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2008-12-22 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1863539

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
I am Amy. I am a mom of two. A 5yo boy and a 3 1/2 yo girl.

This will be my third year of racing. I have done five sprints so far.

Lately, I have been finding any excuse not to train, but I want to continue to get out there and do the races, so, I have to train. I tend to be the queen of nap time treadmill runs. I am pretty sure I am getting a bike trainer for Christmas, so I will be the queen of trainer rides as well.

I work very part time as a 911 dispatcher. Which keeps me sane.

I also love to do the monthly challenges. They keep me motivated.

2008-12-22 4:59 PM
in reply to: #1868102

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
lyssa-gator - 2008-12-22 1:50 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2008-12-22 10:40 AM
lyssa-gator - 2008-12-22 7:54 AM

i wanna be on your mentor team!! i have to read the whole page, i just sent you a pm though. i havne't been on this site for a couple weeks because i was pouting about the snow. i can't run and i can't swim, and i can't ride. it's sending me to the dark place. BUT i need to get my head outta my arse, and get back on here!! 

WELCOME Lyssa...of course you can not swim now...the only water sport you can do is ice fish near your home! what I want to know is what is all this pouting stuff - no pouting allowed girl...remember you are my tough chick!!!!...and dont tell me you are not running....cuz you have a two year old! lord knows you need to keep your running shoes on to chase him! and I thought you had a trainer drainer!? time to get on and drain train! if you do not...we are going to have to get you one! what is the challenge this month...running, biking or swimming? we need to get you back on track and show those other challenge teams and teammates of yours just what my lyssa-gator is all about! she is not a pouter...but a go-getter and a doer! so you my is time to get those six shooters out...or that wonderful pace booty of a husband and go for a run...even if it is in circles around your house...go girl go! no more dark days for you! time to get the sunshine back in your days!


THIS IS WHY EVERYONE LOVES JULIE!! i will say that although i haven't been running/biking/swimming, that i HAVE been staying somewhat active. like you said julie, i DO have a two year old (and a 4 year old, and an 8 year old LOL) i am trying for my first marathon, the seattle rock n roll at the end of june. i was getting sort of panicky about the training, the plan that i have is a 24 (?) week plan, and day one is a 7 mile run with 10X100meters. i think the longest i've run, EVER is somewhere between 5 and 6 miles. and that was a while ago, so i spent some time building up again, and was up to around 5 miles (this is a comfortable-push distance for me) when the freakin snow dumped on me. no kidding, it's more than knee deep, and they haven't really been plowing! it's psychotic! so now of course i'm worrying about distance, losing fitness, endurance again, and having to start over. on friday it will have been two weeks since my last run. i'm thinking about joining a 24 hour fitness that's not terribly far from my house (like 40 minutes driving. LOL) but they have no pool there. ah well can't have it all.

ahhhh the love is right back atcha...good to see you back online here! I have soooo much faith that you can do this fact, I am contemplating heading your way for this! nothing more fun then rock and roll marathons...

Lyssa - do not be sooo hard on yourself - I realize you are shut in with midgets running around and screaming and probably wanting as much as you do to get out and do things...anyone that can run with six shooters can run a marthon! forty minutes is doable, are there any motels or hotels near you. I have friends who were able to use thier gyms for a monthly fee...just a thought...and it may be that you have none closer then the gym. Realize that if you could run 5-6 miles a few weeks still can tomorrow..but you have to get going soon...6 months is plenty of time to get you rocknroll'n and ready to run and walk if you have to this marathon! I was planning on doing the rock n roll marathon in my area but I may have to head your way!!!! how much can even take me out in your lake near your house and help me to break my fears of those darn open water swims! DEAL!? hope you can make a decision soon...I TRULY hate to see you doubting yourself...that is not the lyssa I know! how about a mall near you? go run around the inside mall...after all the news is saying they are all empty love ya girl and want to see you back in that training seat...not hiding in your home! let us know what you decide. OBTW I swam for you! I about froze my arse off...which would be a good thing! but once I got there and got going I had a blast and swam for an hour! woo hoo! I would have stayed but the kids were showing up and I saw nothing but noodles in th lanes on either side of me....I decided I did not want to get ugly with some I left....but I am happy to announce - I am baaaack! how'bout you!? what are you going to do to get back on track....Im waiting!?

