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2007-01-23 6:29 AM
in reply to: #664165

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I am here, just have been a little more of a lurker lately.

I had a decent workout yesterday - I went to the gym to ride on the trainer. It wasn't my first choice, but we got a few inches of snow with an "ice crust" on Sunday night, and temperatures didn't get much above freezing on Monday, so the shoulders and sidewalks were dicey. I wasn't about to try and bike on that.

The bad thing about going to the gym is that the trainer is just boring. I had an entertaining podcast playing, but once that finished, I can only stare at an empty raquetball court for so long. I rode for 30 minutes at a "significant" (for me) resistance so that my legs got a good workout.

The good thing about going to the gym is that I get to do strength training. So I got some upper body lifting in (I need to start working my core, but I don't have as much experience/knowledge in good core exercises).

Sorry that I haven't been active. I have been watching, I promise.

2007-01-23 6:43 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Hello all!  How is everyone?  I had a good swim last night (700m), a great weight workout (Upper body), and my first ever spin class (1 hour).  The spin class was a lot of fun, so I'll be going back for more next Monday - especially since it's free to members!

I also had a 12 y/o boy take my towel from the locker room while I was in the pool.  I know our Y has the policy of "not responsible for lost or stolen items", so I lock up everything else when I'm out of the locker room.  I usually, however, just hang my towel on a towel hook next to the shower room when I go swim.  I guess I'll have to drag it to the pool with me from now on.  Worse yet is that the kid denied taking it, even though it was on the floor of the racquet ball court he was in.  We asked him where he got it and he pointed to his friend and said "he took it".  Disappointing.  Funny, in a way, that a kid would grab a complete stranger's towel.  EW!

Anyway, tonight looks like another swim, more weights, and then 5 miles on the t-mill. 

2007-01-23 10:36 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I went to the gym this morning, too.  It's SO boring!!  It takes so much more effort to convince myself to go and actually finish a workout in the gym than when I am outside.

Anyway, I started off running, but that didn't go so well.  My achilles tendons are acting up.  Time for new shoes and more stretching.  I ran about a half mile and just couldn't take it any more.  So, I biked for about 20 minutes instead.  It went pretty well and I think I got in a pretty good workout since my legs were kinda shaky at the end.

Strength training is something I need to do more of.  I also need to do more to strengthen my core.  Bicycling has a pretty simple (looking) core workout in this month's issue, so I think I'm going to try to do that to get more in shape before the bike season really starts. 

2007-01-23 10:37 AM
in reply to: #664344

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I read that story last night and all I could think was "eww".  Who would steal someone else's towel at the gym? That's just gross. 

jcdenton2000 - 2007-01-23 7:43 AM

Hello all! How is everyone? I had a good swim last night (700m), a great weight workout (Upper body), and my first ever spin class (1 hour). The spin class was a lot of fun, so I'll be going back for more next Monday - especially since it's free to members!

I also had a 12 y/o boy take my towel from the locker room while I was in the pool. I know our Y has the policy of "not responsible for lost or stolen items", so I lock up everything else when I'm out of the locker room. I usually, however, just hang my towel on a towel hook next to the shower room when I go swim. I guess I'll have to drag it to the pool with me from now on. Worse yet is that the kid denied taking it, even though it was on the floor of the racquet ball court he was in. We asked him where he got it and he pointed to his friend and said "he took it". Disappointing. Funny, in a way, that a kid would grab a complete stranger's towel. EW!

Anyway, tonight looks like another swim, more weights, and then 5 miles on the t-mill.

2007-01-23 11:19 AM
in reply to: #664344

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
jcdenton2000 - 2007-01-23 7:43 AM

Hello all!  How is everyone?  I had a good swim last night (700m), a great weight workout (Upper body), and my first ever spin class (1 hour).  The spin class was a lot of fun, so I'll be going back for more next Monday - especially since it's free to members!

