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2011-07-27 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Numbers from the last 20 weeks:

Bike: 2181.83 KM - 73h 20m 22s

Run: 530.88 KM - 52h 47m 51s 

Swim: 103471.60 M - 35h 22m 09s 

Hope it's enough!!!!!! :-)



2011-07-28 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3618074

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
h9lfc - 2011-07-27 8:26 PM

Numbers from the last 20 weeks:

Bike: 2181.83 KM - 73h 20m 22s

Run: 530.88 KM - 52h 47m 51s 

Swim: 103471.60 M - 35h 22m 09s 

Hope it's enough!!!!!! :-)



Nice Job, I am sure you will do great and can't wait to hear about it.

2011-07-29 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Just heading out for Viterra Calgary 70.3 Ironman. Packed, checked, re-packed, checked ...etc,etc.. Will catch up with you guys when I'm done!!

Good luck to everyone competing this weekend as well as those still training - your day will come "very quickly"!!!! LOL



2011-07-29 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Go get em Steve!

To the rest .... week 3 is awesome :-) Adding to my longest run ever on Wednesday, today I busted out 65 miles on the steed for my 3 hour ride. Previous long ride was 54 or 56. I checked my Garmin at 56 miles and it read 2:35 - woohooooo!!! Great nutrition practice ride. Had 3 gels and a Cliff Bar along with caloried hydration and salt tabs. At about 2:40 I stood up on the pedals and almost called it. A little positive self talk and by 2:45 I found that last bit of energy. Stayed in aero for 98% of the ride. Transition to 20 minute recovery run took about 5 minutes cause I'm out of town and in a hotel, but the run went WAY better than planned. Coming off the bike I though, "no way I'm runnning for 20 minutes." Suprisingly, I slapped on the running shoes, and hit the pavement at 8:15 pace and held it pretty easy for the 20 minutes!

Now I have a training high and am gonna go try my luck fishing!

p.s. GO STEVE!!! 

Edited by DV 1 2011-07-29 11:55 AM
2011-07-30 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3616088

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Extreme Veteran
Media, PA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

NurseHeather - 2011-07-26 8:20 PM Thanks for the reply Jessica.  Perhaps bike focus week (10) is breaking us! Seriously though, the bike is definatly my weak link, I feel like I am just winging it on the bike.  Initially I was just thinking I needed a cycling coach to get me race ready, but after speaking to the coach he thinks I may benefit most from full on tri coaching. Not much more as far as cost. 

I'm pretty much a beginner in this as well, so take it for what it's worth.  I'm three weeks now into the 12 week bridge plan, isn't going too bad so far.  As for coaching, I would try to get more miles in before going to a coach; from your logs your bike mileage is pretty low, but you might be spinning and not logging that.  But "real" biking will help the most.


2011-07-30 1:56 PM
in reply to: #3621646

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Go Steve!!!!!

2011-07-31 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3621844

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I did a brick workout this morning, it was a 1 hr long bike ride avg 20.5 and a 30 minute run 8:30 miles. It felt good. I think I finally have my bike fit where I want it. I still have some issues with my right hand going numb as I ride but I can usually move it around a little and get the blood flowing better. 


My thoughts are with you today Steve the whole time I was training I was imagining being there with you today. Good Luck!!!!

2011-07-31 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3052895

New user

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
3 weeks until Timberman, which will be my 1st at this distance and had a little confidence-killer this morning. Planned on doing a 3 gr ride followed by a 4-6 mile run. Barely did 2:30 ride and skipped the run to go back to bed. Just felt completely exhausted. The past 2 weeks have been great with some of my longest efforts ever so I was a bit surprised by such a crappy morning. Last Sunday did 50 mile bike and 4 mile run! Hoping I'm just tired from increasing the mileage so much over the last few weeks...but I'm still annoyed. Any words of wisdom/motivation would be great...
2011-07-31 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3622460

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Northern CT
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group


I'm also getting ready for Timberman (my first HIM).  I can totally empathize. I've notice an increase in exhaustion this week.  I had a lot of trouble motivating myself to get out of bed the last 5 days.  Snooze buttons are BAD!! And my nutrition has gone to hell. (another vodka/'s a carb!)  I did do another 50 miler on Saturday and followed it up today with a 90min bike/5 mile run brick and I PRd on the run fastest 5 miles ever!  So that got me a little more pumped..if I"m this exhausted and can pull that out than I just need to keep an eye on the prize...I'm at that point that I just want the race to get here...I'm ready.  

