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2008-08-20 9:25 AM

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Subject: Pregnancy and triathlons
I found out that I'm pregnant. Still early. I'm in the middle of training for my second tri on Oct 5. I have an appt with my dr on friday to talk with him. My goal it to train and finish this tri. Any BTDT moms out there that did a tri while pregnant?

2008-08-20 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1615801

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Pregnancy and triathlons
My best friend did her first (and only so far) tri while pregnant, I think she was about 8 weeks. She found out about a month before and her doctor said it was fine. While at a race last weekend, I saw this woman competing!

(Pregnant racer.jpg)

Pregnant racer.jpg (40KB - 15 downloads)
2008-08-20 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1615801

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Pregnancy and triathlons
Congratulations on the big news!!

I also found out I was pregnant when I was in the middle of training for a race. I have raced before, but my husband had some concerns about me getting kicked during the swim... and major worries about me falling off my bike and falling directly on my uterus. Seriously. He explained the physics of me flying over my aero bars and somehow crushing the baby.

OK, I admit I mocked his concerns at first, but in the end I decided to just call it a year. I would have been about 13 weeks along for my scheduled race, but I chose to just go volunteer and cheer on the other people instead.

My doctor was totally ok with training and even racing in all honesty, especially since he knew I was already into training... but to be honest, I was so tired bewteen weeks 6 and 12, my training took a major backseat to SLEEPING!! He also said not to be overly concerned with Heart Rate stats you hear... for me an average training session was 155 to 175... he had no concerns about it at all.

I think it is totally awesome for you to want to race, but I would highly recommend tuning into your body. I know even now when I ride my trainer I get very hot very quickly. I also have had some issues with dizziness (never related to training per se, but still). Stay alert to what your body is saying.

Alternately, take the year off and enjoy helping out at some race venues and find a way to give back to your sport!! The worst part for me with volunteering is that most people couldn't tell I was pregnant so it seemed like a lame excuse. Even now that I am 20 weeks, I am JUST starting to show.

All the best!
2008-08-20 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1615801

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Nampa, Idaho
Subject: RE: Pregnancy and triathlons
I hope you do it! Let us know what the doctor says!
2008-08-20 10:59 AM
in reply to: #1615801

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Subject: RE: Pregnancy and triathlons

I wasn't a triathlete for my pregnancies but I hiked through both, rock climbed til harness didn't fit, kayaked, etc. Listen to your body and doctor and enjoy sports and pregnancy!


ETA: my pregnancies were fullterm and I have healthy happy bright cute toddlers now-- who like to hike, climb, kayak, etc    

Edited by movingsouth 2008-08-20 11:02 AM
2008-08-20 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1615801

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central Iowa
Subject: RE: Pregnancy and triathlons
I have a good friend who's a triathlete and when she got pregnant she didn't race because her doctor didn't want her to bike - or do anything else where she could risk falling at a high speed (skiing, snowmobiling, etc).  Every doctor is different when it comes to the pregnancy issue, so talk to your doctor, your SO, etc., and do what's going to be best for the long run.  If you decide swimming and/or biking are too risky for you perhaps you can change over to a relay for your race in October.

2008-08-20 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1615801

Subject: RE: Pregnancy and triathlons
First of all, Congrats!

My sister-in-law did her first triathlon while pregnant. It seems like different doctors will tell you different things. Her's said she shouldn't let her heart rate get above 140, but otherwise she was free to keep training. Of course, there is no way she was going to keep her heart rate down that low on her first tri, but she finished the race and both she and my now 2 1/2 year old niece did just fine. Oh, and I can say that my niece is the youngest triathlete I know, having competed in utero!!

But to second what everyone else has said here, it seems like its really about your comfort level as well as paying attention to your body.

Let us know what you end up doing!
2008-08-20 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1615801

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Subject: RE: Pregnancy and triathlons

Can you find an ob who is an athlete?  You just might get a different frame of reference.  I've been thinking about switching to a ob/gyn (who happens to be a triathlete, who happens to be a BT'er) for that very reason.  For instance, I recently saw an orthopedist for some foot issues who gave me some restrictions that I totally disagreed with.  Bottom line, I think if he had been an athlete his recommendations would be totally different.  But to someone who is otherwise doing nothing, what he was allowing me to 'continue' with seemed reasonable.  For someone who trains at the level a lot of triathletes do, it was completely ridiculous.  Same thing with one of my pregnancies, being told not to ever lift over 15 lbs. while pregnant, which for me is like lifting a paper bag.  It's just easier to heed advice when you know the person is coming from a similar background.

The one thing that comes to mind depending on the length of your tri would be an elevated body temp for an extended period of time.  That might be inconsequential, but worth asking. 

2008-08-20 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1615801

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Mountain View, CA
Subject: RE: Pregnancy and triathlons
Congrats! I know of someone who did the swim leg of a half-ironman relay while 8+ months pregnant. She positioned herself at the back of the pack and stayed to the outside in order to minimize the chance that she'd get kicked, and she was fine.
2008-08-20 4:25 PM
in reply to: #1615801

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Subject: RE: Pregnancy and triathlons
Congrats! I raced before I realized I was pregnant - about 6 weeks along. Since it was the end of the season anyway, I kept working out but not very rigorously at all - check w/ the doc and hope s/he gives you the OK. After the baby, it was back into workouts - just getting the stroller, diaper bag, bottles, change of clothes for us, etc. . . to the gym was a workout in itself.
2008-08-20 8:10 PM
in reply to: #1615801

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Pregnancy and triathlons

If you are already an athlete, continuing to training (but not racing) through pregnancy is common. But, if you are a 'casual' racer then there are a few serious considerations regarding training and racing. Our OB said that anaerobic efforts may cause stress to the fetus. Due to the increased blood volume, your heart will be working harder. Lastly a bike crash can be disastrous to your pregnancy. Of course this all depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy. In the first few weeks you won't really have the extra load on your heart, but your risk of miscarrying is higher.


The point is that while staying fit and active during pregnancy is sensible, there is no compelling reason to race while pregnant.

Edited by Broompatrol 2008-08-20 8:15 PM

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