I also had a 12 y/o boy take my towel from the locker room while I was in the pool.  I know our Y has the policy of "not responsible for lost or stolen items", so I lock up everything else when I'm out of the locker room.  I usually, however, just hang my towel on a towel hook next to the shower room when I go swim.  I guess I'll have to drag it to the pool with me from now on.  Worse yet is that the kid denied taking it, even though it was on the floor of the racquet ball court he was in.  We asked him where he got it and he pointed to his friend and said "he took it".  Disappointing.  Funny, in a way, that a kid would grab a complete stranger's towel.  EW!

Anyway, tonight looks like another swim, more weights, and then 5 miles on the t-mill. 

Maybe he has one _just_ like it! That is particularly odd as to why someone would steal a towel. I suppose some people just steal to steal.

I had a kind of down week last week on training, but am back on the perverbial horse. It is particularly easy to announce that on a rest day that I won't be training, but that doesn't change anything.

2007-01-23 6:34 PM
in reply to: #625443

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Funny you should mention a missing towel... it happened to me also this past week. I went into swim directly after a swim meet. For whatever reason they thought mine was left over from the kids (it was my daughter's towel). Anyway I finished the swim and there was no towel. I made them lend me another and then went to complain. They had my towel in lost and found.

Where does everyone work out? I have been reading and I am guessing many at home. More power to your self-discipline. I got a scholarship to the local Y when I was unemployed. I have stayed there ever since (now I pay). It is pretty good with an 'okay' pool, spin classes and the normal weights and machines. During the better weather I am usually outside. It is difficult now when it gets dark so soon. I have met friends in the gym. We all come at the same time every day, but we do different things. They call it the morning crew.

DAVE... don't give up. Drag yourself to the workouts, you'll be glad you did.

Today I didn't work out. I went to bed too late and couldn't get up. I have learned to schedule everything and to prepare all bags before bed. When I don't I can't get to the gym in time.

Hope everyone is well. Has anyone 'heard' from Jenny???

2007-01-23 8:31 PM
in reply to: #665574

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Dave, it'll get better.  In not too long it'll be warm enough to go outside again.  In the meantime, try to get to the gym.  I think the hardest part is getting yourself there.  Once you're there, you have no choice but to workout.

Usually I run near my house or on the parkway where my husband's office is.  As far as the gym or pool, I'm a grad student so I get to use the nice rec center at my University.  That's one of the nice things about still being in school. 

I haven't hear anything from Jenny in awhile.  She also hasn't posted anything in her log since the 7th.  Hope everything is okay with her.  


2007-01-23 9:11 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Hey all!  How is everyone tonight?  I'm exhausted and ready for a recovery day!

Tonight's workout was 300 yds of swim drills (breathing and sprints), more weights (I can actually feel my chest getting firmer - my wife loves it!), 15 minutes on the stationary bike (waiting for a treadmill), and 5 miles on the t-mill.

As for where I work out, right now it's the local Y.  Once winter breaks, I'll be outside as often as possible (swimming too, as there are 2-3 lakes in the area where I can practice OWS).  Cycling will be the tough one, as I'm nervous about riding in the city with the traffic we have - it's bad enough driving in it...but I can escape to the country with a 15 min drive, so it's not too bad. 

2007-01-24 5:35 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Thanks for the encouragement. I am pushing forward. Going to try a run in the cold today.

I run and bike from my house around the local area, but go to a nearby fitness center ( for swimming, lifting, and cold-weather running/biking. I would like to have a strength training setup at my house, but I don't really have the space or financial fortitude to make that happen.

2007-01-25 9:59 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I'm heading out for a ski weekend tomorrow afternoon.  I probably won't be able to post anything tomorrow and I'm leaving my computer at home.  I think I'll be able to survive that, but we'll see.    Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Hold down the fort while I'm gone. 

2007-01-26 6:06 AM
in reply to: #668532

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Have fun!

Artemis - 2007-01-25 10:59 PM

I'm heading out for a ski weekend tomorrow afternoon.  I probably won't be able to post anything tomorrow and I'm leaving my computer at home.  I think I'll be able to survive that, but we'll see.    Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Hold down the fort while I'm gone. 

Well, even though this has been another long and rough week, I am getting to the gym and working on some biking on the trainer, a little run on the treadmill, and a lot of time in the weight room. It has been more of an exercise in compressed workouts, which is not idea for my training, I know. However, it is better than nothing, I guess.

