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2008-08-18 9:18 AM

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Subject: circadian rhythm
I recently read a book called the "Circadian Prescription" it was written in 2000. It makes a lot of "scientific sense" (disclaimer: I was a psych major, I really know nothing about science!).

The book makes the argument that we should eat mainly protein until about mid day then switch to mainly carbs, we should also reduce our caffeine intake - a bit of a no brainer! Or at least not intake caffeine until after 4 pm. It professes that our bodies are better able to process certain types of foods at different times of day or different times of our natural "cycle".

The plan does not change what you eat...just when you eat it...assuming you start with healthy eating habits. (which we all have...right!)

I wanted to throw it out there and see if any one on BT follows this nutritional plan. If so how does it affect your training if at all.

2008-08-20 10:18 PM
in reply to: #1610179

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: circadian rhythm

That's a bit different than one I read called "Fit For Life" which states that fruit should always and only be eaten on an empty stomach, and that until lunch you should eat pretty much only fruit, and as much of it as you want.  The other piece is that you should never eat proteins and carbs in the same meal, as proteins supposedly use an acid to digest, where carbs use mostly an alkaline (base), and acid + base = neutralized (aka water) which keeps ANYTHING from digesting.  I dunno if it makes complete sense to me either.

By the way, I don't really follow that diet either.  

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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » circadian rhythm Rss Feed