9 weeks! And to help and see others achieve this must feel great!  

2012-05-16 4:55 PM
in reply to: #4213195

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Nottingham, England
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
KiterChick - 2012-05-16 7:01 PM

Amanda - Sorry to hear about your mom, I hope she's feeling better. As for building stamina, the answer is just to run more. Biking and running both benefit greatly the more time you're able to devote to them. That being said, don't bump things up too much initially, given your ankle issue. Make sure that's feeling good, then focus on increasing mileage.

Thanks Sarah, my mum is doing really well and is making a good recovery. Thanks for the tips re stamina...... I'm having to run pretty much every other day just to give my ankle a rest but its feeling much better and seems to recover over the day I don't run. Fingers crossed I'll soon be running nearly every day and will be running constantly by the time I get to my 5K race in few weeks time. 

2012-05-17 6:54 AM
in reply to: #4213195

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hi all- Its been a quiet week for me while I am at a conference in New Jersey.  On Tuesday I got in a short run on the treadmill (yuck) and on Wednesday a swim in the hotel pool.  Not the best workouts, but more just to stay active.  Back to Boston late tonight.

Hope everyone is having a good week.

2012-05-18 11:09 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hi everyone! Got in my third pool workout in a row yesterday morning. Needless to say, I was dragging a bit, both mentally and physically. Glad I toughed it out and got them all in though, since I'm taking a half day today to get in a long ride, then it's off to St. John for a week. I'll be flying out early tomorrow and will be there through next Saturday. As a result, I'm probably going to be absent from the group during that time. I promise I'll think of you all while I'm lounging on a gorgeous beach with a drink in hand though!

Hope everyone's having a great week, and I'll chat with all of you when I get back!

2012-05-18 11:53 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

The weather here in NC is awesome.  Had a great run today at lunch.  With my next tri still a month away I am working on my speed work.  

I am doing a 10 miler in 2 weeks.  This will be my first 10 mile race.  Not sure what my time goals should be.  I am going to try and do a little better than my half mary pace.

2012-05-18 11:59 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Concord, NH
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Ran a 5K here in NH last night.  It had about 3000 people at it, which is my biggest event to date that I actually participated in.  The crowd was a little bit frustrating at times, but in the end I got a PR of 26:59.  I'd love to get into the 24:00 neighborhood before my Sprint in August.

This was the first time I didn't get sick after running a 5K though...normally I get really congested, almost as if I have allergies within hours of finishing a race, which then lasts for a few days as if I had a cold. I read somewhere that it could be something along the lines of exercise induced asthma, but I have no trouble breathing, just congestion and runny nose...strange... Anyone else get this or heard of others with it?

2012-05-20 5:55 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Nottingham, England
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Doing a full triathlon is something that I never thought I would transition into because of the swimming aspect..... I'm hoping to do a Duathlon in October which I think I can cope with cos its run/bike/run.... but a full on tri?? Nah, not me I told myself......

That was until I Joined the masters swim club on Friday at my local pool.....!! Who would have guessed it!! Boy was it tough!! I have no idea how many lengths I did etc but I know I was knackered by the time I was done!! Although I can swim pretty good, I've picked up a lot of bad habits over the years (which isn't surprising considering I've been swimming since I was a small child!) so the couch was telling me how to swim properly - I feel like I need to learn how to swim all over again!! He gave me loads of great hints and lots of help...... Looking forward to going again next Friday but in the mean time I really need to go to the pool at least a couple times between now and then. SO, watch this space on the tri front.... if the swimming goes well, who knows what'll happen!! 

Hope everyone has had a great training/race/fun weekend!!

2012-05-21 3:26 PM
in reply to: #4216964

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
NHtri - 2012-05-18 12:59 PM

Ran a 5K here in NH last night.  It had about 3000 people at it, which is my biggest event to date that I actually participated in.  The crowd was a little bit frustrating at times, but in the end I got a PR of 26:59.  I'd love to get into the 24:00 neighborhood before my Sprint in August.

This was the first time I didn't get sick after running a 5K though...normally I get really congested, almost as if I have allergies within hours of finishing a race, which then lasts for a few days as if I had a cold. I read somewhere that it could be something along the lines of exercise induced asthma, but I have no trouble breathing, just congestion and runny nose...strange... Anyone else get this or heard of others with it?

Sorry, that one has never happened to me.  Sounds great that didn't happen this time.  Congrats on the PR.  I've been stuck just above the 24 minute mark for the last few months.  That's the best part of being a beginner runner, getting faster. 

2012-05-21 3:36 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Sorry I have been absent for the last two weeks, but the post race blues have been in full effect, plus, my wife has a long to do list for me to catch up around the house. The first week after the race I wanted nothing to do exercise and just felt tired all around. Last week, I did get out with our group to ride my bike, but I was very fatigued. I could not keep up with guys who I could easily drop two weeks before. I rode Sunday by myself and finally felt a little better. Today I ran four miles at lunch and was an ugly run. just need to get out of this funk and get ready. There is a sprint triathlon in our small town next Saturday, but I am not sure if I am going to race it. If I get out of the funk, I may try it or just volunteer.

Anyway, hope everyone is reaching their goals....
2012-05-21 4:27 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Did the Bluff Creek Triathlon yeserday. Let me tell you it did NOT go well. My race report is up but I'm going to warn you, its a long one; I had a lot to say.

Took today off. Been thinking if I even want to attempt the HIM in July. After this past tri I'm really started to question my ability to complete it. Just in a deep funk right now and need to get out so I can decide if I need to train or not.

