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2007-11-05 6:42 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Nothing like hot Marines at your beck and call, indeed! Right, Terri?

2007-11-05 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1039157

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
runnerg1rl7 - 2007-11-05 4:42 PM

Nothing like hot Marines at your beck and call, indeed! Right, Terri?

Oh yeah, baby! Isn't it wonderful to have such an unfair advantage
2007-11-05 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

As negativity raider I must confess a great bit of negativity...WE HAVEN'T GOTTEN THE FRESH MEAT err LEG shots up yet.  What are you guys doing?  I get 175 reminders of threads and most of them ar from you  delightful TWSNIBBS folks and now you're visiting us minus the leg shots? 

Tried to take shots of the shoulders tonight, need someone to get them...OR if any one feels industrious, you can go to brightroom.com and look up HHH ShadyGrove Power sprint 6/3/07 Richmond VA and look up bib 333.  Damn I was diesel crossing that line and every muscle is at its absolute BEST

My plan for tomorrow is somewhat altered...0545-0745 SWIM, stop at Starbucks for the required coffee.  Drop car off at garage (heater is broken and it'sstinking COLD air blowing through it), ride my bike from the garage to my allergists office for shots (maybe 6 miles, lots of traffic) wit the required 20 minutes post shots to ride a short errand back home (another 3-4 miles) to steam clean carpets.  If the car is done early enough in the day, I get to ride back up to the garage, and drive home with the bike in the rear--gotta love a station wagon!

2007-11-05 9:43 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
If Pendleton has a tri, I'll have to see if Quantico does, that's not too bad of a drive to go race (and HOT marines to look at?--ooh a BONUS)  They used to have one on Fort Lee but Ft Lee is in the process of rebuilding pools so no tri there for a while yet (most of the army guys there aren't much anyway)
2007-11-06 1:00 AM
in reply to: #1039468

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
zipp1 - 2007-11-05 7:25 PM

As negativity raider I must confess a great bit of negativity...WE HAVEN'T GOTTEN THE FRESH MEAT err LEG shots up yet.  What are you guys doing?  I get 175 reminders of threads and most of them ar from you  delightful TWSNIBBS folks and now you're visiting us minus the leg shots? 

Tried to take shots of the shoulders tonight, need someone to get them...OR if any one feels industrious, you can go to brightroom.com and look up HHH ShadyGrove Power sprint 6/3/07 Richmond VA and look up bib 333.  Damn I was diesel crossing that line and every muscle is at its absolute BEST

My plan for tomorrow is somewhat altered...0545-0745 SWIM, stop at Starbucks for the required coffee.  Drop car off at garage (heater is broken and it'sstinking COLD air blowing through it), ride my bike from the garage to my allergists office for shots (maybe 6 miles, lots of traffic) wit the required 20 minutes post shots to ride a short errand back home (another 3-4 miles) to steam clean carpets.  If the car is done early enough in the day, I get to ride back up to the garage, and drive home with the bike in the rear--gotta love a station wagon!

Those are some CRAZY AZZ muscles and you are AIRBORNE in the rain!!! Wooooo what a power shot! (Now why is it I'm always posting your pics for you? )


Judi.jpg (28KB - 14 downloads)
2007-11-06 1:19 AM
in reply to: #1039610

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
TriAya - 2007-11-05 11:00 PM

Those are some CRAZY AZZ muscles and you are AIRBORNE in the rain!!! Wooooo what a power shot!

2007-11-06 2:48 AM
in reply to: #1037425

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Reading, Berkshire (UK)
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
TriAya - 2007-11-04 10:13 PM

C'mon, the rest of ya ... strut yer stuff!

Morning all

Hope you had a brilliant weekend. Apologies for going AWOL - I'm not usually this unsociable, but I was on a training course yesterday and when I tried to logon from home my laptop went crazy on me.

I love Bunny's challenge because it's good to be forced encouraged to think positive thoughts! I was going to say my legs, but then I saw Judi's picture... so instead I'm going for my ankles.

