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2008-04-03 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Did you order the bikes????

2008-04-03 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1312677

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

No - I have not gotten a call back from Geoff over at Javelin since yesterday...they stay pretty swamped from what I hear.  Plus - the wife and I are seriously considering visitin a LBS and getting really fitted for a road bike - that way there are no doubts we know what will fit us....stay tuned!!!  I hope to have some bike ordered by this weekend!!!


2008-04-03 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1312676

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Bikes, bikes, and more bikes.  We gotta keep this thread going.

Papa and GyGy -  Jump on that deal for the Javelins and that price is like robbery.  The components are the lower end for Campagnalo but at that price you could probably upgrade and still stay way under $750 for each bike or just ride those two until you were ready to move up.

Natalie - I ride my Felt F4 road bike with clip-ons made by Profile Design, Carbon GT series, and they work great.  I bought a new seat post that allowed me to increase the seat angle so it now rides almost like a Tri bike.  As far as the S22 goes I would probably spend a few more $$$ and get the B12 as it has loads of trickle down technology from both the B2 and DA tri bikes.  I am biased to Felt but I am also looking very closely at the Specialized Transition bikes as they have done some great work and made a ton of progress.  The entry level Transition comes in at around 2500 to 3000 I think and it screams sexy, if you really want a good looking bike.  I happen to be a big fan of a clear coat over laid up carbon so the Felt's are very appealing to my eye. 

Ken -  Cervelo's are great bikes and the dominate the #'s game at all of the big Triathlon's but I think they are somewhat of a status symbol.  Not saying that they aren't great bikes but for the price that you pay I honestly think that the rival companies have closed the technology gap considerably and you can get more bang for your buck with the other companies.  The P2C is an awesome bike and has mostly Dura Ace and Ultegra components coming as a complete bike from the factory but it does run 3k + at all the sites I looked at. 

So many bikes out there how can one possibly choose.  I just need a good lottery ticket and then I can get my $700 wetsuit, some of those cool Newton running shoes, a couple of Zoot tri suits, and a Cervelo/Felt/Specialized tri bike so I can just ride the one that I want to on that particular day.  I am becoming a true Tri geek. lol. 


2008-04-03 9:21 PM
in reply to: #1314392

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Thanks Chappy!!  I have a gut feelin I am gonna be ordering one of those Parma's this coming week.....2 sweet of a deal to pass up, as long as the 59' frame fit's me ok -then I will plan on jumping on it!!  Have a great weekend!!  GyGy & I are headed to Charleston, SC for a 10k this weekend.....should be interesting - rain in the forecast on race day!..DAMN..can I not get a break when I am racing???  jeez! 

Edited by papahawk 2008-04-03 9:22 PM
2008-04-04 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Wow, I check out for a couple of days and come back and everyone is talking about bikes!  I know nothing about bikes except that I LOVE mine.   I have a Felt FW3, and my friend calls it my "dainty" bike.  It's lightweight and fun to ride.  I did go to an LBS to get fitted, so I guess I'd suggest that if you don't know anything about fitting.  That's also why I bought a new bike, because I was afraid that I'd buy something that didn't fit me correctly.
2008-04-05 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1314392

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
cchapman3 - 2008-04-03 7:32 PM

Ken -  Cervelo's are great bikes and the dominate the #'s game at all of the big Triathlon's but I think they are somewhat of a status symbol.  Not saying that they aren't great bikes but for the price that you pay I honestly think that the rival companies have closed the technology gap considerably and you can get more bang for your buck with the other companies.  The P2C is an awesome bike and has mostly Dura Ace and Ultegra components coming as a complete bike from the factory but it does run 3k + at all the sites I looked at. 

So many bikes out there how can one possibly choose.  I just need a good lottery ticket and then I can get my $700 wetsuit, some of those cool Newton running shoes, a couple of Zoot tri suits, and a Cervelo/Felt/Specialized tri bike so I can just ride the one that I want to on that particular day.  I am becoming a true Tri geek. lol. 


