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2009-03-29 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

Just got back from the 10K.  Kind of a tough course with a lot of wind today.  I did a 48:55.  Out in 24:20 and back in 24:35.  At certain points I thought I was going to get into the 47's but that turned out to be at the end of running to the bottom of some long hills.  The last 2.2 miles had a lot of uphill and wind.  I think I hit mile 4 around 30:45 which looked good for me until the rough final 2.2.

My knee still hurts but I really think it is something I'll just have to run through.

2009-03-29 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2038665

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
nice job braving the weather this mornign, it was raining when i woke up, i turned around and went right back to bed
2009-03-29 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
Nice job on the 10k!
2009-03-30 12:12 AM
in reply to: #2047599

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
so something i was thinking about today.

for most of us races are getting closer to being here, and training is coming along.

something that most/all of us were probably not thinking about too much though is the little pesky 4th event in triathlon, the transitions.

go look through your local race resutls, and with a few exceptions of the top few athletes, you will see some amazingly slow transition times. people train for months, only to throw it all away by spending 3 min putting their shoes on?

sooooo, the point behind all this. go out and try actually doing it quickly sometime. when your heartate is up, things like buckles, shoes, helmets, all become amazingly hard to work;-)

lay out your transition, go run a hard 10 min or bike hard for 20, come back, jump off and try to get to the other fast (doenst really matter the order here, just getting used to doing these fast is good enough).

after you have done this a few times, take a min to see what slowed you down the most.

without fail almost 90% of the time, its people having too much stuff there. take only what you need (in a tri)- running shoes, bike, bike shoes if you use them, helmet, race number/belt, socks if you wear them. sunglasses if you really need them or longer than sprint.

lay them out in an order that makes sense, either with what you need first closest to you, or in the order you will grab it. i tend to set my stuff up like this:

running shoes on the ground, with the heals apart, helmet gets laid between them, upside down with the straps outside of the helmet, race number if being used is sitting under helmet on running shoes. bike shoes clipped to bike already. nothing else goes in for sprint races.

tips to speed things up:

-put a bit of baby powder in your bike shoes/running shoes. helps wet feet slide in and stay blister free

-dont sit down, this takes time

- if you are going to use socks, wait till after the bike, they will go on a lot easier than on wet feet

- this is part of the race, the clock is still ticking, and the only place you get FREE speed, no training, no extra gear.

- smooth and controled is fast, keep moving, but dont be frantic.

- running with your bike held by the saddle is MUCH easier than by the bars.

- put your helmet on before anything else, and take it off first.

- if you use a number belt, put it on while you run, its made for that;-)

2009-03-30 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

Good tips on transition, David.

I am hoping to master slipping in and out of the shoes while clipped to the pedals this year 

2009-03-30 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2049868

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
practice this somewhere with space the first time;-)

2009-03-31 7:15 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

I don't do well slipping into my shoes (that are already clipped into the pedals) either.  I did at least my last 3 or 4 races last year that way.

My shoes are regular road shoes with three straps.  I only fasten and unfastes the top two straps and leave the one closest to my toes alone. 

Here is an idea I just thought of:  What if I cut out the tounge?  Do I need a tounge that bad?  I only have one pair of shoes, so would I need a tounge during long training rides?  I'm picking on the tounge because that is the bugger that gets in the way and gives most trouble when trying to quickly stuff my feet in the shoes while riding.

2009-03-31 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2050402

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
you prob could without any issue, my tri shoes (and only shoes) dont have any tongue
2009-04-01 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2050026

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

I'm still waiting for the weather to warm up.  As soon as it does I'll be practicing the transisitions.  Thanks for the tips.


How do you get warmed up and stayed warmed up before a race?  We all have to show up at the same time for the race, but all 800 of us won't be starting at once.  How important will a warm up besides stretching be? 


Happy April Fool's !!! Check out Flora Polis on youtube.  I wish all of my students were as smart as her. 

 Nice 10k Thomas.  Cool

I won't be checking in after tomorrow- Headed west for Spring Break.  I'll have access to a pool so I'm hoping to get a couple of workouts in.  I'm wondering how the altitude will effect my performance. 

2009-04-01 12:11 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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New user

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

Great transition advice. I actually did my first dual sport practice this weekend. The transistion (between swim and bike) took me almost 10 minutes! Yikes! 

The advice someone gave me was to have a bucket of water to dip my feet in to get off all the sand from the beach, then have a towel next to it to dry my feet before putting on shoes and socks. I will be wearing my running shoes for the bike and run because I haven't gotten the urge to put clips on my mt. bike. One thing I am considering is swaping out the regular pedals for a pair with baskets. Do you think this would be advantageous?

Another hiccup I had was my heart rate monitor. It is a Garmin 305- which is not waterproof. So that hassle adds to my transition time too. I really would like to have it on though for the bike and run so I know my pace and HR. Is it worth it?

Overall, the swim/bike combo was not too bad. But when I did a bike/run combo yesterday or "brick" as I have heard it referred to- my legs felt just like bricks!  I have one more month to do more combinations to get used to it. Do most people do a full practice  tri in before the real event?

2009-04-01 11:22 PM
in reply to: #2054411

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
as far of putting the garmin on or not, thats up to you, it will deff slow you down, but if thats not an issue there is no reason not too.

as far as practicing goes, doing a whole event in training on its own is not going to do a lot in getting you ready (or no more than doing the regular training you would be doing). the more you train, the more your body can get through a training race (ie if you train 4 hours a week, a 2 hour workout or whatever the training race is going to take will hurt you a lot more than if you are training say 10 hours a week).

i think doing 2 back to back workouts is more than enough.
running off the bike is more about cycling fitness than being used to running right after (ie the more you bike the easier it is to run after).

