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2013-01-07 9:27 PM
in reply to: #4566893

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Does it have some type of resistance setting on it.  Mine came with a separate cable that would jack up the resistance. I don't use it though and took it off but if it was set at the highest level then removed I can see it causing problems. Just a thought.

kruzmeister - 2013-01-07 5:42 PM

While we are on the subject of trainers, I have a Jet Black Fluid trainer, similar to what Tim posted a link for, but I find if I set it the way the instructions advise I can barely peddle at a cadence of 75 RPM even on a small chain ring. I actually hate using it and would prefer just to ride outside (and I live in a hilly area, so that's saying something!). Has anyone else had this problem? I've tried adjusting it, but even with the wheel barely touching the roller it still makes little difference. I guess I should continue to use it over winter even if I hate it, cause it will strengthen my legs, but it's just frustrating.

2013-01-07 9:29 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Simone- Here's a link to more videos on 3d stretching.  This was put together by some of our students at the college I teach at.

In regards to Achilles' taping, in my professional opinion a brace would be a better option, but if you were to tape it, here's a link to a video that shows how to do it. The tricky part is that you really need a special type of tape (called Elastikon) for the strips on the Achilles.  This is why I think a brace might be more cost-effective and better in the long run.

Tonight was the first night of my tri team's run circuit.  I LOVED IT.  The workout is an hour and 20 minutes, and we started with a dynamic warm-up, then partnered up.  One person did a set of an exercise using resistance bands, and the other ran a lap or two, then we switched.  We did chest press, static squats with rows, bent over rows, lateral extensions to each side, squats and rows (just like rowing a boat) and lateral lunge hops to each side.  It was an AWESOME workout.  I am looking forward to seeing some results in regards to regaining strength in my hips and core.  I felt like not playing soccer last year hurt me in that area, since when I play soccer I am constantly cutting and moving laterally, which really helped maintain my strength. 

Tomorrow I am going for a run in the morning and then riding with my friend Anna in her garage.  She is training for IMWI and at least for now I have been doing most of her workouts with her. 

Also, I am looking for some advice in planning my race schedule.  Originally, I had planned on skipping the Racine HIM in July since we planned a vacation that conflicted.  We ended up moving the trip up a week so now I am in town and could race.  However, my goal for this summer is to have a strong showing at Nationals and while it's a stab in the dark, to try and qualify for Worlds in 2014.  So I am thinking maybe instead of the HIM, I should find a sprint or Olympic to do instead?  Thoughts?  Just from the standpoint of training - I am focusing more on speed this summer over distance. 

Ok enough rambling.  Have a great night everyone! Laughing


2013-01-07 9:35 PM
in reply to: #4566567

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Timmer -Interesting video.  Curious about her exist stroke as it not the "traditional" thumb to thigh that I have beaten into my head for four years and more loose and almost outward.  Maybe KC will have some thoughts after his weekend?  I just watched this briefly but will to watch the whole thing later.  Thanks for sharing!

tkaufmann60 - 2013-01-07 2:41 PM Hope you all enjoy this: Found some swimming technique videos that were useful. Even though I don't have a vasatrainer, I watched these videos on proper swim technique, and found them helpful. I am a slow swimmer, and can use any help I can get!!!! The videos start with this one, and continue with a five part series: Enjoy! Timmer

2013-01-07 9:40 PM
in reply to: #4567197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I think you answered your own question Jenny!  If your focus is on speed and not distance then I would stay away from Racine especially since it is pretty close to the USAT race.  There would be no good way to game plan that 70.3 without affecting your "A" race.  I would find a few Olympics and really work on your transitions and speed so you can have a great race in August.

Jennifers - 2013-01-07 9:29 PM

Also, I am looking for some advice in planning my race schedule.  Originally, I had planned on skipping the Racine HIM in July since we planned a vacation that conflicted.  We ended up moving the trip up a week so now I am in town and could race.  However, my goal for this summer is to have a strong showing at Nationals and while it's a stab in the dark, to try and qualify for Worlds in 2014.  So I am thinking maybe instead of the HIM, I should find a sprint or Olympic to do instead?  Thoughts?  Just from the standpoint of training - I am focusing more on speed this summer over distance. 

