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Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2004-03-25 2:20 AM


Fairfield, CA
Subject: Hello everyone
I've recently decided to train for an Ironman so I was searching for an online training log that I could use. This one seems to work very well so far. A bit about myself: I'm 21 years old, enlisted in the USAF, and stationed at Travis AFB in CA. For the past 4 years I've dedicated my life to running. I've been dumped by many girlfriends and angered many friends. I started out training in high school for 5Ks, but found my real passion two years ago in marathons. I usually train to the brink, back it off just a bit, and then go at it again. My young mind tells me I'm invincible. Unfortunately however, my beat up legs tell me I have a lot to learn. My PRs (2:43 marathon, 1:16 half) are considerably slower than what I've been capable of. The only marathons I've finished were training runs. I rarely tapered and just train through races. I always told myself I would taper, but when the time came, I continued to run. I wanted to get fast and in a short amount of time. I hit a point last December when my mind and body just said, what the hell are you doing? From late December through early February I had a string of injuries. Started off with just a hamstring strain, moved up to ITB syndrome, graduated to a sprained left ankle, and finally tore my lateral meniscus a month later. I'm still awaiting arthroscopic surgery on my left knee, but continue to run, bike, swim, and weight train. Just at a much slower pace and with less intensity than before. My training log will be very detailed and updated every day, so please feel free to check it out and contact me if you have any suggests, questions, or comments; even if it's to say I train too hard, or maybe not hard enough!

Edited by usafironman 2004-03-25 2:23 AM

2004-03-25 4:17 AM
in reply to: #14242

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: Hello everyone
My young mind tells me I'm invincible.
enjoy it while it lasts.

Started off with just a hamstring strain, moved up to ITB syndrome, graduated to a sprained left ankle, and finally tore my lateral meniscus a month later. I'm still awaiting arthroscopic surgery on my left knee,

alrighty then. It's funny how when we chose to not listen to our bodies it continues to find new ways to send the message. But you could not have told me that at 21 either. I suppose you'll learn the hard way, as we all do :)

try to take care of yourself!

Edited by TriMom217 2004-03-25 4:19 AM
2004-03-25 8:42 AM
in reply to: #14242

Subject: RE: Hello everyone
You might find it interesting to read about one of America's best marathoners ever, Alberto Salazar. I don't know if there are any books out about him or if he's written an autobiography, but the latest issue of Runner's World magazine (with the picture of Jen Toomey on the cover) has a great article about the Boston Marathon dual between Salazar and Dick Beardsley. Some of the things that Salazar went through when his running career went down the chute were really surprising to me. Check it out and then see if that makes you consider your training and racing strategies.

Welcome to the group BTW!


2004-03-25 3:04 PM
in reply to: #14242


Fairfield, CA
Subject: RE: Hello everyone
I have read quite a bit about Salazar and Beardsley. One thing that sticks out in my mind is what Beardsley says about having a 10 year running career compacted into two years. I like to push so much because you really don't know what your body can handle. I say push the limits until you find out, then push them again after you bounce back. Frank Shorter averaged 120 miles a week for 9 or 10 years...that's an AVERAGE. Then in the 80s became a world-class biathlete in his age group! Bill Rodgers used to start his taper only 4 days before a marathon. Those guys are just priceless!
2004-03-25 5:56 PM
in reply to: #14242

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Berkeley, CA
Subject: RE: Hello everyone
Hey Joshua--

Welcome. Do you know which Ironman you are aiming for?? I'm in your area (vaguely) and am taking the leap to 1/2 IM this year. Take care of yourself, and though you don't need me to say it, Listen to your body!! (o:

2004-03-25 7:28 PM
in reply to: #14393


Fairfield, CA
Subject: RE: Hello everyone
Right now I'm shooting for the Great Floridian Triathlon October 23rd. Not a true IM, but it is the same distance. What 1/2 are you looking at doing?

2004-03-25 8:15 PM
in reply to: #14414

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Berkeley, CA
Subject: RE: Hello everyone
Vineman, which is in the wine country of Northern California. Lovely!

It's a qualifier for Kona Ironman. Not that I'm hoping to attain that... this year, anyway!!

But it should be relly exciting to watch it!
2004-03-25 8:36 PM
in reply to: #14422


Fairfield, CA
Subject: RE: Hello everyone
I've heard that is a great race!
2004-03-25 10:58 PM
in reply to: #14242

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: Hello everyone
Hang in there you sound like you are an excellent athlete.  Welcome to the T-Spot!
2004-03-25 11:51 PM
in reply to: #14242


Fairfield, CA
Subject: RE: Hello everyone
Thanks, I'll hang as long as possible.
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