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2011-11-25 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3914558

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


  I did go out today but to ride, it has been beautiful weather here... I think the Rev3 event will be great.  I am a bit worried about the swim, but needed to register for a race so I can keep my motivation for swimming up though the off season.  I have been avoiding the pool or have been lackluster when I do hit the pool for a swim so this will get me pushing to swim a few times a week... 


Hope you are doing well... any off season plans?


2011-11-25 5:51 PM
in reply to: #3914594

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-11-25 6:11 AM JOANNE - Congrats on biting the bullet!!! And that is a great perk of your job, being able to sign yourself up for practice. I did IMLP in '04 and then volunteered in '05 at the registration/packetpickup tables, but i don't remember that as an option. Then again, i wasn't planning on doing IMLP again the following year, so even if ity wasn't an option I had no reason to pay attention to it. ANYHOW, glad you did it -- and now how do you view the next 51 weeks of your life?? A bit different, eh? I felt that mine had undergone a sea change, almost....but maybe that was just me, being a drama queen . It certainly DID change the focus of my training, however, and I didn't allow myself too-too many slackass (excuse me) workouts. I guess what I mean is that most of them had a pretty clear purpose, with not too many junk miles or junk efforts. But maybe I'm just trying to gild my own lily there! I read that there were 3000 people signed-up for IMAZ; is that true? That is a scary-huge number, but of course, realistically, about 300-500 will not make it to the start line. I think for IMLP in '04 there were 2100 registered and about 1800 finishers. (I should check that out, see how good my memory really is!) So, Vineman half and then IMAZ --- nice foci!

I'm not sure they advertise being able to sign up early but it was a good perk! Signing up for an IM definitely is going to give me focus. Right now I'm working towards the early February marathon. Then I'll probably split the workouts between swim/bike/run with strength and then I'm going to follow the Be Iron Fit program. I've met up with a group of people who also signed up for Arizona and I think most of us are going to use that program so it'll be nice to talk each week. Most of them live in Arizona so I might even be able to swing a training weekend there in the Fall.

I'm not sure if they let in 3000 people. I know it sold out really fast!

Yes, Vineman will be my only 1/2IM with a few Oly's mixed in and I think a sprint early in the year. I'm going to do some local open water swims too for more experience. I'm pretty sure there are a couple of 2.4 mile swims and I will feel a lot better feeling what swimming that distance feels like before my race. I'm really excited and looking forward to everything about the year. I'm sure I will have some bad weeks so remind me when that happens how excited I was in November!

2011-11-25 6:33 PM
in reply to: #3914583

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Steve! You're a peach! Thank you for the clear and simple info on running I will check out the chi stuff etc... too. I would really like to improve my times and I do believe my form will have some adjustments to be made to become more efficient -- thus making any drill or fartleks and tempos easier
2011-11-25 6:58 PM
in reply to: #3914594

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Hey Steve - just checked out both Newton and Chi websites. I see there is a workshop coming close by to me in March. May be worth it or there are books cds etc..and maybe I can find them on ebay on the cheap. Certainly I feel I've got some new goals to work on Yay!
2011-11-28 9:03 PM
in reply to: #3914973

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


As I said, the swim will be less of a leap for you than you maybe fear. I'm sure I've read that the swim site for that event is very sheltered, so that'll help you even more. Just keep getting to the pool when you can, and for tyhe nexct couple of months view whatever you do as "maintenance". just keep it simple and fun and stress-free, as there's lotys of time between now and Quassy.

You asked about off-season plans, and the short answer is no, nothing special. I am back into Yoga full-time-and-then-some, and am swimming about three times a week -- mostly only 25-35 minutes, with nothing demanding or even really structured. I haven't been on the bike for about three weeks, and I think it is just one or two wee rides since bassman on Oct 2. I haven't even dragged out the trainer or rollers yet! And as for the run, I've done maybe four since Bassman, going 27 days without at one point. I'm think of edging back into it, to the tune of 2-3/week up through New Year's. And then we shall see what we shall see!

if i can get the hip problem straightened away, I will do a few dus in the northeast in March/April/May. I think all the ones I'm considering are at, under New York. Likely suspects are Prospect Park....and Fly By Night....and.....???? Just FYI, check out FBN at It's a "formula one" race, meaning R-B-R-B-R, and it takes place entirely WITHIN Watkind Glen Sppedway, using the serpentine banked and hilly track for the bike. Surface is supposed to be 100% smooth, and it'll be cleaned after the official car race earlier in the day. It takes place at about 5p.m., so it's one I could drive down for without needing a motel, and stagger back home after it.