2008-12-22 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1868040

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2008-12-22 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1868209

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
naners - 2008-12-22 2:33 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2008-12-21 6:06 PM

naners - 2008-12-21 8:14 PM I'm so in on this one!!

yo spartacus...glad to hear from you!...glad you chose us...we are honored! even though I know you and know you well...make sure to introduce yourself to the other teammates.

We are going to have some great fun training these next few months...then when we get to where we feel we need to be...we can we all come and hang out with you in Hawaii??? right???? I keep threatening to come your way! I did not make it to Hawaii this past next year, you will more then likely be seeing me! ARENT YOU EXCITED!?  you bet you are!

Everyone promises to come to Hawaii, and no one ever shows up. 

Hi all!  My name is Nalani.  I’m from Hawaii.  I’m not married (but am getting married in June), have no kids, and no pets (but that will also change shortly after I get married J).  This is my third year doing triathlons.  I swam when I was in elementary and intermediate school, but then went on to much less athletic pastimes throughout high school and undergraduate school.  In grad. school I started playing soccer, and took a triathlon class.  Soon after the class, I was addicted to the sport.

Next year, I plan on doing a marathon, a couple of sprint tris, an Olympic distance, and a HIM  Other than that, I’ll likely just do things as they come my way.

Being in Hawaii, I really have no reason not to train year round.  That being said, I haven’t been on my bike since September.  So, biking is definitely a weakness.  So is running, but I’m really learning to love it.  I also need help with the whole injury prevention and nutrition thing. 

Strengths: I’m generally pretty positive about everything.  I’m rarely negative about training.  If someone notices that I’m being negative about something, will they kindly throw something at me? 



what are wrong with those people who promise to come your way...(oh that's right I am one of them) Hi Nalani...we are thrilled to first of all have you on our team and secondly to have a great place to migrate to! You are going to be sorry you ever invited me...I usually make a September trip your way...and tris in September on your island? which Island do you live on? Congrats on the engagement and upcoming wedding! From the past year of getting to know and love you...he must be very special! I look forward to meeting him in one of my visits your way! or in case you are looking for a nice romantic honeymoon....San Francisco is know to be pretty special! It is great to have a swimmer on the can help me with my swim issues and I promise to be there to push you to ride and hopefully to bet you to eventually love the bike portion as much as I do! I do have to say whenever I visit the is VERY, I can see how biking can be an issue...but this is where I say start into the wind and then let the wind carry you home!  but get on that bike hear!!! I hope to see in the next few days a good five-10 mile ride...can you do that?! have a great day.

and glad to have your positive mind set/attitude...we all need those around us! I hope we can all follow in your footsteps...and I too would like you to call me on any negativity I may throw your way!

with that said...lets all beat down those obstacles that seem to be in our way and TRAIN WELL!

 here is one way to shatter all time all three legs at once!

2008-12-22 5:27 PM
in reply to: #1868300

Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

And this Masters swim team you speak of..where to I even locate such a group? 

Here's a great site for that question:

2008-12-22 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1863539

Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

May I join this group?  I'm a 40 year old working (currently 50 hrs/week) mom of two, newbie, needs help learning to swim alot better, has Lupus (which interferes with training on a regular basis) am registered for Florida 70.3 and freaking out about that a lot.  I am also trying to lose 20 lbs., beginning Jan 1st.  I'm trying not to sound too needy  Thanks.

2008-12-22 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1868305

Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

I promise to get back on my bike soon!  Before the week is over, I'll get on that thing.  Anyone else have some small or large goal that they can accomplish by the end of the week?

I usually make a September trip your way...and tris in September on your island? which Island do you live on?

Oahu.  We have an all women's race in the beginning of September.  You game for that?

