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2007-02-27 8:45 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Ok I have a kinda silly question:
Late night munchies- Is it better to choose a carb or protien?
I know its bad to snack just before laying down but it happens.
What would be your fav late night snack?

2007-02-27 9:01 PM
in reply to: #705190

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
trYgrl - 2007-02-27 12:44 PM

juliapurr - 2007-02-27 12:46 PM I just count left foot strikes for 30 seconds - you want to be around 45.  It's easier than counting to 90 and taking a whole minute to count!  Of course, counting right foot strikes will give you the same result

Well, not when right foot hits more than your left.... Thanks for the do you stride out then if you are trying to do more cadence?

So that's the whole idea behind it!  You don't increase your pace by increasing your cadence - you increase it by increasing your stride length!  When you're running a little slower, just shorten your stride and keep a high turnover then when your ready to speed up, just stretch that stride a bit -but otherwise keeping the same form.  It's a little tricky to get used to at first, but you'll feel it!


2007-02-27 9:03 PM
in reply to: #705675

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Diane&Mike - 2007-02-27 7:45 PM Ok I have a kinda silly question: Late night munchies- Is it better to choose a carb or protien? I know its bad to snack just before laying down but it happens. What would be your fav late night snack?

Well, it's better to eat earlier in the day!  But when you do find yourself needing a late night snack, I would try to keep it low cal/ low fat, so either carb or protien is OK, but NOT simple sugar carb if you can avoid it.  I mean a fruit is OK since it's so low cal anyway, but don't do a sugary snack just to keep it low fat.  Maybe even a glass of milk?  What do I normally go for... don't ask - it's not a good one! (OK you caught me - ice CREAM )

2007-02-27 9:36 PM
in reply to: #705692

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
ha ha, thats what i was going to say--ice cream!! my husbandand i eat a root beer float almost every night. SO bad for us, but its our little treat and we sacrifice other things during the day so we can enjoy it and not feel TOO guilty.

thanks everyone for the biking hints and encouragement. it is hard with kids to get really long workouts in, but i am lucky my husband is really great about letting me have my time to do my workouts.

oh, and i'm LOVING the swim suit!!!!
2007-02-27 10:07 PM
in reply to: #705692

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Yeah ice cream is a good one! A Glass of milk does the trick but most the time cookies come along with it which is baaad.

Also why is it that you crave sweet and then salty? I heard before you where lacking vitamin/mineral when you craved certian things like that.
Thanks for input.
There are tons of low fat/low cal products out there, we usually have wide variety of "100 cal packs" of sweet or salty and then of course low fat ice cream or frozen yogurt.
2007-02-28 10:39 PM
in reply to: #705747

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Julia, is there ever a low iron issue with people working out more?

2007-03-01 8:29 AM
in reply to: #707178

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

francisjade - 2007-02-28 9:39 PM Julia, is there ever a low iron issue with people working out more?

I am SURE that there is some study somewhere, but I have NO personal experience with it.  Do you think that you are anemic?  I take a LOT of supplements, but iron supplements are my LEAST favorite because they tend to back you up if you know what I mean...  Are you a vegeterian?  If so, you might need to take a multi vitamin with a little extra iron or a mild supplement.  The only other thing I know fur sure that causes it in women is during heavy menstruation.  Sorry I'm not of more help there, but I'll see if I can dig something up

2007-03-01 8:33 AM
in reply to: #705747

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Diane&Mike - 2007-02-27 9:07 PM Yeah ice cream is a good one! A Glass of milk does the trick but most the time cookies come along with it which is baaad. Also why is it that you crave sweet and then salty? I heard before you where lacking vitamin/mineral when you craved certian things like that. Thanks for input. There are tons of low fat/low cal products out there, we usually have wide variety of "100 cal packs" of sweet or salty and then of course low fat ice cream or frozen yogurt.

Actually that's funny, but after I wrote that response I kept thinking - why not just some fat free yogurt!  That would be a good snack and satisfying  

So usually when you crave something salty, you are needing to replace electrolytes.  That's why gatorade or some other electrolyte drink is GREAT during workouts and even afterwards to keep those salts replenished.  If you don't have the salt, your body can't absorb the water to rehydrate you!  The sweet thing is a little more difficult and there are a lot of theories out there.  One that I seem to agree with is that you are just craving food because your body is either used to it, or needs it and when that happens, the best way for you to get calories is to crave something that you have a soft spot for - usually something sweet   A LOT of it can be habitual.  In other words if your body is used to getting a lot of high carb, sugary foods and you suddenly take that away, you will crave it.  After a few weeks, you'll notice you don't really crave it any more!  Just don't start the dydle over again - that's the TOUGH part!

2007-03-01 12:12 PM
in reply to: #707178

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

francisjade - 2007-02-28 10:39 PM Julia, is there ever a low iron issue with people working out more?
   I know I'm not Julia, but know that some people will have low-iron issues if they are working out a lot.  If you are female especially and you don't eat a lot of broccoli or red meats or take a multivitamin you could develop anemia.  Runners are known for this.   Check out this website.


