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2012-01-13 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3988754

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL! said it out loud and you know that we will be checking your logs!

Mrschach - 2012-01-13 10:27 AM I WILL swim this evening.  I just printed out a workout.  It will be so tempting to skip it because it is freezing cold and windy here today.  The last thing I will want to do is hop in the pool.

2012-01-13 1:38 PM
in reply to: #3988898

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Yep, now you have to.  I take it is an outdoor pool?
2012-01-13 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
No way! My car is telling me it is 31 degrees right now. I know, I know. No whining about an indoor pool but I have been cold all day. I am heading there now and can't wait for the hot tub when I am done my swim!
2012-01-13 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Meggan - Saw a recent post in the Ironman Distance forum with swim workout sites:

Good luck!

2012-01-14 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

You make it Meggan, and yes, no whining about an INDOOR pool!!! 

Sandra, time for the HIM training to start...good luck today!!

2012-01-15 6:52 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I know I am a wimp but I hate everything about winter...cold, snow, shorter days. I think I have that seasonal disorder. I would move south in a heartbeat!!

Today is a rest day for me. John is working and no kids club at the gym on Sundays.

2012-01-17 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Had family in town this weekend.  Which means I didn't eat nearly as well as I had hoped.  But I did get my workouts in and I'll have my week 2 weigh-in tomorrow.

How was your weekend?

2012-01-17 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3994488

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2012-01-17 8:09 AM

Had family in town this weekend.  Which means I didn't eat nearly as well as I had hoped.  But I did get my workouts in and I'll have my week 2 weigh-in tomorrow.

How was your weekend?

Weekend was pretty good here.  John worked both Saturday and Sunday so it was just me and the boys for most of it.  We hibernated in the house on Sunday since it was in the low 20s all day.  I ended up hitting the gym for a swim when John got home.  The boys were so far up my rear end, I could not wait for him to get home so I could leave. 

I started going through old pictures to get started on some photo books of the boys.  If that does not get my butt moving to lose the rest of this weight, I don't know what will.  I am just tired of this battle.  I have struggled with my weight my whole life and I am ready to be done with it.


2012-01-17 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sorry I haven't been around much, guys! I've been busy with a whole lot going on in my life, and I just find that using BT on my iPad is so incovenient that I can't stand it. This week, though, I'm staying at my gf's cousins' place, and actually have a desk, I have a keyboard now, so it's just formatting that will be a pain

So I've been doing pretty well with my working out and stuff. Got to the pool this weekend, got a bike in yesterday, might actually go for a short snowy run today if I make it back to my place to pick up my stuff, as there is nowhere to work out in the house here. Good job to EVERYONE on the training, especially T2! Training for an IM in the basement must be pretty tough! Sandra, hows the training going with you? Meggan, as always, you are a huge inspiration. You sure no how to take any of our excuses for not wanting to work out away, don't you?

So someone asked me a few days ago about my blog. I officially launched it today, and it can be found at . Right now, it's not exactly as nice as I want it to be, but I have access to my gf's computer today, so I may use most of the afternoon to set it all up and make it look how I want it to. It's basically going to be my general musings about life and training for the time being, as my training is not exactly planned, but over time, it'll get more stream lined I'm going to try to use it for a little bit of net presence for when I try to start coaching in a year or two. I hope to make it interesting, entertaining and informative. Please take a look from time to time and let me know what you think! Thanks a lot!

2012-01-18 9:05 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

T2 - that's a sweet set-up you have!  Right now, we don't have a good spot to put our bikes in our apartment, so we just have mine next to our living room and his in the middle of the kitchen, and we move them around if needed.  A house will be great for our training eventually!  If I'm still in Wisconsin this fall, I'm looking forward to volunteering at IMoo, so maybe I'll see you there!

Meggan - I think it's a good idea to do some relays!  You can totally do this, especially with us around and the tri group.  What would the recovery from that surgery be like?

Sandra - It's going to be hard to get in all that training if the weather and gym-goers don't cooperate!  Good luck.  I'm looking forward to checking your logs!


I am four weeks post-op as of yesterday, and I think I'm heading in the right direction!  It gets a little stiff and sore when I'm up on it for a long time or if I'm driving my car, but for the most part, it feels good a lot, and most of my flexibility is back already!  I only have maybe 10 degrees left until it's back to full range of motion.  I've been diligent about doing my exercises, so I'm feeling pretty strong too.  I can't walk with my knee bent for a couple weeks still, but I'm looking forward to it!

