BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-01-08 2:07 AM
in reply to: #3256799

New user

Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN

Hey William. Sorry, for whatever reason this is making me write everything in Bold. I hope you are still open, I read through the thread and saw it`s getting pretty full.

I`m a 22 year old male Kindergarten teacher living in Hiroshima, Japan. I know that`s kind of a specialized niche`. After graduating with a degree in Theatre I decided I wanted to live in another country before I got caught up in a career. I volunteered  at a local YMCA to pass some time while on my 3 month visitors visa, and after a few weeks they offered me my current position. I`m planning on returning to the states in August, but before I do I would like to run in the local tri they have here in June.

I was always a heavy kid, and then in high school I was pushing 240 lbs on a 6 foot frame. I got tired of it my Sophmore year and decided I would fix my weight or die trying. I started slowly, running a few miles a week, and then I picked up fencing. I fixed my diet by eliminating all red meat and swearing off any drinks but water. By the end of Jr. year I had lost almost 50 lbs.

I got interested in tris when my cousin finished his first sprint in San Diego over the summer. Japan`s tri circut is limited though, all of the local races are Olympic length so that`s what I will be training for.


 I was up to 200 pounds after college (beer doesn`t come in low fat.) When I got here I started a running program 4 times a week and weight training 3 times. I droped about 10 lbs pretty quick, and then the next 10 came over a few months. I added a swimming session once a week and then joined a soccer club on Friday nights. I was also taking Japanese classes 3 times a week and teaching private students. Unfortunatly I think I was doing too much on too little sleep, and I wound up with pneumonia in early December. I`ve been slowly getting myself back in the groove and improving my sleep schedule (I had to drop some classes.) I`m spending this week focusing on nutrition and building back to where I was, and next week I`m going to start the Olympic 20 week plan.

2011 races:  

Hiroshima Miajima Olympic


I`m 180 right now and my goal is 175. I`m hoping my tri training will help me drop the last few pounds and build more lean muscle. Unfortunatly I have a pretty bad sweet tooth, so I have sworn off all sweets this year. They say that cold turkey is a bad way to do that, but my will power is pretty good.

I`m brand new to this, I`m focused on making it happen, and I think I`m going to have a lot of questions.

2011-01-08 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3286076

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
roadrhino - 2011-01-08 1:30 AM
grownassman161 - 2011-01-07 9:40 PMSwim drills for tomorrow?

The only thing I ever come up with is to do some kicks. I'm not creative in the pool yet... Any ideas on what I can do to work on some technique? Keep in mind my longest swim workout is usually 600M.
Hey Grant... Try this: WU: 150 (50 free, 50 kick, 50 pull)- 45 sec. rest; MS: 3x100 (each 100 like this- 25 fingertip drill, 25 catch-up drill, 25 closed fist drill, 25 single arm drill) with 30-45 sec rest between each 100. CD: 100 free easy........I've attached a link explaining some of the drills. Also, I think there are some sample videos here on BT. Check out YouTube for visual examples, too. You can find lots of good stuff that can help. Good luck...have a great swim!

This will surely be an interesting swim session! Thanks for the advice I'm gonna go around noon today.
2011-01-08 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3285539

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
triritter - 2011-01-07 5:18 PM
TriPatrick - 2011-01-07 3:21 PM Name:  Patrick McLendon
Family Status:  married and 2 kids (4, 4months), I am a Elementary Physical Education teacher in Conroe, TX, Going back to get my masters in exercise science next year. 
Current Training:  IMTX training
2010 races:  I did Kona tri Sprint in baytown, Bridgeland sprint, and Ironstar HIM (5:05).
2011 Races:Gateway to the bay OLY April 4th, IMTX 5/21, Bridgeland sprint August, Houston Oly, and a fall HIM
Weight Loss Goals:  right now I am 210.  I think 190 or less would be great by IMTX.  I was 205 when I went 5:05 for Ironstar HIM and IMTX will be about the same course.  I can not remember 190

What are you  looking to do with your exercise science degree? 5:05 is a good time at Ironstar, not that easy of a course. We will be at a lot of the same races.