2008-12-22 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1868300

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
Kurls26 - 2008-12-22 3:19 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2008-12-22 3:27 PM
Kurls26 - 2008-12-22 12:32 PM

 Being athletic is to your advantage and if you ran track you should do fine with the run portion. Do you have a bike? and are you swimming at all? I would like for you to try and do at least 4 days a week of 30 minute work outs...that is only 2 hours a week...TO START! we will up it as you get more comfortable... if you have a spin class at you gym this is a great way to train for the bike portion and I can not emphasize enough about the importance of joining a masters swim teamI promise that it may be daunting now, but you are soooooooo on the right track! Make sure to ask any and all questions...that is what we are here for! and let me be the first to say...there are "NO" dumb questions....believe you me! if there are...I have asked them all!

I hope I have not overwhelmed you....I know you will love this site! if you have any questions...let me know. I can help you set up your training log if you need it....

okay here comes some info and questions.  Currently my training consists of mostly weight training 2-3x/week-it can easily be upped, as long as I get my butt out of bed!   Im on  a total body circuit program right now, and usually wrap it up with some sort of Interval training or tabata on the stationary bike or treadmil.  The last time I swam was in 8th grade swim class!  I'm confident in my swimming, but am far from great form and technique.  So to answer your question, No I am not swimming, but I have searched the local YMCA and their pool schedule and have considered canceling my current gym membership and signing up for a YMCA membership so that I have access to a pool in the winter. And this Masters swim team you speak of..where to I even locate such a group?  As far as a bike..Its a cheap mountain bike. hardly ever used. Even though I ran track in school, distance is not a strength of mine.  I was a sprinter, but Im positive once I get into the groove of a steady pace, I should have no problem. I would say I am strongest in Biking, only because I havent swam in so long. 

I am also wondering when and how far out should I sign up for a race?  I'd like to see myself running in early spring.  My boyfriend returns from his deployment in May, and I would love for him to be there.  So is a May-July race feasible? Im thinking if I sign up now it will be more of a motivation to roll out of bed in the morning! Also....being in Boston AKA snow EVERYWHERE....i'm limited to train in the gym 95% of the time.  Im assuming I will train on a treadmil and bike. Any advice on what speed and elevation/resistance I should never go below? Thanks so much! I am really looking forward to keeping up with everyone's progress

most all pools offer masters swim class....I do not know of any Y's that would not offer them...the problem is they sometimes have 5am practices...and are not reasonable for find one that fits your schedule...woo hoo strong biking is very good in tris..I think that is how I have medaled in many of mine...believe you me....I come out of the water very tired and usually after being passed by most of my class and maybe even some of the later heats! ;( but I make it up on my of the things I hear all the time is you can not win or lose a tri in the swim....but I do believe you can with your bike/runs...and I have to say being a strong swimmmer sure does help! so with that said..dont go out and buy a new bike yet...and when you do...make sure to check out the classified after christmas...many triathletes will be getting new ones for xmas or upgrading and will be offering thier old ones for extra-ordinarily low fact I have a nice Fuji road bike 50cm that I have listed right now on ebay....if it does not sale I will keep you in has top of the line components and is a 2007 model...that I am only asking 450 for! I bought this from a freind who bought it and never used it...we got it for friends or family who comes to visit and wants to go ride, but we just dont use it enought to justify keeping it...and it only has 100 miles on the computer!!! I think March is doable for a sprint...but you have to be comfortable in the water...make sure to get lots of lap times in...and you may want to start with a pool to not get overwhelmed with an open water swim in your first tri. May is totally doable but again get to that YMCA...I am not a treadmill runner and have to HALE those who do so! but will find out for you...I will send you a training plan in the next few days that I feel is appropriate...for now, just make sure to spend at least 30 minutes on the treadmill, you can also get trainers for your bike if your family is still looking for xmas presents....this allows you to set up in your home or garage and place your bike that is fitted for you on it so that you can ride at your own convenience...many people use these during the winter months...or, when  you join the gym - ask about spin classes...I personally have only done a  handful of spin classes and again have to hale those who do...but you have to understand we barely get below forty hear and it rains only a few months so I do most of my training outdoors...go get em tiger! I will email you a training program soon....will keep your boyfriend in my prayers....tell him THANKS FOR ALL HE DOES TO KEEP US SO SAFE AND SECURE!