Blah, blah, Blah!

2011-11-28 9:10 PM
in reply to: #3915056

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Your sketched-out race season sounds very wise, especially the longer swims. One or two at ~2.4 miles would be nice, and I think you will find them easy to do. It's really just a commitment to churning away for about 90 minutes, and if you take it slow and easy and methodical, it will eventually unfold and you'll feel surprisingly fine afterwards. Righteous, even!

As for the bad weeks......yup, they probably will happen; they do to most iron-trainees. I think, though, that they won't deflate you, or at least for not much longer than a day or two. In all likelihood it'll be your body pleading for a little TLC, and so the solution is to back off some and let everything kind of recalibrate, all on its own.

Beyond "all on its own", however, is massages -- try to get them as regularly as you can afford. It doesn't have to be weekly, but a couple a month is not a bad plan -- especially if you have someone you trust and who is attuned to you. If so, just lie back and wallow in bliss!

2011-11-28 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3915105

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I haven't forgotten about you, but have just been 4 parts busy and 6 parts lazy. Oops?

Quick quiz, though:
Look at your profile photo, left arm --- what do you see? are your energy levels?

2011-11-28 9:46 PM
in reply to: #3918309

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

hmmmm... left in that it is out toward the front of my body versus along side of it? 

Energy levels are returning. Part of it is a mental thing I realize but the physical side was mostly due to the spousal support dieting. Lets just say that I'm eating my normal stuff again - just cutting back on the sweets as best I can in spite of both mine and my husband's birthday, plus the usual holiday overload.

2011-12-01 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hello All, I hope everyone is doing great.  I had to lay off for about 1 week due to sinus issues. This is one thing I hate about Mobile. One day its 70+ degrees and the next its 30.

Sarah - you said you were cutting back on sweets but hard because of your birthday.  When is your birthday and is your husband taking you out for a drink, you know everyone has to go out drinking on their 21st birthday

So how many of you Northern folks are or have been getting snow? I really feel for yall. I would love to have some snow for about 1 day and then for it to melt and not come back till next year.

Jeff -  I see you started up a concrete stamping business, hows it going? Make sure you give us some photos. I think once its done it looks really great.

Well my training needs to pick up.  I just made a deal with my wife that she will pay me $1 for everyday that I spend 30min of more doing some kind of training.  With this money I earn I will use it towards my racing fees.  It will not cover all the fees, but its a big dent if I train like I should.   So no training no money and no money means no racing.  Its a good motivational tool

Well I hope everyone has a great day and is staying warm and getting ready for the big guy to come at the end of the month and no Im not talking about myself, but I should go out and get a partime job playing Santa since I have the belly for it.   Take care my MOJO TRI Friends

Edited by gdsemiller 2011-12-01 1:51 PM
2011-12-01 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3922327

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
gdsemiller - 2011-12-01 1:48 PM.

Jeff -  I see you started up a concrete stamping business, hows it going? Make sure you give us some photos. I think once its done it looks really great.


You have been paying attention! Good-the temperature extremes have me sniffling too, 70 today, 40 yesterday..30ish Sunday for The Marathon.

I have been busy working on a little start up doing concrete engraving and staining. I have gone to the training and done all the 'cheap stuff" Business cards, dba filing, set up a little office,designed flyers, got a sales tax permit-now I need to find a way to finance tools not awful but a bit steep for me given the hit my credit took these last 2 years.

I have been off my training too, between the pain/injury I had at the end of October to traveling this month I only have 50 miles for the month. I am telling myself this is just one awesome taper. I did 5k last night in 26 minutes but actually felt winded-the knee and hip were fine but I was breathing hard and coughing stuff up. Normally, for me my legs or joints fail before my lungs do so I guess I am a little "de-trained" A couple of more runs this week to sort of wake my legs up and remind  my body what we are doing and I will be on the line at The Whiterock Sunday AM in the freezing drizzle.

