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2007-06-13 9:51 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Hey Robyn - When you get a chance, can you post an updated list of the group so we can update our "friend" lists?


2007-06-13 11:38 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
For those of you who did *not* know this, there *is* a glossary:

Sadly, it doesn't have a button at the top, you have to wade through the "beginner article" section. I've also asked how one can add to it.
2007-06-13 1:28 PM
in reply to: #842437

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

rperissi - 2007-06-13 9:45 AM I believe "recovery" when referring to swimming, is when the hand/arm is coming from the back to the front after it has "done the work" of pulling during the stroke.. OWS = Open Water Swim For an interesting read on factors that influence bike speed/performance there's a good article over on cervelo's site (cervelo makes bikes). Rob

Yep... that's it.  Recovery is the part of the stroke where your arm isn't doing work anymore.  Its when you take your arm out of the water...


2007-06-13 1:43 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

OK... so here's the group so far.  Sorry guys but I didn't catch some of your first names.


firstriguy (Aaron)

Medusa_Ann (Leslie)

erhoffma (Erin)

gator22 (Kirk)

willie05 (Bob)



erjellum (Eric)

kriscrn (Kristen)

vmax3000 (Vanessa)


and last but not least, Marvarnett (Dan) <--- our resident stud.

2007-06-13 10:25 PM
in reply to: #842169

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Lubbock, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
willie05 - 2007-06-13 7:16 AM

erhoffma - 2007-06-12 7:48 PM So what are shark fin drills??

This is an easy glide type drill so you can concentrate on what your arm is doing without getting low on breath. 

Swim on your side with your lower arm extended straight in front of you (or slightly pointed down for balance).  Take a couple breaths and rotate your head under so that your looking at the bottom.   

Slowly pull your top arm up alongside your body with your elbow sticking straight up, and your hand relaxed and in the water.  When your hand reaches your goggles, return it back to your side and rotate back up for a couple breaths, then repeat.

Usually I do one length on one side, and return on the other side.  This is also a great way to work on being able to breathe on both sides if you can’t already.  

Once your comfortable with that, you can try the finger drag drills.  This is essentially a regular swim stroke, but leave your fingers in the water the whole way as it goes from your hip to your head, then slice it into the water as normal.  This will also keep your elbow up, but will seem very natural after the shark fin drills. 

Hope that helps!  Fire away with any other questions!Smile


Sounds really hard! I'll have to try it...thanks!!!
2007-06-14 4:30 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

I believe the term Stud must be watered down if you're referring to me.  :P  But Thanks!

Swim drills are vital to swimming faster and longer.  That's one major change I've done this year and I believe it's in part helped me get faster.  The other part was adding 2 sessions a week.  Shark fin, finger tip drag, and zipper drill (you take your thumb and run it along your side as your hand exits the water and it going back to the front) also help with your glide.  Remember the you get a bit of propolusion after every stroke just by letting your body do the work. You stroke, glide, stroke, glide, breath.  The drills let you "feel" the glide while working on form like high elbow, etc.  I'm not a swimmer, but that's what I take from those drills.

Bike MPH.  IMHO (In my humble opinion), too many people (including myself) get caught up in this.  Case in point, last weekend I did a 23 mile TT (time trial) and I averaged 26 mph.  I did one a couple of months ago and averaged 24.  The difference was that the earlier one had a 20+ mph wind and some hills. 

Here is what to pay attention to when riding.  CADENCE and smooth pedal stroke.  Become efficient at pedaling the bike.  I see so many people grinding up a hill in a gear that they can barely hold 60 rpm (assuming they are not in their easiest gear) and I fly by them because I am at 95 rpm (revolutions per minute).  Not only did I not fry my legs grinding up the hill, but it keeps my HR down and I go faster.  Smooth pedal stroke is something that I really still need to work on. 

Here is a way to check your pedal stroke.  On your trainer or on a flat, non-traffic road and NOT pulling a trailer. ;P  Clip out of one pedal.  Now pedal your bike with just one leg.  I bet 95% of us will have some "dead spots" in our stroke.  Mine is from the 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock.  You can work on that by doing 3 - 4 sets of one leg drills every other ride.  Do them for 30 seconds each leg with 2 min recovery starting out.  Don't start off with tons of sets, but build up to them. 

So, in short, don't worry about speed, worry about form and becoming efficient and EATING on the bike.  And now that I have taught you that...just make sure you at least say Hi to me as you fly by me during the bike leg.  It's the least you can do.

2007-06-14 6:47 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

CADENCE and smooth pedal stroke.
  • ..
  • I fly by them because I am at 95 rpm (revolutions per minute).


    I'm sorry, but I hear this and hear this and hear this and read it in all kinds of books but I don't buy it.