2013-01-07 9:45 PM
in reply to: #4567197

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Jennifers - 2013-01-07 9:29 PM

Simone- Here's a link to more videos on 3d stretching.  This was put together by some of our students at the college I teach at.

In regards to Achilles' taping, in my professional opinion a brace would be a better option, but if you were to tape it, here's a link to a video that shows how to do it. The tricky part is that you really need a special type of tape (called Elastikon) for the strips on the Achilles.  This is why I think a brace might be more cost-effective and better in the long run.

Tonight was the first night of my tri team's run circuit.  I LOVED IT.  The workout is an hour and 20 minutes, and we started with a dynamic warm-up, then partnered up.  One person did a set of an exercise using resistance bands, and the other ran a lap or two, then we switched.  We did chest press, static squats with rows, bent over rows, lateral extensions to each side, squats and rows (just like rowing a boat) and lateral lunge hops to each side.  It was an AWESOME workout.  I am looking forward to seeing some results in regards to regaining strength in my hips and core.  I felt like not playing soccer last year hurt me in that area, since when I play soccer I am constantly cutting and moving laterally, which really helped maintain my strength. 

Tomorrow I am going for a run in the morning and then riding with my friend Anna in her garage.  She is training for IMWI and at least for now I have been doing most of her workouts with her. 

Also, I am looking for some advice in planning my race schedule.  Originally, I had planned on skipping the Racine HIM in July since we planned a vacation that conflicted.  We ended up moving the trip up a week so now I am in town and could race.  However, my goal for this summer is to have a strong showing at Nationals and while it's a stab in the dark, to try and qualify for Worlds in 2014.  So I am thinking maybe instead of the HIM, I should find a sprint or Olympic to do instead?  Thoughts?  Just from the standpoint of training - I am focusing more on speed this summer over distance. 

Ok enough rambling.  Have a great night everyone! Laughing



When I taped my foot for my Achilles injury my PT had me go on the posterior side of my heel and tape under and over to supinate my foot and take some of the pressure of my heel.  It seemed to help. Less than fun injury. 

I used to play soccer.  Once it got to the point where I couldn't play at the level I wanted to anymore it was time to retire / supersub on occasion.  Last year I did a bunch of core / stability work and stayed injury free with the exception of an IT band problem that flared up but solved that with a foam roller. 

Did this twice a week

Andthen the other two days I did a plank, side planks and back bridges adding time / sets progressively.  Helped tremendously. 

2013-01-07 9:55 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Ha ha thanks Tim...I just realized Door County is that same weekend as Racine...might do the sprint race up there instead.


2013-01-08 2:07 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Jen - thanks for the vids, I'm definitely adding those stretches to my routine. I used to do a lot of isometric & dynamic stretching when I was doing Taekwondo for flexibility, but have never seen the 3D stretches before. Also I'll look into getting a brace. It only flares up when my calves are tight, generally is tender the day after a run, I actually injured it originally doing Taekwondo ages ago as a lot of the movements require you to bounce and the achilles takes a pounding. But I'm hoping once I'm lighter and my muscles limber up a bit more it wont be a problem.

AJ - that core workout looks awesome, might be giving that a try too!

Tim - I think I remember reading originally that the tension on the model I have can be configured, but I don't remember it coming with any cables. I might take it to the LBS and see what they can do.


2013-01-08 4:53 PM
in reply to: #4550197

Sheboygan, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Any ideas for a good place to stay for IM-Wisconsin for a family of 5 with a 9, 7, and 6 year old?

2013-01-08 7:28 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hey Team.

Just checking in to say hello. I have been extremely busy with work - school start up, new classes and I have been tasked with the job of putting together a new program here at the college. It is a 3 year sport and recreation management program. I have not mentioned it until now, but it is going to make me a very busy boy. I am also a bit under the weather since getting home Sunday night - sore throat, sneezing, a bit of chest tightness - fighting it off the best I can. I have not been in the pool now since Sunday and I feel like a fish out of water LOL.