Edited by trYgrl 2007-03-01 12:12 PM
2007-03-01 3:51 PM
in reply to: #707383

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
juliapurr - 2007-03-01 8:29 AM

francisjade - 2007-02-28 9:39 PM Julia, is there ever a low iron issue with people working out more?

I am SURE that there is some study somewhere, but I have NO personal experience with it.  Do you think that you are anemic?  I take a LOT of supplements, but iron supplements are my LEAST favorite because they tend to back you up if you know what I mean...  Are you a vegeterian?  If so, you might need to take a multi vitamin with a little extra iron or a mild supplement.  The only other thing I know fur sure that causes it in women is during heavy menstruation.  Sorry I'm not of more help there, but I'll see if I can dig something up

Yes I'm a vegetarian (17 years now), I've never had an iron issue before, and I'm not sure it is one now. You did mention we'll need more sleep/naps and it could just that I don't sleep enough? But usually nothing stops me from working out! I love working out, I definitely have the time, and now I don't have the will power every day. My cycle has turned to a 20 day cycle recently, perhaps that has some effect too? Anyway, I cancelled all my lessons tonight because of a big winterstorm and I'm going to gym instead! Trygrl thanks for the link! I'll see a doc just in case.
2007-03-01 7:53 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

YIPPEE!!!  I made it 20  min. on level 2 of the bike tonight, almost painfree!!!!  After the past few days didn't think I would get far, but after getting through the first 5 min I made it!  Of course after I went through perhaps the most grueling P.T EVER, but you'll all be glad to know that my P.T told me I'd have no problem dealing with having kids......I think I'll take the epidural anyway!  Pst....don't tell my husband....I'll milk it for what it is worth! 

 Who would have thought I would get so excited about 20 min of biking at a level 2?

Edited by trYgrl 2007-03-01 7:53 PM

2007-03-01 11:18 PM
in reply to: #708415

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
trYgrl - 2007-03-01 7:53 PM

YIPPEE!!! I made it 20 min. on level 2 of the bike tonight, almost painfree!!!! After the past few days didn't think I would get far, but after getting through the first 5 min I made it! Of course after I went through perhaps the most grueling P.T EVER, but you'll all be glad to know that my P.T told me I'd have no problem dealing with having kids......I think I'll take the epidural anyway! Pst....don't tell my husband....I'll milk it for what it is worth!

Who would have thought I would get so excited about 20 min of biking at a level 2?

I'm sooo happy for you! It's a horrible feeling when you want to be active but your body doesn't let you. Glad you're getting better
2007-03-02 12:08 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I just registered for the Danskin Seattle Tri on Saturday. Apparently they weren't supposed to open registration until Monday, so I am very lucky I happened to check their site....they were full-on up in a matter of hours on Monday and closed registration.

So...I guess I am committed now. Oh boy!
2007-03-04 9:32 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Must've been a busy weekend.
I need some ideas for getting in biking when weater is not cooporative.
Do you count spin classes as part of training? What about just stationary bikes? Does it make a difference what type of stationary bike you use?
I am guessing the recumbant(sp) don't work the same muscles as a standard bike, am I wrong?

Goals for this week again fell short 3 out of 5. Made a half a** attempt to ride my bike today but didn't make it far enough to count. And really didn't feel the pool this week either, that one I didnt' even try.

This week: Add dairy 4xs, jog 4xs, bike 1x16m, swim 1x500meter, lose 2lbs.
maintain fruits/vegs and since sons wrestling will be late Sat keep on regular schedule with aerobics Sat AM and walk to the tourney since it is about 1 mile away.
Stay on track and focus!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.
2007-03-04 10:10 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
My goal this week is to get out on the road (bike) if possible. I need to get a trailer for my bike for the kiddios, so that is my #1 obstacle.

Also want to continue with these 6 mile runs.

Need to decide if I am doing the Issaquah tri in June. Should make up my mind this week and register.
2007-03-05 10:12 AM
in reply to: #708415

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
trYgrl - 2007-03-01 6:53 PM

YIPPEE!!!  I made it 20  min. on level 2 of the bike tonight, almost painfree!!!!  After the past few days didn't think I would get far, but after getting through the first 5 min I made it!  Of course after I went through perhaps the most grueling P.T EVER, but you'll all be glad to know that my P.T told me I'd have no problem dealing with having kids......I think I'll take the epidural anyway!  Pst....don't tell my husband....I'll milk it for what it is worth! 

 Who would have thought I would get so excited about 20 min of biking at a level 2?

That is GREAT!!!  I'm glad to hear that you are on the mend.  Baby steps! 