We have a worout facility where I live and I would like to train there in the summer when I am off from school.  Also, I have intrest in adaptive PE in our school district.  The adaptive PE people travel from school to school helping the kids who are in need of specialized intruction through a highly modified curriculum.  Not to mention a masters pays and extra 1800 a year,

I may even want to coach people one day; when I feel I am highly qualified

Edited by TriPatrick 2011-01-08 1:46 PM
2011-01-08 2:18 PM
in reply to: #3286076

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
roadrhino - 2011-01-08 1:30 AM
grownassman161 - 2011-01-07 9:40 PMSwim drills for tomorrow?

The only thing I ever come up with is to do some kicks. I'm not creative in the pool yet... Any ideas on what I can do to work on some technique? Keep in mind my longest swim workout is usually 600M.
Hey Grant... Try this: WU: 150 (50 free, 50 kick, 50 pull)- 45 sec. rest; MS: 3x100 (each 100 like this- 25 fingertip drill, 25 catch-up drill, 25 closed fist drill, 25 single arm drill) with 30-45 sec rest between each 100. CD: 100 free easy........I've attached a link explaining some of the drills. Also, I think there are some sample videos here on BT. Check out YouTube for visual examples, too. You can find lots of good stuff that can help. Good luck...have a great swim!

Tried the workout. Completed it! it wasn't pretty but got it done, some of my rest periods were longer but for my first set of drills I let that slide. It broke up the distance better than doing plain freestyle the whole way so thanks for the ideas.

Random thoughts:
The fist only laps made me thankful for my hands during regular swimming.
the one arm laps require a fast stroke and rythym to keep it going.
I couldn't get down the breathing on the catch-up strokes, my head just wanted to stay down.
Going to log the workout now!
2011-01-08 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
If you have an opening I would like to join your group. 

Starting my third season of tri as soon as i finish the half marathon.

Name:  Matthew Patterson
Story:   Looking to increase fitness after a disappointing second triathlon season
Family Status:  married and 3 kids (5, 2, and 5 months), I am a CPA in Houston, TX
Current Training:  Houston Half Marathon training, then Buffalo Springs 70.3
2010 races: Lonestar Duathlon,  CB&I Sprint, CapTex Olympic Plus, Buffalo Springs 70.3, Bridgeland Sprint, Houston Olympic.
2011 Races:Gateway to the bay OLY April 4th, Buffalo Spring 70.3, Bridgeland sprint August, Houston Oly

Edited by mattpatt 2011-01-08 6:14 PM
2011-01-09 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3256799


Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
Do you still have any openings?  If you do, I would like to join!

I am 38 year old female, married for 16 years, and we have three kiddos (13, 9, and 4).  My husband is in the Army, and currently on his 5th year long deployment (Bosnia, 3 years in Iraq, and now in Afghanistan).  He's in the process of FINALLY retiring, and I have no race schedule since we have no idea where we will be living by summer.  (Don't get me started on how the Army is giving him2.5 months to find a job when he gets home before he retires, after serving 25 years!)

Anyway, let me know if you have an opening!  I've done triathlons for two seasons, but because I plan them around deployments, I have just done 3 sprints and 1 Olympic.  I'm looking at the Longhorn 70.3 this year if we go back to Texas (where I am originally from).  I have a half marathon in May (here in Colorado), and I do crossfit 4 times a week.  I'm ready to add back in my swim, bike, and run.  The swim is by far the easiest thing for me, I stress on the bike, and my run has not been the best lately.  I just need to get it into gear!

2011-01-09 11:09 AM
in reply to: #3256799

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
Hi Tri Ritter--

I counted and it looks like you might be up to 10...if I am wrong, I'd like to join...

Let me know...and if not, no worries, I understand.  I'll wait to see what you say before I post my bio.

2011-01-09 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3256799

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
I'd like to join as well if you still have room.
2011-01-09 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3287992

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
thndrcloud - 2011-01-09 11:18 AM I'd like to join as well if you still have room.

And if it makes it any easier, thndrcloud and I have nearly identical race schedules this year and roughly the same experience.  We sort of share a brain (half of one anyway).  So it's like a 2 for 1 deal... 

2011-01-09 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3288029

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN

I'm thinking of adding some strength training to my workouts. I have 20 lb dumbells which are a good weight for me for most things and my usual workout goes like this. 20 pushups, bicep curls (alternating 10 each arm), tricep overhead about 20, standing rows 10, 20 more pushups. I'd also like to work in some squats, lunges, and jump ups for the legs.

