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2008-03-27 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1294560

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Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
jamesG - 2008-03-26 11:12 AM

Ram Run - 2008-03-24 9:41 PM Training is going good. I am back up to full strength. I am a little nervous about the swim, but I know i will be strong on the bike and run. My wife has been very sick with the pregnancy, which my makes my life rough with work, training, and a 3 year old at home. Just trying to keep everything together until Race Day! I can not wait.

Mitch hope your wife is feeling better. Make sure you get a couple of Open Water swims in before your race very important.. Swimming in teh sea/lake very different to swimming in a pool. Also beg/borrow steal or hire a wetsuit for teh race. This will make your swim faster and also more efficent. Hope your wife is feeling better!

I will attest to that. I think ocean swimming is easier, because you are much more buoyant, I have never really done lake swims, but I would imagine they are cold are closer to swimming in the pool because there is no real wake. The main difference between the pool and open water is at the pool you are not getting kicked, punched, and grabbed, at a race you will.

2008-03-29 12:40 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
Did my first open water swim this morning. If you haven't had an open swim, you absolutely have to do it before your first race. It is completely different than swimming in a pool. I did mine today in a lake so I cannot compare to an ocean swim. The lake was 55 degrees and it felt cold at first, but once you get moving its actually not that bad. The hardest thing to do is put your face in the water and exhale. Also, I know I started out way too fast.
2008-03-31 9:20 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
For anyone that has already started their training program - any advice? I start mine in 2 weeks and have pretty hefty workouts leading up to the program...did anyone take a little time off before or did you just go straight from maintenance to the training program?
2008-03-31 9:58 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Lafayette, LA
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
I am on a program but it is only a beginner sprint program. Therefore, I jumped right in no rest needed because the workouts start very low in volume.
2008-04-02 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1306715

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

molly@rosenblumlawlv - 2008-03-31 9:20 PM For anyone that has already started their training program - any advice? I start mine in 2 weeks and have pretty hefty workouts leading up to the program...did anyone take a little time off before or did you just go straight from maintenance to the training program?

Molly - Before my IM program started I took a complete week off just spent time with my family and never thought about triathlon once. Given you have just had a vacation maybe an option fo you maybe to train your usual volume Mon - Thur and then take Fri-Sunday off spoil your family then hit the new program hard and fresh?

For all of you here is something to think about. Last year I took a mid season break of a week, my coach at the time made me, it  was after my first A race in June Milford Olympic. Very good mentally and physically. I am doing the same this year. My IM program is 27 weeks long instead of 26 weeks after Rhode Island 70.3 in July I plan to have a complete week off at the beach with my family...and then start hard again afterward with the final push through to IM....

Accept or reject!!! 




2008-04-02 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1301468

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

molly@rosenblumlawlv - 2008-03-29 12:40 PM Did my first open water swim this morning. If you haven't had an open swim, you absolutely have to do it before your first race. It is completely different than swimming in a pool. I did mine today in a lake so I cannot compare to an ocean swim. The lake was 55 degrees and it felt cold at first, but once you get moving its actually not that bad. The hardest thing to do is put your face in the water and exhale. Also, I know I started out way too fast.

Oh yeah - This is so true, as you know I grew up in NZ so for me I grew up swiming and surfing in very rough conditions so love swimming in the open water and in Summer I always do my Friday swim at the beach.

Molly - The key as I may have mentioned in your first couple of races  is to not go too hard in the swim if you can't maintain form you are going to fast. One of my worst races last year was due to seeding myself at the front of the swim wave in only my second race. I went too hard and ended up paying for it on the swim and the 1st lap of the bike. Check out my race reports under SOBE Mossman Sprint.

So practice/practice 8-)


2008-04-08 8:30 AM
in reply to: #1088223

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

Hello all - Working on teh nutrition stuff at the moment and will hopefully have something later in the week.

Let me just reiterate how impressed I am with youy training. Consistency and more Consistency is the key , you guy's must be so sick of me harping on about it...

Molly - Good luck for your first week of your program.

Mitch - Good luck for you first race this weekend. We expect a detailed race report.

Aarron - Good stuff on the swimming man you progress is great.