I did a minor brick workout yesterday (Thursday) and some strength training, which I am considering using as a reason to give my body a rest today. I am getting out of work early today, so I may go down and try and get in the pool or on the treadmill for a longer training stint.

How is everyone else doing? Has this been a decent week and what do you all have planned this weekend?

2007-01-26 7:02 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Jen - I hope you have a great weekend ski trip!  Try not to miss us too much, ok? 

Dave - it looks like you're getting some good workouts in - keep up the great work.

Weekend plans: tonight I'm taking my wife out to dinner and a movie (I got a $25 gift card to a local restaurant when I did my 1/2 marathon last Oct.).  Tomorrow is a bike/run brick workout in the morning, then a b-day party for my cousin's twins (3 y/o boy and girl - adorable, too), then I work from 2-6:30 at the running store.

Sunday will be a complete rest day with church in the morning.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

2007-01-26 12:02 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Hey Everyone;
I'm back from my conference.  It was fun and informative.  I only ran one morning, the other mornings sleep won the battle.  Neither of the hotels I stayed at had indoor pools and the 2nd hotel was in an area that I didn’t feel comfortable running by myself (excuses, excuses).  Hope everyone has a good weekend; I am planning some serious workouts to make up for my week of gluttony. 
- Erin

Edited by stbrrn 2007-01-26 12:03 PM
2007-01-26 5:03 PM
in reply to: #625443

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Erin, great to have you back. We missed you. Yes I have noticed that my training does need more time on weights. Last week I started adding them in. I plan to do some tomorrow. Otherwise it has only been the three sports. At least until the weather breaks.

Dave it's great to see you back on the work horse. My first winter, last year, of training before my first triathlon was difficult. Since I hadn't done one yet, I found it easier to take a day or two or a week off. I came back and worked out but had less of a schedule. This winter, I developed a much more regular schedule. I work out before work during the week. On the weekends I like to stick in more practices but I am less regular then. You will be glad you kept the workout pace once you finish you first triathlon. It does make a difference even though the weather is bad and the event seems so long in the future.

Jen, have a good time away. Thanks for the supportive words.

Robert, have fun with the kids. One seemed like a lot of work.. two is twice? They sound cute.

Have a great weekend all!

Edited by celticblde05 2007-01-26 5:03 PM
2007-01-26 5:10 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Erin - welcome back!  Even though you didn't work out, your body probably appreciated the rest.  Just think of how fresh you'll feel tomorrow morning! 

Kelli - yeah, the kids are actually very well behaved!  We had my cousin and her two kids over for dinner about a month ago, and they weren't a problem at all!  They listen to their mother very well! 

Well, there is some BBQ calling my name, so it's time to indulge. 

I hope you guys have a great evening! 

2007-01-29 10:57 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

How was everyones weekend?

My weekend flew by, I always wish weekends were longer.  I got some good workouts in but my nutrition was lacking.  I am going to the gym at lunch and then I'm off to my group swim class tonight.

2007-01-29 12:07 PM
in reply to: #671307

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I got back last night and I'm a bit sore and bruised.  Didn't fall too much, but I was definitely using my leg muscles a lot and they are feeling it now.  I'm planning on going to the gym tonight for an easier workout - maybe the elliptical.  I also need to get back into the groove of eating well.  That's definitely been lacking  over the past week or so. 

2007-01-29 2:06 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Hey everyone!  I hope everyone had a good weekend!

Jen - I hope you had fun on your ski trip - I have yet to snow ski, so I'm jealous.

I had an ok weekend, it was just busy and went by fast.  This week is a recovery week for me, mainly b/c everyone at work is dropping like flies to some sort of sickness (flu?) and I don't want it, so I'm going to pull back a bit this week, rest well, eat extra well, and come back strong next week.  I'll probably only do one discipline a day this week, rather than the two/day I've been averaging.

2007-01-29 5:08 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I had a pretty good weekend, not on the workout front, but my wife and I spent a lot of time together, which was very welcome after a long week for both of us.

