General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Tri-Training PLUS Rock Climbing and Snowboarding? Rss Feed  
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2009-08-07 10:47 PM

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Bishop, CA
Subject: Tri-Training PLUS Rock Climbing and Snowboarding?
Hello there!  Right now I'm in the second week of the "Aggressive Couch to 5K" program (I want to become a better runner before I start training running, biking, and swimming together).  I'm excited about completing this program and starting on an official Triathlon plan, but I'm also super excited about winter in Bishop, CA because it means rock climbing and snowboarding on Mammoth Mountain.  I was hoping to get some feedback from other people who have other pursuits besides triathlon.  Is it even possible to train for triathlon (I'm giving myself a whole YEAR for that, so I'm taking it slowly) and also enjoy these other things that I love doing on a regular basis?

2009-08-08 5:20 AM
in reply to: #2335400

New user
Subject: RE: Tri-Training PLUS Rock Climbing and Snowboarding?
What type of Tri?

Sure, it's called Cross-Training.  Unless you're training for an Iron Man I wouldn't worry about doing other things unless they hamper your training program.  If you find you're not keeping up with the level of performance that the program says you should be, have fun.

Side note; you look thin, in shape, and you talk about all this athletic stuff you already do.  You seem to overly worried about training.
2009-08-08 6:13 AM
in reply to: #2335400

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Northport, NY
Subject: RE: Tri-Training PLUS Rock Climbing and Snowboarding?
My adhd dictates that I also pursue other sports - particularly surfing and Rock Climbing (my avatar is me on the Chief in Squamish). In 2007 I did Ironman Lake PLacid, but outside of that there is little interference. Your triathalon training will help your snowboarding - as for your climbing - it looks like you boulder - be careful of too much muscle gain in your legs and hips. After the IM when I started climbing again I noticed I lost some ability to highstep. Make sure you keep stretching those hips open so you don't have a similar issue. Finally, the swimming is great therapy for climbing stress placed on the fingers and shoulders.

Enjoy and welcome to Triathlon.
2009-08-20 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2335400

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Mammoth Lakes
Subject: RE: Tri-Training PLUS Rock Climbing and Snowboarding?
You can do it. Telling you how is hard with out having an idea of your actual workout schedule but here are a few general rules. I am assuming the triathlon is the primary training here, not rock climbing or snowboarding.

1) don't double up on muscle groups. IE don't rock climb an swim on the same day. don't snowboard and run on the same day. If you do double up make sure the second workout is mellow.

2) when all possible do you run/bike work out first before hitting the slopes. You want to keep good form on the run and bike and you want to be fresher so you get the intended benefit of the other workout. If the double day is too much, you want to figure that out when you are on your play workout not your scheduled workout.

3) REST DAYS ARE REST DAYS!!! don't do the Bachar-Yerian and don't spend 8 hours on the hill on your day off. Rest days are the most important days of the entire training cycle.

4) Look at your workout schedule. If you have a tough swim on Wed don't do a tough climb on Tuesday go mellow.

5) depending on your fitness level, you can always use snowboarding and rock climbing as a recovery workout. recovery workouts are the workouts the day after a hard workout day. IE) if Sunday is your 1 1/2 hr run Mondays recovery workout may be 20-30minutes of easy swimming or running or 1 hr of riding. These workouts can be substituted for easy boarding and climbing days ONLY if your fitness level warrants that you can deal with lower mileage in these sports.

See you out there.

Edited by wyldhair 2009-08-20 10:24 AM
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