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2012-01-06 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

You've got some pretty good web design skills there Sandra.  Like the way you have your workouts set up.  Did you have to copy/paste all those workouts in? 

How is the leg Erica?

Pete, any more thoughts on the blog?  Where are you looking to set it up?

My weight loss/workout plan is on track.  Got a run in Wed and then a trainer ride yesterday.  Legs are super sore today but going for another run after work and then meeting from friends tomorrow morning for a bike ride.  I've already dropped 3lbs, but expect that to slow/level off here soon.  Now comes the weekend...the hard part for me.  Gotta keep eating healthy and not give in to eating out temptations.

Meggan, so when does the tax season begin to get busy?  Should be coming up soon, right?


Edited by chichitao 2012-01-06 8:30 AM

2012-01-06 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Sandra - I love that layout!  I'm totally going to save that link for myself. 

I had my FIRST PT appointment yesterday, and I love my new PT so far.  She seems really helpful, and she understands the female athlete thing.  Since I'm only working on range of motion, there wasn't a whole lot we could do.  She just gave me a few new stretches that I love doing so far.  Everybody seems positive that I'll get back to soccer and running this summer and fall!

So here's the thing.  She said I could bike if I wanted to, with no resistance, but I'm just not sure about that yet.  As much as I'm itching to get on the bike, I'm worried about trying to do it so soon.  I'm going to call my doctor about it today, but since he's out of town, I'm not sure I'll get an answer. 

Anyway, my next PT appointment isn't until next Wednesday since that's when my follow-up appointment with the doctor is, and I have all I need for range of motion work for now. 

Lastly, I'm finally going to give in and get some over-the-counter sleeping meds.  I can't sleep with this brace on at all, so I've been exhausted which isn't helping with the healing process.  Cannot wait to get a good night's sleep!

2012-01-08 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

I spotted the bike of my dreams yesterday!

Went to a bike store, and it's the first time I've ever seen a small Speed Concept in stock, and it just so happened to be a 9.5 WSD, and it was SO PRETTY!  Plus, it was a show bike, so it was on sale for ONLY $4999!  Cheap, right? Tongue out  Now, if only I could find a job to pay for it...

2012-01-08 10:37 PM
in reply to: #3974518

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Thanks, it is what I do for a living, so hopefully have some skill:-)  and yes, because I haven't set up a database, I did manually cut and past the workouts from a spreadsheet and then re-arrange and alter the training plans to fit my needs/skill level and time requirements.  I'm going to be busy, but I think it is do-able.  

Glad you are on track with your eating Tim, down 3lbs is a great start and sounds like you have the motivation and mindset to keep on track.  Weekends are definately hard, but keep strong and keep your eye on the prize and allow yourself a treat if you have stayed on track all  week. 

Erica, glad you have started PT and that they are optimistic about your recovery time and don't think your goals for playing soccer this year are pie in the sky dreams!  Did you get those sleep aids and more importantly did they help you get some sleep.

I had a great 18K run on Saturday, my legs felt great after and I had a lot more left in me.  It was a very soggy run, but I'm not complaining considering last year I was running in snow storms and freezing temperatures.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!


2012-01-09 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3970445

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Who are these people always bringing in junk food and leaving it on the kitchen table for us to snack on?  Damn them...haha.  Right now there is some Garrets cheddar cheese and carmel popcorn sitting on the table.  I think people just put it there so they can eat it and not feel as bad since everyone else is too.

chichitao - 2012-01-04 10:10 AM

corstan - 2012-01-04 9:45 AM Dense bones and muscle...LOL.  I think the way you have set up the challenge is great, now go show them how it is done Tim!!

I know, poor girl.  She is 23 and just a really pretty, nice girl that really could stand to lose a good 40lbs.  I think she knows she is weak with food control and doesn't want to commit.  She is always the one snacking all day on food brought in by people.  We all think she needs to join but not sure how to get her to see the light.  Hopefully just seeing us do it will be motivation.

And I plan on winning some serious cash! 

Maybe it would be nice if I brought in a veggie tray to help people snack better.

2012-01-09 11:09 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Erica - Good luck with the PT.  I am sur eyou are going to hear this alot but just take it easy and don't push it.  My theory is if you have to second guess if it might hurt you - it probably will.

Tim - Keep up the good work with the weight loss.  Glad to see that your back to some solid workouts and feeling good.

Sandra - Nice run over the weekend. 

Thanks for the encouragement on the training with the baby.  It is gonna take some definite will power but I just have to tell myself that each workout I get done gets me one step closer to my goal of Ironman.