Even though I am under the weather a bit I did a short trainer ride and some weights but I am hitting the wrapper early tonight because I want to get in the pool in the morning if I can.

Anyway, sorry I have not been responding much but I promise I will do my best to check in when I can.

The Swim Coach from the weekend is mailing us all our vids from the two days in a few days and as soon as I get them I will share with everyone.

Once quick comment - Timmer - I watched that vid you linked - it looks good - but not as good as Total Immersion - just my opinion. Have you checked out the TI site at all?

The local Tri Club is hosting a training day on Saturday this weekend and I am hoping to fight this bug off so I can participate. I will post all the details of what we are doing by the end of the week.

Thanks for your patience with my participatioin so far team.

Off to bed.



2013-01-08 8:50 PM
in reply to: #4568947

New user

Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
My days have been a little hectic. It looks like I will be still ironing out my training routine with this new position of mine. Last week, i was struggling a bit with the cold spell we had along with fighting a bug. For some reason running on a treadmill drives me crazy. I prefer the road. My drive to work alone is turning out to be about an hour plus one way. Based on my start times a some long days I will just hope to see daylight during the weekends, Tonight had to be a down day with a county volunteer org meeting I had this evening but I should be back on track tomorrow. At least I have found a sprint to target in June which should be a decent intro,,,Route 66 in OKC.
2013-01-08 10:17 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Welcome back kc!

Argh.  Today was a rough one for me as well.  I also am still fighting off this head cold thing.  I worked from home today in the hopes of getting some cleaning and home repairs/maintenance done.  Well, this evening my husband somehow managed to slide the chase lounge into our glass top end table, sending it along with the picture frame on it into the wall, not only shattering the glass and the picture frame, but also taking a decent chunk out of the wall as well.  So after cleaning up all the glass, I now have a wall to patch and paint to add to my list of things to do, as well as replacing the end table.  We live in a very old condo building built in the 1920's, very beautiful but we have stupid plaster walls.

Getting to bed here soon so I can get up for swim training tomorrow AM.

Good night!


2013-01-09 8:19 AM
in reply to: #4568775

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

We stayed at the Marriott Residence Inn East.  They have nice two room suites that were pretty reasonable and were plenty of room for 5 of us- I think $140/night.  Pplus they have full kitchen so you can bring some of your own food for the weekend. It was about a 15-20 minute drive to Monona Terrace so it wasn't that bad.  Of course it would be nice to stay right by race area but at close to $400/night with 3 might minimum wasn't really gonna happen haha.

get something booked ASAP!


UPDATE: I looked online to get the website for you and notice they are booked but the Residence Inn West has rooms.  

tkaufmann60 - 2013-01-08 4:53 PM Any ideas for a good place to stay for IM-Wisconsin for a family of 5 with a 9, 7, and 6 year old? Thanks, Timmer

Edited by tmoran80 2013-01-09 9:09 AM
2013-01-09 8:22 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
wow - it sounds like everyone is fighting off this head cold (including me).  Hopefully we can all kick it soon and have no more health issues for the rest of the year.
2013-01-09 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Good Morning Everyone!

KC - glad to hear you enjoyed the TI weekend.  I think Gary was my coach also.  How many were in your class?  I wish I would have taken the class now or take it again know that I know what I am doing or suppose to be doing and see if that is what I am exactly doing.

This morning I am dragging and will probably blow off my workout today.  I am feeling fine but very tired and since this is so early in my training that I can take these extra days for rest.  I did do a 2700 yard swim yesterday so maybe that whipped my butt more then what I thought.  

Have a great day everyone!

KTC (Kathy)

2013-01-09 9:27 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Good morning all!

I had an early morning easy 3 mile run with my prayer group at 5:30 today. This is the first week of the meetings so I'm a little unsure what I will do today at the gym. I'm thinking strength training circuit and do a swim/cycling brick tomorrow and a long run on friday.

I hope you all get over the colds. My wife told me she feels like she's coming down with one. Bad part is she is only about a week or two from the last one!

