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2007-08-10 2:54 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Hi All!!

I'm Baaack! Little crazy post race... got downsized @ work - new job - to get a new job!!
My race went GREAT - Well except for the swim... had little panic attack in the chop.

Total time was 5:19

Swim 45 min
Bike Ave 20 MPH for 56
Run 1:37 for 1/2

Will have the full report soon!!


2007-08-14 9:24 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Well, this is it. This Sunday is my first Tri.

Words of wisdom?

Eric J
2007-08-14 12:34 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
HI Eric:

No Need for LUCK!!! You R Trained and ready to go... Kick A#@S - execute the plan - stay focused

Have fun!! Enjoy...

Always take your check list:

Swim - Goggles - cap- wet suit- tri suit
Bike - helmet - make sure you clip it on in transition, shoes, towel, Xtra water for sand removal
Run - shoes - socks- visor/hat

misc- suncreen - hrt monitor - nutrition stuff (gu, cliff bars, replacement drink)

I have rolling cart - that folds flat - perfect for hauling all stuff to and from transition

If I missed something... chime in people!!!

2007-08-15 5:41 AM
in reply to: #818033

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Pre-race: I like to get to the race early so there's lots of room to rack my bike. Nothing like showing up late and having to squeeze into a spot. No need to add more stress to your day.

I also like to mingle with my fellow competitors while I'm setting up my transition area. Part of the race experience is getting to know others. Everybody has a story as to why they're competing whether it be for a tri-series championship, or whether this is their first tri.

Sprint race? If so, here's my strategy.

I like to consider the swim a nice warmup. Focus on staying smooth, and navigate as best I can without running over/getting run over too much.

Bike? This is your best facet so BLAZE it! In a sprint I have yet to go so fast on the bike that it hurt me in the run.

Run? Empty the tank, baby! Go as hard as you can as long as you can.

Oh, and like Michelle said....have fun!

I'm off to run my LAST long run prior to IMWI so I'll think of some more stuff and post when get back.

2007-08-16 10:24 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Thanks for all the tips!! I have a All- Women Luna Bar Sprint Tri next weekend! I am really excited. I am hoping to beat last months time!

2007-08-19 4:14 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I put up a long race report up in Triathlon Talk:

What an amazing experience despite my debacle with the swim. I made alot of time up on te bike and the run but its all in the post...

I am no longer a Tri Virgin!

Eric J

2007-08-26 5:43 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Hello....Anybody home? Where is everyone? Any race reports, training stories, new equipment...

Oh wait... I have new stuff...hehehe:

My new Tri bike. Picking her up this week, sans the Zipps and Silver where this one is black...


Eric J
2007-08-26 8:33 PM
in reply to: #931070

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

hey Eric!!  GREAT JOB!!  OMG I loved reading your race report, despite the swim you rocked it!


It sure has been dead here, I've been working my butt off but lax about posting.  Just ran a half marathon in brutal hot conditions and did something bad to my foot, gonna beg the sports doc for an appt tomorrow.

2007-08-26 9:08 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Hi all:

Sorry for the lack of posting!! Just got back from Michigan - Flint- did the Crim 10 mile race - crazy conditions hot humid - not a PR for me but ok i'll take it did a 1:09 - got 4th master for the age group. Very hilly, hot and 95% humidity @ the start.

Have been under a bit of pressure - need to get a job - sooo may be delayed in posting -i check up on your race reports and make sure the question keep coming... post 1/2 IM training has been good - mostly recovery - just now getting the legs back!

2007-08-30 10:49 AM
in reply to: #818033

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I've been lax from posting. No excuses for it.

First of all - nice tri bike!

I'm well into my IM taper. Only 11 days till I conquer the Moo course. I'm really enjoying the low intensity/low volume as I got a bit fatigued during the last month of training.

I've been putting together my fuel/hydration plan as well as purchasing and laying out my transition and special needs bag contents. I need to get my bike in for one last cleaning and I'll be good to go with that.

I'm REALLY glad to see the temps here in MN moderate a bit. Runs in the 50's and bikes in the 60's are a real luxury.

Overall my body feels good, not frisky, but real good. Focusing on rest at the moment.

2007-09-01 11:08 AM
in reply to: #947169

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Leap- Is there a link to a website for the Moo? I'd like to check out the specifics...