I'm just trying to think of what days would be best to fit this workout in on. I'm sure swim days wouldn't be a good choice. When and how often do you guys fit in things like this? 

2011-01-09 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3288243

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
grownassman161 - 2011-01-09 2:07 PM

I'm thinking of adding some strength training to my workouts. I have 20 lb dumbells which are a good weight for me for most things and my usual workout goes like this. 20 pushups, bicep curls (alternating 10 each arm), tricep overhead about 20, standing rows 10, 20 more pushups. I'd also like to work in some squats, lunges, and jump ups for the legs.

I'm just trying to think of what days would be best to fit this workout in on. I'm sure swim days wouldn't be a good choice. When and how often do you guys fit in things like this? 

I try and do legs on days I run and upper body on swim days.  I usually do weights in the morning.  I have found that if I do legs in the morning and run, I usually don't have a great run.  Doing arms on swimming days has not seemed to matter (but I am a really slow swimmer so that may play into ti. 

2011-01-09 2:31 PM
in reply to: #3288262

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
kussmaul - 2011-01-09 3:22 PM
grownassman161 - 2011-01-09 2:07 PM

I'm thinking of adding some strength training to my workouts. I have 20 lb dumbells which are a good weight for me for most things and my usual workout goes like this. 20 pushups, bicep curls (alternating 10 each arm), tricep overhead about 20, standing rows 10, 20 more pushups. I'd also like to work in some squats, lunges, and jump ups for the legs.

I'm just trying to think of what days would be best to fit this workout in on. I'm sure swim days wouldn't be a good choice. When and how often do you guys fit in things like this? 

I try and do legs on days I run and upper body on swim days.  I usually do weights in the morning.  I have found that if I do legs in the morning and run, I usually don't have a great run.  Doing arms on swimming days has not seemed to matter (but I am a really slow swimmer so that may play into ti. 

That sounds good I wouldn't mind working out in the morning since I don't have to leave my house to do so. My body recovers pretty quickly as well. I'm hoping to decrease soreness in the upper back arms shoulders and just make my body a little more stable so to speak.
2011-01-09 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
Hey guys, I am out of town for the weekend and will respond to each one at a time. I hope you all had a good weekend. Let me know how it went. I had a hard 3:15 hr ride with some guys in Dallas yesterday and they had it out for me. It turned out to be my hardest ride back since the WC's in Clearwater. I didn't have the legs to respond back to all their attacks. Anyways, it is snowing here in Dallas. Be Safe! Oh yeah I plan to post my "off season" blog tomorrow and show some pics.
2011-01-09 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3285559

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
grownassman161 - 2011-01-07 5:35 PM
triritter - 2011-01-07 7:26 AM
grownassman161 - 2011-01-06 8:52 PM Name: Hey Grant, You are similar to me in some ways. What kind of times did you posts in xc? Consistency is definitely the key for long term success. I was a late bloomer in endurance sports but being consistency has paid off especially for my abilities with triathlon. I ran cross country at UT Tyler with my best time on 8k of 27:12 on a hilly course and best 5 mile is 26:34 in a road race that was real flat. That was like 4 years ago, I haven't quite been that fast in sometime. But balancing swimming and biking makes things harder. But I Have improved a lot on the swim and bike when I first started. The bike is now one of my best practices especially in the 70.3s. My coach is trying to get me to run stronger off the bike, bc he says the speed is there to do it. Anyways, this is about you, as for as weight loss goes, I wouldn't reccommend it bc with triathlon you need some extra weight for the swim and some strength/power on the bike. I am 5'10" and race around 150, right now I am 154.

For swimming definitely start working on swim tech first and attending some swim clinics if you can. When you breathe, only one eye should be out and look at your 4 and 6 o' clock directions.

Best times were 30:14 8k (college) and 17:25 5k (from high school). My training in college wasn't as intense as high school believe it or not. I always had to be doing hard intervals to get my times down, don't have as much natural talent as most college runners and dropped time later in the season.
  I definitely see a need for myself to have more power for the bike. I'm considering a tri group that charges $120/6 months with a good coach and some perks with it but I've never really believed in paying for gym memberships and similar things. Has anyone benifited from a similar group?

