BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-01-06 6:57 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: help
1/30 Got in a 3 mile walk/run today on the treadmill. Took it easy and slow... it did take me 40 minutes to get it done but it is done.

2014-01-06 7:36 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Got in 4/31. Another 30 minute trainer ride. I pushed it pretty hard though. I had planned for an hour but my usual 10 minute commute took 1.5 hours because of a bad wreck and locked up traffic so I had to cut it short. I'll get my goals posted tonight while I'm at work, hopefully... I know most of are feeling the cold and weather, but I can't help to mention how bad it sucks. Lol. It was -10 and I saw somebody running outside.. They actually may have been on to something though because he passed me while I was stuck in traffic...
2014-01-06 8:04 PM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
I know it's no -10 here but it was cold tonight at swim. All of our pools are outside but they are at least heated. The water was nice and warm but getting out of the pool with the wind blowing hard and it only being 53 deg out made it crazy cold. I have to laugh but they actually used the words "wind chill" which they say put it in the 40s. I have been here way too long when I'm complaining about this temp. I grew up in the midwest and I remember the crazy cold. As sick as it sounds I miss the snow and cold.

Don't count me out on the 20/31 challenge yet since I'm not throwing in the towel. I'm at 3/31 and figure if I just swim with my team and have to take 2 full weeks off the run and bike and if I can hit it again on the 19th and follow my plan to the tee I will be at 23/31. I hope I'll be back before the 19th but playing it by ear. Lots of and/if in there but there's still a shot.
2014-01-06 8:30 PM
in reply to: SportzVision

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: help
Originally posted by SportzVision

1/30 Got in a 3 mile walk/run today on the treadmill. Took it easy and slow... it did take me 40 minutes to get it done but it is done.

That's 40 more minutes of walk/run than I've done in a long while. Way to go. Cynthia's on the board! BAM!
2014-01-06 8:37 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

With a 30 minute trainer ride this morning, I made it to 1/31 for January! Should have done a swim today, but the university where I swim is closed due to cold and poor road conditions, so I biked instead. Biking is my least favorite discipline, and since I set up my Garmin wrong (tire size imputed at 700mm when it should have been 2105), it only registered 2.01mi for the effort--disheartening (and also hilarious). I also got in Week 1, Day 1 of the pushup challenge and some core work.

What is everyone else up to on this Monday?
That's a solid effort, and a good start to January. Keep it going.
2014-01-06 8:41 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
I might be in on the January challange yet - 3/31 done. Bike trainor tonight for 35 minutes. I have not been on the bike in forever and man I can sure feel it I know it won't take long but ouch!

I am making the big leap to a new gym - I have been at a very small gym with less than 100 people and 3 personal trainers. But they just opened a new gym as part of the university and it has the ultimate in northern luxuries... (drum roll please) an indoor track!!!! It will make the transition to outdoor training so much easier instead of trying to come off a treadmill onto pavement.

2014-01-06 9:00 PM
in reply to: jnmrunner

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by jnmrunner

NAME: Jeanne (pronounced like the denim)

Dang it ! Now I will always call you Levi!
2014-01-06 9:22 PM
in reply to: SportzVision

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
HA! That is hysterical.
2014-01-06 9:50 PM
in reply to: ervaller


Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
You are getting the "Artic Blast" too huh?? I'm in Iowa and our high temp was -11. Windchill was ridiculous! Stay warm. No outside running for me!
2014-01-06 9:52 PM
in reply to: Qua17


Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Okay so a girly thing, I do Zumba so tonight I was able to do Zumba for 45 minutes and then rode a spin bike for 35 minutes. It's really cold here too, so the gym is empty...which is kind of nice!
2014-01-06 11:37 PM
in reply to: ripariangal

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by ripariangal

Hi -this sure seems like my kind of group!
Name: Melanie
Story: I did my first tri to get active after having my last son in 2007. I had not been active for many uears and I loved the sport and met some fantastic people! I have done sprints in the past but I really want to bump up to olympic. For the past year I have been focussing on strength training looking to compete in figure class bodybuilding but the diet aspect of competing was killing me. I love to cook and I love enjoying a beer around the bonfire with friends, that can't really be part of your lifestyle with bodybuilding so I am back to triathlons! I was also kicked off the bike by my trainer becasue she felt it bulked up my quads the wrong way

OMG the body building lifestyle is tough. Years...and by years I mean a quater century ago, my husband was a bb. He was actually Mr. San Diegothank goodness he did not make us call him that! Anyway at 270 lbs and 4% body fat at competition time his diet had to be all consuming. Not one beer did he drink during those years. Oh that that has changed and he now savors a good beer.

2014-01-07 1:52 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
I entered my goals! The main one is that I need to quit dipping this year so I'm starting now. This will be a hard one but it needs to be done. Also starting the 100 push-up challenge Thor posted on page one. Not a lot of people jumped on this one but I'd love to get rid of my man boobs and this should be a good start!
2014-01-07 6:55 AM
in reply to: 0

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
I had a great ride on the trainer last night. I ended up riding the entire first half of the BCS championship game. 30 miles at a pretty good pace. It really helps when you have distractions Still Freezing this morning but the YMCA is open. I've got a little bit of work to do at home then it looks like an easy swim today.