2009-04-02 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1858045

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

Ever feel like Job??  I could always be worse...but it's been one of those weeks.  Its been sick central at work...noone keeps their germs to themselves...and of I've got it...and it's a nasty nasty sinus infection.  Ok...vent over.   Today I went to the Ortho surgeon - he's pretty sure I have a completely blown ACL and that I've had it for several years.   Evidently there's a small segment of the population with strong enough complementary muscles and ligaments that have, as he put it, a "remarkable tolerance for ACL injuries"...meaning you can still run/play sports (some can't even walk normally)...albeit at a reduced intensity at times, and only have it flare up from time to time - because of collateral damage from not having the ACL.  I may be reaching the point where my knee is telling me...if I want to keep playing...I have to get it fixed...everything else can't compensate sufficiently anymore...and I may be doing other types of damage. I'm getting an MRI tomorrow. 

I'm still hoping I can last the year... if I do need surgery...I'll ditch the Sept tri...and do it at the end of the summer so I can rehab over the fall and winter.  We'll see...right now I want to be able to run.  Heck..just him yanking on it this morning...I think it's a lot looser... maybe whatever shred of acl was left....he took care of.  My PT said trainers do that on the sports field at times..and on purpose.  I found that interesting.

2009-04-03 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

Good luck with the injury Malcolm.  Maybe I'll get my left knee looked at too.  It gives me trouble from time to time and is the knee where I feel like it is hyperextended.  I was hit by a car when I was 26 and it has wobbled from side to side ever since.  I never went to the doctor after being hit by the car and chose instead to just limp around until it "got better".  I always assumed if I can tolerate the pain to walk on it then it must be OK.


2009-04-03 6:37 PM
in reply to: #2060023

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

DieuEtMonDroit - 2009-04-03 9:02 AM

Good luck with the injury Malcolm. Maybe I'll get my left knee looked at too. It gives me trouble from time to time and is the knee where I feel like it is hyperextended. I was hit by a car when I was 26 and it has wobbled from side to side ever since. I never went to the doctor after being hit by the car and chose instead to just limp around until it "got better". I always assumed if I can tolerate the pain to walk on it then it must be OK.

You should definitely get it looked at.  You might have a partial tear...and although you can probably keep running on it - you're fine running linearly - it's lateral movement that really suffers without an ACL - you should at least get it checked to make sure you aren't causing damage to other parts of the knee or building abnormal arthritis from the injury.

2009-04-03 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2061677

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
yeah both of you deff keep an eye on things, as you get older they will cause more and more issues.

there is a time and place to suck it up and work through things, but knees are not one of them
2009-04-04 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2061977

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
had my first race simulation workout today to see where the training stands right now,

myself and 6 others did a 12 mi TT followed by a 10k run (thomas we used the alum creek 10k course).

manged 26.1mph on the bike and 38:24 on the run. bike was harder than it should have been due to training hourse this week but things are looking good, cant wait for the first outdoor race in two weeks.

how is everyone else doing? enjoying the weekend?

2009-04-05 2:57 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
Ran a half marathon today that I wish I didn't.  I think I man not chose to run that distance when I am sick again.  Got the miles in and that is all I really wanted.
2009-04-07 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2050811

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
hey guys, just wanted to give you the ehads up, the new mentor groups are starting up here fairly soon and i have no idea what happens to these groups once they do, might keep both open or they may roll over to using the new ones.

if this does not stay open and you want to be part of my/another group, feel free to check out the new ones as they open up, your welcome to jump back into mine or find another that looks like they have something to offer you that i dont/cant.

if you decide to go another route, feel free to shoot questions my way if you would like!
2009-04-08 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!

Thanks David.  I'm sure I'll keep in touch whether via this group or on the individuals logs.

Travis, I hope you recover soon from the sickness and pushing through the 1/2 marathon.

David, are you racing the Delaware duathlon this year?  I'll be there again.


2009-04-08 11:49 AM
in reply to: #1858045

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
Geez... I was wondering what happened!!  I feel like I've been out of it ever since the knee - since I haven't been able to really train.   Came back on here today - and thought the site had glitched. 

Got the results of the MRI yesterday.  Confirmed a fully torn ACL.  Good news is - although there is additional fluid and inflammation - the rest of the knee looks pretty healthy.  He custom fitted me for a brace - which he wants me to wear - even when just running.   The real decision point for me - will depend on what I find I can/cannot do.  Right now, I can't even run - although I'm planning to try again tomorrow.  If I can run decently - then I will put off a decision until the end of the summer - where I'll likely have the surgery and spend Fall and Winter healing and hopefullyl rehabbing to the point where I can get back to everything I love by spring.  As he put it, he classifies me as an "aggressive athlete"...because I, like many of you, still attempt to play sports that involve more than just rnning in a straight line - so since, again as he put it, i'm "relatively" young   Now's the time to get it fixed - but it's a full 6mos before he'll llet me train again.

At anyrate - it's been pretty depressing - I've already had to give up the indoor tri and any thoughts of a May tri.  I am booked for two events this year... July and Sept...and was planning to squeeze something else in  - along with misc runs and rugby games...  Here's hoping I can run close to normally soon - or I may just bite the bullet and let him cut me right after I take a summer vacation.

I hope everyone is training hard - spring is here...and I'm feeling restless...
2009-04-08 9:56 PM
in reply to: #2071182

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
hey guys, i will check back into this group for a few more days, but if you have questions/thoughts go ahead and post on the main tri forum, i am there daily and many others can chime in as well!

thomas, no i am doing a sprint tri that same day.

2009-04-09 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
Thanks for all you've done as a mentor David!
2009-04-10 10:10 PM
in reply to: #2073929

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
thanks guys, look forward to seeing how your seasons go!

malcom good luck with the knee, hopefully that goes well!
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