I can't argue that Cervelo's have become status symbols. When we started in 2002/2003 it was Trek, Cannondale, and Specialized dominated. When my wife got her P3 in 2004, it was fairly rare to see another one at a race unless it was a big race. Now it seems like every other bike is a cervelo and a ton of them are P3's and P3C. That said, when we talk about the technology I still think most companies trail cervelo. Its been neat seeing all the bikes come out with the P3 like rear wheel cut out, cover, and seat post and it seems like on almost every brand that is what they have done on the high end bikes. I love the funky stuff that Specialized is doing with the top tube. I don't know if it makes it faster but it sure looks cool. I really think once you cross the $3,000 barrier the differences that most of us will see are minimal and I recognize I ride a bike thats faster than I am. I don't really think the P3C is out of line on price with the Specialized, Felts, and Orbea high end bikes. Not sure on the P2C or other cervelo bikes. I do think they are really proud of their road bikes but then again I don't really ride road bikes alot.

Every year I wrestle with buying a new bike but I can't rationalize the spend anymore. If my wife beats me on the bike I will reconsider my position on that. I got my eye on the Specialized and the Kuota. I gotta stop or I will be at the bike shop!!!!!

Keep pushing those miles. You ride with a fast group and that has to be a blast.

2008-04-06 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Weekly Recap time -

Another great training weak. 11.5 hours total. 3 swims, 3 bikes, and runs. Long run was 10 miles and long bike of 61 again. Best bike ride of the year. Had a strong group and averaged almost 19. Only miss of the week was I should have had one more run. The 10 miler took too much out but I gotta do it.

This week is a recovery week on the run. Long run is only 7 miles and I am gonna do it Tuesday as I have a race Saturday. Just a little biathlon (run 3, bike 11.2). I need to do some bridge work on the bike. Our beach road is a disaster so getting to the bridge is a pain but gotta race across 4 times in the next month and need to work on it. Also need another long run.

Other things I need to do, nutrition planning and bike maintainance.

How were your weeks?
2008-04-06 11:32 PM
in reply to: #1319565

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Back from Cooper!!  Check out my race novel, .....I mean report.  :)...ya know where it's at...filed under Papahawk's Short Stories....

Edited by papahawk 2008-04-06 11:41 PM
2008-04-07 5:47 AM
in reply to: #1319565

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Weekly Recap -- I had a sporadic week.  Two bike rides (including a 50 miler yesterday) and four runs (but no long ones). 

I won't blame my poor training all on work, but work definitely factored in.  I had planned to do a couple of bike rides after work, but since it was dark when I got out that plan changed.  Anyway, my main problem was that I was very, very tired.  I actually took a couple of days off -- one planned and one because of bad weather.  The rest time really seemed to help, although I guess we'll see how this week goes.

I have a 5K race on Saturday.  This will be my first race since the half in early March, which is a long time between races (for me, that is).  I just haven't been motivated to get out and race...

2008-04-07 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Great job on the race. I hope I haven't overemphasized HR. You should be anaroebic at the end of your race. The shorter the race, the more time anaroebic and at the end of the race you wanna be completely spent. I think you did that Saturday so keep it up. When is your next race?
2008-04-07 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1320375

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

I have a 5k coming up on the 26th of this month- then after that Tri Latta - June other races scheduled so far ...I may sneak in a 5k here and there...we'll see.  I agree - I should be anaerobic at the end of a race - but thing is - on this one - I was there already at about mile 3...which is what I am used to body was like..."what are you doing fool...we're done" I kept running...  like I average hr during the race was in the 170's...I go anaerobic after passed that about mile 2 or so...and that is where you start to climb the bridge as well - so I expected my hr to be hi - but after I came down from the bridge it never went down - stayed in the 170's... through the rest of the race...and the last mile was the toughest....when we passed the 6 mile mark I looked at my watch and my HR was 188!!!  I was like Holy Crap Batman!!  we only had .2 miles to go and I just sucked it up and ran it out.....I am glad that was the end though....another mile and I would have walked for abit....I was drained...but elated as well...I ran the whole thing..


2008-04-07 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Papa Hawk,

    Your an animal.  If my HR gets that high I am doing friggin wind sprints up stairs and there is no way that I could do that for a 10k.  Awesome job on the race!!!

Weekly recap:

A fairly light week for me.  2 runs both short, 1 bike ride at lunch also short, and two weight training sessions.  My right knee is starting to act up again so I am going to take it easy a couple of days and try to get into the pool for some low impact exercise, not to mention I really need to get some back into my training.  Hopefully I will get at least 2 bike rides (1 short/1 long group), 2 runs (1 5k/ 1 5-6 miler), and 2 pool sessions for at least 2000 m each.  Going to stick with the weight lifting as it will be available to me while I am transitioning between Okinawa and Ohio as well as running.  Have a great week everyone!!!