2011-12-01 7:38 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I took a Chi running workshop last July and have been working on changing the way I run since. I really like it. I'm sure it's a combination of the Chi running and just being stronger a year later but this marathon training feels so much better then last year. I haven't had to go to the chiro yet and I overall run better. Last year, I was averaging about 10:00-10:30 miles and now I can keep a 9:35 pace for at least 6 miles. Plus I have been really trying to not take walk breaks and I'm holding up I took a mini workshop with the coach this afternoon and he noticed a big difference in my form. I hope you like it when you go to the workshop you were talking about.


2011-12-02 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3918342

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Yup, that's it! Also notice your right shoulder, back further than the left. Some of that is impossible to avoid, but minimizing body twisting will help quite a bit in terms of keeping your mechanics moving you to the front, as opposed to side-to-side. Too much sideways movement just dissipates the flow of forward energy/movement, plusd just works to tire one out sooner than later.

It always amazes me to view my race photos and see how many of them show me with my hands crossing my centerline. I spend no mean amount of time working on that on training runs (and, in fact, I pay some attention to it in races), but, still, it happens all too often. The only "advantage" I ahve when I do it is that I am not twisting much, which tells me that the errant movement is mostly from the elbows down; chicken-winging?

ANYHOW, that is a fairly small and easy thing to work on, and the best focal point would be keeping the elbows as close to your side as possible. With that, too, could come an effort to reduce arm-swing, thinking about shorter front and back movements. A final focal point could be to bring each forward swing to the height of the ball of youir shoulder. When you think about it, the movement to get your hand across to your midline is the same as to get it up to the shoulder, so it's not as if you are working harder -- just keeping yourself in better alignment, is all.

Your posture is nice and upright, suggesting good core strength, so if you decided to try Chi running, that would serve you well as you work to develop a slight forward lean. If that ("nice and upright"....."slight forward lean") sounds contradictory, it is only marginally so. I'm saying that a forward lean wil help you, but that if you never develop that, then your posture look svery solid as it is right now. You look strong.

Finally.....your birthday? You didn't tells us! Happy Belated to you!!

2011-12-02 7:14 AM
in reply to: #3922327

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Nice incentive, the dollar/workout offer from your wife. I genuflect in her general direction!

I'm still dithering through an off-season -- swims 3-5X a week, Yoga 6-7X, not much else. I will start to pick back up the runs, ad just might save the bike until Christmas. My hip has been bugging me again, and I'm getting another cortisone injection next Thursday. so that'll help make indoor rides more tolerable -- I hope! I should probably wiork at getting in sonme good runs and rides before Jan 13, as that's when we're leaving for a couple of weeks in California. While there I will try to run a couple of times, but other than that, and maybe a Yoga or two, there'll be no true workouts -- just lts of walking/hiking.

In answer to your weather question, we have just come off the warmest Novemebr in Ottawa history. We recieved about 5 inches of snow a week or so ago, but it was all gone within a few days. It's mostly kind of gray, and dampish, but blessedly free from snow. Our driveway is kind of long, and I'm just getting too old for that snow-shoveling s---!

Is a rematch between you guys and LSU gonna happen? I saw somewhere that there is a good chance it'll happen, but I haven't seen a follow-up. I'm just still sad that unless something changes, there will be no more Texas/TexasA&M football games. Is nothing sacred? I guess not!!

Good luck with your sinuses!

2011-12-02 7:22 AM
in reply to: #3922537

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I ahd missed the mention of the concrete business until George mentioned it, and then I went back through a bunch of pages here until I located the reference in your tag-line ("signature"?). And now, with your explanation, I know what it is about. Next, I will go to the webiste -- great name, by the way!

I'm glad to hear you are still doing White Rock, as in your absnece the past little while....I was wondering. Given the season you have had, there is a lot to be said for "just one awesome taper", and whatever you lost in volume in November was probably minimal, given all the work you did the previous 6-8 months. If you managed a couple of easy lope-along runs this week, that should put you in good stead come race-day.