2008-12-22 5:42 PM
in reply to: #1868315

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2008-12-22 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1868322

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
naners - 2008-12-22 3:31 PM

I promise to get back on my bike soon!  Before the week is over, I'll get on that thing.  Anyone else have some small or large goal that they can accomplish by the end of the week?

I usually make a September trip your way...and tris in September on your island? which Island do you live on?

Oahu.  We have an all women's race in the beginning of September.  You game for that?

yes I is a danskin race?
2008-12-22 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1868321

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
AndriaLL - 2008-12-22 3:30 PM

May I join this group?  I'm a 40 year old working (currently 50 hrs/week) mom of two, newbie, needs help learning to swim alot better, has Lupus (which interferes with training on a regular basis) am registered for Florida 70.3 and freaking out about that a lot.  I am also trying to lose 20 lbs., beginning Jan 1st.  I'm trying not to sound too needy  Thanks.

we would love you to join us! you and I can swim together. I have two questions for you....what is your name? and secondly...are those your arms???? dang! if are going to fly in the swim portion!!!!! Please do not freak out about your upcoming can and will do it and we will do all we can as a team to get you ready!

I have a good friend that has lupus and my hat is off to the both of you! and as I have told the others who have joined...please make sure to log everything you do....well almost everything and stay involved with the make sure to start not put it with that said....welcome arms...I can only dream about mine looking that dang buff!

2008-12-22 5:55 PM
in reply to: #1863539

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
I am about to head out the door to my last minute shopping.....I want a team vote on how many people we want in the team....I think we should not get too large cuz we get lost...but I feel the more the merrier - - we are at ten, let me know your thoughts!!! and then make sure to bike, swim and or run! noone is going to do it for us...darn-it!
2008-12-22 6:33 PM
in reply to: #1868371

Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
I'll chime in on number - I agree more is better, to a point. In the first mentor group I participated in a couple of years ago, we started with about 10, but 2-3 dropped out and the 5-6 active members who were left ran out of things to talk about. So, I'd say somewhere around 15 is a good number to aim for. I know no one wants to think it'll happen, but life will interfere for some of us, and we'll have to put off our goals. It's a fact of life, and I hope that those to whom it happens don't beat themselves up about it! Delays happen! (So say the airlines, anyway!)

How'd did the week start for everyone? I managed to run yesterday and rode my bike to work today. I'll try to do a short yoga workout this evening, but I try most evenings and don't usually get it done. Then, we'll see what tomorrow brings!

My strength is swimming and consistency. Right now, I'm on hiatus from swimming until February 1 (partly financial and partly mental). I don't really care for swimming much, although it's my strongest sport, so I've taken a 3 month break this year. We'll see how it works out for me later in the season, I guess. Once I get started with training, I'm like a robot with getting the workouts in. If it's on the schedule, I don't even think about it, I just do it, somehow. If I don't have a schedule, however, I'm a couch potato! So, I'll be working on my training schedule this week and next and get it posted for myself.

My weakness is nutrition. I frequently just forget to eat, or don't bother. When I'm in the thick of training, I get hungry and that helps me, but then I get picky. I need to work on keeping a variety of snacks on hand and getting them into my body. I also need to work on race-day nutrition, because I don't think I can finish a HIM without some serious intake.

Have a great week everyone!

2008-12-22 6:51 PM
in reply to: #1863539

somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

i have no serious opinions about how many, but if we're at ten, that suits me. 15 sounds like too many, but SERIOUSLY, what do i know? now that i'm finally on here and caught up with the thread, i can't remember what i was going to say. LOL have to go back and re read the thread now tee hee


2008-12-22 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1863539

somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
trish! i think we were writing at the same time, i didn't mean to contradict you when i said 15 was too many, i forgot that people drop out so you're totally right. LOL
and now that i read THAT, i STILL can't remember what i was going to say. i REALLY need to run, and in order to do that, i think i'd need snow shoes and a babysitter. anyone? anyone?
2008-12-22 7:07 PM
in reply to: #1863539

somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

ok. i remember now.

i did danskin seattle this year, and it was the dang funnest race i've EVER done!! if anyone is considering doing a danskin DO IT!! it was so cool that it was all these chicks! elite chicks, and fat chicks, and gramma chicks, and EVERYTHING inbetween!! it was hands down the most fun i've ever had racing.