Gotta go run now, hopefully an hour!

Thats too much money to join a club. What are the perks?
2011-01-09 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3285905

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
Trout - 2011-01-07 9:10 PM OK then.

Name: Trout/Steve

Story: Just turned 33.  Ran XC (4th in State in '95) and track (9:38 2 mile, 4:30 mile) in HS.  Ran at DI Bucknell University from '96-2000.  Low 15s for 5k on the track; 25:30 for 8k XC.  Lost all fitness after a 7+ year layoff (2002-2009).  Jumped into a New Years 5k on 1/1/10 with absolutely no training and 2010 turned into a comeback year.  Started from square 1 with swimming last January and got my first road bike in March.  Did my first sprint tri last August - totally bombed the OWS but rebounded on the bike and run to take 4rd in AG.

Ran my first half marathon last October in 1:29+ on 10mpw.

Current training: Taking a boot camp conditioning class 3x/week at local Y to work on building some upper body and core strength.  Ride w/ my trainer 2-3 times per week.  Signed up for a series of runs and my focus is on the half marathon in mid-March.

Family Status: Married 6 years; two boys (3.5 and 20 months);  SO isn't too thrilled with my new found hobby, but I do what I can to make it work (early mornings, lunch hour, late nights)

2011 Schedule:  Isn't quite set - see SO comment above.

Weightloss: 5'8" and 160 currently.  Started 2010 at 183 and got to as low as 156.  Would like to drop 5-10 more, that will take a lot of work.  Struggle with cookies, pizza and the occasional beer.

Currently reading Total Immersion to improve my swimming.  It's been some time since I've been to the pool and need to get my butt out of bed at 5:45am to get a workout in.  Also will need to do some more OWS this spring/summer so I can get over it...whatever 'it' is.  Also got an OWS book for Christmas to read.

Hey Steve, welcome the group officially now!!! Hope all is well. Man you are beast, killer times! Total Immersion is good for starting out but they teach slow turnover, you'll want to get away from that as you become more comfortable and efficient in the water. I struggle with all the treats too : ) I feel your pain!!! Keep in mind you can do strength training in the 3 sports. EXAMPLES: Hill repeats for running and varied inclines and times, over gear on the bike with a cadence of 50-65 rpm, and doing pulls with a pull buoy and maybe paddles in the water.
2011-01-09 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3285952

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
grownassman161 - 2011-01-07 9:40 PM Swim drills for tomorrow?

The only thing I ever come up with is to do some kicks. I'm not creative in the pool yet... Any ideas on what I can do to work on some technique? Keep in mind my longest swim workout is usually 600M.

basic drills to do: catch up drill (balance and rotation), fist drill (working on high elbows so you see how much you pull with forearms), fingertip drag (High elbows in recovery), and sculling to get a feel for the water. Look these up as it takes some time to learn these. I may have a file on my pc to send you if you remind me later.

2011-01-09 2:46 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
p.s. all new people who have posted you are in the group  ))) I'll finsih responding later. Only taking about 2 more people, before I close it off.
2011-01-09 2:47 PM
in reply to: #3288284

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
triritter - 2011-01-09 3:39 PM
grownassman161 - 2011-01-07 5:35 PM
triritter - 2011-01-07 7:26 AM
grownassman161 - 2011-01-06 8:52 PM Name: Hey Grant, You are similar to me in some ways. What kind of times did you posts in xc? Consistency is definitely the key for long term success. I was a late bloomer in endurance sports but being consistency has paid off especially for my abilities with triathlon. I ran cross country at UT Tyler with my best time on 8k of 27:12 on a hilly course and best 5 mile is 26:34 in a road race that was real flat. That was like 4 years ago, I haven't quite been that fast in sometime. But balancing swimming and biking makes things harder. But I Have improved a lot on the swim and bike when I first started. The bike is now one of my best practices especially in the 70.3s. My coach is trying to get me to run stronger off the bike, bc he says the speed is there to do it. Anyways, this is about you, as for as weight loss goes, I wouldn't reccommend it bc with triathlon you need some extra weight for the swim and some strength/power on the bike. I am 5'10" and race around 150, right now I am 154.