Having kids is no problem - it's dealing with them for the next 18 years that driving me nuts   Just kidding, I LOVE both my munchkins to death.  I hardly remember the pain of childbirth now - although my hubby will tell you that HE was begging the nurse to get the anesthesiologist because I was in pain.  Whatever, I don't think it was all THAT bad - and a great reward at the end of the day

2007-03-05 10:13 AM
in reply to: #709118

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Caycee - 2007-03-02 11:08 AM I just registered for the Danskin Seattle Tri on Saturday. Apparently they weren't supposed to open registration until Monday, so I am very lucky I happened to check their site....they were full-on up in a matter of hours on Monday and closed registration. So...I guess I am committed now. Oh boy!

YEAH!!!  Great step to keep you moving.  Whenever I feel a lull in my motivation, I register for another race - I hat to say it, but competition certainly motivates ME  

2007-03-05 10:15 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

So I've been CRAZY busy and I feel like I've been slacking a bit on the boards.  Sorry for that, but hopefully things will settle down a bit. 

My goal this week is to recover from EVERY workout properly - that includes a nap if I need it.  I have an intense week this week and there is NO point in doing it if I'm not fully ready, so sleep and fuel right is my goal!  And of course NAIL all of these intense workouts.


2007-03-06 1:40 AM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Let's see, I bought cycling shorts in the hopes I'll be comfortable enough to try to improve my cadence this week. If I don't feel like doing the scheduled workout, try to workout at least an hour/day going easy. and keep working on establishing a sleeping routine.
2007-03-07 9:39 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I Like the pictures Caycee.
Spring has returned to western Colorado - hoping to get a jog in tomorrow in shorts!
Was out for almost and hour from 6 30 to 7 30 with light pants and light sweatshirt could've almost lost the sweatshirt and still be good.
This keeps up and I will get my biking goal in for sure!
Hope everyone else is having a great week.

2007-03-09 10:34 AM
in reply to: #715525

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Diane&Mike - 2007-03-07 8:39 PM I Like the pictures Caycee. Spring has returned to western Colorado - hoping to get a jog in tomorrow in shorts! Was out for almost and hour from 6 30 to 7 30 with light pants and light sweatshirt could've almost lost the sweatshirt and still be good. This keeps up and I will get my biking goal in for sure! Hope everyone else is having a great week. Diane

You must not be in the same Western Colorado as I am right now!  I came up to Carbondale yesterday and thought I would get to ride my bike, but it rained/ snowed and got COLD.  Then this morning's run was COLD and foggy!!!  I hope it perks up for my ride THIS afternoon.  My goal this week has been met!!!  I am back down to my pre-Mexico weight and I think I've been nailing my workouts, although I bonked a little this morning...

2007-03-09 1:41 PM
in reply to: #717363

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Yep Julia further West - Grand Junction is the "banana belt" haven't you heard.
If it was Thursday when we did wake up to gray skies and wet roads BUT before noon it was Blue skies and nice temps. Walked with girlfriend before lunch in shorts and light sweatshirt.
(Only cold when I have plans like yours)

So quick question-Do you log stationary bike under "actual biked" of just under the other "actual Sports"?

Pat on the back to me, toot-toot...I am just returning from my 500m (whoopee) swim but the clincher is I did ride my bike to the gym and back so I am a little proud of myself!
But finally after 2 weeks I got in the pool.

Edited by Diane&Mike 2007-03-09 1:50 PM
2007-03-12 12:34 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I have an odd question. Ever since I increased the frequency and intensity of my workouts, I have been more crabby than usual. I am due for a recovery week, could that be it? Anyone else ever have that happen?
2007-03-12 12:40 PM
in reply to: #717703

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Diane&Mike - 2007-03-09 12:41 PM Yep Julia further West - Grand Junction is the "banana belt" haven't you heard. If it was Thursday when we did wake up to gray skies and wet roads BUT before noon it was Blue skies and nice temps. Walked with girlfriend before lunch in shorts and light sweatshirt. (Only cold when I have plans like yours) So quick question-Do you log stationary bike under "actual biked" of just under the other "actual Sports"? Pat on the back to me, toot-toot...I am just returning from my 500m (whoopee) swim but the clincher is I did ride my bike to the gym and back so I am a little proud of myself! But finally after 2 weeks I got in the pool.

I would record it as actual biked   I did get in my ride on Friday and Sunday - it was SOOOO nice in Denver on Sunday and TODAY TOO!!

2007-03-12 12:42 PM
in reply to: #720030

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Caycee - 2007-03-12 11:34 AM I have an odd question. Ever since I increased the frequency and intensity of my workouts, I have been more crabby than usual. I am due for a recovery week, could that be it? Anyone else ever have that happen?

YEP!!!  Could be the need for a recovery week.  OR it could be that you're not getting enough food and/ or sleep for proper recovery.  I had an VERY intense week, but I backed it up with sleep and healthy nutrition and I feel GREAT today   (But I was a little crabby last night according to my kids )

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