2013-01-09 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4550197

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

KC - They have a swim studio (whatever that means) not to far from my apartment that does the TI stuff apparently.  They do group and private lessons.  It is extremely irritating to get in the pool and suck at it with the way I run and picked up biking.  Makes me crazy.  Anyways, do you think starting with some kinda private assessment and going from there or trying to jump in with a group is a better course of action for someone who jumped in the pool... say last week.  

Tim - My sinuses go nutzo every time the weather changes.  This winter has been awful.  I hate to say it but I would rather have cold cold and more cold than this up and down, moist and dry nonsense going on.  

Kathy - I thought the same thing getting up this morning.  I was going to swim + lift.  Took 25 minutes to get out of bed (not even snoozing, well I set that just in case, but just laying there) and about 17 to pack a lunch and put pants on which should realistically take only 2.  So I swam which was less than delightful and will hit the gym for round 2 after work.  It helps that I run my mouth to my roommate about skipping workouts so even if I try to subconsciously blackball myself like I did today I still have to find a way to knock it out.  Not that I am competitive or anything.  

2013-01-09 9:52 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I have managed to dodge all the germs so far - hope I didn't just jinx myself!  Apparently, this is also the worst flu season in 10 years, yikes!  Lots of cruddy stuff going around right now.  My 7 year old is home "sick" with me today, but miraculously has no symptoms, hmmmm...  Looks like she just wants some extra one on one time with me, ha!  Again makes me thankful that I could still hop on the treadmill at home to get a 2 mile run in!

Jenny, that's a bummer about your table and picture breaking, not to mention having to patch the hole in the wall!  I'm impressed that you are even able to do that...  I'm so NOT handy!

I hope that everyone is feeling better soon!!

2013-01-09 10:02 AM
in reply to: #4569580

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
I hopefully got my head cold and fever block checked about a month ago. I hate being sick. Hope you all get through yours soon. Training is hard when you feel poorly.

We are getting a break in the weather here in southern Indiana. It has been cold and snowy so outdoor running has been a bundled up chore. Looks like upwards of 60F for Friday and Saturday. Should make for some swell road time.

In the middle of my marathon run program now but I chose one that gives me 3 off days a week. I use those for cross training and it is great so far. Mileage is starting to climb and my legs are feeling good so far.

Will start in the pool this week. Looking forward to that for sure.

Keep pushing team. Races will be here before we know it.

2013-01-10 2:30 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Team,

sorry to hear quite a few of you are under the weather, hope you all get well soon. Sounds like some good workouts are getting done none the less, which is awesome and inspiring!

Had a big day today and feeling wiped out, but also loving being back into full blown training mode. Loving my new Oly program, especially the structure and consistency.

Okay I have a couple of questions for those of you who have done 70.3s or Ironman events. Did you find you swam faster than you normally do in training? As in does open water swimming for the most part shave time off when compared with doing the same distance as laps of a pool? At the moment with my current speed I could probably do my 70.3 swim in about 55 mins, but I'd be happier getting it under 50 or even 45, so I have some play with the cut off time. I'm worried about the bike leg mostly, so I want to try and save as much time whereever I can.

The other question is how much did you find your pace for both the bike and run legs pick up with the HIM/IM training? I'm alreading finding my legs getting stronger and faster, but I'm still woefully slow compared to where I want to be for Shep, again so I can comfortably make the cut offs.

2013-01-10 8:40 AM
in reply to: #4569647

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

18 in the class KTC. I have to say it was well worth it for me to be honest.

krazytallchick - 2013-01-09 9:52 AM

Good Morning Everyone!

KC - glad to hear you enjoyed the TI weekend.  I think Gary was my coach also.  How many were in your class?  I wish I would have taken the class now or take it again know that I know what I am doing or suppose to be doing and see if that is what I am exactly doing.

This morning I am dragging and will probably blow off my workout today.  I am feeling fine but very tired and since this is so early in my training that I can take these extra days for rest.  I did do a 2700 yard swim yesterday so maybe that whipped my butt more then what I thought.  