For swimming definitely start working on swim tech first and attending some swim clinics if you can. When you breathe, only one eye should be out and look at your 4 and 6 o' clock directions.

Best times were 30:14 8k (college) and 17:25 5k (from high school). My training in college wasn't as intense as high school believe it or not. I always had to be doing hard intervals to get my times down, don't have as much natural talent as most college runners and dropped time later in the season.
  I definitely see a need for myself to have more power for the bike. I'm considering a tri group that charges $120/6 months with a good coach and some perks with it but I've never really believed in paying for gym memberships and similar things. Has anyone benifited from a similar group?

Gotta go run now, hopefully an hour!

Thats too much money to join a club. What are the perks?

Actually decided to not do it. I have enough knowledge on my own, with support from this group put those together I can train well. I also have friends who swim @ FGCU for swim workout advice which is what I need the most work on. I've never been a believer in paying to workout for gyms and stuff so to me it wasn't worth it.

To her credit she was a certified coach (level 2 I think) with good credentials they do group workouts 4x/week with structured intervals on the track. She talked about race discounts and free jersey as well, but I feel like there's race discounts out there already.
2011-01-09 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
To the exercise science folks - and anyone else that wants to chime in.  I have some serious shin problems that seem to have lingered on since my college days (even after a long layoff from running).  I was fitted for orthotics in '97 or so and I'm still wearing them - they're probably completely worn out and worthless at this point.  I wear them every day in every pair of shoes I wear.  My shins are so tender if feels as though they're going to break and there probably are some minor stress fractures or scar tissue.

In college, I was doing a lot of stretching of my calves (wall humps... anyone heard of those?) and also icing after each run.  I try to do a little of both now, but finding the time to run - let alone ice and stretch - is tough.

Seems like I can't run more than a couple days in a row without giving myself a day or two off from the pounding.

Any ideas or opinions on what I can do so I can up my mileage?  Feel like my shins are holding me back.

2011-01-09 3:16 PM
in reply to: #3286855

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
Hey Matthew - I'm a CPA too although I'm not in public practice.  I'm a controller for a local oil and gas company and do some "easy" tax returns from home for some extra income.  This time of year is tough for any accountant so good luck with your training.
2011-01-09 4:55 PM
in reply to: #3288339

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
Trout - 2011-01-09 4:13 PM To the exercise science folks - and anyone else that wants to chime in.  I have some serious shin problems that seem to have lingered on since my college days (even after a long layoff from running).  I was fitted for orthotics in '97 or so and I'm still wearing them - they're probably completely worn out and worthless at this point.  I wear them every day in every pair of shoes I wear.  My shins are so tender if feels as though they're going to break and there probably are some minor stress fractures or scar tissue.

In college, I was doing a lot of stretching of my calves (wall humps... anyone heard of those?) and also icing after each run.  I try to do a little of both now, but finding the time to run - let alone ice and stretch - is tough.

Seems like I can't run more than a couple days in a row without giving myself a day or two off from the pounding.

Any ideas or opinions on what I can do so I can up my mileage?  Feel like my shins are holding me back.


I can give you my sympathy. I used to get them in high school so bad I couldn't walk up or down stairs without severed pain. We spent 6 days a week on the track sometimes though cause my coach was nuts. there are some compression sleeves specifically for this but not sure how well they work. Maybe just do 2 runs a week and focus on bike and swim more.

2011-01-09 7:07 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
Hi everyone...I'll be putting you all on my friends list and looking at logs, I love seeing what everyone else is doing.  Feel free to stalk look at my logs as well...

Below is a detailed and possibly overly self-interested story of my tri journey (so far).  If you cannot stomach it (you won't hurt my feelings) here is the short version:  SAHM, 41, high school athlete, mostly runner, got fat, lost it, started running again, last year was first full season of sprint and oly tri's, this year is first HIM.  There, that wasn't so bad, was it?
For those of you dont' bore easily:

My name is Quincy, I am 41 pushing 42.  Two children, 2 year old (tomorrow) son and 6 year old daughter.  DH is an ER doc, I am an out of work (AGAIN) airline pilot turned stay at home mom.  We live in downtown Chicago with our two pugs.