Me - Another week of IM training down only 21 weeks of torture to go 8-





2008-04-11 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1088223

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Lafayette, LA
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
Well the day has arrived. Just six weeks after surgery here I am packing up for my first triathlon. I feel that I have prepared my body, so lets go and have some fun. Thanks for all the advice and I will let you know how it goes.

2008-04-11 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1088223

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
Mitch good luck enjoy it buddy. You will never get to do your first tri again. 8-)
2008-04-12 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
I am sure you did great. Let us know how it went, and what was different from what you expected, what went great and what may not have gone as well.
2008-04-13 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1088223

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Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
I have a Duathlon next Sunday. I keep thinking that the 20th is still weeks away. Oh well, it is a short race.

2008-04-13 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Lafayette, LA
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
Well it is now official. I had a good race, I finished fourth overall and second in my age group. Try the address below for the results:
The swim was a breeze I felt real good in the water and seemed to be moving effeciently. The bike I just tried to maintain a good rhythm and push it harder when going against the wind. The only portion of the race when I had any doubts were the being of the run. As I began the run my calves started to tighten up and I thought I might get a cramp. However, it went away pretty quick and I feel into a good stride. Do to the staggered start I did not know I was only fourteen seconds behind the leader in my age gorup. I think if I would have known I could have went a little quicker.
And on an even better note, after the race the Tri-Organization putting on the race drew a race number for a bike. The number pulled was #13, lucky me. I now have another bike. It is a mountain bike but I can't complain it was FREE!
2008-04-13 11:52 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
4th place overall and 2nd in your age group? Congrats. What were the distance was the race?
2008-04-14 8:07 AM
in reply to: #1088223

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Lafayette, LA
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
The race was 200 meter swim, 6 mile bike, and 1.5 mile run. It was for beginners only. So even though it was a good performance it was not against the experienced triathletes.
2008-04-14 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1088223

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

Yahooooo, that is awesome Mitch, make sure you get a race report up. So when are you gonna do number 2? I think you should look to do another one in Mid June. That will give you two training cycles to up your milage and for one a little longer in distance.


Great stuff man!!!!

2008-04-15 1:17 PM
in reply to: #1336038

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Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
jamesG - 2008-04-14 10:54 AM

Yahooooo, that is awesome Mitch, make sure you get a race report up. So when are you gonna do number 2? I think you should look to do another one in Mid June. That will give you two training cycles to up your milage and for one a little longer in distance.

Great stuff man!!!!

Yeah you could easily do a regular sprint race at double that distance without sweating come race time.

2008-04-16 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1088223

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
Great job Mitch. COngratualions on finishing the first one and finishing well! What an accomplishment. You must be so proud. So, when is the next one?
2008-04-17 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Lafayette, LA
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
My current plans are to do an open water tri in late June. However, I do have a couple of friends who are looking to go to the TriAmerica tour which is coming to the North Shore in New Orleans around the end of May. I would like a little more time to prepare but I may attempt the May Race.
2008-04-21 12:52 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
My race went well. I was faster than the fall which means that my training is worth something. People were WAY faster than in the fall. I palced 5th in my AG in the fall and 18th this time around. Double the amount of people and just way faster, 1st place overall was 52:XX vs 56:XX last fall. Instead of 3 people below an hour I think 9 were. So while I improved by over 7minutes, I dropped way down. Oh well, I am happy with my time.

My RR:
2008-04-22 9:35 AM
in reply to: #1088223

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

Great job Aaron and you are right you can't control who shows up but you can control your time so don't get disheartened. The other thing you need to remember about Duathons is you have some very good runners and bikers who turn up that can't swim for shi*.

I am working on teh nutritions stuff.

2008-04-22 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1088223

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

Triathlon, Part II:

I'll start off by apologizing for my absence. I feel terrible that I took up space in the group that could have gone to someone who had more to offer in the last few months than I did. If anything, from now on I'll be the test case of someone who lost focus and let training fall WAY down on the priority scale.