AND julee-it would FREAKING rock so much if you came up here for rock n roll seattle!!! please can we make that happen?!? that motivates the bejeebers right out of me!! lynne (triathlynne-used to be scotinseattle) is doing it also, it would be so FREAKIN fun!! and i'll totally take you out in my lake julee for a little OWS. bring your wetsuit!! LOL

strengths and weaknesses-i would say that swimming is my ultimate weakness. i can manage, danskin was the longest swim i've ever done and it was 800 meters. i managed to NOT drown, AND came in 302 out of 361 in my AG. LOL there's some SERIOUS numbers for ya!! LOL so like i said, i can manage to NOT drown, but i wouldn't actually call it "sucsessful swimming" LOL

as far as strength right now i would say running, but i just got a new bike in august of last year and i spent a LOT of time on it-and ended up really losing steam on the run portion of my last race. (it was 3.1 miles and i think my time was just a hair over 38 minutes! LOL) like i said though, i'm TRYING to marathon train, so RECENTLY i've been running running running my little heart out.
i DID rock the bike portion of that danskin race though!! if i DO say so myself, it was 12 miles i think, or 13? now i can't remember-my finisher medal says 20K bike--and my time was 41.43 MOST fun bike leg EVER.

ok. my kid's dinner is ready, my dd is on the potty yelling that she's done, my two year old is standing on my calf, and my 8 year old is at the table crying, i'll be back on later.

2008-12-22 10:22 PM
in reply to: #1868441

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

NoSit - 2008-12-22 4:33 PM I'll chime in on number - I agree more is better, to a point. In the first mentor group I participated in a couple of years ago, we started with about 10, but 2-3 dropped out and the 5-6 active members who were left ran out of things to talk about. So, I'd say somewhere around 15 is a good number to aim for. I know no one wants to think it'll happen, but life will interfere for some of us, and we'll have to put off our goals. It's a fact of life, and I hope that those to whom it happens don't beat themselves up about it! Delays happen! (So say the airlines, anyway!) How'd did the week start for everyone? I managed to run yesterday and rode my bike to work today. I'll try to do a short yoga workout this evening, but I try most evenings and don't usually get it done. Then, we'll see what tomorrow brings! My strength is swimming and consistency. Right now, I'm on hiatus from swimming until February 1 (partly financial and partly mental). I don't really care for swimming much, although it's my strongest sport, so I've taken a 3 month break this year. We'll see how it works out for me later in the season, I guess. Once I get started with training, I'm like a robot with getting the workouts in. If it's on the schedule, I don't even think about it, I just do it, somehow. If I don't have a schedule, however, I'm a couch potato! So, I'll be working on my training schedule this week and next and get it posted for myself. My weakness is nutrition. I frequently just forget to eat, or don't bother. When I'm in the thick of training, I get hungry and that helps me, but then I get picky. I need to work on keeping a variety of snacks on hand and getting them into my body. I also need to work on race-day nutrition, because I don't think I can finish a HIM without some serious intake. Have a great week everyone! Trish

Thanks Trish...that was the number I was thinking...15. What about the rest of you!?

I love your robot comment...I need  you to rub off on me. I will say I am going swimming and instead go biking and running and vice versa.

