BT Development Mentor Program Archives » PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2010-03-23 6:19 PM
in reply to: #2580219

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WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
hi girls! no, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth! Nor have I given up this lifestyle! hahaha The 2 "colds" I had in Feb/March took 2.5 weeks to finally let up.  I still have some residual coughing, but I've been able to return to cardio work.And the work project that had me going bonkers is DONE!!!!!  So finally!!! I can start focusing on learning how to tri like a girl!!  Our first TEAM tri is in one month.  An indoor sprint.

 I actually started official TNT tri training last week!!! wooo-hooo! Did my first bike-run-bike brick--so *THAT'S* what 2 disciplines feel like--hahahahaha.  I just haven't updated my log.  Will do so this weekend.  I also want to go through your picts and blog!! to read about your adventure! Smile

2010-03-25 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2580219

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
I just want to say.  This website is awesome.  Not only do I have a great mentor and group to help me when I lack motivation or have questions, I have made a friend in the area.  I found someone in one of the forums around my age and in my area.  Best part is she comes from running and I come from riding, so we can push each other in those respective disciplines.  I am taking her on her first "group" ride (there are only 4 of us) this Saturday to help with pedals and pacing.  We are both competing in the Indoor Tri on Sunday.  So cool!
Oh yeah, I have my first event Sunday.  Indoor.  Excited!
2010-03-28 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2580219

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
So I finished in the middle of the pack.  I got screwed on the bike portion.   Boo.   It was one of those 15min in each discipline things.  I swam 675yds and ran 1.7miles.  I was really happy with both of those distances.  The thing that made me a little bummed was the bike.  We used spinning bikes.  I was told that if you turn up the resistance and mimic road riding your distance would be better.  Not true!   Turns out that turning the resistance down all the way and riding balls to the wall like a lunatic actually would have been better.  So I only rode 6miles in 15 min.  So my score was hurt, and my race results don't look as good as I would had liked.  However, if we had truly been on the road I would have been killing all those people with no resistance on their bikes so I am taking solace in that fact.  Plus note for me!  I rode with a pretty good amount of resistance and got 6mi in 15 min so that actually looks good for my first tri when I get to ride for real.  Look out!  I am so glad I did this one first though.  With all the adrenaline and everything I had some breathing issues in the pool.   I had trouble catching my breath.  So I can't imagine how open water will feel.  Yikes!  Plus it was helpful to get a feel for transitions, and running/riding in a swimsuit.   Which actually wasn't bad.  I am busty girl so I threw my sports bra on underneath my suit.  (Helpful tip for all you big chested girls.)  So, I did it.  Do I get to call myself a Triathlete yet?
2010-03-28 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2580219

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
Boooo....I just looked at the female bike distances.  I think I could have really competed and won that category.  A little disappointed.  I still managed to come in 12/31.  Even with an awesome biek score I probably would have only moved up 3 or 4 places.
2010-03-29 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2753324

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WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED

Nimue - 2010-03-28 11:07 AM  So, I did it.  Do I get to call myself a Triathlete yet?

First, congratulations! you finished it! Smile Yeah, I agree that with less resistance you could have accummulated more mileage.  But, as you said even with that resistance you did 6! :-)

And yes! I'm reading a very good book right now called Triathlons for Women by Sally Edwards.  And she talks about this issue of folks not wanted to take credit/consider themselves a triathlete if they do short distances.  She says 'non-sense'! hahaha! Did you swam-rode-ran against the clock in an organized ride? Congrats on becoming a triathlete! Smile

Our Team in Training group will be doing our first sprint April 18th.  Indoor swim.  Oh! great! I will most likely feel rushed in the pool by those much faster.  But, I gotta start somewhere! :-)