The WORST part is that I started class yesterday, so I have to walk from the parking garage to the school in the snow, taking baby steps so I don't fall.  

Luckily, this is my LAST SEMESTER OF LAW SCHOOL, and I only have class 2 days/week!  I technically only have 11 credits, too.  Hopefully it'll fly by!  Anybody know someone hiring attorneys?  I'm going to need a job soon!

2012-01-18 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

I SWAM!!! It felt so good to do some type of exercise! It wasn't for very long because I was at an indoor pool with my daughter and MIL, but I took 10 min. and did laps and it was wonderful!

I joined Club Fitness and am trying to work in some times to go there. If I want to workout in the morning I have to get up at 4:30 (ouch!) but once I get used to it I know it will be worth it!

And I am down 2.8 this week! Even after having the in-laws in town. So total the last two weeks is 4.4. On my way!!

2012-01-18 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3996888

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Well turns out Tuesday's are going to be the crunch night in our house, and last night it was me and my workouts that crunched.  I could have done them, but it would have been with an empty stomach and no energy, as Ray was picking up dinner on the way home from his coaching the half/full marathon clinic at our local run store and because it was lecture night with the Gu guy, it ran over...anyway, he didn't get home till 8:30pm with dinner, which is about a half hour past the time I should have been at the rec centre to do my run before swim club at 9pm.  I missed both... and really not a great time for our daughter to be eating either...bad parents


Oh well, learning experience, next week will be different....Tuesday will become crockpot night...anyone have any healthy type recipes they love to make in the crockpot, my go to recipe is always turkey chili.


Erika, be careful with the snow, don't need any re-injury or a new one.

Debbie, wuhoo for you getting into the pool...4:30am, sounds disgusting to me, but boy would I like to be one of those that could do that

2012-01-18 11:25 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I'm just getting into the crock pot cooking, too. I haven't made much, but I have made a pretty good mac and cheese. Not exactly the most healthy, but it's pretty tasty. I don't have a recipe book (yet... I'll build one up as my blog gets going), I just search online. Anything that requires a lot of cooking is awesome, like pulled pork, any sort of tenderloin, etc. Love slow cookers.
2012-01-18 12:04 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

I do pulled pork/chicken in the crockpot. Today we have a small oven roaster chicken in there. I went simple today and just seasoned it with Slap Ya Mama seasoning (man I miss New Orleans!!) but I have done all kinds of seasonings on it. Let me pull some recipes for you.

?My girlfriend recently raved about this...

Salsa chicken...chicken breasts, jar of salsa, black beans, corn, and cook.  Shred the chicken, put back in crockpot, and mix in 4 oz of cream cheese.

Pork tenderloin...

1 cup apple cider or juice
1.5-2 lb pork loin
Salt and pepper
1 butternut squashes cubed and peeled
2 fiji or honeycrisp apples peeled and sliced
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp dried sage
1/4 tsp thyme

Heat cider in skillet. Sear tenderloin on all sides in hot cider. Sprinkle the pork with salt and pepper and place in crock pot with the juices. Combine sugar and spices. Sprinkle over squash and apples and mix to coat. Place squash and apples around the tenderloin. Cover and cook on low 5-6 hours.


2012-01-18 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
We have some late evenings these days too.  I have been working with a trainer at the gym twice a week and don't get home until 7ish.  One of those nights, Joe has karate so we are all out of the house until around 7.  One of our go to quick dinners is quesadillas.  I cook the chicken up the night before or the morning of so we just have to assemble them and cook them real quick on the stove top. 
2012-01-18 1:49 PM
in reply to: #3997434

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Thanks for the ideas Meggan, I'll take a closer look at them when I"m at home, but I do like the pulled pork/chicken ideas, don't know what "slap yo mama" seasoning is, but it sounds like something I would enjoy.  I have a trip to New Orleans on my bucket list, seems like the kind of place I would really enjoy, food and culture-wise....too many places to visit, not enough money...I need to win a big lottery!

2012-01-18 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3997267

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

LockOut - 2012-01-18 9:25 AM I'm just getting into the crock pot cooking, too. I haven't made much, but I have made a pretty good mac and cheese. Not exactly the most healthy, but it's pretty tasty. I don't have a recipe book (yet... I'll build one up as my blog gets going), I just search online. Anything that requires a lot of cooking is awesome, like pulled pork, any sort of tenderloin, etc. Love slow cookers.


