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2009-08-20 8:32 PM

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outskirts of town
Subject: Flowery Post Warning: Becoming one with my bike!!
Me and my Trek 1000 had a little moment during this afternoons ride! It was almost as if we were one! I know that sounds a little out there, but stay with me.

I decided to not treat my bike as something I just climb on and then pump my legs up an down furiously. I began experimenting with gears, cadence and isolating the muscles I was actually using. I really tried to focus on my legs making nice and easy 360 motions on the pedals.

All of a sudden I hit a sweet spot and the effort reduced, and I began holding higher speeds with less effort. I was in a zone!

I am aware of the 360 degree pedalling technique, and never really tried it, maybe that's all I was doing, but this felt more like I was "connected" to the bike. It was strange, and I can't describe it any other way.

I was experimenting on the flats, so the effect of down grades was minimal or nil. In short it felt amazing! It felt better for me to push a big gear with a cadence in the 70's, and occasionally mid 80's. I was usually 90 to 95 on cadence, and I will go there again if that's how I feel I guess. I will never fixate on a cadence again.

All I can say is spend some time getting a feel for your machine! Try everything. Slow, fast, easy, big gears! I'm probably stating the obvious for you expert cyclists, but for me it was a revelation. I thought I was a pretty decent cyclist before, but I think this is really going to make me faster.

It was like when I was flying helicopters and reached a point as a pilot where I didn't have to think about what I wanted the aircraft to do. I just did it and the aircraft responded. It was like being a part of the machine!

That's how I felt on my Trek! Like I was part of the bike and the road or something. Is that weird or what? Unfortunatley I have my last race of the year this Sunday, so I don't have time to really groove this feeling. I will probably revert to the pump like crazy routine during the race!

I'm taking my bike out for a beer later, and need suggestions for her name!! I'm thinking Betty, since she's free apparently. Veronica is now taken!

I never get tired of making an a$$ of myself!

2009-08-20 9:52 PM
in reply to: #2361421

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Subject: RE: Flowery Post Warning: Becoming one with my bike!!
Nice post! I had to laugh at the last sentence!  I work on the 360 rotation myself but being new it's all...well, still new to me.  I can relate on how you feel since I get that way on a run.  I am a couple miles into a run and all of a sudden everything clicks, my breathing is relaxed, my stride is perfect, the road is straight and I can just run without thinking.  Nice job on the Trek.  As for names....not sure.  A picture of her would be needed to get a good idea. 
2009-08-20 11:52 PM
in reply to: #2361421

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The Whites, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Flowery Post Warning: Becoming one with my bike!!
Just listen, she'll tell you her name. Sounds to me like she's getting close to telling you already.

Very nice ride. Me and my Trek 1000 have become very good friends.
2009-08-21 7:22 AM
in reply to: #2361421

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Flowery Post Warning: Becoming one with my bike!!

jellyman - 2009-08-20 9:32 PM I'm taking my bike out for a beer later, and need suggestions for her name!! I'm thinking Betty, since she's free apparently. Veronica is now taken! I never get tired of making an a$$ of myself!

Awww...too bad.  I would have loved to have had a bike named after me (VeronicaWink

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