2010-03-30 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2753324

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
Nimue - 2010-03-28 9:07 AM So I finished in the middle of the pack.  I got screwed on the bike portion.   Boo.   It was one of those 15min in each discipline things.  I swam 675yds and ran 1.7miles.  I was really happy with both of those distances.  The thing that made me a little bummed was the bike.  We used spinning bikes.  I was told that if you turn up the resistance and mimic road riding your distance would be better.  Not true!   Turns out that turning the resistance down all the way and riding balls to the wall like a lunatic actually would have been better.  So I only rode 6miles in 15 min.  So my score was hurt, and my race results don't look as good as I would had liked.  However, if we had truly been on the road I would have been killing all those people with no resistance on their bikes so I am taking solace in that fact.  Plus note for me!  I rode with a pretty good amount of resistance and got 6mi in 15 min so that actually looks good for my first tri when I get to ride for real.  Look out!  I am so glad I did this one first though.  With all the adrenaline and everything I had some breathing issues in the pool.   I had trouble catching my breath.  So I can't imagine how open water will feel.  Yikes!  Plus it was helpful to get a feel for transitions, and running/riding in a swimsuit.   Which actually wasn't bad.  I am busty girl so I threw my sports bra on underneath my suit.  (Helpful tip for all you big chested girls.)  So, I did it.  Do I get to call myself a Triathlete yet?

You are ABSOLOUTELY a triathlete!!! This was a great first race. Like you said, now you'll know what to do for next time when you're outside and on roads.

The breathing during swimming gets me every time. I think it's the anxiety of being in a race. I have to tell myself to try to calm down otherwise it spins out of control. I'm not a fan of the swim leg, so once I get out I always think "Whew! Glad that's over!"

2010-03-30 1:00 PM
in reply to: #2755199

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
trainforacure - 2010-03-29 9:59 AM

I'm reading a very good book right now called Triathlons for Women by Sally Edwards. 

I have that book! I picked it up in the Denver airport one day and started reading it, and decided to do my first tri after reading it. Great book!

2010-03-30 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2580219

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Hillsboro, OR
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
Hi everyone:

I am still around, though have been busy so not as active on this site as I usually am. I'm going to be gone for a few weeks.

We are leaving tomorrow for another dog rescue trip to CA. The rescue org has been contacted by NBC's 20/20 saying they want to film us while we are there for a piece they want to do. So I will let you know if that actually happens and when we might actually be on TV.

Then hubby and I and some of the dogs are going to Idaho for ATV riding and some RnR. I will be back on April 14th (just in time to file my income taxes) Cry

Then I will really need to buckle down on the training as my first race is June 5th.

2010-03-30 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2580219


Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
Hello all,

congrats to all the accomplishments ladies.  Keep at it.

 I hurt myself a couple of weeks ago and have been pretty light duty the last three weeks.  I have a foam roller on the way.  My half marathon date changed to June 26th.  July 17/18  is the 200 mile bike ride DH and I are doing together , but I havn't decided on a Aug tri.   I need to get back into a modified routine.  Not exercising is making me tired. 

2010-04-01 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2758408

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
swgraham - 2010-03-30 1:35 PM Hi everyone:

We are leaving tomorrow for another dog rescue trip to CA.

Good luck on the trip! And definitely let us know if it will be on 20/20. Though I'm a sucker for animal stories as they always make me cry.

Thank you for everything you do for the animals!
2010-04-01 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2758635

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
SGeranium - 2010-03-30 2:49 PM Hello all,

congrats to all the accomplishments ladies.  Keep at it.

 I hurt myself a couple of weeks ago and have been pretty light duty the last three weeks.  I have a foam roller on the way.  My half marathon date changed to June 26th.  July 17/18  is the 200 mile bike ride DH and I are doing together , but I havn't decided on a Aug tri.   I need to get back into a modified routine.  Not exercising is making me tired. 

I hope the recovery is going well. Injury sucks. You get all stir-crazy and the weeks roll by. Try to do what you can. I know it's tough.

2010-04-01 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2580219

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
Ok ladies! The month of April is here! How did March's training go, and what are your goals for April?