As for the 5km with lung issues, it might just be "one of thsoe days". I have had scores of those where something happens that defies that goes against the expected grain. My good money says your lungs will serve you well at White Rock!

Freezing drizzle, eh? Tough one to plan (dress) for! Any thoughts on how you are planning to bedeck yourself?

2011-12-02 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3923062

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Freezing drizzle, eh? Tough one to plan (dress) for! Any thoughts on how you are planning to bedeck yourself?

I've ruled out boughs of holly. Ill probably do shorts, tights long sleeve tech shirt under my normal yellow tank top and maybe my warm up jacket or similar. I may have a trash bag with 3 holes in it as a disposable make shift rain poncho. Drizzle has been changed to"showers" but that could be for later in the day

2011-12-02 2:31 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Thanks Steve--but I'm confused about eht arm swing... you say minimize it but then bring it up front equal to shoulder socket height? Or do you mean my hand vs arm? I know arms help momentum and believe me - I can use it! LOL And I've tried to match arm/leg swing in an effort to gain propulsion but just can't do. I'll have a crack at this again tomorrow... in the meantime, I'm resigning to run slower as I relearn to run. I looked at my Turkey Trot times and compared this year to 4 years ago - 10:00 pace now vs 9:22 then. I know I'm getting older but come on!!! WAAAAH

George - it was hovering around 25 degrees this am but no snow yet (had some a while ago but melted quickly...likely same system that affected Steve) One this is for sure, once WI gets it's first big snow - its' down on the ground til March.

Yep, birthday is Sunday. Husband's is the 1st so we'll celebrate on Sat. night - date night / babysitter.  We have not gone out to dinner together alone in like 10 months or more for that matter! We don't do much though... dinner then a movie and home by 930-10 pm. We're not drinkers and if we stay out later, it would be for some sinful-type of dessert somewhere.

2011-12-02 9:39 PM
in reply to: #3923905

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Sarah -

Let's see......what DO I mean?!?

I think by minimize I'm getting at a couple of things. One is to keep it compact, which is where the idea of arms-close-to-sides comes in. Another is to keep it "short", that is, not a whole lot of backswing. So, it would be hand coming up to about the level of the shoulder socket, but each backswing extending no further than your hips, or maybe your bottom -- definitely not a full backswing.

What I'm thinking here is that "cadence matters", as I think I said a few days ago. (Did I?) So, if you are trying to coordiante your arm swing with leg movement so as to generate more propulsion (which is a good idea), then the more expansive your arm swing is, to slower your legs will be moving in order to stay in sync with the arms.

The arms can really only be helpers, as running is pretty much built from the bottom up. They CAN help, and do --- and as they giveth they can taketh away, which is where arm and upper body mechanics enter the scene. If they are efficient, they will help your running to become more efficient.

If I only think I mentioned something about cadence, here it is in a nutshell --- 90 footstrikes/minute (one foot) is a decent ideal. (Smaller runners can handle higher, and by smaller I mean whippet-like.) As you embark on increasing your cadence, be VERY patient. You may be dismayed at how difficult it is to sustain a higher cadence for more than a minute or two, but as with gradual increases in distances.......over time your will be able to hold a higher cadence for longer.

Next run, just check what your cadence is on a flat stretch for one minute -- and try not to "doctor" your form so as to fudge the number. Whatever you're at right now is what it is, and will serve as a baseline for whatever is to follow. The vast majority of age-group or recreational runners are well below that magic figure of ~90, so if you're at, say, 80 --- THAT'S OKAY!!!

PLease don't hesitate to rattle my cage if things don't make sense to you, okay? It's great that you are tackling this, and at your age and the shape you're in, it is all very doable with some desire and dedication.

Finally, I fully/completely/thoroughly support the idea of a "sinful-type of dessert" With BOTH birthdays being celebrated in one fell swoop, how could you two NOT indulge in some divine dessert decadence??

2011-12-04 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3924387

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-12-02 9:39 PM It's great that you are tackling this, and at your age and the shape you're in, it is all very doable with some desire and dedication.