Have a great day everyone!

KTC (Kathy)

2013-01-10 8:57 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Good Morning Team and Good Evening to our friends in Australia and Good Afternoon to our friends in the UK

Anyway, just wanted to say hi. I am definately under the weather - cough, sniffles, chest ache etc. etc. I just hope it is not the flu and will only be a mild cold.

I have my IM plan all figured out and with this little sickness I am feeling I am glad it does not start until the first week of February - it is a 28 week plan I created here on BT and I will make some modifications to it along the way.

I did a small set in the pool this morning, have a meeting this afternoon I have to attend but I plan on spending the majority of today and Friday in bed and medicated Smile

I have that Windsor Triathlon Club training day and clinic on Saturday and I am hoping I can make it.

I hope everyone is doing well. I will try to pick up my response time on there when I get better.

Be safe and healthy everyon.

DEB - herd Boston and the area is having a real tough time with the flu - hope it is missing you.


2013-01-10 11:58 AM
in reply to: #4571605

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Hope you recover quickly KC. DC
2013-01-10 2:34 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi there!

Well I did manage to go out and get a bike ride in yesterday after all.  I told myself just go for 30 minutes to make sure the bike is working okay (had some shifting issues earlier) next thing I know I got an hour in.  Sure glad I did that as it felt good to be out on the road.

Tonight I am going to try and attend a Track workout with a group here nearby.  They say all speeds are welcome and I do hope that is true.  I just hope I can also walk tomorrow.  I will let you know how it goes.

Stay healthy everyone!  I know it is hard and we have a long ways to go to stay healthy.

KTC - Kathy

2013-01-10 3:10 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Question for the people training for an Ironman this year (Kathy, Scott, Kevin, Tim, Deb) and those who have done one last year or before (Tim, Scott).  Hopefully I didn't miss anyone.

What training plan are you using/did you use?  How many weeks?  What is/was your weekly training schedule (i.e. Monday thru Sunday and the number of swims, bikes, and runs per week)?  Did you use a coach? 

I was planning on using Matt Fitzgerald's plan/level 3 with some level 4 and 5 biking and running.  Many people have successfully used Don Fink's "Be Ironfit" plan, intermediate or advanced.  The MF plan will also be given a huge dose of Joel Friel in regards to training for the older athlete.  Specifically, separating the long bike and long run by a few days instead of doing the killer weekend.  I also added an additional 8 weeks to the 24-week plan by repeating the first base period. 

Thanks in advance!  I have lots and lots of questions!



2013-01-10 5:07 PM
in reply to: #4572619

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

I used the Fink Intermediate Plan and really liked it.  i am a creature of habit so it was great for me as the workouts were very consistent and I knew exactly what I would be doing each day without almost having to look at the schedule.  I was very time constrained though so I am thinking that is why it worked out so good.  A lot of people complain about the swim workouts being too boring but I followed the whole plan even the swims.  i guess you could throw in your own swim workouts?

If someone were to ask me if I would recommend it to someone - my answer would be YES.  I have the whole intermediate plan on a spreadsheet that can be easily uploaded to your training log if you would like it.

retiretotri - 2013-01-10 3:10 PM

Question for the people training for an Ironman this year (Kathy, Scott, Kevin, Tim, Deb) and those who have done one last year or before (Tim, Scott).  Hopefully I didn't miss anyone.

What training plan are you using/did you use?  How many weeks?  What is/was your weekly training schedule (i.e. Monday thru Sunday and the number of swims, bikes, and runs per week)?  Did you use a coach? 

I was planning on using Matt Fitzgerald's plan/level 3 with some level 4 and 5 biking and running.  Many people have successfully used Don Fink's "Be Ironfit" plan, intermediate or advanced.  The MF plan will also be given a huge dose of Joel Friel in regards to training for the older athlete.  Specifically, separating the long bike and long run by a few days instead of doing the killer weekend.  I also added an additional 8 weeks to the 24-week plan by repeating the first base period. 

Thanks in advance!  I have lots and lots of questions!



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