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2004-03-24 9:23 PM

New user

Canandaigua, New York
Subject: Here it goes!
So I've done it--signed up! I hope this will give me the motivation to keep moving on after a set back! I was in great shape a year and a half ago...After graduating college and having knee surgery I somewhat lost that edge and I desperately want it back.. But I get frusterated if I'm not making times I was ayear ago!

So I'm up for any suggestions, thoughts or comments! Please help me get back and stay on track! :-)

2004-03-24 9:32 PM
in reply to: #14193

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: Here it goes!
hi Heather,
there are lots of us here trying to get back on track or just hang onto the track we have. You've come to the right place Check in often and post away. Nice to have you here!
2004-03-25 12:27 PM
in reply to: #14193

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Here it goes!

welcome....we will keep u postive here BUT just go up easy...esp on that leg.  maybe talk to a physical therapist or someone n sports medicine on your injuries history and your goals...just to make extra sure u dont do anything u dont want to to that leg while training.

great luck!

2004-03-25 6:03 PM
in reply to: #14193

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Berkeley, CA
Subject: RE: Here it goes!
Hi Heather!

I'm with Ellen, this forum often gives me the push I need to go to the gym, climb on that bike, etc. But it seems to me that you need to have your life in two parts: before knee surgery and after. Don't compare yourself to the before. Concentrate on this new season, performing the best you can in it, to care for your body like it needs to last you another 70 years!! (o:

Welcome and let us know how the knee is doing!

2004-03-25 9:26 PM
in reply to: #14193

New user

Canandaigua, New York
Subject: RE: Here it goes!
THANKS SO MUCH!!! I am so glad I decided to try this site!! I can see it is going to help already!
As for that good old knee--its doing alright, I went for a two mile run today and she held up pretty steady! A little history I played lacrosse in college at the end of my sophomore year I tore my ACL and menicus (spelling may be wrong) and I worked my butt off to get back in shape and ready for fall ball/winter ball.. Under the supervision of a great physical therapist I was in the best shape of my life--even beat sprint and long distance run times from before the injury! My senior year, unfortunately, i tore my other ACL and since then have been struggling! My pt was great again and so was my surgeon (they are the only two that can touch my knees..haha) but the fact that I went down half way through season really hurt my ego and esteem a little! So needless to say I didn't focus on recovering and really didn't do my job but i'm ready to now!!!

Any other tips about beginning to train for a triathalon--I know i'm starting on the low end of the board--only running for two miles--i could probably bike forever I've always been able to do that but the swimming thing i'm not sure! Any training ideas or websites would be really helpful!
And I'll try to remember to not compare my times now with my times before (too soon anyway!)

Thanks again for all your positive support!!
2004-03-25 9:36 PM
in reply to: #14435

New user

Subject: RE: Here it goes!
Did you try any of the training programs on this website. They have a few different options. I am currently doing the 22-Week Tri-Training Program, and in week two. I am trying to stay focused and not look ahead and try to do Week 4 or 5 (lol, ego), as I am fairly active, but want to do this right

cheers lisa

2004-03-25 10:19 PM
in reply to: #14193

Subject: RE: Here it goes!
Hi Heather -- welcome to the site -- you will love it, and you will do great in you triathlon training with all the tips and support you will find here.
2004-03-25 10:40 PM
in reply to: #14193

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Extreme Veteran
Epworth. Iowa
Subject: RE: Here it goes!
Welcome! Train easy on the run - slow and steady is faster than fast and injured. Look up http://www.totalimmersion.netfor the swim portion of the tri. You will get back - goo times will come as a function of smart training - you are in the right place. Train and then celebrate with us!
2004-03-25 10:53 PM
in reply to: #14193

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: Here it goes!
Well I got back in the weight room after a 13 yr absence and totally understand what you are talking about!  Hang in there and it will get better.
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