Hey, watch it there buddy ! 'my age' is not THAT old LOL Actually I'm feeling mighty old today with about 4.5 hours of sleep last night so a nap may be in order on my birthday (big excitement right?!) My husband and I went out to a mexican joint that served the best mex. food that i've had since stumbling on a very hispanic joint in tampa florida about 18 years ago. we really enjoyed it ...its one of those places sort of hidden among crummy 'old man' type bars but so glad we ventured into this little gem in spite of it's facade. We then went to see JEdgar and I nearly feel asleep during the first 30 hour. It was ok, but not worth the 9.50. 

Thanks for the running suggestions. i will venture to count me feeties tomorrow.

2011-12-04 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Okay, my first marathon was much harder than expected-5 hours-disappointing but wow-a suffer-fest toward the end leaving me a stumbling babbling and shivering wreck. A more detailed account later-couch time
2011-12-04 6:32 PM
in reply to: #3925660

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Thanks for the update, as I ahaevn't been able to get to the results yet (I will try again now!) However, I'm sorry that it went roughly for you -- "stumbling", "babbling", and "shivering" do not sound too desirable.

How is it looking, however, as a learning experience? Maybe way too early and too lurid to tell right now, but there should be some good lessons to emerge from it. Uh, stay tuned for valuable insights? Hope so!

Still and all --- congrats on nailing 26.2, which is no mean feat!

2011-12-04 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3925570

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


No, no, no, no, no --- you misinterpret! My comment about the age is my way of saying that you are certainly young enough to affect decent change in a decent amount of time, with the proper commitment and patience. You're still young and frisky in my book -- even if the nap might suggest otherwise!

FWIW, my last 8 or so years of teaching wrre made possible by an almost-daily nap for about 10 minutes, between 1:00 and 1:40 while my class was in the Mohawak Language room. I would just shut the door, shut the lights, and lean back in my chair and grab a "power nap" -- usually no more than 10 minutes, because that was roughly how frequently the secretary come over the school's speakers with some (usually) useless announcement. So, napping is GOOD! Embrace it whenever you can!!

2011-12-04 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

The lessons-

1. Respect the distance and be patient with the training. I think I layered on too many different aspirations in October-volume, frequency, long runs and speed work. I suffered in November with knee/ITB issues. The layoff served me well as these things did not re-emerge during the race. But, re-assessing my goals and expectations would have been best. For the record I said all the right things out loud but my internal dialogue did not change-integrity

2. Respect the distance and remain patient, there were opportunities to have more fun that I bothered to have because I was too focused on trying to "salvage my time" I had a reasonably good first half but paid for it.

3. Respect the distance and stick withe your plan. I trained with 1 minute walks at each 1 mile split- I skipped this for the firs half and took only a few brief walks at aid stations because I cant drink and run, also to fumble with a Gu pack-other than that I was running

4. Be aware-the first half I was running with mostly half marathoners and would frequently forget that and end up "racing" people who were only doing half what I was

Final results: 5:07:59, 3404 over all of about 6000 for the full marathon

I was warm but very "loopy" at the finish, headed in to the bag drop area for my t shirt, medal etc, I had my "burrito wrapper" blanket but discarded it inside, after I exited the building to look for my wife the hypothermia hit and i even had a spell of dizziness-a huge plate of pancakes given to runners was consumed in about 45 seconds and my mind and body began to work better but I had allot of trouble walking. Poor wife had to drive my pick up in the rain out of South Dallas-none of those things make her happy.

2011-12-04 9:46 PM
in reply to: #3925814

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Your assessment is really remarkable, so soon after the event. I hope you keep it close at hand, maybe even posted near your computer -- definitely thoughts to keep prominent at any attempts you make at the "bigger distances".

I will get back to you later, as in probably tomorrow. I am glad that you're well, though, and managed to make it through the loopiness of hypothermia; I dare say there were many who were not near as fortunate. Tough day for a first marathon, and as you learned -- tough doing it with half-marathoners to mess with your sensibilities!

Eat hardy, whenever you want and whatever you desire. Sleep well!

2011-12-05 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
It dawned on my later on that I probably had very low blood sugar. That would explain why I could have rational thoughts but not make my body cooperate with them or keep them connected, probably why I chilled so quickly too. "Best pancakes ever" under those conditions. wife said I looked confused and lost.
2011-12-05 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3925814

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


It's hard to ignore the hat-trick of "Respect the distance" you posted; are you trying to say something with that?