Nutrition is soo very important..especially when working out....we will find the right nutrition for you...I am a huge GU lover when I packs away easily and sure seems to give me an instant is hard for me even when I race longer races to choke down some of the power bars, cliff bars....etc although I know I need, we definitely want to get you on the right nutritions and some nice healthy snacks....I actually swam today. I got in and it was gorgeous blue sky and all of a sudden I kept thinking who is splashing up a storm next to me...and instead it was a storm...rained really hard for a good 20 or so minutes...and when I got out....brrrrrrrrrr it had gotten colder! I hate swimming outside..and I think that is why I have been having such issues getting to the is just so darn convenient and I am not too fond of a few of the gyms pools and times they have open lap swimming...DILEMMA DILEMMAS! I am off to go have a bite to eat...WAY LATE, but starving since I have been shopping this entire afternoon...hope you all have a great evening...remember to log. I will be checking your logs in the morning....and I hope to see lots of activity....exercise logging that is! can you believe it is almost Christmas...I hate to say it but BAHUMBUG! nite yall!

2008-12-22 10:23 PM
in reply to: #1868470

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

lyssa-gator - 2008-12-22 4:55 PM trish! i think we were writing at the same time, i didn't mean to contradict you when i said 15 was too many, i forgot that people drop out so you're totally right. LOL
and now that i read THAT, i STILL can't remember what i was going to say. i REALLY need to run, and in order to do that, i think i'd need snow shoes and a babysitter. anyone? anyone?

you crack me up...i love having you around...thanks for the smiles lyssa...and please spit it out!

2008-12-22 10:48 PM
in reply to: #1863539

Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

Hi Everyone! I am hoping that there might still be room for me....I am going to need some guidance now that I have entered into the world of triathlon.

Name: Yvonne

Story: I am 37 years young and have the pleasure of teaching Math and English to Junior High kids and co-coaching a senior cross country running team. I have been running for awhile now- just completed my 12th marathon with a PR of 3:41:44. The thought of making the move into the tri-world was inevitable as my hubby is pretty obsessed with it and I am always so inspired when cheering him on. My only triathlon was in high school when the PE teacher just about kicked me out of the pool since I was so far behind the others. I did manage to catch up on the bike and run though.   I have been in the pool a couple of times a week for the past few months and still laugh at how poorly I swim- I had a lady pass me doing side-stroke-though I am enjoying myself more.  

Family Status: Married to a wonderful triathlete (aka my personal IT help desk, bike mechanic and cheerleader), no kids, one constantly hungry chocolate lab

Current Training: I have joined a tri-club at the local rec centre and we have awesome coaches 3 days a week. In addition, I try to get to the pool at least 1-2 times and run 3-4 times a week. I have yet to put my bike on the trainer....but that will happen soon.

This Years Races: Chicago Marathon, Sacramento Marathon

2009 Races: Mt Royal 1st Tri, IMC (yes it is a HUGE intimidating jump taken during a brief lapse of judgement combined with inspiration at IMC 2008)

What I hope to gain: inspiration, training ideas, tips for racing, motivation

What I hope to contribute: knowledge on running, nutrition, motivation

Please let me know Julee if there is room!!!! (fingers and toes crossed)

2008-12-22 10:54 PM
in reply to: #1863539

somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
no one's around? all righty, well i'm going to ATTEMPT to get my two year old to bed, then i'll be back with a glass of wine.
2008-12-22 11:56 PM
in reply to: #1868789

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

lyssa-gator - 2008-12-22 8:54 PM no one's around? all righty, well i'm going to ATTEMPT to get my two year old to bed, then i'll be back with a glass of wine.

mmm I love to whine wine! sooooo I grabbed a glass and I am baaaaack...where are you?

2008-12-23 12:01 AM
in reply to: #1868322

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
naners - 2008-12-22 3:31 PM

I promise to get back on my bike soon!  Before the week is over, I'll get on that thing.  Anyone else have some small or large goal that they can accomplish by the end of the week?

I usually make a September trip your way...and tris in September on your island? which Island do you live on?

Oahu.  We have an all women's race in the beginning of September.  You game for that?

sounds like a great race to shoot for!!!! the only problem is I will be heading to IMCozumel in November and I am not sure I can do both....but lets keep talking!!! you never know...any other time...I would totally take you up...maybe we will have to wait til 2010. Is it an Oly?