2012-05-22 3:47 PM
in reply to: #4221430

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Hubbie - 2012-05-21 5:27 PM

Did the Bluff Creek Triathlon yeserday. Let me tell you it did NOT go well. My race report is up but I'm going to warn you, its a long one; I had a lot to say.

Took today off. Been thinking if I even want to attempt the HIM in July. After this past tri I'm really started to question my ability to complete it. Just in a deep funk right now and need to get out so I can decide if I need to train or not.

Hi Beth- First off, a big congrats to you.  It sounded like a really miserable day in very harsh conditions.  I think the fact that you stuck in there and finished the race when nothing was going your way is incredible.  Serious mental toughness there!

My two cents (feel free to ignore)- take a few days and unwind from the race.  Then do a few runs/rides- unstructured, just for fun.  Often times, that starts to get the pep back in my step.   


2012-05-23 3:14 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Took your advice and did a short brick workout with no pressure for speed or time. I have to admit it did make me feel better. I got a stress free workout in and left still feeling good. Going to get back to hard training next week.

Thanks for the advice.

2012-05-24 12:57 PM
in reply to: #4225807

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hubbie - 2012-05-23 4:14 PM Took your advice and did a short brick workout with no pressure for speed or time. I have to admit it did make me feel better. I got a stress free workout in and left still feeling good. Going to get back to hard training next week.

Thanks for the advice.


Nice Beth!

Lots of thoughts in my head at the moment- I'm gonna use this space to get them out, and hopefully nail down a plan for the next few days: 

It has been an interesting week here.  Through a perfect storm of doctor's appointments, staying home with a sick daughter Wednesday, and work projects, I've managed to miss my long swim this week.  Typically, I would make this up on Sunday morning, but we will be at the cottage in NH this weekend, so it looks like I will have to get in some OWS practice this weeked instead.  This makes me a bit nervous- I've never been a great swimmer, so the first few OWS of the season always casues some anxiety. (There we go- now I am committed to at least OWS this weekend)

With my first tri of the season in nine or so days, I've been trying to get as organized as possible.  This sprint (1/3 mi swim- 10 mi bike- 3 mi run) is more a warm-up race to start getting ready for an Oly in July, but as the race gets nearer I am starting to get a little nervous.  I am slowly getting all of my race equipment out, and am planning to do some transistion practice on Monday.  (Commitment #2 for the weekend- I will practice transition). 

Friday will be my first ride outside on my tri bike this year- I have left it on the trainer all winter/spring and used my road bike for all of my outside riding.  Probably not the best idea, but truth be told, I was missing my road bike.  (Commitments #3 for the weekend- I will ride the tri bike outside).

Okay that feels better.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.



Edited by williemc432 2012-05-24 12:58 PM
2012-05-24 1:01 PM
in reply to: #4227500

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Concord, NH
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Will, where are you going to do your OWS in NH?  I'll be on lake Winne...I'm new to the whole concept of OWS (other than swimming off the boat).
2012-05-24 2:22 PM
in reply to: #4227508

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

NHtri - 2012-05-24 2:01 PM Will, where are you going to do your OWS in NH?  I'll be on lake Winne...I'm new to the whole concept of OWS (other than swimming off the boat).

I'll be a little south of there.  My in-laws place is on the Andover side of Ragged Magged.  There is a pond there (probably a 1/3 mi long and a 1/4 wide long).  Not the biggest swim area, but you can get a couple of 100 yards end before you have to turn around and go back.  I love NH for the options- traffic is not too bad, and there are so many places to bike and run.

I've heard nice things about Winnipesaukee- are you going to be there all weekend, or do you just drive over to swim?  

2012-05-24 2:59 PM
in reply to: #4227688

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Concord, NH
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
I'm going to be up there Saturday through Monday.  We generally go up every other weekend though because my in-laws live on the lake in Moultonborough.  We should do a swim, whether from there or even Ellacoya State park where the Timberman is held.  It is about a 45 minute drive for me.

2012-05-25 11:29 AM
in reply to: #4227774

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

NHtri - 2012-05-24 3:59 PM I'm going to be up there Saturday through Monday.  We generally go up every other weekend though because my in-laws live on the lake in Moultonborough.  We should do a swim, whether from there or even Ellacoya State park where the Timberman is held.  It is about a 45 minute drive for me.

Hi Mitch- I had to check with my wife on our schedule.  We are going up on Satruday and staying until Tuesday evening, so I could do a swim on Sunday, if that works?  Both Moultonborough and Ellacoya are about an hour from me, so I can come to Moultonborough, unless you are wanting to pre-swim the Timberman couse a bit at Ellacoya (I have Timberman on my radar for next year, so I can do either).  Let me know and I'll shoot you a pm with my contact info.


2012-05-26 9:18 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Concord, NH
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hey Will,

Sorry for the late notice.  It turns out this weekend is a bit crazier in the scheduling department than anticipated.  We have a few more things going on with my in laws than I thought, so getting out for a swim will be hard.

How often are you up this way?  Could we plan something else for a less crazy, non-holiday weekend?


2012-05-27 8:35 AM
in reply to: #4230295

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
NHtri - 2012-05-26 10:18 AM

Hey Will,

Sorry for the late notice.  It turns out this weekend is a bit crazier in the scheduling department than anticipated.  We have a few more things going on with my in laws than I thought, so getting out for a swim will be hard.

How often are you up this way?  Could we plan something else for a less crazy, non-holiday weekend? 


Hi Mitch- no worries on this end.  We usually come-up every other weekend starting the end of June.  So there will be plenty of chances.  Have a good weekend with the family.

Edited by williemc432 2012-05-27 8:36 AM
2012-05-28 8:06 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Happy Memorial Day everyone. Hope every one's recharged and ready for this week.
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