For what it's worth, those are easy words to say for a first-timer at a given distance, but it often takes actually DOING the distance in order to fully develop that respect. I was far more fortunate with my triathlons than with marathons and half-marathons, the first two of which posed some problems for me. Maybe more on that below.

For you, I think you mostly respected the distance and trained within those parameters. Your first point, which mentions layering on different foci, is very valid, and what it can come down to is the priority ranking one gives a race......and if it's an "A"-priority race, then the training is geared strictly towards doing the best you can (or having the best experience possible) at that race. I think your volume was fine, as were your long runs, and I'm trying to remember what your frequency aims were. Are you now thinking you ran too often? As for the speed work, I always feel that unless high-end speed is going to be used in a race, in shouldn't be trained for. For me, the only time I maybe use bonafide speed is to sprint to the finish......but because I usually run the whole thing at tempo-plus pace, I seldom have anything left for a sprinty finish! So, I never do track repeats or their ilk (and part of this is to avoid injury, which too often has immediately followed speed sessions).

Your second point is a good one -- and a tough one. My first marathon was Ocean Sate in R.I., and at about mile 8-10 I developed a pretty severe pain on my outside right knee. I had no idea what it was (turned out to be classic ITB) at ther time, but before long it reduced me to running until it hurt to much to do so, and then walking sonme, and repeatrepeatrepeat. I got very focused on salvaging my time, and therefore had NO FUN AT ALL for the final half of the damn thing. The ITB was enough to dent any joy, for sure, but my bullheadedness didn't help. Bah.

All of this stuff is harder for "rookies" at a distance to work through. As a very experienced person now, I can suck up race-day disappointemnts much better now than back when, when there a was so much to prove to myself. Back in them there early days, every race was full of gravitas; big fears that if I did poorly for whatever reason, it would tell me that I was a certified failure at that distance. I'm guessing that you had a lot to "prove to yourself" yesterday, and that might have led to some of the things you mention in #2 ansd #3.

As for sticking to the plan -- again, it's easier said than done. That is especially true when a first half is going well, and all those sugar faireies start dancing and you have thoughts about maybe even NEGATIVE-SPLITTING the race!!! that is especially true for marathons, and of the 6 or 7 0r 8 stand-alones I have done, I made egregious pacing errors in all but the last two. So, your jettisoning of the walks falls under that category, and to some degree you paid a price. HOWEVER, there's a great lesson in that, too, and for your next (?) marathon, you will know enough to train differently (i.e, no walk breaks) or to be diligent about using walk breaks during the race.

Fumbling with gels packs is a pain, huh? My last couple of half-irons have found me carrying a flask in one of my DeSoto tri-short pockets, and that makes a huge difference -- SO much easier to just open the valve-thing and suck away, as opposed to gnawing at the top of a pack and maybe still not getting it open enough to flow freely. And I even carried a flask on one of my oly runs this year, just to see if it helped at that shorter distance. (I think it did.)

The run-with-half-people is a real trap, for the reasons you say. And even if you don't end up "racing" with them, they can still dictate a too-fast pace.

Quick related story:
A guy in my first group did his first marathon near San Diego, and it was one in which there were both races happening together. Neil hadn't studied the course quite as well as he should've, and it featured a long out-and-back for the marathoners --- and a turn about seven miles in to get the half-marathoners back to the finish. He was in a big pack of like-paced runners, running quite comfortably, and when they veered left, so did he. The last mileage sign he saw was 6....and then the next he saw was for 21. Oh-oh!! He didn't know what to do, and started running bacwards from there, going past 20, and 19, and then realized the futility of that and dejectedly turned back again and finished miles 19-26.

I saw his finish time before he could post, as it was one of those rqaces with athlete tracking, and wrote an effusive congratulatory note for a scintillating time -- maybe it was a tad over three hours, I can't remember. He then wrote me (and the group), sheepishly explaining what had happened. So, at least THAT kind of kerfuffle didn't happen to you! Whew!!

How are you feeling now, both physically and psychologically?

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