My training was sporadic at best, running about two days a week and swimming a few days a month. At the time, I made the excuses of caring for my youngest daughter (4 months) and the few times she got sick and needed breathing treatments every four hours for a month (twice), and really threw in the towel when my oldest daughter (now 3) knocked a cup of coffee into the laptop, losing all of my saved training data. From personal experience: save all of your stuff in two locations. Really.

What it really came down to was a period of mental weakness. Regardless of how hectic and exhausting life was/is, I let excuses get in the way of my goals. When you miss one run by sleeping in, the next one gets easier to sleep through. This is the trap that most people fall in to, and I did not prove to be the exception.

Now, it's time for Charlie's tri redux.

I had my first event last Saturday and it kicked my butt. It was a super sprint (400m swim, 6mi bike, 2mi run) which I signed up for last Dec as my "Can I really do this?" race. I finished, which gave me a boost, but man, am I far behind. In the three weeks leading up to the race, I swam three times and ran no more than ten two and three mile runs, no bike. It was a 50m pool (I use a 25) and it threw me a bit. I started out too fast and died halfway through. Dizzy, lead arms, the whole bit. I thought about bailing, but kept going, even getting as bad as rolling on my back to rest my arms. All I wanted to do was finish.

Transition was three minutes of confusion since my head was all screwy from overdoing it in the pool. I forgot to strap on my HR monitor which really pi$$ed me off once I got riding. When I was going well with training I could feel what zone I was in, now I have no idea where I am, but I KNOW it was over 195 since that's when I get dizzy after a just few minutes. I took it easy on the bike, passing a few people and getting passed by a few more, but tried to take it easy and get my HR down a bit, which took about two miles. The run felt slow, but my time was faster than my recent training times, which surprised me. I could feel my heart pounding in my ears, which was not good and really got to me mentally.

Even though I finished in 52:50 and 145/215, it really felt like an accomplishment. I said I'd do it, and I did. So, I got home and had a talk with the wife about my training. In no way has she held me back, but I felt bad leaving her with the two kiddies to go train on my own. That's a guilty feeling I have that I need to resolve myself. She thinks I'm nuts but is supportive, and reassured me that she doesn't think it selfish for me to go train on my own.

Once again, I apologize for my absence and lack of input, but my training has been renewed with vigor and I welcome the opportunity to be the case study for this group in how not to start a program.

Oh, and I actually did have fun Saturday. I was smiling the whole way home, though part of it was laughing at myself.

2008-04-22 4:01 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
Welcome back.
2008-04-23 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1088223

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
Hey there Charlie good to see you back and hitting it, yep motivation is hard man with family and career etc....Sounds liek you ahd fun at your race now. time to start thinking about all the things you could have done better and look to improve on your recent performance...
2008-04-27 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1088223

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED
Good to have you back Charlie. At least you finished your race, which is an accomplishment in and of itself. Good luck with the next one.

Aaron - congrats on the duathlon...

Still waiting for my first race which is end of June. In the meantime, my sister and I signed up for the San Diego Century again this year which is in a couple of weeks. I have only been doing shorter bikes and did my first 27 miler today. felt like work the whole way. Next week we are trying for 45-50 miles and 55-60 the following week. Also, the entire tri community here has been hit pretty hard with the death of Dave Martin a few days ago. My second race is scheduled for Solana Beach at the same place where he was attacked - pretty scary stuff. Be safe out there everyone and have fun...
2008-04-28 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1088223

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: James G Group - CLOSED

Nutrition 101:


I don’t want to go into too much detail here but a brief overview on what I do.

Everyday Nutrition:


Often called the fourth discipline in triathlon. Eating the right food is important to 1/ Fuel your workouts and 2/ Aide in recovery to enable you to recover to hit your next session. AS ALLWAYS these opinions are mine and work for me it is important to remember I am not a registered Dietician. I will reference a book by Chris Carmichael “Eat Right to Train Right” he is the former coach of Lance Armstrong and I have been in principal following his ideas this year.