I think this is were the mental game starts and you just have to push yourself through it.  The taper will be here before you know it and so will the race.  Keep your spirits up and just keep moving forward.Cool

2011-07-31 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3622460

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

kcrocker - 2011-07-31 1:40 PM 3 weeks until Timberman, which will be my 1st at this distance and had a little confidence-killer this morning. Planned on doing a 3 gr ride followed by a 4-6 mile run. Barely did 2:30 ride and skipped the run to go back to bed. Just felt completely exhausted. The past 2 weeks have been great with some of my longest efforts ever so I was a bit surprised by such a crappy morning. Last Sunday did 50 mile bike and 4 mile run! Hoping I'm just tired from increasing the mileage so much over the last few weeks...but I'm still annoyed. Any words of wisdom/motivation would be great...


I haven't posted yet, but I've been training for Rev3 Half (Cedar Point) all summer.  I'm not exactly following the BT half plan, but have it rearranged to fit my schedule. 

That was my week last week.  I had no energy, so I cut back on the workouts (one recovery ride, one recovery run, and I ran 8 instead of 11 miles on my long run day).  So far, I seem to be doing better. 

It almost seems as if it's a rite of passage to hit a low plateau to move on to bigger and better things. Keep your spirits up!  This, too, shall pass!!!!


2011-07-31 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I DID IT!!!!!!!!! Calgary 70.3 Ironman finishers medal is in the (my) bag!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Great swim (water temp 64F = perfect) and bike (94km). Run started well, but the knee problem from last week flared up at 7km in, so had to switch to survival mode. Overall 309/693 and a time of 6:27:54

I'm super stoked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will do a race report when I get back from the mini break in Banff!!!


2011-07-31 5:58 PM
in reply to: #3622691

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
h9lfc - 2011-07-31 6:18 PM

I DID IT!!!!!!!!! Calgary 70.3 Ironman finishers medal is in the (my) bag!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Great swim (water temp 64F = perfect) and bike (94km). Run started well, but the knee problem from last week flared up at 7km in, so had to switch to survival mode. Overall 309/693 and a time of 6:27:54

I'm super stoked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will do a race report when I get back from the mini break in Banff!!!



Steve, congratulations!!!  That's awesome!!!


I hear ya on the survival mode, I did an Int'l race yesterday, and the run was brutally hot and sunny w/ even more brutal hills.  After 1 of 2 laps, I decided I had to walk at every water stop to drench myself and drink some water.   Thank goodness they had kiddie baths filled with ice water to cool off after the race.


Looking forward to the official race report.

2011-07-31 6:38 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

You did it Steve!!! Awesome Job :-) Can't wait to read your full race report.


2011-07-31 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Extreme Veteran
Media, PA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

How would someone suggest tweaking a schedule conflict on a weekend?  I have what looks like a long workout scheduled for this weekend, looks like this is a taper week, leading up to all three sports on Saturday, with a LT test on the bike.  About 9 weeks to go for the HIM, doing the 12 week OLY bridge plan.

I have a two-day car-related event I can't get out of.  Goes pretty much all day, both days.  Don't have many options to work around it.  So for now, I've pulled everything in one day, taking Thursday off (from plan), Friday maybe off from work, and do the long workout then.  That still leaves the Sunday workout on Saturday.

Also a possible MTB race the following weekend, so I may just taper the bike the week before that anyway.  Then 100 miles of fun.  I figure if I survive 100 miles over two days around the Catskills (50 each day) on a mountain bike, 56 on a road bike in the Poconos is suddenly not that bad...


2011-08-01 12:54 PM
in reply to: #3622944

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
tcj103 - 2011-07-31 9:32 PM

How would someone suggest tweaking a schedule conflict on a weekend?  I have what looks like a long workout scheduled for this weekend, looks like this is a taper week, leading up to all three sports on Saturday, with a LT test on the bike.  About 9 weeks to go for the HIM, doing the 12 week OLY bridge plan.

I have a two-day car-related event I can't get out of.  Goes pretty much all day, both days.  Don't have many options to work around it.  So for now, I've pulled everything in one day, taking Thursday off (from plan), Friday maybe off from work, and do the long workout then.  That still leaves the Sunday workout on Saturday.