I'm going to give the 100 push ups a try also

Edited by ervaller 2014-01-07 7:26 AM
2014-01-07 8:18 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Great to see all the new faces(and old...David) While some of us have been with BT for a few years, it is great to have the enthusiasm of the new people.

Looks like everyone is doing great on the 20/31 challenge. Also good to see a few of you on the pushup is a great party trick when you get to the end! Now I need to get started on it tonite!

Everyone keep posting! Everyone is different so don't worry where you are at on your fitness journey. In triathlon, unless you are FOP(front of the pack) you are racing against yourself. Enjoy the ride to a healthier lifestyle!

Sorry to all of my southern friends for sending down a little arctic air, although the shivering will help you lose weight....

2014-01-07 8:20 AM
in reply to: kascha

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by kascha Okay so a girly thing, I do Zumba so tonight I was able to do Zumba for 45 minutes and then rode a spin bike for 35 minutes. It's really cold here too, so the gym is empty...which is kind of nice!

That is a great workout! Good job!

2014-01-07 8:21 AM
in reply to: ervaller

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by ervaller I had a great ride on the trainer last night. I ended up riding the entire first half of the BCS championship game. 30 miles at a pretty good pace. It really helps when you have distractions Still Freezing this morning but the YMCA is open. I've got a little bit of work to do at home then it looks like an easy swim today. I'm going to give the 100 push ups a try also
The TV is your friend on the trainer...and a good fan! Good job!

2014-01-07 8:22 AM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by Bradleykd I entered my goals! The main one is that I need to quit dipping this year so I'm starting now. This will be a hard one but it needs to be done. Also starting the 100 push-up challenge Thor posted on page one. Not a lot of people jumped on this one but I'd love to get rid of my man boobs and this should be a good start!
You will look like Arnold Schwartznegger by the end...although you will have to give up the bacon gravy...

2014-01-07 8:43 AM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Burd

Originally posted by Qua17

Afternoon BDAS:

Today I biked hard for an hour with 2 10 minute bursts, swam for 1000 yards, did 40 minutes of PT and stretched for 10. I am one tired but happy puppy. Tomorrow I've got an appointment with my PT and I'm also hoping to get in a short run.

Keep up the great work everyone!

Nice one. Solid day. This group is rocking it with the workouts. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's 3 workouts today alone not counting if you get a run in. Trying to catch Thor huh? Well 2.75 because they are only giving .75 credit for the PT, lol.

Alex - Damn... You saw right through me... I'm gonna crush Captain Molsen this month. I might not even need the PT to put me over the top. But you never know - he might crank out a bunch of rowing workouts
2014-01-07 8:45 AM
in reply to: kascha

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
I don't know if this is actually bragging but we have gone 19 days at lower than -30C (before the windchill) the windchill has been steady at lower than -40. It is only -28C (-18F) today before the windchill and it feels like heaven!
2014-01-07 8:48 AM
in reply to: ervaller

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by ervaller

Loved the Cleveland Venue. It was interesting My wife's friend was signed up to run with her but dropped out the week before so I was just going to spectate and ended up running the race.

Great Lakes Brewery Christmas Ale or as its affectionately referred to around your area Christmas Crack is one of my top 5 favorites.

Glad to hear you enjoyed the Cleveland race. Like all things from Cleveland - it's great (not including the sports teams

People either love or hate the Christmas Ale. Since I'm not to big on beers with lots of spices - it's not one of my favs - but there are plenty of people willing to kill to get there hands on a bottle!
2014-01-07 8:56 AM
in reply to: Juancho

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Juancho

I am more a wine lover than a beer drinker, as I come from Spain, but enjoy both!! So I would love to be join this group, if still possible.

NAME: Juan

STORY: Have doing sports since I remember, from basketball to cycling and last few years running for fun (10k's, some half marathon, just 1 marathon). Last year, at 46, decided to add to my running some biking and swimming to reduce the risk of injuring my knees, and finished my first Sprint triathlon, raising money for Make-a-Wish. Had so much fun that now I am hooked, watching videos almost daily in Youtube about races all over the world, and now planning the 2014 season.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 16 years, with one son 14 y.o and one daughter 12, both enjoying running already and all the funny gadgets around triathlon.

CURRENT TRAINING: one hour sesion daily, or at least 5 days per week, with 2 swims, 2 runs and 1/2 bike sessions..

2014 RACES: Planning 2-3 Olys in May, June and July, and if not suffering too much, may be a Half on September.

BEER PREFERENCE: Living in a wine producing country, where beer is just to calm thirsty drinkers that avoid water, I am here to learn. Most beer I drink is classical, pilsner style, but after reading these pages in the last few days I know I will get HUGE motivation for training and beer drinking.