Edited by Girl Passing on Left 2008-12-23 2:00 AM
2008-12-23 1:18 AM
in reply to: #1863539

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

I made this chart and will add the new teammates....made it red...because red signifies POWER and that is what our team is all about!



Girl Passing on Left - Julie S

abud7373 - Amy B

maxmansmom - Julie H

Sledge - Cheri

Amy Mutz - Amy M.


lyssa-gator - Allyssa

NoSit - Patricia

Kurls26 - Monica

naners - Nalani

jireland5666 - Jennifer

run yc run - Yvonne

ScotinMinnesota - Scot

chipit muffin- Isabelle



woo hoo...time to start checking up on your teammates and inspire them...and if you see no logging....PM them...they must no there is NO escape from this mighty mentors group...we will have no casualties...we will all be those triathletes we signed up to be!!!

Edited by Girl Passing on Left 2008-12-23 5:43 PM
2008-12-23 2:00 AM
in reply to: #1868779

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)
run_yc_run - 2008-12-22 8:48 PM

Hi Everyone! I am hoping that there might still be room for me....I am going to need some guidance now that I have entered into the world of triathlon.

Name: Yvonne

Story: I am 37 years young and have the pleasure of teaching Math and English to Junior High kids and co-coaching a senior cross country running team. I have been running for awhile now- just completed my 12th marathon with a PR of 3:41:44. The thought of making the move into the tri-world was inevitable as my hubby is pretty obsessed with it and I am always so inspired when cheering him on. My only triathlon was in high school when the PE teacher just about kicked me out of the pool since I was so far behind the others. I did manage to catch up on the bike and run though.   I have been in the pool a couple of times a week for the past few months and still laugh at how poorly I swim- I had a lady pass me doing side-stroke-though I am enjoying myself more.  

Family Status: Married to a wonderful triathlete (aka my personal IT help desk, bike mechanic and cheerleader), no kids, one constantly hungry chocolate lab

Current Training: I have joined a tri-club at the local rec centre and we have awesome coaches 3 days a week. In addition, I try to get to the pool at least 1-2 times and run 3-4 times a week. I have yet to put my bike on the trainer....but that will happen soon.

This Years Races: Chicago Marathon, Sacramento Marathon

2009 Races: Mt Royal 1st Tri, IMC (yes it is a HUGE intimidating jump taken during a brief lapse of judgement combined with inspiration at IMC 2008)

What I hope to gain: inspiration, training ideas, tips for racing, motivation

What I hope to contribute: knowledge on running, nutrition, motivation

Please let me know Julee if there is room!!!! (fingers and toes crossed)

Hi Yvonne...Time to uncross those fingers and toes...WELCOME!!!! I think you would be a great addition to our team. I love your comments about the pool....brought a big smile to my face....and boy did I need to smile after working on that darn team chart...HTML is not something I like to do! but of course sucked it up for the team! sounds like you will compliment the team well...we already have some girls who are in need of nutrition, please by all means chime in! We look forward to getting to know you better. Have a great evening...where is that you live? btw...congrats on the pr in the marathon! that is fabulous!

2008-12-23 5:58 AM
in reply to: #1863539

Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: GPOL group for newbies to the seasoned triathletes (OPEN)

Good morning everyone!  Seems like this is a late night group -- lots of posts after I'm already in bed!  I'm an early riser, and head out the door nearly every morning by 6 to go for a run.  Today I plan to run twice, so keep your fingers crossed for me.  Every Tuesday evening I try to run with my "coach", but I always run in the morning just in case real life ends up interfering with my evening run (darned work expects me to stay sometimes -- something about expecting a paycheck???).  It's cold here this morning -- 35 -- and that is rather cold for NW Florida.  Does anyone have any tips for running in the cold?  I actually like it when it's a little cold, but 35 is a bit much.  I do find that I warm up after the first mile or so, but getting through that first mile is a struggle!  It's all part of that mental game...

I'm heading for Cleveland, OH (talk about COLD!) early tomorrow morning, and may not be able to check in for a few days.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

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