Also a possible MTB race the following weekend, so I may just taper the bike the week before that anyway.  Then 100 miles of fun.  I figure if I survive 100 miles over two days around the Catskills (50 each day) on a mountain bike, 56 on a road bike in the Poconos is suddenly not that bad...


Wow, that mountain bike race sounds tough! I am a bit confused about what workouts you will be missing if you can move the heavy day on Saturday to Friday and take the day off. But even without knowing that, try to get in the key workouts of the week and let go of the shorter, easy sessions if you need to drop something.

2011-08-02 4:01 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group



Again congrats on the finish! Any chance you wrote that race repot yet. I'm eager to read it!

2011-08-04 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3626075

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
I'm going crazy, I am on call and have worked 15 hrs two day's in a row and can't train. It's funny how addicting it is and when you can't do it you feel lost.
2011-08-04 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Northern CT
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Think my body and mind are just ready for the taper to begin.  This has been a week of highs and lows

The high...weekend was great.  Did a 50 mile ride in under 3 hours.  Sunday did a 90 minute ride followed by a 5 mile fastest 5 miles ever and it was effortless.  Followed that with an OWS (my first with this particular group) 1.6 miles and I kicked and wasn't even tired..yeah!!

And the low...did a 2hr run this morning and it was just a disaster starting with my alarm not going off.  The running itself was OK (was trying to go slower than usual, more a minute under pace instead of 30 sec...didn't work. The slower I go the harder it always seems...should have stuck with the usual pace)  It was one of those runs where my fuel belt wouldn't sit right (at times too tight and too loose) my shirt was getting bunched up, sunglasses were bugging me.  At mile 6 I just had to stopped and kinda stamp my feet in disgust to try and get mentally back in the game.  It worked for about 3 miles and then it just started all over. 

Edited by skitri 2011-08-04 10:45 AM
2011-08-04 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3052895

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Had a good swim/run this morning. About a mile of swim and 9 mile run. It was my best run in a few weeks, which is probably not a coincidence since it was the coolest weather I've run in since then, a chilly 86 with no sun.
2011-08-04 10:22 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Race report is up!!!

For those like me who on race day have doubts about the plan and your ability just before the race starts - BELIEVE in yourselves and what the plan has done for you!! We belong - so enjoy every minute of it! - I know I did...

Good luck to those who will be racing for the first time in the near future ... Acheive your dream - its so within your grasp :-)


Edited by h9lfc 2011-08-06 10:16 AM
2011-08-07 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3629915

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Did a 1:45 ride this morning and it hurt. My legs would feel good then they would feel fatigue and tight. I would relax and slow the pace until they felt a little better. Then after picking it up again they would do the same thing. Did you guy's feel like this during the fourth week. My training time has went down a little because of work. I'm sure it's normal it just sucks. My runs lately have felt about the same as the bike did today. Anyways I hope my legs loosen up a little or I might be in trouble in 3 weeks.

2011-08-07 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3632682

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group


I didn't get the sluggish feeling on the bike, but I did on my final runs. In fact my avg pacing on the bike stayed virtually the same even though I managed 4  rides of 3-4hrs in length between week 6 &4, however I dropped 30-40secs/km on my running pace during the same time frame!!! Don't know why... however the final 2 week taper will get the life and energy back in your legs (been there done that) and you will be fine on the big day!!!

Have faith Bro - it will all work out!!!!!!!!!! 


2011-08-07 7:25 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Great race report Steve! Way to go again :-)

Week 1 is finally here!!! Full taper began today with short SBR workouts.

I keep telling myself to, "Race MY Race." I don't want to get caught up in the fray of competing against others while on course.

I'm getting sooooo excited!!!

Garrunning - I didn't feel the lethargy in my legs during weeks 3 and 4, but agree with Steve that week 2 hurt a bit during the runs. If slowing down makes you feel better, then slow down. Just be sure to get the minutes in. If your anything like me, whatever tightness you're having will work itself out during your next swim or two!

2011-08-07 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3633010

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group


Woot Woot - 1 week to go!!!! Kinda envy you coz doing the race is the best, DUDE - THE ... BEST!!! Savour every minute of it!!


2011-08-08 10:31 AM
in reply to: #3633134

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Thanks for the advice guy's, I hit the roller Sunday night and itseems to have helped a little. Todays ride felt better and the run felt awesome after.


Dv1, that is very exciting that you are racing this weekend. Good Luck!!!

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