Have a great week everyone!

Edited by tmoran80 2012-01-09 11:09 AM

2012-01-11 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

So how is everyone doing this fine hump day (minds out of the gutters folks!)? 

We had our first official work weigh-in this morning and I am down 4lbs.  Tied with another guy for most lost in the first week.  However, we are doing first to 10% weight loss so I am ahead of him based on %.  Only 19 more pounds to go!

So how is the weather around the continent?  Any bad winters keeping you from working out outdoors?  We've been warmer than normal which has been nice.  Been in the 40-70 range lately.  Really doesn't give me any excuses for not working out outside!  Got a 7mi run in last weekend, so I am going to up that to 9 this weekend, then 11 the following in order to be ready for the HM on the 29th. 

Going to squeeze in a trainer ride after work today before I have to attend a meeting for our bike club.  I am the VP so I guess I have to show up!

Happy days!

2012-01-11 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3984019

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Great Work!  That contest sounds great.

Speaking of weather - I was able to do a run at lunch yesterday in shorts and t-shirt on January 10 in Chicago.  Crazy! I haven't had to shovel ANYTHING yet but we are going to get hit with 5" tomorrow so it was good while it lasted.  I have been doing most of my training in the basement so i am not worried.

chichitao - 2012-01-11 11:18 AM

So how is everyone doing this fine hump day (minds out of the gutters folks!)? 

We had our first official work weigh-in this morning and I am down 4lbs.  Tied with another guy for most lost in the first week.  However, we are doing first to 10% weight loss so I am ahead of him based on %.  Only 19 more pounds to go!

So how is the weather around the continent?  Any bad winters keeping you from working out outdoors?  We've been warmer than normal which has been nice.  Been in the 40-70 range lately.  Really doesn't give me any excuses for not working out outside!  Got a 7mi run in last weekend, so I am going to up that to 9 this weekend, then 11 the following in order to be ready for the HM on the 29th. 

Going to squeeze in a trainer ride after work today before I have to attend a meeting for our bike club.  I am the VP so I guess I have to show up!

Happy days!

2012-01-11 12:21 PM
in reply to: #3984019

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Too late Tim, my mind was in the gutter already....

Well done on the weight loss, and being out front in the competition!

Weather, well we've had lot's of it...most of it wet and on the warm side for winter but yesterday the sun finally came out and last night the temperatures dropped again. I guess I can put off building that ark again.

Last night was the first night back at Master's swim club and there was no "easing us back in" night, it was full on go go go. I also changed to a faster lane, not because I think I"m faster, but because the slower lane I usually take was so crowded and the fast lane was empty when I started.  I know the 2 other women that ended up in the same lane as me are long time, proficient swimmers, but I only got passed 2 times the whole night.  It wasn't pretty and I swallowed a whole lot of pool(especially on the fly), but I am finally starting to believe I can swim 2K in a reasonable time.

chichitao - 2012-01-11 9:18 AM

So how is everyone doing this fine hump day (minds out of the gutters folks!)? 

We had our first official work weigh-in this morning and I am down 4lbs.  Tied with another guy for most lost in the first week.  However, we are doing first to 10% weight loss so I am ahead of him based on %.  Only 19 more pounds to go!

So how is the weather around the continent?  Any bad winters keeping you from working out outdoors?  We've been warmer than normal which has been nice.  Been in the 40-70 range lately.  Really doesn't give me any excuses for not working out outside!  Got a 7mi run in last weekend, so I am going to up that to 9 this weekend, then 11 the following in order to be ready for the HM on the 29th. 

Going to squeeze in a trainer ride after work today before I have to attend a meeting for our bike club.  I am the VP so I guess I have to show up!

Happy days!

2012-01-11 1:57 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Hey all! So I am back in the land of the living! Yea!!! I started back to work yesterday and it went pretty well. It was really busy and I have a lot of catching up to do, but it makes the days go by fast.

I started WW last week and kind of did it half way, but still lost!!! I have 30 lbs to lose until I am back to pre baby weight. My goal for this week is to track everything I eat! Hopefully I will see a bigger lose after that.

I am joining a gym this weekend. My hips and pelvis are still out of whack from being pregnant so I have been in PT for the last month. It isn't helping as much as I thought it would be. So it is still painful for me to sleep. At least I can walk without pain. I really want to run again and it is killing me that i can't! The PT said I should only do the elliptical (that is why I am rejoining a gym). The tough thing is figuring out when to go. Luckily Stella is a great sleeper so I can do it in the morning but that would mean dragging my butt out of bed at 4:30 and I just need to build myself up for that again. Those first few weeks are brutal, but I do love working out in the am and being done!