I was very athletic as a kid and thru college and my early adult life (Navy pilot, 10 years).  Mostly I ran and played soccer, but I come from a family of fanatic competitive cyclists and swam lots as a kid in CA...ocean, rivers, lakes, pools, etc.  I managed to start my career as an airline pilot mere months before the attacks of 9/11 and my work life has been a mess ever since.  DH and I were always what we THOUGHT was active (3 mile runs now and then, weight lifting, a class here and there) but as time went by and we had lots of fun as dinks in the big city, we both packed on the pounds.  I lost some here and there, but things got really bad after I had my daughter in 2004.  

I went back to work in bigger suits and never really lost the weight...then I lost my corporate flying job (second job loss).  I reached a new level of overweight, but weirdly also got interested in "racing."  I talked DH into a 5k (It's always me with the wacky ideas) and then another, then we went ULTRA...a 10K.  OMG.  I was pleased with my placement and never again forgot that I love to compete.  

Finally had that aha moment when I was planning on going back to work at my airline for the second time and got serious about losing weight...lost 40 lbs on weight watchers.  That summer I couldn't compete because of my flying schedule, but I got back into running and kept at it.  That next year was insane, but I managed to keep the weight off despite a horrific ruptured ectopic pregnancy, a horrid work situation, and finally a layoff.  Then I found out I was pregnant again!  

Anyway, I did one last 5k when I was about 8 weeks pregnant and SMASHED my previous 5k was a bit frustrating to get back into running and then have to stop.  In the meantime my DH ran his first 1/2 Marathon, and I was aghast...the distance was way too far and 1/2 marathons are known to lead to marathons, which I have always been opposed to (I still am, but you'll have to read the race report for that story).  

So I survived the pregnancy, had my awesome son, and in a fit of post-partum depression signed up for the inaugural Chicago 1/2 marathon.  Entry came with a free online "training plan", so I did it.  Stuck with it, only missed a few runs here and there and started doing my long runs on the lakefront.  During some astoundingly long distance like 6 or 8 miles, I managed to run by "tri beach."  It was warm out, and I saw godlike people with amazing bodies, standing around in wetsuits, chatting each other up and smiling like they had unlocked the secrets to the universe.  I knew right away what they were...triathletes...every last one of them.  And I wanted in.  Got a confidence boost from my 1/2 mary finish and I was off to the (tri) races.

A girlfriend was dabbling in triathlon that summer (she gave it up and went on to tap dancing...hope that doesn't happen to any of us) but the important thing was she was about my size...and had a bike she wasn't using.  A armtwist phone call later, I had a bike.  A quick scan of craigslist yielded a cheap wetsuit, and I found a late season sprint tri.  A week or two of swimming in the pool (hey there's nobody in this lane, I'll hop in here...oops that's the fast lane) and riding the stationary cycle, I was ready to go!  

Anyway, the rest of the story is your standard first triathlon buffoonery...redline in the water, stuck in the wetsuit, technical difficulties on the bike, but I did it.  With rudimentary understanding of the sport.  It was awesome!  Placed 5th in my AG, which I was VERY pleased with.  And so it began.

Last season went ok...definitely the good, bad and ugly.  Did my first olympic tri and my first marathon (I am still bitter).  Stopped begging for loaner bikes and got my own.  Had my first crash and my first "getting lost" experience, as well as an unhappy marathon experience.  (And it was all good, I am a huge student of failure and buffoonery...I hate making mistakes but I do try to learn from them)  Best thing is, I got my hubby hooked, so now it's a family thing and we've got our season planned (mostly) for this year. 

Without going into more detail, I'll just say that I am doing my first HIM (Racine) this year, with the intention to go for IM distance in 2012.  (unless I get drunk and sign DH and I up for IMCOZ could happen...I'll keep you posted)

You can see my race schedule on my logs or you can just look at Alison's (thundrcloud) schedule...good thing we aren't in the same AG or I'd have to slash her tires or something...

2011-01-10 6:36 AM
in reply to: #3286004

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
fuffalo - 2011-01-07 10:46 PM I'm interested in joining your group.  I'm 27 and back in University working on my degree.  Over the past 6 years or so I keep going through periods of exercising and eating well, and periods of not doing that.  Right now I'm on another "peak" of doing well, and I've dropped about 15 lbs in the past few months.  I've still got another ~25 to go, but I'm making progress.