2008-04-08 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

You wanna try a little speedwork before your 5k? If you do, let me know and I will throw a couple things for you to try.

2008-04-08 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1323055

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Sure....send me the details!! I would like to possibly break the 30 min mark on a 5k.....I think it's possible for me this year... ..Oops I am logged in as my wifey!!! LOL..sorry bout that


Edited by gygyhawk 2008-04-08 9:53 AM
2008-04-08 10:41 AM
in reply to: #1116072

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Weekly recap

Well, it was a crummy week, because I had to work so much (7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday through Thursday, then for 30 hours straight Saturday-Sunday). So I only ran twice and rode my bike to work every day.

My runs were a 26-minute one and a 32-minute one, I think.

This week might be a little better. The next 22 days will be not so great, with my crazy work schedule, but after that I should have fairly normal work hours until my big triathlon (Chicago, in late August).

2008-04-08 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1323301

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
nevans71 - 2008-04-08 10:41 AM

Weekly recap

Well, it was a crummy week, because I had to work so much (7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday through Thursday, then for 30 hours straight Saturday-Sunday). So I only ran twice and rode my bike to work every day.

My runs were a 26-minute one and a 32-minute one, I think.

This week might be a little better. The next 22 days will be not so great, with my crazy work schedule, but after that I should have fairly normal work hours until my big triathlon (Chicago, in late August).


Good job Natalie,

Balance is an issue with most of us and you are getting the runs in when time allows. Nothing wrong, with a slow build. Keep working on building that run base, its so much better to do it while the weather is not steaming hot.

2008-04-08 1:38 PM
in reply to: #1323128

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
gygyhawk - 2008-04-08 9:52 AM

Sure....send me the details!! I would like to possibly break the 30 min mark on a 5k.....I think it's possible for me this year... ..Oops I am logged in as my wifey!!! LOL..sorry bout that


Nothing real tricky, Your most important run is your long slow run. That will do the most for you over the long haul. That said, on one of your other runs do a 1 mile warm up and then throw in some accelerations, maybe 30 second accelerations with 1 minute recovery between. The accelerations should be up to your 5k pace or even a little faster. Don't stop between the accelerations and the recovery.

Another fun thing to do is find a football field and after your warm up, do hundred yard dashes with rest between. Always warm up and cool down before and after speedwork.

2008-04-08 4:24 PM
in reply to: #1116072

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Had a day off today and inspired myself by going to Fleet Feet and getting fitted for new running shoes. I tried on some Newbies, a pair of ASICS, and a pair of Adidas. The best fit was the Brooks Defyance, and in addition to fitting great, they're real purty. I can't wait to try 'em out! Woo! Unfortunately, as usual, it's probably going to rain. Stupid weather.

Have a great week!

2008-04-08 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1324441

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Rain????  did you read my race report from MAP Tri...cmon are not gonna let a lil rain stop ya are you!!  LOL...ahh..I am just messin with ya!  I have herd great things about the wife run's in them and loves run in Adidas...they just fit better then any other shoe...and I tried them all..I have been really pleased with them...the 2nd runner up was a pair of Mizunos.....nothing like some new treadto break in....have fun!!
2008-04-08 6:24 PM
in reply to: #1323906

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed


 Thanks for the speed work info - I will give it a shot and let you know how I fare....I need to get back into base buildin runs this week ..get myself back on track...I know I was buildin a solid base and then all of sudden it was race time...2 weekends back 2 back.  I know it takes a while to REALLY build base and see results...I think I was starting to see my base building when it was time for me to know what it is gonna take....back to the basics again

2008-04-08 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1324734

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
papahawk - 2008-04-08 6:20 PM

Rain????  did you read my race report from MAP Tri...cmon are not gonna let a lil rain stop ya are you!!  LOL...ahh..I am just messin with ya!  I have herd great things about the wife run's in them and loves run in Adidas...they just fit better then any other shoe...and I tried them all..I have been really pleased with them...the 2nd runner up was a pair of Mizunos.....nothing like some new treadto break in....have fun!!

I'm not afraid of a little rain! But I'll have to wear my old shoes...