Looking forward to another year of great support from this group and hopefully cheering you all on. As of right now I still want to do a marathon relay in April, but need to get my muscles back. So we shall see!

Happy new year!!

2012-01-11 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

T1 - GREAT job!  Keep up the weightloss!  Is it 10% every month then?  Or overall?

Debbie - Welcome back!  Do you have Planet Fitness there?  They've had some good deals lately that I've noticed, so that might be a good place to look at for a gym.  I'm rooting for you though!  I want to lose about 20 pounds once I can start being active again, so let's just do this!

OH, and Debbie and T2 - The baby pictures are SO STINKIN' CUTE!  It's funny how I don't want my own kids, but I love other people's kids!

Weather here has been perfect running weather, but of course, I can't run!  Boo.

So anyway, I had my post-op appointment today with my doctor, and then a PT appointment.  Everybody seems to think I'm doing pretty well.  I can do strengthening for hips, calves, and core, but not knee yet.  I can officially bike with no resistence, which I did today (even though I couldn't go all the way around at first because my knee was so stiff, but once I got going, it felt SO GOOD).  So I get to bike for about 15 minutes at a time now!  My other exercises felt really great, too, and even though I feel so weak, nothing feels uncomfortable.  I LOVED getting to do my exercises today, so I'm excited to have some type of workout routine again.

The BAD news is that I'm stuck in my brace for 3 more weeks, but only while walking.  When I'm sitting/laying down, I can take it off or unlock it.  AND I can finally drive again!  Which is good because class starts next Tuesday!

Anyway, my sleeping pills were not working at all, so I'm hoping I finally get a good night's sleep tonight in BED and not on the couch!  Yay for the small victories!

2012-01-12 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Welcome back Debbie!  Hope you get the hip issue all worked out and best of luck with the weight loss. 

Erica, good to hear you get to take the brace off for periods of time and get to spin on the bike a bit.  Like someone else said, don't push it too hard just yet.  I know it must be hard but we don't want to see you get set back any.  Sorry the sleeping isn't going well.  What did they give you?  When I had my sleep issues last year, they gave me ambien and it worked like a charm, but it took several days of taking it before it really had any effect.

Tim, so do you have a whole workout room set up in the basement?  I wish we had basements down here.  Seems like such a good space to be able to do things like that.

Sandra, so does the HIM training officially start Sat?  You ready?

2012-01-12 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Thanks guys!

Erica-I am joining Club Fitness. We don't have a Planet Fitness so Club Fitness it is. I am excited to start!

So I will be weighing in on Wed. and will be posting either a loss or gain.

2012-01-12 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3985646

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Erica, so happy that you are able to take off the brace when you are relaxing, I hope it made for a better nights sleep and wuhoo! on no resistance spinning, so nice that you can do something and feel active.  Now just little bits at a time, slow and steady progress.  Like Tim said don't push to hard, and get this recovery done right with no setbacks!

Tim, yes, the plan starts officially on Saturday, am I ready...I think so, it's a lot to take on, but I am ready to take it on...I think  I'm already swimming 2x week, running 2 x week, spinning 2 x week, so now I just need to add in a bit more, I'm going to do my best to follow the plan as I've laid it out.

2012-01-12 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3985806

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Have a good week and like Erica don't push to hard to get back at it, but ease yourself in and remain injury free, I'm sure you will be back to where you were before Stella in no time!

debbiereid06 - 2012-01-12 6:44 AM

Thanks guys!

Erica-I am joining Club Fitness. We don't have a Planet Fitness so Club Fitness it is. I am excited to start!

So I will be weighing in on Wed. and will be posting either a loss or gain.

2012-01-12 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3985646

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

When I finished the basement (1 year before my first kid) I had a whole workout rook laid out ready to go but my wife talked me into a kids play room.  So now when I am on the treadmill I stare at their mess and yell as I am sweating that I am gonna get rid of all their toys and turn it into my workout room if they don't take car eof their stuff -haha they probably think I'm crazy.