WEIGHT LOSS: Not too worried, just keep my size

GOALS 2014:
(1) Enjoy Oly distance to stop dreaming about HM in the future
(2) Improve brick trainings
(3) Get faster at running.

Juan - we are thrilled to have you join the BDAAS. We won;t hold the fact that you're a wine drinker against you. As I see it - if it comes in a bottle and motivates you to become healthier and go a little farther - I am all for it! Looks like you are really stepping up your game this year. Doing 3 OLY is definately doable and so is finishing a HIM. A few of us have completed one and we will be there to help you along the way!

2014-01-07 8:57 AM
in reply to: SportzVision

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by SportzVision

Originally posted by ripariangal

Hi -this sure seems like my kind of group!
Name: Melanie
Story: I did my first tri to get active after having my last son in 2007. I had not been active for many uears and I loved the sport and met some fantastic people! I have done sprints in the past but I really want to bump up to olympic. For the past year I have been focussing on strength training looking to compete in figure class bodybuilding but the diet aspect of competing was killing me. I love to cook and I love enjoying a beer around the bonfire with friends, that can't really be part of your lifestyle with bodybuilding so I am back to triathlons! I was also kicked off the bike by my trainer becasue she felt it bulked up my quads the wrong way

OMG the body building lifestyle is tough. Years...and by years I mean a quater century ago, my husband was a bb. He was actually Mr. San Diegothank goodness he did not make us call him that! Anyway at 270 lbs and 4% body fat at competition time his diet had to be all consuming. Not one beer did he drink during those years. Oh that that has changed and he now savors a good beer.

Wow - good for him! To achieve that takes an enormous amount of sacrifice and dedication. I loved the lifting but you know what I mean when I say the diet was too much. You are bang on when you say it is all consuming - chasing 8% body fat means two hours a day cardio, one hour lifting eating six small high protien meals a day, moderate calories but only 10gr of sugar a day, low carb etc. It was hard on the family and too disruptive, not to mention that I really enjoy cooking & eating lol. But on the plus side I am counting on the muscles that I put on my shoulders to help me in the pool!

I have always viewed triathlon as a lifestyle sport - it seems to mesh better with a more balanced healthy lifestyle. Even the longer distance die hards that I know can sure knock back the wings and the occational beer
2014-01-07 9:05 AM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Bradleykd

Got in 4/31. Another 30 minute trainer ride. I pushed it pretty hard though. I had planned for an hour but my usual 10 minute commute took 1.5 hours because of a bad wreck and locked up traffic so I had to cut it short. I'll get my goals posted tonight while I'm at work, hopefully... I know most of are feeling the cold and weather, but I can't help to mention how bad it sucks. Lol. It was -10 and I saw somebody running outside.. They actually may have been on to something though because he passed me while I was stuck in traffic...

Nice work! Love the fact that you still managed to get in a trainer ride despite the bad commute.

The founder of the BDAAS is a guy named BigDH - you ought to friend him. He is the toughest guy I know and really redefined the way I feel about the cold. He used to bike into work and would take pictures of himself when he got there with ice in his beard and his glasses all fogged up. Those pics inspired me to step it up a notch and I have really embraced getting out in the cold. When you can brave the cold - it turns you into a bad. Bundle up and give it a try. Truth is that if you cover up enough - you can stay warm while working out. And then you will be that guy who passes people as they are stuck in traffic!
2014-01-07 9:05 AM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Bradleykd

Got in 4/31. Another 30 minute trainer ride. I pushed it pretty hard though. I had planned for an hour but my usual 10 minute commute took 1.5 hours because of a bad wreck and locked up traffic so I had to cut it short. I'll get my goals posted tonight while I'm at work, hopefully... I know most of are feeling the cold and weather, but I can't help to mention how bad it sucks. Lol. It was -10 and I saw somebody running outside.. They actually may have been on to something though because he passed me while I was stuck in traffic...

Nice work! Love the fact that you still managed to get in a trainer ride despite the bad commute.

The founder of the BDAAS is a guy named BigDH - you ought to friend him. He is the toughest guy I know and really redefined the way I feel about the cold. He used to bike into work and would take pictures of himself when he got there with ice in his beard and his glasses all fogged up. Those pics inspired me to step it up a notch and I have really embraced getting out in the cold. When you can brave the cold - it turns you into a bad. Bundle up and give it a try. Truth is that if you cover up enough - you can stay warm while working out. And then you will be that guy who passes people as they are stuck in traffic!
2014-01-07 9:12 AM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Bradleykd

I entered my goals! The main one is that I need to quit dipping this year so I'm starting now. This will be a hard one but it needs to be done. Also starting the 100 push-up challenge Thor posted on page one. Not a lot of people jumped on this one but I'd love to get rid of my man boobs and this should be a good start!

Brad - Giving up dip is hard. I know it's a disgusting habit but there is something about it thats so appealing! Not only is there the nicotine - but there is the oral fixation as well. I found that chomping on a piece of gum really helped me. Let me know how it goes - I finally managed to quit a few years back and have some more ideas to share! Good luck with those pushups!
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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