You are right, the winter is just a little harder to keep up the motivation, especially with the short days, and the lack of interest to get out in sub-freezing temperatures (especially without the appropriate gear ). I am still on board with my training, though, and am excited about the coming week.

I got a pretty decent bike ride on the trainer today. I set it to a random resistance interval, which gave my legs a good workout. I only went 40 minutes, but that was mainly because I was easing back into it, and because I am not sure I can take more than 40 minutes staring at an empty raquetball court.

The Red Cross was at my gym today for blood donations, and I wish that I had known about it beforehand. I had to run out today after my workout, but if I had known in advance I would have made time to give some blood. I am not sure they would have liked me just working out and drinking an excess of water during that time, does anyone have any insight into that for future knowledge?

Glad you are back in one peice, Erin and Jen. Weekends are always too short, especially when you are travelling.
2007-01-29 5:40 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

As far as donating blood, they do want you to drink a lot of water before you donate.  It makes it a little easier to get the volume.  They also want you to eat before you do, though.  If you donate right after working out, your blood sugar will probably be on the low side and that can cause problems.

2007-01-29 6:49 PM
in reply to: #625443

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Hello everyone,

It's good to hear that everyone had a good weekend. I am jealous that I didn't go skiing. (one of my favorite sports)

This weekend, I took it easy and didn't do anything on Sunday. Unless we can count walking the dog and running errands.

I am debating on whether to do a half marathon in April. Ran into the mother of my daughter's friend. She's into running and is training for a HM. I don't know about it but I am thinking of trying--in the midst of doing triathlons. I may be getting in over my head as I am not a runner. My "getting back into it month" is about over (from the surgery). So I am thinking that I am basically back into it though I still have endurance issues with the spinning classes.

Is anyone using a trainer? I am debating getting one.


2007-01-29 10:05 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I'm glad to hear we all had a good weekend. 

Dave - I'm a regular blood giver and when I know my appointment is coming up I try to drink alot of water starting 3 days before.  I go with some friends and we have a contest to see who can fill the bag the fastest.

Kelli -  I think before you comitt to running in a HM you should check out a plan to make sure you can safely increase you distance.  I am also thinking about a HM at the end of May and am going to use the plan Jen posted the link to in one of the earlier pages.  I also have a trainer that I rarely use b/c I need a new bike before I can use it and I find I need the motivation of a spin class.

Jen - Your right skiing is a good leg workout, I bought some XC skis this year and I really need to use them more.

Robert - I hope you avoid the 'sickness'.  The university hospital here is currently shut down due to an outbreak of the Norwalk virus.  I know somw people who had it this fall, but now it seems to be getting out of control, maybe b/c of the cold people are staying inside more.

Edited by stbrrn 2007-01-29 10:07 PM
2007-01-30 7:11 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Well, last night was an hour spin class - lots of fun.  I have found that I need do some strength training for my legs/knees, though, as my knees ache afterwards, and my left knee still aches today.  I picked up the book "The Triathlete's Training Bible" this weekend and it's actually very good, and very comprehensive.  I recommend adding it to your collection, if you can.  Barnes and Noble had 1 copy! 

Well, I hope everyone has a great day.  We're pretty busy at work yesterday and today, so I'm feeling BT deprived.  LOL!   

2007-01-30 10:23 AM
in reply to: #672397

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: Goals for February

Hi everyone,

I'm setting some goals for my training in February.  Anyone want to join me?  I also hope you'll all hold me to them. 

Run: 40 miles
Swim: 10 miles (16,094 meters)

No bike goal for now.  I'm focusing on running to get up to speed for my half mary in March.

2007-01-30 10:46 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I think that setting our February goals is a great idea, I'm in.

Run:  35 miles
Swim: 1200 meters  <- Correction Swim: 12000 meters
Bike: 2 Spin Classes
Sports: 20 hours

Jen - How's the ipod+ working out for you?  Would you reccommend getting one?  I'm thinking about getting one, if I comitt to a 1/2 marathon.  I would also need to get an ipod nano.  

Edited by stbrrn 2007-01-30 3:44 PM
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