    I've tried at keeping a high cadence, but frankly, my legs SCREAM in a very short period of time -- like maybe 10 minutes. And I've been working on this for YEARS. And what difference does it make if you can do a high cadence if you're always on the big back gear? You're pedaling like crazy and going slow anyway.

    Recently, I've changed. I'd do a cadence of 80 - 85 and use a smaller/ higher gear where I can actually make some speed. My legs don't hurt the entire time, and I've actually started to enjoy riding my bike again.

    Now admittedly, I must be doing something wrong. EVERYONE says "High cadence, low gear makes you faster". Well, it hasn't made me faster OR less tired. And I don't even know where to start looking to find what I'm doing wrong. I've actually given up on this.

    Edited by grnidone 2007-06-14 6:55 AM
    2007-06-14 7:29 AM
    in reply to: #843710

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    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

    I think Aaron is pissed because Robyn called you the resident stud!! I think with the bike, a major reason I get passed is the extra thirty pounds of (muscle??? HA HA HA) that I have to haul up those hills. Cadence be damned!!!!
    2007-06-14 8:49 AM
    in reply to: #804244

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    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

    Sorry.  No offense to anyone, but anyone that can average 26 mph in a 23 mile TT is a stud.  That's the way it is.

    Dan, I think I want to do a time trial but I have never done one.  Tips?

    2007-06-14 10:01 AM
    in reply to: #842973

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    Muncie, IN
    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
    Afletcher - My name is Amy
    2007-06-14 10:10 AM
    in reply to: #804244

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    Muncie, IN
    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

    Ok....please don't give me "happy sunshine", please give me your honest thoughts.  I have a decent amount of training time for the next 4 weeks.  I have had my eye on a HIM that is in 4 weeks.  I can swim 1.2 (as long as weird freaked out thing doesn't happen again!), I have ridden 55 miles a few times and am getting better....still slow, and I have run 13.1 twice (mini-marathon in May and last May).

    Here's my real question:  what do you think about the possibility of my doing this HIM in 4 weeks?  1+1+1=4 when it comes to tri's - Just because I can do all the parts does not necessarily I can do them all sequentially and back-to-back.  This HIM is in Muncie, Indiana where it will be stupid hot and really humid (that's what I am training in though).

    Thoughts?  Thanks

    2007-06-14 10:29 AM
    in reply to: #804244

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    Russell, KS
    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
    You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Even if you come in DFL, who cares.

    Is that what you're asking? Or, are you asking if you can do an HIM and do it well in 4 weeks? There is a big, big difference.
    2007-06-14 10:30 AM
    in reply to: #804244

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    Pacific Northwest
    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
    I think if you have the time to devote to it, you can definitely reach your goal. Read some books or find a plan here that talks about getting into HIM shape in a short time. "Training Plans for Multisport Athletes" by Gale Bernhardt has a 6 week plan and "Triathlon Training in 4 Hours a Week" by Eric Harr also has similar. The worst that can happen is the race day comes and you decide not to do it. However, I think if you are training properly and really motivated, you can do it!!

    If you haven't noticed, I read a lot of books!! Keep us posted on your decision. I'm off on my bike ride now...
    2007-06-14 11:07 AM
    in reply to: #843891

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    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

    No offense taken.  I am the furthest thing from a stud.

    Kirk still dreams about having a David Hasselhoff body.

    2007-06-14 11:25 AM
    in reply to: #844226

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    Lubbock, TX
    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
    firstriguy - 2007-06-14 11:07 AM

    No offense taken.  I am the furthest thing from a stud.

    Kirk still dreams about having a David Hasselhoff body.

    Would that be a Baywatch David Hasselhoff body from back in the day or the current drunken David Hasselhoff body?? I'm hoping its the Baywatch!
    2007-06-14 11:50 AM
    in reply to: #844086

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    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
    Afletcher - 2007-06-14 10:10 AM

    Ok....please don't give me "happy sunshine", please give me your honest thoughts.  I have a decent amount of training time for the next 4 weeks.  I have had my eye on a HIM that is in 4 weeks.  I can swim 1.2 (as long as weird freaked out thing doesn't happen again!), I have ridden 55 miles a few times and am getting better....still slow, and I have run 13.1 twice (mini-marathon in May and last May).

    Here's my real question:  what do you think about the possibility of my doing this HIM in 4 weeks?  1+1+1=4 when it comes to tri's - Just because I can do all the parts does not necessarily I can do them all sequentially and back-to-back.  This HIM is in Muncie, Indiana where it will be stupid hot and really humid (that's what I am training in though).