Weird, I know, but you only truly appreciate things like ankles when they're gone and in the last few weeks of my pregnancy my ankles swelled up and completely disappeared. So I'm never taking them forgranted again Laughing


2007-11-06 3:31 AM
in reply to: #1036883

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Reading, Berkshire (UK)
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

We want pics of your gorgeous baby

OK, so these aren't as hot as the legs shots going around...

baby picture

baby being fed


2007-11-06 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

In my effort to become more like a fish, I went to master's last night - I hadn't been since May or June.   It's at Notre Dame's Rolfs Aquatic Center which is TOP NOTCH.  I love swimming there with all the Big East and NCAA Chapionship banners.  Plus the water polo teams practice on the other end.  It's just so motivating to be in that environment.  It also doesn't hurt to have a coach on the deck, pushing you and giving pointers.

Some triathletes say they don't like masters cause you waste time learning other strokes like back, breast, butterfly.  For me it's a nice change of pace.  In fact, I LEARNED BUTTERFLY STROKE last night.  We started with one-arm butter fly drill, then we did some dolphin kicks.  Finally, I put it together and did 4x25 of fly.  The last 25 was definitely my best, but man, my lower back and shoulders are sore - obviously need some technique work.  The coach was suprised that it was my first time - maybe I didn't look as bad as I felt?!?!  Master's was definitely NOT a waste of time.     

Oh yeah... I also got up and swam for 30 minutes this morning.  HOOWAH!!!

Edited by mbmoran2 2007-11-06 8:46 AM
2007-11-06 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

What a BEAUTIFUL baby!!!! I'll take baby shots any day!

Yanti you're posting pics for me cause (note smack talk to self here) I am totally inept on the computer beyond the basic cut/paste and post.  Give me a H-P cardiac monitor, a dfibrillator, vent...and I can go to town.  Make me do anything but chart on the computer and I am a KLUTZ.

OK, time to WHINE (not about the work out, just the way the day has gone and it's still early).  Coach Bret had a killer 2600 yard set for me today.  Drove over for the necessary coffee then dropped the car off as planned.  Rode my bike to the allergists office (note huge rolling hills and lots of traffic, it's 40-45 degrees out and drizzling) only to find the office doesn't open today until 11:30 AM.  So now this cold, wet, hungry, tired body (in need of a ladies room) has to ride 3 more miles HOME.  Can't wait for the rest of the coffee and a hot shower to fully thaw me out! 

Hopefully the rest of the day will get better from here.  I promise no more whining today

2007-11-06 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1039801

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Reading, Berkshire (UK)
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

What a great swim! Butterfly - wow Cool

For me swimming is more like drowning, so I am seriously impressed with the effort. (I think I need a swimming challenge in December...)

2007-11-06 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
can you find a good place to get swim lesons?  I could barely dog paddle a year ago and my coach has now said I look llike a real swimmer (took almost as long to get a compliment out of him as it did for your DD to decide she wanted to be born)
2007-11-06 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1039924

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
gillyfev - 2007-11-06 10:29 AM

What a great swim! Butterfly - wow Cool

For me swimming is more like drowning, so I am seriously impressed with the effort. (I think I need a swimming challenge in December...)

Nice advice from Zipp on the lessons.  Probably the best route so you don't learn any bad habits.

I've never had a "lesson."  I'm just too cheap.  Fortunately, I'm pretty bull-headed.  When I started back in late March of '06, I couldn't swim more than 25m.  Seriously, check out my logs from back then.  I'd look at swim work-outs that had all these sets of 200, 400, etc... and thought they must be kidding.   I basically kept at it; even if it meant 30 minutes at the pool to do 500m cause I was so out of breath after each length.  Eventually I built up enough endurance and confidence to show up at a Master's swim practice - It was tough, but I swam 2x as long as any other previous work-out.  I get somewhat free lessons from my master's coach, but nothing like a one-on-one.

For December, I'd use time at the pool as a challenge, like 4 sessions per week.  I'm already finding myself going for distance vs. quality swim/stroke improvement.



Edited by mbmoran2 2007-11-06 9:52 AM
2007-11-06 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Go Brian. You keep up that stroke and you'll develope some killer shoulders! I used to date a guy that specialized in that stroke and man, oh man! He was hot in the body shape department.

As to coaches, DH hinted to me this weekend I need another coach besides him. We're looking into fitness centers and that's the first thing I'm going to ask about is swim coaches. There were too many rug rats running around the Y last night while I was there paying, so I don't think I'm going to want to join. I need adult atmosphere in my advanced age! LOL

I am tooting my horn this morning, thankyouverymuch! I've been trying to run non-stop between these 2 traffic signs on the main drag of my route and even with a small decline it's been tough! This morning I succeeded! So, I'm going to keep doing that for a week or so and then I'm going to reverse my route and make running that sucker uphill my next beast to beat.