My old shoes are kinda awesome--a pair of NB 535s in my size that I bought several years ago at TJ Maxx for $16! They were misshelved in the men's section, so no one bought them, and they just got marked down and down until I happened to notice them. I'm really proud of that find.

Now if I could find a Cervelo on the clearance rack.

2008-04-08 6:51 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

As a large amphibious creature born from the sea I happen to desire the rain.  LOL.  Natalie that is what they call us Marines around military circles.  Honestly I would rather run in the rain as I have issues with overheating at times and the rain keeps me cooler or at least mentally I think that I am cooler.

Papa - Speed work.  I can't stand it as it hurts and it will send your HR through the roof.  Being a military man you know all about Physical Fitness Test's and all that good stuff so I have a program that I use about 1 month about to drop my times down considerably.  Hopefully I can give it you in a digestable format:

1. Establish a goal time for your 5k.

2. Divide it by 12 ( 30 min = 150 )

3. This is the time you have to beat for 1/4 mile intervals

4. If you have 4 weeks then I would recommend trying to get 1 or 2 speed workouts a week with a few days of rest in between.

5. Each week try to take 5% off the time for your 1/4 mile intervals

Week 1 - 150 sec per interval

Week 2 - 142 sec per interval

Week 3 - 135 sec per interval

Week 4 - 128 sec per interval


6. If you get to week 4 and can complete this workout and then string together 12 1/4 mile intervals for the race you have just ran about a 25:40 5k.  I would recommend doing a 2:1 ratio for rest intervals. i.e. Run 150 walk/jog 75. 

I can almost promise you that if you do these that you will run a 28:00 minimum unless the course is vertical.  But once again I have to say that doing 1/4 mile intervals is not the most pleasant workout and you have to warm up / cooldown and make sure that you stretch really good.  Good luck and I hope this helps out in making your goal.


2008-04-08 7:26 PM
in reply to: #1324812

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Thanks Chapman for the detailed speed work plan!!  Yeah - I remember the PFT's from my military days...I always maxed the pushups and situps...but back then as mush running we did...I never really found my groove with it...but ..lookin back now and being more into running I can see why....I will try this plan and see how it goes!! Thanks again Chap!
2008-04-08 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1323906

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Manatee Express - 2008-04-08 1:38 PM
gygyhawk - 2008-04-08 9:52 AM

Sure....send me the details!! I would like to possibly break the 30 min mark on a 5k.....I think it's possible for me this year... ..Oops I am logged in as my wifey!!! LOL..sorry bout that


Nothing real tricky, Your most important run is your long slow run. That will do the most for you over the long haul. That said, on one of your other runs do a 1 mile warm up and then throw in some accelerations, maybe 30 second accelerations with 1 minute recovery between. The accelerations should be up to your 5k pace or even a little faster. Don't stop between the accelerations and the recovery. Another fun thing to do is find a football field and after your warm up, do hundred yard dashes with rest between. Always warm up and cool down before and after speedwork.

That's funny -- 30 second intervals with 1 minute recovery was exactly what I did this morning.   It really helps me to define my 5K pace, knowing what I'm capable of for short periods (and on race day I find that I can sustain the pace for much longer than during training).  I try to go all out for the 30 seconds, but never ever give myself more than a minute to recover, even if I'm still panting at the end of the minute.  A word of caution though -- don't do it too close to your race.  Your body will need some recovery time.  I'm an old fart, but my muscles are almost immediately sore after this type of workout.

2008-04-08 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1323301

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

nevans71 - 2008-04-08 10:41 AM Weekly recap Well, it was a crummy week, because I had to work so much (7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday through Thursday, then for 30 hours straight Saturday-Sunday). So I only ran twice and rode my bike to work every day. My runs were a 26-minute one and a 32-minute one, I think. This week might be a little better. The next 22 days will be not so great, with my crazy work schedule, but after that I should have fairly normal work hours until my big triathlon (Chicago, in late August). --Natalie

Natalie, I don't know if this will help you or not, but my husband is an international airline pilot.  He flies overnight to Europe all the time, arriving early in the morning (similar to you getting off at 7 a.m.).  The first thing he does when he arrives, even before sleeping, is he goes for a run.  I know it's not the same as your work, but he finds that it helps him to transition from work to sleeping, and he gets a workout in at the same time.

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