Eric J

2007-09-03 8:53 PM
in reply to: #949633

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
2007-09-03 9:53 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I'm getting nervous for you!!! How are you feeling?? Keep eating !!!

2007-09-04 5:43 AM
in reply to: #951078

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I'm not TOO nervous at the moment. All the hay is in the barn at this point. I'm saving my nervousness for when I get to Madison on Thurs.

I'm feeling good! I'm starting to feel a bit guilty about not really doing anything, but just follow the plan I've been given. I'm definitely staying out of situations where I can catch a bug.

Weather is looking like it'll be perfect.
2007-09-05 10:25 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
We're all thinking about you!!! HAVE FUN!!!!
2007-09-06 8:08 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
snip>>All the hay is in the barn at this point.

I love that. I'm so using this line!

Eric J

2007-09-09 11:44 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

TOTAL SWIM 2.4 mi. (1:20:01) 2:06/100m 1269

Through transition and on the bike...!!

He's running!!!

TOTAL BIKE 112 mi. (6:17:37) 17.80 mph 936

First 1/2 run!! Done... FIRST RUN SEGMENT 13.1 mi. (2:34:25) 11:47/mile GOOO JEFF!!!
RUN FINISH 13.1 mi. (2:36:25) 11:56/mile
TOTAL RUN 26.2 mi. (5:10:50) 11:51/mile


1:20:01 6:17:37 5:10:50 13:09:09 1171

Edited by michlmead 2007-09-09 9:40 PM
2007-09-10 10:35 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Hi All:

Got the Cover of Ohio Sports and Fitness Magazine - I was very honored to be included!!

2007-09-10 11:40 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
First things first: congrats to both Leap & Michele!

Sorry I have been MIA lately. I have been sick, my thyroid is acting up again (or down I should say since I am hypothyroid now), work has been insanely busy, and our home computer died.

I am in awe as to Leap's completion of the IM Wisconsin and Michele's consistent success in all her events. You guys inspire me to work on doing better next year - I hope my health and job will allow me to compete stronger next season. I just completed my third and last triathlon of this year yesterday - the Reston Triathlon (1 mi. swim/23 mi. bike/6.2 mi. run). Since I had been sick for the past few weeks and had a really hard time re-motivating myself after the NYC Triathlon, my training has been sub-par. So, I was not surprised that my performance yesterday was not great. However, I am using it as a learning experience for next year, and have myself signed up for private swim lessons to work on my weakest event through the fall and winter to be ready to go next spring! There is even mention of perhaps a half-ironman next September.

In the meantime, I have my first metric century (67 mi.) charity bike ride in two weeks, and the Army Ten Miler in a month. So I will be staying active even though triathlons are behind me for the year. Now that we have a replacement computer at home, I will be better at posting my workouts in the logs!
2007-09-10 11:47 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

Glad you're back - sorry to hear your thyroid issues again... Consistancy is the number one thing... believe me i've had many a down and out time -- still continue to have problems but just keep doing something - even little workout has a big impact. It's easy to get down - but i always feel better after a run/bike or swim! Not every race is a personal best - know when it's an off day and just enjoy the event!!

2007-09-10 4:24 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Geeeze.... I leave for a few days and people are finishing IM's and getting magazine covers!

Congrats to both!

Leap... ROAR, BABY. ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a tough Time Trial race on the 16th followed by what will likely close down my racing season on Sept 29th. My second Tri, a Sprint in Harriman, NY...

Eric J

2007-09-10 7:56 PM
in reply to: #818033

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I am no longer a normal man...I am an IRON man!!

Thx for all the nice thoughts. RR to follow. It was an incredible day from start to finish.
2007-09-10 8:44 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Can't wait for the full report!!! One of the Cleveland Tri Guys was right around you his Name was Jack Carney - don't know if you met him !!!

Looking forward to the full report!!

2007-09-11 10:12 AM
in reply to: #818033

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
RR is now up.

Here's a neat video that sums up the mass swim start.
2007-09-11 3:05 PM
in reply to: #959729

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
leapdog - 2007-09-11 10:12 AM

RR is now up.

Here's a neat video that sums up the mass swim start.

Read the RR. I am awed and humbled. Truly epic...

Eric J
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