Edited by MrsUSMC 2007-11-06 11:15 AM
2007-11-06 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Oh Gill...rumor has it that December's challenge will be swimming
2007-11-06 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

I am tooting my horn this morning, thankyouverymuch! I've been trying to run non-stop between these 2 traffic signs on the main drag of my route and even with a small decline it's been tough! This morning I succeeded! So, I'm going to keep doing that for a week or so and then I'm going to reverse my route and make running that sucker uphill my next beast to beat.

WTG, TERRI!  Super improvement!

I could never afford coaching, my swim instructor is free to gym members and he is there 2 mornings a week from 0545--0745 so that's when I go.  He coaches for a kids competitive league year round so I lose him in the summer when the kids are out of school since their practices move to AM's.  Last summer the gym hired a temp to fill in but she was there 2 weeks, did  an internship for PT school and returned early August when I was in NY for most of the month.  I filled in the summer using stuff from www.triswimcoach.com and learned how to put in more distance over less time.  Still working on the other strokes, my backstroke is okay, but the breast and butterfly are sorely lacking.  My coach did competitive fly so he has amazing shoulders.

My car will cost over $1200 to fix, there's a coolant leak and a cracked belt so they will be spending all day taking things out and replacing them, have to clean the engine out...that 37 mile drive to work is teally impairing the quality of life right now!

2007-11-06 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Has anyone heard from Cindi? I sent her a PM but got no response.

Nevermind. I see she's been posting in her logs. Don't know why I didn't think to check there first!

Edited by MrsUSMC 2007-11-06 1:30 PM
2007-11-06 1:31 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
I've inspired her a couple times, she is logging pretty regularly.  I think the boards can be overwhelming if you aren't used to them.  I did South Beach Diet on-line when I first started it so message boards aren't the issue, it's just the other related computer skills that leave me in the dust
2007-11-06 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
Sneaking in for a quick hello. Things are crazy busy at work. I'm planning to head over to the gym for a run/walk when I get off and I'll probably need it just for some stress relief. LOL
2007-11-06 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1040122

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Reading, Berkshire (UK)
Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

Oh Gill...rumor has it that December's challenge will be swimming

Bring it on

You've all inspired me to find a local pool to go to (can't justify joining a gym with family duties) and it turns out it has a tri-club who train there with swim coaching, so I'm thinking about joining that. I did have lessons pre-baby and they helped loads, but I quit the gym where they were held when I went on leave.

Night all!

2007-11-06 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1040737

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

Hey HCTC people,

Please welcome Betsy858 to your team! Terri said that she's another San Diego area person.

(You CA people are all over the place!)

Updated Team 8 spreadsheet is attached.


Team8 tracking sheet.xls (33KB - 9 downloads)

2007-11-06 5:36 PM
in reply to: #1040122

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
MrsUSMC - 2007-11-06 12:16 PM

Oh Gill...rumor has it that December's challenge will be swimming

Yep, yep, yep..... I've heard that same rumor.

Rumor also has it that Super Cat *may* be organizing it.

Beth and I are already smack talking one another. LOL

2007-11-06 5:42 PM
in reply to: #1040878

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Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread

D001 - 2007-11-07 10:36 AM
MrsUSMC - 2007-11-06 12:16 PM Oh Gill...rumor has it that December's challenge will be swimming
Yep, yep, yep..... I've heard that same rumor. Rumor also has it that Super Cat *may* be organizing it. Beth and I are already smack talking one another. LOL Dee

haha no rumour its TRUE! Cat and mystery man (to be revealed soon) are organising (aussie spelling) it!

Will get the details out early but will be very similar to the October challenge but with much better spreadsheets keeping etc... Im getting HELP!

2007-11-06 7:40 PM
in reply to: #1040888

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2007-11-06 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1040375

Subject: RE: Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread
zipp1 - 2007-11-06 2:15 PM

I filled in the summer using stuff from www.triswimcoach.com and learned how to put in more distance over less time.

Thanks for posting that link!

I'm reading their newsletters. Good stuff!

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