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National Marathon - RunMarathon

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Washingon, D.C., Washington, D.C.
United States
37F / 3C
Total Time = 4h 26m
Overall Rank = 1902/2878
Age Group = F40-44
Age Group Rank = 56/120
Pre-race routine:

We got to DC on Thursday night and found the hotel/parking just fine. Friday I ran down to the White House and back (how cool is it to say that?). Then we met Molly for lunch and to the metro to the expo. No issues picking up packets and we enjoyed the expo. Back to hotel to relax a little before going to dinner (pasta at Cafe Luna). Tried to go to bed early, but "Not Lamar" the noisy guy in the room next door was being extremely loud. Finally had the desk clerk call to ask them to quiet down.

Got up at 4:15. Texted Molly to make sure she was up (she was). Had a bagel/PB and a banana for breakfast along with a caffeinated Crystal Lite beverage. Left hotel at 5:00 to walk to Aly's apartment building. My dad went with me to take the fleece I was wearing and my phone. Sophie picked us up at 5:10. We had not trouble getting into a parking lot at the stadium. Waited in the Armory. Went through the restroom line once inside and then got in the porta-potty line when we went outside at ~6:40.
Event warmup:

No warm-up. We were walking along the corral fence when Molly's friend Melissa spotted us. I hadn't wanted to run with anybody, but Molly assured me it would be fine and stuffed me in the corral with Melissa (well ahead of where we should have been). The pace groups were completely out of order. The 4:00 group started ahead of us and the 3:50 and 3:55 groups were behind us someplace.
  • 4h 26m
  • 26.2 miles
  • 10m 09s  min/mile

I had hoped to run with Dave W, but never saw him. Instead ran with Molly's friend Melissa. This turned out to be great. We stayed together for 15 miles. She was cute looking back trying to encourage me to stay with her, but finally I convinced her to just go.

Some people complained about not seeing mile markers. I just figured I didn't see them due to the crowds. I had my Garmin so I wasn't too worried. Plus we knew roughly where the aid stations were supposed to be so we could tell the mileage from that. Even so, my Garmin was not happy with the tunnels and ended up at 26.65. I seriously considered chucking it in the river somewhere in the 21 mile range. I will seriously consider running the next one with just a watch.

I had my own gels (did one at 7, 15, and 22), but saw plenty on the course. People complained that there weren't any in the first half, but I know we passed at least one spot where they had them (cause Melissa grabbed one), maybe more. There were a few stops early on, that might not have had enough water in the cups ahead of time, but we always got what we needed without having to wait.

One funny thing was just past Howard U, a woman said to Melissa and I, "I don't know you, but I just have to tell someone that I have no idea where my car is." We thought that was funny. She had just parked someplace on the street. I don't think Melissa was positive where her car was, but at least it was in one of the lots!

We were really happy when the half split off - it was much more enjoyable without the hoards of people. We happened to spot Molly just as we got back to the road heading away from the stadium. She was just coming up to where the half/full split was.

We saw my family at mile 6 and then I saw them again at ~16.

I liked having my name on my bib especially in the 2nd half. I was wearing my Twin Cities shirt so some people said things like "Go Twin Cities" in the first half. I got a kick out of that too.

The volunteers especially in the later miles were fantastic. They seemed to be primarily kids and they were so sweet. They'd hand me a cup and say "You can do it Courtney" or something like that. I made sure to thank them for being there!

There were fewer spectators on the 2nd half, but the ones that were there were enthusiastic. I paricularly remember a woman along Minnesota Ave sitting on the steps of her house by herself calling out encouraging things to everybody.
What would you do differently?:

Run more miles in training!!! I probably should've tried to stay with Melissa a little bit longer.
Post race
Warm down:

Got my medal/space blanket and followed along to the food tent. Love the medal by the way! The spread was OK. Got water, a banana, a cookie, a pretzel (that turned out to be awful), a granola bar, and a cup of fruit. I only ate the cookie and banana right away. I found my mom and dropped stuff in her tote bag. I wanted to wait for Molly, but I was stiffening up so I needed to keep walking. Then, it was too cold to keep waiting for Molly so I went into the Armory to get my bag and change into dry clothes. Went back outside, called Chris and Chad, and then rejoined my family just as Molly was finishing. We waited for her to go get her stuff and then took pictures. Metro back to the hotel.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Lack of training miles this time around. For Twin Cities, my weekly mileage was consistentely in the high 30s/low 40 mpw range. This time I was down in the high 20s/30s and I could just tell I didn't have enough umph to hold the pace over the last 10 miles.

Event comments:

I put yes for organized, but I think they need to do a better job of organizing the start. If they are going to have corrals they need to enforce them (I think people didn't want to walk down to the end corrals so they just jumped in where they saw a place). We didn't have any trouble getting in, but we heard a lot people did.

Overall, I had a lot of fun at this race. I was slightly disappointed with my time, but when I look back at my training logs it's obvious why I ran what I did.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2011-01-13 12:00 AM
04:26:00 | 26.2 miles | 10m 09s  min/mile
Age Group: 56/120
Overall: 1902/2878
Performance: Good
Course: As we were running out the first mile or so, we saw LOTS of people running back to the start. Apparently they had had trouble finding parking. Very crowded especially in the first 3 or so miles. Aid stations every 2 miles (til the end when they were every mile). I think the station at mile 1 was only there to be the 15 mile stop for the folks doing the full so we didn't bother to stop there. The view of the Capitol building with the sun glinting off of it was very cool as was running right down the big wide road along the mall with NO cars. Course climbs from ~mile 5-7, but we knew about this. The aid station at mile 5 was tricky to get to because we were following the sign that said for the full/half runners to stay to the right for the upcoming relay exchange and we almost missed the water. Howard University was fun! The students were out playing music and cheering. There were still some inclines after the big hill that I wasn't expecting. We were very glad when the half marathoners split off at ~ mile 12.5 or so. I didn't mind the loop through the parking lots behind the stadium as much as some people seemed to. Course repeated itself briefly and then took a left to go into a tunnel. I also didn't mind the second half not being quite as scenic in terms of monuments and such. It was pretty with the blooming trees along the water. The out/back to the coast guard station was a little dull, but flat! There was a good group cheering at the corner by Nationals Park. I did not like the bridge over the river because there was some steel decking (didn't like the hard, weird, slippery feel to the footing), but at least I was better off than the woman my cousin saw who was afraid of heights! The part along the Anacostia River was pretty. There were two drumlines playing and some cute little cheerleaders or dancers or something. The climb up Minnesota Ave was not the most fun, but I didn't think it was a bad as people were saying. It was nothing like the climb up Summit Ave at Twin Cities. The stadium first came back into view around mile 25 and the end was in sight. It seems like you run at the stadium for awhile and then have to loop around it to the finish, but by then I was just focused on the finish.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3

2011-03-29 10:42 AM

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Subject: National Marathon

2011-03-30 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3419694

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Washington, DC
Subject: RE: National Marathon
Congratulations! I also loved the kid volunteers in the last few miles -- adorable. 4:26 is nothing to sneeze at!
2011-04-02 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3419694

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Subject: RE: National Marathon
good job, congratulations. Rough about the lack of training but way to gut it out.
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