I have a collection of recipes on my website, mostly healthy, with maybe a couple of bad ones in there:- feel free to beg/borrow/steal for your blog if you wish

2012-01-18 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Mmmmmm food.    Love a crock pot.  Easiest pulled pork ever...pork shoulder/roast and and half a bottle of bbq sauce.  Let cook for 4-8hrs, shred, and add some more sauce to desired consistency. 

2 weekends ago I made some cabbage soup:  1 head of cabbage, 2 potatoes, 1lb of frozen spinach, onion, celery.  Broth is mixture of reduced sodium chicken stock and low sodium spicy V8.  just let simmer until veggies are soft.  add or remove any veggies you like/don't like.  adjust broth to taste.  makes a lot and a large bowl of soup is only like 200cal. 

An easy meal we have often is fajitas.  I'll cook up a big batch of chicken or beef fajita meat early in the week, and saute some onions and peppers as well.  Then throughout the week we can easily warm up the meat, veggies, a tortilla and you are good to go.  Meat/veggies can also be used in quesadillas like Meggan said.  Made this on Mon and tonight I am going to throw the sliced beef on top of a salad with some black beans.

2012-01-19 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
How was the weigh in yesterday Tim?
2012-01-19 5:24 PM
in reply to: #3997835

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

I made fajita's last night, it is always a go-to meal for me too and I try to always keep ingredients about.  I'm just looking to add a few more crockpot recipes, because I like coming home to a warm meal:-)  and being able to sit down and relax a minute before I run off and do something else again.

I'm definately going to try the pulled pork/ chickend thing:-)

Hope you did well with the weigh in!

2012-01-20 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

One of my go to recipes for the crockpot is a mexican chicken. It isn't the healthiest, but super easy. I have a crockpot recipe book that I LOVE!

3 chicken breasts, 1 can cream of chicken, 1 can rotel heat on low for 6 hours. Add 8 oz velveeta after the 6 hours, shred chicken and serve over rice.

Very tasty. We put leftovers in a wheat tortilla shell the next day.


The other one I do is 3 chicken breasts and a jar of salsa. Heat on low 6 hours, shred chicken. We then use it for tacos or burritos.


I will look for some more, but those are the two that I know off hand!

2012-01-20 9:25 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Weigh in went well.  Down another 3lbs so 7 overall in 2 weeks and I am still in the lead.  I had a nice long run and bike planned this weekend, but with the worst timing, I came down with a high fever yesterday and am missing work today.  Not a good time with only 8 days until my HM.
2012-01-20 5:09 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Just a few things today, as I'm in hectic mode:

1) All of your crockpot recipes are making me hungry, and since I've NEVER used mine (got it for the wedding), I'm going to buy a cookbook and start doing it.  Grocery shopping tonight for ingredients!

2) T1 - you rock at this.  But you already knew that!  Keep it up!

3) Law review comment is DONE-ZO.  At least for now!  If you guys know DougRob on here, he helped me out a ton with it since he's an IP attorney.  I'm hoping it gets published, so please keep your fingers crossed for me!!!  I won't find out until the summer time, but here's to hoping.  I've been published once in law school already, so if I can get twice on my resume, I'll have much better job prospects when it comes time.

4) Braaaaaain fart.  It's cold outside, don't judge me.

Happy weekends to all (even to those of you who live south of me and have much nicer weather, but I'm still bitter)!

2012-01-21 12:25 PM
in reply to: #4001307

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Just stay hydrated and eat well.  You'll be fine.  You've put the work in and any workouts you do in the next 8 days aren't gonna make any major difference.  Once the fever goes down in a day or two get out ther running again but don't stress it.

chichitao - 2012-01-20 9:25 AM Weigh in went well.  Down another 3lbs so 7 overall in 2 weeks and I am still in the lead.  I had a nice long run and bike planned this weekend, but with the worst timing, I came down with a high fever yesterday and am missing work today.  Not a good time with only 8 days until my HM.

2012-01-26 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

So how is everyone doing this week?

I ended up coming down with the flu last week and was out of commission until Tue.  Got a run in then and plan on another easy one today.  With my weigh-in this week I was down another 4lbs, which puts me at 11 overall (and well ahead of everyone else now!).  I wouldn't have lost that much without getting sick, but I need to take advantage of it and keep it off.

Sandra, how is the training coming along? 

Erica, glad to hear your law review is done and hopefully you can get it published.  Cool stuff.

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