I posted a pic on Facebook last week - I do have my trainer set up and use my projector to ride with the Spinerval Wisconsin IM Course. I've never really utilized the basement until this year as I have to be very consistent with my IM training and I just dreaded having to setup the trainer in the family room every workout.  Plus my plan calls for a quick transition from bike to run about 2x week so it makes it nice just to have everything right there set up already.


chichitao - 2012-01-12 7:58 AM

Tim, so do you have a whole workout room set up in the basement?  I wish we had basements down here.  Seems like such a good space to be able to do things like that.


bike-trainer.jpg (81KB - 3 downloads)

2012-01-12 10:44 AM
in reply to: #3985954

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Good luck with your training!  What plan did you decide to use?

corstan - 2012-01-12 9:28 AM

Tim, yes, the plan starts officially on Saturday, am I ready...I think so, it's a lot to take on, but I am ready to take it on...I think  I'm already swimming 2x week, running 2 x week, spinning 2 x week, so now I just need to add in a bit more, I'm going to do my best to follow the plan as I've laid it out.

2012-01-13 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I had decided to sit this season out on my tri club because of the Achilles, not running, and not doing any tris.  I changed my mind yesterday because I know I can still swim and bike.  I don't plan on doing any aqua velo races but I know I have that option.  I also know of a few women that are joining the club but don't plan on doing actual tris because of the swim portion.  I figure maybe I can do some relays with other women from the club.  I also plan on doing a few ocean swims (maybe even a 5k swim) this summer and I can swim with the club.  Anyway, I joined yesterday morning and found out last night I am the 100th member to join this year.  The president will be dropping off my basket this weekend of all kinds of goodies.  She said there is a tri club bike jersey, water bottles, bag, and other stuff.  John wants to start playing the lottery because I do tend to luck out with this kind of stuff!
2012-01-13 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
And speaking of swimming, anyone able to direct me to swim programs?  I am not worried about mile swims.  It is the 5k swim that I know I need to get my butt in the pool for!
2012-01-13 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Meggan, very glad to see you taking the initiative and not letting the achilles thing get the best of you.  And congrats on winning the gift package.  Cool stuff.

I used to use for my swim workouts.  I am not sure if they have workouts for 5k distances or not but it might be worth a shot.  It's free and you enter in some details about you and some recent swim tests and it will develop a training plan for you.  That's the only one I know about.

2012-01-13 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3988212

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2012-01-13 9:03 AM

Meggan, very glad to see you taking the initiative and not letting the achilles thing get the best of you.  And congrats on winning the gift package.  Cool stuff.

I used to use for my swim workouts.  I am not sure if they have workouts for 5k distances or not but it might be worth a shot.  It's free and you enter in some details about you and some recent swim tests and it will develop a training plan for you.  That's the only one I know about.

I really have come to terms with not being able to run.  People don't believe me and I think I finally figured out why.  The people that don't believe me are the ones that know how bad my PPD was three years ago and how running was what really helped me through that.  At this point, I am ok if I never run again.  I am not ok with the Achilles issue affecting every day life and I know it will get to that point.  I plan on seeing a doctor when I hit my goal weight.  So if he says surgery is a serious option, I will have lost the weight I want and it will be easier to just maintain during recovery than lose.  As of this morning, I am 18 pounds away from my goal weight. 


2012-01-13 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3988232

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

I love your attitude Meggan, and how you had not let the no running situation get you down or stop you on achieving your weight and fitness goals! You have come a long way from when this group started and you continually inspire me!

Right now, I don't have to think much about my swim workouts as someone does it for me, but I like Tim use when I have to make up my own swim plans.  Easy to use and highly customizable to your needs and yeah, it's free!

2012-01-13 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3986175

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

I have adapted one of the BT plans for my own use and have it on my own website, since I'm training with a couple of other folks from my run group that aren't on BT, easy for them to follow. I am still working on getting the last couple of weeks up. If you have any feedback, since you are HIM experienced I would be more than happy to receive it

tmoran80 - 2012-01-12 8:44 AM

Good luck with your training!  What plan did you decide to use?

corstan - 2012-01-12 9:28 AM

Tim, yes, the plan starts officially on Saturday, am I ready...I think so, it's a lot to take on, but I am ready to take it on...I think  I'm already swimming 2x week, running 2 x week, spinning 2 x week, so now I just need to add in a bit more, I'm going to do my best to follow the plan as I've laid it out.

2012-01-13 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Thanks for reminding me on that website.  It has been awhile since I have done much swimming and I forgot about it.  I am going to try and swim twice a week.  We will see if it happens.
2012-01-13 12:27 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I WILL swim this evening.  I just printed out a workout.  It will be so tempting to skip it because it is freezing cold and windy here today.  The last thing I will want to do is hop in the pool.
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