Chris believes in the concept of periodization for your eating plans similar to your training cycle. i.e. as your training increases and the intensity increases you should up or down your caloric intake to match these cycles. In laymen’s terms in the off-season eat less and the on-season particularly the Specialization phase eat more.  This will ensure you don’t; have issues where in the off-season you put on lots of weight and towards the end of the season you are losing too much weight. As an Example. I am 185lbs just to maintain my weight on the assumption I do no exercise I need to eat about 2800 calories a day. In the off season I was doing on average maybe 7 hours a week training so I would eat around 3200 Calories a Day. I am in the foundation/preparation stage of IM training now and am taking in 3500 – 3700 Calories a day to fuel 13 hours week training. The next step up for me is at week 15 of my program my training averages 16 – 18 hours a week with some more intensity where I hit the specialization stage and need to take in 4300 Calories a day. I have been following this method since the end of last season my race weight at the end of last season was 183lbs and I am now at 185lbs. This is great means unlike my competition I do not have to worry about losing the 10lbs I put on in the off-season.


What %Fat/Carbs/Protein do we need?


OK so we know how many calories we need to eat but how we split this up? This I believe is the most contentious issues, and I have seen some interesting discussions on BT bulletin boards on BT. I work on 20% Protein, 20% Fats and 60% Carbs. Chris Carmichael actually recommends a lot less on the Protein consumption for my weight he recommends approx 12 – 15% with the difference being increases in the Carbs/Fats i.e. 15% P, 63% Carbs and 22% Fat.


So why this split? Carbs are fast burning fuel used to fuel your muscles concentrate on clean burning carbs etc, Fruit, Brown rice Bagels etc. It is especially important after hard exercise to get a mix of 4/1 Carbs to Proteins. The carbs replace glycogen stores and the protein repairs muscles. Most of you guy’s are going to ask why is the Protein requirement so low. The recommended daily allowance for protein is 0.35g per pound of body weight. For endurance athletes’ they recommend 0.5 to 0.6grams per lb. That is the maximum the body can absorb the rest is stored as fat. Protein consumption should ideally be low in unsaturated fats i.e. Chicken/Fish, eggs etc. Keep the red meat to a minimum especially the big fat steaks on the BBQ, only caveat I will put here is for women try and supplement with Iron pills etc.


Fats are also important this is what we use to fuel our muscles in those long aerobic sessions. Carbs form a limited supply of energy 1 – 1.5 hours usually. You can replenish some of these calories with refueling during training but not all of them so the body breaks down fat to provide energy for the body, the breakdown is however slower that the breaking down of Carbs to energy. Try to eat sensible Fat foods i.e. low in poly- unsaturated fats i.e. Cheese/Milk, red Meat etc and concentrate on mono-saturated fats such as nuts, fish and chicken etc.


Eating for Weight Loss:


As you know I lost 32lbs last year how did I do it? I calculated my basal metabolism i.e. what I need to function without exercising. Added to this my daily exercise and then deducted 500 calories a day. 3500 Calories is 1lb so every week I lost a pound. Doctors recommend you don’t lose more than 1lb – 1.5lbs a week.


I tried to stick to the 20/60/20 diet i.e. low in fat and high in fibre protein, Molly suggest as a woman you need to be higher than this on the fat say 25%. Water consumption is very important here. One thing I noticed was I hit a plateau after 3-4 months and my weight stabilized. I joined a website called It is a food logging free service I used this every day for a week and realized some of the foods I thought were low in calories and fat were actually high, once I starting using this site the next 15lbs fell of quickly. Good thing about fit day is it has your basal needs for your weight/job type and also has exercises etc so you can log your run time etc and it will tell you how many calories you need for the day. It is a little bit of a pain to start with as you have to find your foods in the database but after a while you build some favorites it becomes easier. I highly recommend.




Eating for Training:


First of all for me drinking alcohol is one of the worst things I can do for training and recovery it is a pollutant. I no longer drink in my three weeks on cycle and am considering giving it up for good. Training Calories supplementation shouldn’t be used for anything under 1.15hours (exception I will make here is on very hot days get some Gatorade in or the equivalent). In my opinion just extra calories you don’t need. For long rides and runs would suggest 200 – 300 cals an hour of fluid nutrition depending on your weight (I use Infint as I can custom order it to my unique circumstances. Very important to train with what you are going to use on race days.


Hope this has helped.

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