My totals were:
March's totals:
Bike:12h 16m 03s  - 123.11 Mi
Run:8h 49m 21s  - 41.86 Mi
Swim:2h 35m 50s  - 6205 Yd

A bit of a lighter month with the races and traveling. I feel like I need to swim more consistently and definitely work on the running. For April I want to stick to the plan and try to work on those 2 sports.
2010-04-02 7:38 AM
in reply to: #2580219

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
OK, I don't mean to brag (ok, I do a little.)   I had a really good March.  I have lost 20lbs since the beginning of the year.  I finished my triathlon.  I learned flip turns, and breathing on both sides of the swim.  I finished my longest run EVER (8mi.)  And I am consistently running under 10 minute miles along with the distance.  My bike speed is consistently at 17-18mph on tour rides and I ended the season last year on 15mph.  I feel great!  Also, I got an awesome job off (nothing to do with training, just happy.)   So far 2010 and I are getting along well.

I may not get in as much training in April, this weekend I am headed into NYC with my parents.  And then I am spending a week in California with my sister.  So, April (training) might not look as good as March:

14h 10m 
Run:9h 06m
Swim:6h 25m 
Walking:2h 00m
2010-04-12 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2580219

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
Leaving for the California and a visit to with the awesomeness that is my sister.  Happy training all!
2010-04-14 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2764752

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Hillsboro, OR
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
Nimue - 2010-04-02 5:38 AM OK, I don't mean to brag (ok, I do a little.)   I had a really good March.  I have lost 20lbs since the beginning of the year.  I finished my triathlon.  I learned flip turns, and breathing on both sides of the swim.  I finished my longest run EVER (8mi.)  And I am consistently running under 10 minute miles along with the distance.  My bike speed is consistently at 17-18mph on tour rides and I ended the season last year on 15mph.  I feel great!  Also, I got an awesome job off (nothing to do with training, just happy.)   So far 2010 and I are getting along well.

I may not get in as much training in April, this weekend I am headed into NYC with my parents.  And then I am spending a week in California with my sister.  So, April (training) might not look as good as March:

14h 10m 
Run:9h 06m
Swim:6h 25m 
Walking:2h 00m

That is totally awesome!!
2010-04-14 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2580219

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Hillsboro, OR
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
Got home from 2 weeks on the road yesterday.

Brought back 82 dogs and 6 cats from CA. 22 of the dogs are puppies under 8 weeks old. One is a 4 week old puppy that was abandoned at a rest stop. A good samaritan found the puppy and brought it to the animal shelter.

Then spent a week on vacation with my husband. Got back last night. Now I need to buckle down and do some serious training as my first race is the first weekend in June.

2010-04-23 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2580219

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
So question.  I have a race next Sunday.  And I tried out all the distances recently to make sure I can do it.  And I can, no worries.  But, I was wondering what would be a good first time goal for finishing time?  I have no idea.
2010-04-23 5:33 PM
in reply to: #2764752

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WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's "Let's Get Dirty!" Group - CLOSED
Nimue - 2010-04-02 8:38 AM OK, I don't mean to brag (ok, I do a little.)   I had a really good March.  I have lost 20lbs since the beginning of the year.  I finished my triathlon.  I learned flip turns, and breathing on both sides of the swim.  I finished my longest run EVER (8mi.)  And I am consistently running under 10 minute miles along with the distance.  My bike speed is consistently at 17-18mph on tour rides and I ended the season last year on 15mph.  I feel great!  Also, I got an awesome job off (nothing to do with training, just happy.)   So far 2010 and I are getting along well.

I may not get in as much training in April, this weekend I am headed into NYC with my parents.  And then I am spending a week in California with my sister.  So, April (training) might not look as good as March:

14h 10m 
Run:9h 06m
Swim:6h 25m 
Walking:2h 00m

OK! space cadet reporting to her mentor group! which I thought closed when the new ones started.  Doh! It's the chlorine!

CONGRATS!!! on such awesome way to start the year! Laughing
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