I've been interested in tri for a while, and I think it's a great challenge for me.  Would you be willing to take on a beginner?  My biggest problem is with running as I have weak legs/low arches (most of the discomfort associated with this will go away with training, I'm told).

Assuming I'm welcomed in, do I just pick a program and start updating my log daily?  Do you have any preferred "beginner" program? 

Hello Fuffalo, what is your real name and where you from? Beginners are welcome. To make your "dieting" easier allow yourself a break at least on the weekends to eat what you want. Typically, I eat out on the weekends, because thats usually have a long hard workout, so I am starving and craving anything. I usually go out for mexican the night after a long training day. I have flat feet too, but I use some orthotics with a slight arch , but I also have a metatarsal pad to keep me from having foot fractures. I would look in  your area for a biomechanics specialists who sees a lot of runners or a podiatrist who deals with runners.
2011-01-10 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3286106

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
timbell88 - 2011-01-08 2:07 AM

Hey William. Sorry, for whatever reason this is making me write everything in Bold. I hope you are still open, I read through the thread and saw it`s getting pretty full.

I`m a 22 year old male Kindergarten teacher living in Hiroshima, Japan. I know that`s kind of a specialized niche`. After graduating with a degree in Theatre I decided I wanted to live in another country before I got caught up in a career. I volunteered  at a local YMCA to pass some time while on my 3 month visitors visa, and after a few weeks they offered me my current position. I`m planning on returning to the states in August, but before I do I would like to run in the local tri they have here in June.

I was always a heavy kid, and then in high school I was pushing 240 lbs on a 6 foot frame. I got tired of it my Sophmore year and decided I would fix my weight or die trying. I started slowly, running a few miles a week, and then I picked up fencing. I fixed my diet by eliminating all red meat and swearing off any drinks but water. By the end of Jr. year I had lost almost 50 lbs.

I got interested in tris when my cousin finished his first sprint in San Diego over the summer. Japan`s tri circut is limited though, all of the local races are Olympic length so that`s what I will be training for.


 I was up to 200 pounds after college (beer doesn`t come in low fat.) When I got here I started a running program 4 times a week and weight training 3 times. I droped about 10 lbs pretty quick, and then the next 10 came over a few months. I added a swimming session once a week and then joined a soccer club on Friday nights. I was also taking Japanese classes 3 times a week and teaching private students. Unfortunatly I think I was doing too much on too little sleep, and I wound up with pneumonia in early December. I`ve been slowly getting myself back in the groove and improving my sleep schedule (I had to drop some classes.) I`m spending this week focusing on nutrition and building back to where I was, and next week I`m going to start the Olympic 20 week plan.

2011 races:  

Hiroshima Miajima Olympic


I`m 180 right now and my goal is 175. I`m hoping my tri training will help me drop the last few pounds and build more lean muscle. Unfortunatly I have a pretty bad sweet tooth, so I have sworn off all sweets this year. They say that cold turkey is a bad way to do that, but my will power is pretty good.

I`m brand new to this, I`m focused on making it happen, and I think I`m going to have a lot of questions.

Timbell, welcome to the group!! Good luck in your endeavors. Let me know if you have any questions. Where will you live in the states when you are back?
2011-01-10 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3286855

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" OPEN
mattpatt - 2011-01-08 2:52 PM If you have an opening I would like to join your group. 

Starting my third season of tri as soon as i finish the half marathon.

Name:  Matthew Patterson
Story:   Looking to increase fitness after a disappointing second triathlon season
Family Status:  married and 3 kids (5, 2, and 5 months), I am a CPA in Houston, TX
Current Training:  Houston Half Marathon training, then Buffalo Springs 70.3
2010 races: Lonestar Duathlon,  CB&I Sprint, CapTex Olympic Plus, Buffalo Springs 70.3, Bridgeland Sprint, Houston Olympic.
2011 Races:Gateway to the bay OLY April 4th, Buffalo Spring 70.3, Bridgeland sprint August, Houston Oly

Welcome to the group Matt! Are you by chacne in OnUrLeft? I will be at all the races you mentioned for your 2011 season. What happened last season? Let me know if I can help you out.
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