    Thoughts?  Thanks

    Could you do it?  Yeah, probably.  Would I do it?  No way.  You are risking serious injury.  4 weeks of training time doesn't account for at least 2 weeks of taper.  You will suffer during that race, and IMHO, if I am going to race your need to do what is necessary to make sure that you are going to enjoy yourself.... even if that means sitting it out until next year. 

    My opinion:  Don't do it.  If your heart is set on a HIM, do one later in the year and take the next 4 weeks to up your volume slowly, and correctly.  THEN find a HIM to smash.

    Why don't you volunteer instead?

    2007-06-14 11:52 AM
    in reply to: #844226

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    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
    firstriguy - 2007-06-14 11:07 AM

    No offense taken.  I am the furthest thing from a stud.

    Kirk still dreams about having a David Hasselhoff body.

    Oh, don't make me bring back The Hoff avatar!!!

    2007-06-14 12:07 PM
    in reply to: #804244

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    Russell, KS
    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
    Would that be a Baywatch David Hasselhoff body from back in the day or the current drunken David Hasselhoff body??

    OH LORD I needed a good laugh today. Thank you!
    2007-06-14 12:21 PM
    in reply to: #844226

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    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
    firstriguy - 2007-06-14 12:07 PM

    No offense taken.  I am the furthest thing from a stud.

    Kirk still dreams about having a David Hasselhoff body.

    Believe it or not, as I was driving in this morning I thought I would put "Look like David Hasselhof" in my Long Term Goals for a laugh!  Laughing

    2007-06-14 12:23 PM
    in reply to: #844271

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    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
    erhoffma - 2007-06-14 12:25 PM
    firstriguy - 2007-06-14 11:07 AM

    No offense taken. I am the furthest thing from a stud.

    Kirk still dreams about having a David Hasselhoff body.

    Would that be a Baywatch David Hasselhoff body from back in the day or the current drunken David Hasselhoff body?? I'm hoping its the Baywatch!


    Either one = Ew!  

    2007-06-14 12:37 PM
    in reply to: #844226

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    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
    firstriguy - 2007-06-14 11:07 AM

    No offense taken.  I am the furthest thing from a stud.

    Kirk still dreams about having a David Hasselhoff body.

    2007-06-14 12:38 PM
    in reply to: #844445

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    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
    gator22 - 2007-06-14 12:37 PM
    firstriguy - 2007-06-14 11:07 AM

    No offense taken.  I am the furthest thing from a stud.

    Kirk still dreams about having a David Hasselhoff body.

    I am searching more for a cross between Napolean Dynamite and Spiderman.....

    2007-06-14 1:10 PM
    in reply to: #804244

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    Russell, KS
    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
    I am searching more for a cross between Napolean Dynamite and Spiderman.....

    Lemme guess. You want the body, the tights, *and* the fab hair?

    Personally, I like batman's tights better...(old school batman with the baby blue tights)

    Edited by grnidone 2007-06-14 1:11 PM
    2007-06-14 2:12 PM
    in reply to: #844334

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    Pacific Northwest
    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
    triOK - 2007-06-14 9:50 AM

    Afletcher - 2007-06-14 10:10 AM

    Ok....please don't give me "happy sunshine", please give me your honest thoughts.  I have a decent amount of training time for the next 4 weeks.  I have had my eye on a HIM that is in 4 weeks.  I can swim 1.2 (as long as weird freaked out thing doesn't happen again!), I have ridden 55 miles a few times and am getting better....still slow, and I have run 13.1 twice (mini-marathon in May and last May).

    Here's my real question:  what do you think about the possibility of my doing this HIM in 4 weeks?  1+1+1=4 when it comes to tri's - Just because I can do all the parts does not necessarily I can do them all sequentially and back-to-back.  This HIM is in Muncie, Indiana where it will be stupid hot and really humid (that's what I am training in though).

    Thoughts?  Thanks

    Could you do it?  Yeah, probably.  Would I do it?  No way.  You are risking serious injury.  4 weeks of training time doesn't account for at least 2 weeks of taper.  You will suffer during that race, and IMHO, if I am going to race your need to do what is necessary to make sure that you are going to enjoy yourself.... even if that means sitting it out until next year. 

    My opinion:  Don't do it.  If your heart is set on a HIM, do one later in the year and take the next 4 weeks to up your volume slowly, and correctly.  THEN find a HIM to smash.

    Why don't you volunteer instead?

    Another option would be to find two other people and team up--that way you would be a participant but hopefully not injure yourself in the process? What's your best event? If not, then I think volunteering is good too. Maybe try to find a shorter distance race in the meantime.
    2007-06-14 4:04 PM
    in reply to: #804244

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    Russell, KS
    Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

    Another option would be to find two other people and team up

    Ooooh totally. I used to know someone who did that. He was a great swimmer, and he had a friend who was a good runner and another guy great on the bike.

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